June 17, 2017 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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MARKET: The organized exchange of commodities (goods, services, or resources) between buyers and sellers within a specific geographic area and during a given period of time. Markets are the exchange between buyers who want a good--the demand-side of the market--and the sellers who have it--the supply--side of the market. In essence, a buyer gives up money and gets a good, while a seller gives up a good and gets money. From a marketing context, in order to be a market the following conditions must exist. The target consumers must have the ability to purchase the goods or services. They must have a need or desire to purchase. The target group must be willing to exchange something of value for the product. Finally, they must have the authority to make the purchase. If all these variables are present, a market exits.

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An actual outlay or expenses incurred in the production of a good that shows up in a firm's accounting statements and records. Accounting cost is an explicit payment (that is, money changing hands) incurred by a firm. Accounting cost, while very important to accountants, company CEOs, shareholders, and the Internal Revenue Service, is only minimally important to economists. The reason is that economists are more interested in economic cost (also called opportunity cost), which is the value of foregone production.

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"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. "

-- Mark Twain, writer

Taming Our Beastly FEDERAL DEFICIT

It's almost impossible to take a leisurely stroll around the economy without crashing headlong into the federal deficit. It doesn't take a microscope to see it bulging from the windows and doors of the Sylvester J. Peabody Federal Office Building as we pass by. It's a monstrous beast that seems to be growing by the minute. But is the federal deficit really as ghoulish and gruesome as drawn by political cartoonists? Should we make a detour of our pedestrian trek to avoid the beast? Considering it's size, is avoidance even possible. To answer these question, let's consider the pluses and minuses of our federal deficit.
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[What's This?]

Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time looking for the new strip mall out on the highway hoping to buy either an AC adapter that works with your MPG player or rechargeable batteries. Be on the lookout for door-to-door salesmen.
Your Complete Scope

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In his older years, Andrew Carnegie seldom carried money because he was offended by its sight and touch.
Personal Disposable Income
A PEDestrian's Guide
Xtra Credit
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