It appears to me that the GYOW process can be compared to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's five phases of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.
Denial and Bargaining, in my book, are typical of the blue-pill majority. Most men deny there's a problem, accept Femspeak for 'truth,' defend the Cupcake/Cuntcake legions of feral-bitch girls, and march off willingly into the maw of the fem-beast. Or they try to bargain with the skanks and dance to their tune, like the Average Frustrated Chumps trying to make themselves over into PUAs à la Mystery (or should that be Messtery by now?)
Anger? Gawd-a'-mighty, don't we see anger all the time? And can we really blame someone who got blind-sided by his own Little Lovey-Dovey who goes vicious over some petty disappointment and turns the power of the Injustice System against him? He gets dragged off in cuffs by the Boys In Blue, while the kids (notice I'm not saying 'his kids,' even if they were conceived after he put the ring on Lovey-Dovey's finger and she put the ring in his nose) watch in their jammies, blinking back their tears, maybe with Mommy hugging them close with their faces buried in her shoulders so they can't see her spiteful smile. He gets turned out on the streets, and he's still responsible for the mortgage and the car payments and the credit-card bills. The System chews him up and spits him out, and Dovey laughs to see it, while 'Uncle Thugley' plays daddy to the kids and rides Dovey off into the sunset ... can you blame the victim, the poor bloke, for his anger? I can't!
But at the same time, I hope he won't stew in that anger forever ...
When the Anger burns out, often it leaves one in Depression. This, to me, is your typical "poor, poor victim of the System," or the firebrand who's simply too frustrated about trying to whip up support for the Cause. You don't 'have' to get to Depression by way of Anger, but many of us do.
Just as you don't have to go through all the other stages of grief to reach Acceptance, or Going Your Own Way. I don't think it matters so much how you got here; what's important is that you got here.
Acceptance, of course, in our terms, is the recognition that AWALT, or EWALT (Enough Women Are Like That) ... and, more importantly, that Society Is Like That. I think it includes the recognition that you have to save yourself - you can't depend on Society to help you, there's really no one to turn to, the best we can give you is a friendly place to vent and our own hopefully-helpful advice. It's up to each of us to re-structure our lives, so we can get on with living - day by day, unless and until you can start building on your own vision of your future.
I'd like to advance the notion that, perhaps, one of the most valuable things we can do in this forum is to remind our new friends that there is a way out of the maze - and to raise whatever sign-posts we can to point to the Grand Egress.