Why is the alt-right obsessed with James Comey’s manhood?

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Comey or CUCK ME?

This morning, Corey Lewandowski, a man who was arrested for physically restraining a reporter while running Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign, was on Good Morning America to talk about former FBI Director James Comey‘s Senate testimony.

Of all the things to discuss, Lewandowski was adamant that Comey’s decision to share his notes from his conversations with the president to a friend, who then gave them to the New York Times, was an indictment on his manhood.

Comey, in his testimony, said that his apartment was being staked out by reporters at the time, and that prevented him from delivering them anonymously to the paper.

Lewandowski is putting forth a weird argument. Trump supporters are both upset with the fact that Comey leaked details of his conversation to the media, but they also wanted him to man up and do it himself.

Had he done it himself, rest assured, conservatives wouldn’t be praising him for his balls, because the alt-right’s main—and really only—line of attack on the former FBI director is that he was a lesser man than Donald Trump.

To the alt-right, Trump is the exemplar of an alpha male, and the way he allegedly handled Comey during their interactions was proof that he could dominate any person simply through the sheer force of his manhood.

Alt-right videographer Jack Posobiec (of dumb NASCAR takes) lept on Comey’s decision to demur to Trump in conversation (at one point calling his response to Trump somewhat “cowardly”) declaring it proof that Trump had demolished Comey’s huevos.

The show of strength has been a focus of tough guy right Twitter ever since Trump entered politics. The alt-right, whose membership has a lot of crossover with men’s rights activists, believes that only the most masculine can survive. Trump’s opponents for the nomination were cucks and Low-T, the worst sort of insults you can supposedly hurl at a man.

To them, who are obsessed with masculinity, it’s the fast and surest way to discredit a man.

More than anything though, it’s a crutch, the only thing they can think of. It’s clear given how much they hurled it at Comey, using it in lieu of talking about anything of substance.

Take, for instance, Comey’s admittance that he canceled a date with his wife to have dinner with the president. That’s a natural reaction for several reasons, but predominately, in any job when your boss needs you, you tend to be responsive. Especially when he’s the president. Trump supporters painted it as Comey being cucked by the president.

Even the president’s own son got in on the act, saying Comey admitted “weakness,” as though that was detestable behavior, rather than just a statement any honest person would make.

It’s that stance where all transactions are inherently winnable, simply through the sheer size of your dick, that warps their views. It lends itself easy to fantasy because, when you spend all day thinking about how big your dick is, you just inherently think you can do big-dick things.

It’s all posturing done through the safety and comfort of social media, with very little basis in reality. But one thing is true. One man went up to Capitol Hill to speak directly to senators who wanted him to talk. And one group spent the whole time obsessing over his dick.

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