Around ten years ago I was just getting into photography and I did a bunch of free photoshoots of a so-called friend's band. I'll call her May. I didn't ask for any money because, at the time, I wasn't that good at photography yet. I was just learning. So about a year later I was a lot better. I still wasn't as good as I would later become, but I was good enough to start charging money for my work. So I talked with May about an upcoming performance of her band, and she mentioned how good it would be to have photos of the show. I let her know that I now charge money for the work, and she said that was fine and that my prices were affordable. Cool. So I did the shoot. She was a “friend” and I trusted her. First mistake. She went ahead and put up a few of the main pictures with the promise to pay for them and (upon payment) she would receive move of the shots. You can guess where this is headed. No payment ever came. She was accustomed to the free work and expected free photos just because she has pretty, shiny black hair and a nice figure. I don't know how she did it, but somehow she got her paws on the other photos that I had never even given her yet. Those showed up on her Facebook page with the photos I had trusted her with. Did she hack my cloud? I don't know.
We had an argument via Facebook chat, and I found myself blocked from her page and unable to report the copyright infringement. Then when I was busy figuring out how to report her despite the block, her Facebook page went black. She totally pulled the plug on it. So fast forward a few years. Her Facebook page came back, as reported to me by a mutual friend. By this point, I had created a fictitious FB page that I use to make any controversial political points. From my fictitious page, I could see that the little bitch was yet AGAIN using my work unpaid. She thinks she owns the photos by virtue of being in them. No, I, the photographer, own them. I just got done filling out the FB copyright infringement form. Wish me luck that they actually side with the law. It's not even about money anymore. A couple years ago I figured out I could make way more money writing ads than doing photography, and there's no need for expensive equipment, so that's my profession now. I could blow off her copyright infringement and be just fine. I want to stop her from using my work, not because that would hurt me financially, but because I despise the greedy little entitled bitch. She thinks that, just because she has a cunt that plenty of dudes would like to slide their schlongs into that it means she can just take whatever she wants and not pay for it. Fuck that shit. So wish me luck that FB actually does the right thing and helps me to take that away from her. And if she contacts me, offering to pay, I'll quadruple the original prices.