Softex Inc

Single Sign On

Computer Security

Security Solutions From A Trusted OEM Provider

Softex makes Single Sign On and Identity and Access Management simple; helping you meet corporate compliance and save you money.


Password management made simple.  Let OmniPass remember your passwords, protect your files and sign you into your favorite websites quickly and securely.


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OmniPass Enterprise

Reduce expensive help desk calls by managing your company’s logins from a single console using advanced multi-factor authentication methods.

OmniPass Enterprise

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Take full advantage of the encryption and security features of Opal-based self-encrypting drives (SEDs) with the SecureDrive comprehensive data protection solution.


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How well are you protecting your patient’s data? The passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 gave the federal government the ability to mandate the ways in which you do. Are you compliant? Recent surveys in this area indicate that there are still a good part of you who aren’t. It’s never too late. Softex’s OmniPass Enterprise solution can help you meet healthcare compliance mandates… and save you money while doing it!

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In today’s corporate world, protecting your data, and your client’s data, is a top priority. Too many employee passwords and how your company manages those passwords are areas that need your attention with various rules and regulations in place to make sure you focus on it. The right solution can help you address this as well as help you eliminate expensive help desk calls and reduce employee down time. That solution is OmniPass Enterprise from Softex.

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Criminal Justice

CJIS Advanced Authentication (AA) requirements mandate that all organizations accessing FBI CJIS data must put in place authentication methods beyond a username and password, such as two-factor authentication. Softex’s Omnipass Enterprise is a cost-effective SSO solution that can help you meet these requirements while streamlining your companies access to vital information. Is your organization ready? If not, Softex can help.

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How much can you save by eliminating expensive Help Desk Calls?

Try our ROI calculator and see how much you can save by installing OmniPass today

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Looking for Help with your Security Development?

Softex has over 20 years of experience helping Tier 1 OEMs with their security platform customizations and low-level security software development.

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