... like messing up the Help Center?

What if I see someone doing something bad?

I have a log file being written by another process which I want to watch for changes. Each time a change occurrs I'd like to read the new data in to do some processing on it.

What's the best way to do this? I was hoping there'd be some sort of hook from the PyWin32 library. I've found the win32file.FindNextChangeNotification function but have no idea how to ask it to watch a specific file.

If anyone's done anything like this I'd be really grateful to hear how...

[Edit] I should have mentioned that I was after a solution that doesn't require polling.

[Edit] Curses! It seems this doesn't work over a mapped network drive. I'm guessing windows doesn't 'hear' any updates to the file the way it does on a local disk.

The text seems to be plagiarized from this question, and all other help center links (on all SE sites) seem to be affected as well.

Entire network is affected – Stijn Mar 10 at 22:28
All the help center links are doing this; looks like a post cache leaking? stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/site-analytics, for example – Undo Mar 10 at 22:28
Nick Craver tweet in 3 ... 2 ... – Bart Mar 10 at 22:35
@Bart poor Nick – Stijn Mar 10 at 22:35
Nick has been notified and is fixing. – Oded Mar 10 at 22:41
@Oded should I change the title to What if I see someone, like Nick Craver, doing something bad?? – Glorfindel Mar 10 at 22:51
Seems appropriate. – Oded Mar 10 at 22:51
What if I see someone, like Nick Carver, doing something bad? Feel relieved that if the programmers on Stack Overflow can make mistakes, it's not so bad that I do too. :D – Yvette Colomb Mar 11 at 6:36
To answer the title of the question: "Just let him do it, it is the only way he will learn I'm afraid" :P – Kyle Brandt Mar 13 at 19:18
not my fault (spin the wheel) – Sklivvz Mar 13 at 22:31
up vote 79 down vote accepted

So I refactored the logging of the mass rebake route for HTTPS-ing help center articles and I moved a critical variable. The one that says which site to get the article from.

Good news: logging is really awesome
Bad news: all the help articles are from the wrong sites

...a new build is going up that will restore all of these. ETA: ~10 minutes.

Edit: fix complete, everything you saw was an illusion.

Edit 2: Since I'm a giver, here's the fix commit, and I promise not to commit any more code this week:

enter image description here

I'm now intrigued what site runs help answers like If you do db:schema:load you will loose all your data! :-D – Martijn Pieters Mar 10 at 22:46
@MartijnPieters google.nl/… – Glorfindel Mar 10 at 22:46
@Glorfindel: deleted answer on SO. So the help articles are from answer posts, not the help center. – Martijn Pieters Mar 10 at 22:48
@MartijnPieters all help articles from all sites seem to be taken from (relatively old) SO posts. – Glorfindel Mar 10 at 22:49
I wish I could screw up this badly in my job and get a badge for it. – Hans Passant Mar 10 at 23:01
Yeah. All I ever get is badgered. :( – terdon Mar 10 at 23:12
Half tempted to fix the spelling in that answer. It's a bit loose. – Andrew Grimm Mar 11 at 5:20
I am sorry, I should really have written more unit tests around the help center! /ducks – Sklivvz Mar 13 at 22:32

Here's a couple of gems, from this brief and gloriously underappreciated moment, preserved for posterity:

enter image description here

enter image description here

From chat:

enter image description here

enter image description here

With credit to Sasha for the capture...

enter image description here

from Worldbuilding

Sometimes I really miss the bounty function on Meta. – Glorfindel Mar 10 at 22:56
This should come back for April Fool's day. – Travis J Mar 10 at 23:15
Holy cow, the solution to the review problem. – Hans Passant Mar 10 at 23:29
This is what Cygwin is for, you know. – Nathan Tuggy Mar 11 at 0:00
Curious to know if other metas have their owns preserved too! – Veve Mar 11 at 1:00
Just vote against McCain and the Republicans Goddamnit, Joel. – Will Mar 13 at 14:40

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