Announcement: June 13, 2017
Effective Date: June 14, 2017 (with the downtime)
Next Announcement: July 5, 2017
No changes.
Commander 1v1′s ban list is stiill in “rapid iteration”, where changes can be made outside of the normal banned and restricted schedule for a new format.
Looking at the current format data on Magic Online, however, R&D determined the metagame is continuing to shift and evolve, and wants this to keep playing out more rather than disrupt it with a banned list change.
Unfortunately, when the initial banned list was implemented, two cards on the list mistakenly did not have their banning implemented. We are going to use the June 14 downtime to correct this, so Commander 1v1 leagues will be reset during tomorrow’s downtime.
Standard leagues will also be reset during that downtime as Aetherworks Marvel was banned in Standard. Constructed leagues in formats other than Standard and Commander 1v1 will be extended until July 10 (just before Hour of Devastation events begin).
Happy Commandering!
- Lee