not good at presidenting

Wednesday was Donald J. Trump’s 71st birthday. It was also the day that the Washington Post reported that yes, for official, Donald J. Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. But James Comey said he wasn’t under investigation! How can this be? Well, it seems Trump’s firing of Comey, his admission on national television that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation, the mother-effin’ memos Comey wrote about his creepy encounters with the president, and Comey’s Senate testimony were enough to get the attention of special prosecutor Robert Mueller. As WaPo notes, up to now (and to our knowledge), the investigation has been focused on Russian meddling in the 2016 election and whether Trump pals colluded with that crap-ass nation to make that happen. Oh, and they have been following the money, as the kids say, to find out if Trump’s friends have committed money crimes.

Come on down and get interviewed by Robert Mueller, everyone!

Five people briefed on the interview requests, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, said that Daniel Coats, the current director of national intelligence, Mike Rogers, head of the National Security Agency, and Rogers’s recently departed deputy, Richard Ledgett, agreed to be interviewed by Mueller’s investigators as early as this week. The investigation has been cloaked in secrecy, and it is unclear how many others have been questioned by the FBI.

Gosh, we wonder if MAYBE this is why this week started with rumors and trial balloons about whether Trump should go ahead and fire Mueller. Perhaps Trump got wind that he was in Big Trouble Mister?

Anyway, Mueller will obviously be looking at Trump’s attempts to obstruct Comey by the pussy, his reported requests to Mike Rogers and Dan Coats that they publicly exonerate him in the Russia investigation, and also his requests that officials put pressure on Comey to end his investigation into Michael Flynn. When Coats and Rogers testified publicly for the Senate Intelligence Committee, they came with pre-scripted bullshit answers about how they never FELT pressured by Trump to do illegal things, because apparently it was all about their FEELINGS. We imagine they’ll be a little more open with Robert Mueller, unless Trump tries to invoke executive privilege, which wouldn’t be all that effective, as you can’t assert privilege to hide illegal acts.

Trump’s rent-a-lawyer Marc Kasowitz issued the following statement, saying nothing:

“The FBI leak of information regarding the president is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal,” said Mark Corallo, a spokesman for [Marc] Kasowitz.

Couple things: 1) The WaPo gives no indication the “leak” came from the FBI, and 2) though Mueller is keeping his investigation close to his vest, it’s not like some sort of top secret code word clearance information that Trump may have committed obstruction of justice. He did it in front of all our fucking faces. Where’s the “illegal” leak? Otherwise, good lawyer statement that doesn’t even remotely try to assert the president’s innocence!

Donald The Trump very presidentially put quill to parchment and issued an official edict from on high:

Aw puddin’! Nobody said the collusion investigation was over! It’s just getting started, and many people may yet die in jail for it! Anyway, you were talking about “bad and conflicted people,” Mr. President?


The Daily Beast reported Wednesday night on how this is all being received in the White House, and BOY HOWDY, senior White House staffers sure do love and admire the president, when they’re allowed to speak anonymously:

[One] White House official conceded that it would be “suicide” if Trump sacked Mueller at this point, but “I’d be insincere if I said it wasn’t a concern that the president would try to do it anyway.” […]

Asked what the internal game plan should be, one senior Trump administration official replied, “Keep him away from Twitter, dear God, keep him away from Twitter.”

“The president did this to himself,” the official added.

Ha ha! You lose! Trump hath Twittered! More:

“Whoever leaked [news of the obstruction investigation] was obviously reading that he was thinking about giving Mueller the boot,” the official said. Trump “shot himself in the foot again with this cockamamie scheme to get Mueller to play ball.”

Because he’s an idiot who has no fucking clue what he’s dealing with.

Oh hey, guess what? The Senate Judiciary Committee is also opening an investigation into Trump’s obstruction of justice. So many investigations for one little tiny ineffective president! Unfair!

Anyway, the point is Trump is under investigation and he’s in a really shitty mood about it, and we bet he’s going to have a really bad day. Hallelujah!

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[Washington Post / The Daily Beast]

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  • Bill D. Burger
    • Oblios_Cap

      This was good:

    • Stulexington

      I know he got shot and all but someone is actually calling me on all the illegal activities I’ve been announcing to the public on a regular basis.

  • MynameisBlarney

    Zero proof eh?

    Pretty sure that isn’t entirely accurate.

    • Iron Monkey

      It’s an alternative fact.

    • Antonin Dvorak

      With few exceptions.

  • Joe Beese

    Yes, whenever you are in low spirits about the state of our nation, remind yourself that Donald Trump is a very unhappy man.

    • Predisenting Ron

      I don’t just want him unhappy. I want him pants-fillingly terrified.

  • Oblios_Cap
    • ManchuCandidate

      Poop Frosting!

    • Stulexington

      Wow, that’s just pathetic. Of all the things you can have on your birthday cake he rehashes one of the victories he’s desperately clinging to.

      • H0mer0

        “[I]would [not] have liked to know you [and] I [am not] a kid….”*

        *apologies to Elton John, Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana.

    • Rick Hill

      In today’s “You’re shitting me” and, simultaneously “Well, of course” columns….

    • Msgr_MΩment

      That was the epitome, the acme. It will never get any better than that, Donnie, baby.

      But I think this is all the acme he’s ever gonna see now:

      • H0mer0

        (I always wanted to know how they made that sound of the Road Runner sticking his tongue out at Wiley.)

  • ManchuCandidate

    Trump is the US Amercian Gawd known as Sadim whose power is the exact opposite of Midas. Instead of gold, everything he touches turns to shit.

  • Bill D. Burger

    “Besides not releasing any of my personal information, pushing a bullshit wire tapping scandal, an ridiculous unmasking scandal, not releasing the White House visitor logs, firing the guy investigating me, tweeting incessantly about the on going investigation surrounding me, or possibly firing the new guy investigating me, name one single, solitary way I’ve obstructed. NAME ONE FUCKIN’ WAY!! You can’t! What a joke. ___ It’s a witch hunt of epic proportions, the greatest witch hunt in history…….yooooge’ witch hunt. Believe me. You can believe me. Many people are saying it. SAD.”

    • Rick Hill

      Being calm under pressure doesn’t seem to be something used to describe trump. It’s not going to let up and only going to get worse. I wonder if he’s going to get in trouble for using the funds from his reelection campaign to pay his legal bills?

    • H0mer0

      Uh, President Trump? Rebecca Nurse on line 2 would like a word with you….

  • Oblios_Cap
  • Bill D. Burger
  • Explody Brain

    Melania picked the wrong fucking week to move to DC.

    • Nounverb911

      They are all the wrong week to move to DC…

    • Michael Smith

      And I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue…

  • Michael Smith

    Nixon resigned to spare himself and nation further humiliation. What do you do when the President is incapable of feeling shame and doesn’t care about the nation?

    • Stulexington

      Lock him up! Lock him up!

  • Bill D. Burger
  • MynameisBlarney

    So…looks like Cheeto Mussolini may have asked Coates to intervene.

    • Bill D. Burger

      It’s becoming all too clear that he wanted Coates and Rogers to go out as if on some marketing campaign and tout his innocence and purity in all matters related to Comey and obstruction.

  • Michael Smith

    I’m just glad I’m not stupid enough to need Donald Trump to explain to me “what I’m witnessing”

  • memzilla Ω

    To be fair, Dolt 45 has never before found himself in a situation that he couldn’t sue himself out of. Someone who hasn’t heard the word “no” in over 60 years just doesn’t have the skill set to deal with this.

  • Joe Beese

    The one additional part of the WaPo article is broad and vague but in its own way represents the most peril for the President and his entourage. At one point the article reads: “Mueller is overseeing a host of investigations involving people who are or were in Trump’s orbit, people familiar with the probe said. The investigation is examining possible contacts with Russian operatives as well as any suspicious financial activity related to those individuals.” Earlier in the piece, there’s this: “Investigators have also been looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates, officials said.”

    The seeming multiplicity of investigations speaks for itself. But it is the repeated reference to “financial crimes” or “suspicious financial activity” that grabs my attention.

    Experts will tell you that “financial crimes” can often mean technical infractions, ways of structuring or organizing movements of money, failures to disclose, certain actions that are prima facie evidence of efforts to conceal, etc. This doesn’t mean these are just ‘technicalities’ in the colloquial sense. They are rather infractions the nature of which may be hard for a layperson to understand but which often end up snaring defendants when other crimes are too difficult to prove. But here’s the thing about the Trump world. I don’t have subpoena power. And we’ve yet to assign a reporting crew to the Trump entourage beat full time. But even with my own limited reporting, it is quite clear to me that there are numerous people in Trump’s entourage (or ‘crew’, if you will) including Trump himself whose history and ways of doing business would not survive first contact with real legal scrutiny. It sounds like Mueller sees all of that within his purview, in all likelihood because the far-flung business dealings of Trump and his top associates are the membrane across which collusion and quid pro quos could have been conducted. …

    If Mueller is taking a serious prosecutor’s lens to Trump’s financial world and the financial worlds of Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn and numerous others, there’s going to be a world of hurt for a lot of people. And that is if no meaningful level of 2016 election collusion even happened.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Sounds like we’re talking RICO here.

    • Indivisible Snark Tank

      Something something Al Capone tax evasion something…

    • Little Lulu Ω

      And money laundering.

  • elan

    With Trump’s penchant for hyperbole, do you suppose at some point he will tweet “I was the most corrupt, most evil man ever to be President! #MAGA”

  • William
  • MynameisBlarney
  • Antonin Dvorak

    Trumps’s lawyer has his own spokesman?

    • Predisenting Ron

      Paralegals get ALL the shit jobs.

    • Bill D. Burger

      Mouthpiece gotta’ mouthpiece!

    • Msgr_MΩment

      And if I were that spox, I would lawyer the fuck up right now.

  • Mpeg

    The morning after birthday celebrations, fresh butthurt for breakfast~

  • alwayspunkindrublic

    Firing Mueller may prove to be a little more complicated than shitcanning Gary Busey.

  • Swampgas_Man

    It’s not a WITCH hunt, it’s a bitch c*nt, and that fits Cheetolini perfectly.

  • Explody Brain

    Where’s he playing golf this weekend?

  • Mpeg

    Also: who tags “MAGA” after whining about being witch-hunted and calling people names? What does that have to do with making America great again? He should’ve said “Mayday” instead~

    • Wild Cat

      Who says, “God Bless America,” after we bomb the fuck out of a third-world settlement for shits and giggles?
      It’s the American Way. And it’s fucking sick.

    • The Wanderer

      Maybe he’s thinking that MAGA is the singular of MAGI, so he’s hoping that Mr. Wizard will magic him out of this?

      “Drizzle, Drazzle, Druzzle, Drome; Time for this one to come home.”

      • Msgr_MΩment

        Mr. Wizard ain’t has the time.

        • The Wanderer

          And Trump can’t fit in that box he lives in.

    • Explody Brain

      Offred libelz! ;)

  • William

    With one simple meme, anyone can make the most ardent, brain dead, Trumpanzee begin to shake, drool, and stutter phrases like “Benghazi” and “e-mails”.

    • TX Dept. of Space Tacos


  • Iron Monkey

    Who knew that not obstructing justice was so hard?

  • jesterpunk
  • Msgr_MΩment

    Gosh, we wonder if MAYBE this is why this week started with rumors and trial balloons about whether Trump should go ahead and fire Mueller. Perhaps Trump got wind that he was in Big Trouble Mister?

    Gosh, that worked so well when he fired Comey to get him to stop investigating.

    It/he would be a cunning stunt.

    • FlemmishSpy

      “It/he would be a cunning stunt.”

      There’s a play on words here, but I can’t quite work it out.

      • Explody Brain

        He’s a stunning c*nt.

        C*nt libelz. (For realz.)

        • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

          He sure ain’t a cunning linguist, that’s for sure.

    • Bill D. Burger

      He could be winding up for that Friday shitstorm he usually creates, and the WaPo article on Mueller’s investigation might just trigger Turnip’s rage and he fires Mueller…..and all hell breaks loose. It would be in keeping with his nature, and there is a LOT of chatter that the West Wing gaggle is terrified he will do just that in spite of all their herculean efforts to keep him from self destructing.
      ~fingers crossed~

  • Proud Liberal

    The discovery period in this investigation has just begun. God knows what we will find out. My guess is a lot of people are going to jail.

    • Predisenting Ron

      Hopefully (but not likely) starting at the top.

      • Proud Liberal

        Don’t bet on it. Trump ain’t that smart.

        • Predisenting Ron

          No, but the Rs are that craven. They’ll yell and scream about ‘the dignity of the office’ or some such.

    • jesterpunk

      Trump will throw everyone including Barron, Ivanka and Jared under the bus then claim he didnt know any of them. The only one that will be safe is not Ivanka.

  • Ryan Denniston

    If you depart for Elba now, I am sure they’ll let you keep your bank accounts and golf courses.

    • The Wanderer

      I’ve seen travel documentaries of St. Helena. Looks nice.

      • Indivisible Snark Tank

        I’m not sure why Napoleon ever left Corsica. It’s gorgeous.

        • The Wanderer

          Ambition. He wanted to make a name for himself.

        • subatomic

          So is Elba. I wouldn’t mind being exiled there.

    • Proud Liberal

      Nope. It’s too late now. RICO and money laundering will ensure the Feds will seize all property.

      • Ryan Denniston

        Ugh, imagine having to offload all that tacky crap.

        • Proud Liberal

          I know! This is Madoff times 1000. Trump has always been a crook. He’s just been able to stay under the radar until now.

        • Proud Liberal

          I’m sure a lot of Trump’s Russian oligarch friends will be happy to get the property at a bargain.

        • nightmoth

          Some of those Saudis he sucked up to have tacky tastes: gold-plated faucets and such.

    • alwayspunkindrublic

      Even the new Trump Waterloo Golf Resort?

      • PubOption

        We’ll have to see who, or what, he meets there.

        • alwayspunkindrublic

          Just don’t try ordering Beef Wellington in the clubhouse.

  • nightmoth

    I remember on Obama’s first birthday in office the right wing flooded his office with cards demanding he produce his birth certificate. I wish we’d thought of some similar nasty thing to do for Rump’s first birthday as POTUS.

    • Ryan Denniston

      FOIA requests? SUBPOENAS?

    • Proud Liberal

      Shoot. And he won’t make it until his next birthday. If he does, orange jumpsuits are in order.

    • WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

      Show us your taxes?

  • Wild Cat

    Are the GOP sissy boys from yesterday still rubbing their fat butt cheeks over the bad man who exercised his God-given Constitutional 2nd Amendment Ballpark Rights?

    • mancityRed6

      yes, yes they are.

    • Proud Liberal

      I thought everybody should be carrying guns. Why weren’t the Congress critters?

      • Wild Cat

        Because, as always, this is what they really are:

      • nightmoth

        Ha! One of those critters said today “The Lord saved us, because all we had were bats.” There’s so much WRONG with that statement, I’ll just leave it right here to fester.

  • PubOption

    If a Whitewater investigation turned into an investigation of the Horndog-in-chief’s relationship with Monica Lewinski, the Comey investigation can certainly look into obstruction of justice and dodgy financial dealings.

    • FlemmishSpy

      Kenneth Starr, lead panty sniffer.

      • Wild Cat

        Man, was he wanking. Best time he had since he stole those Betty Page stills from his mom.

      • nightmoth

        Fun factoid: that printed Ken Starr Report was banned in several countries because it had waaaay TMI! I know I never looked at a cigar quite the same way again.

    • Lance Thrustwell

      One would hope so!

    • Ryan Denniston

      Just goes to show you that both sides are exactly the same, but the Democrats are worse.

    • Suttree

      But, but, but IOKIYAR!

    • Latverian Diplomat

      “Speaking as an experienced investigator, the pee hookers thing would sell more books. I’ll be in my bunk.”
      — Ken Starr

  • mancityRed6

    Evan, maybe that should be “…many people may yet _go to_ jail for it…”
    optics, just saying. I’m getting real tired reading a bunch of crap from RWNJs saying there’s a problem with rhetoric, even though they were silent when Giffords was shot.

    • Proud Liberal

      And two Democratic candidates for Congress quit because of death threats.

    • The Wanderer

      Giffords expressed sympathy for Scalise, the cops and the staffer. One response from a Tightie Rightie was “Too bad it wasn’t you.” Classy.

    • Suttree

      But they were not silent. They were busy covering Palin’s ass.

      • nightmoth

        As, yes. I’d forgotten that. Palin had an ad showing Gifford’s district in the crosshairs of a gun and urging voters “Don’t Retreat, Reload!”

  • Sedagive ’em Hell

    There exists no freude that is big enough for the coming schaden.

    • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

      Schaden on, you crazy diamond!

  • WideStance

    Dear draft dodger, casino owner/friend of the mob, pussy grabber, Trump U fraudster, 3rd wife and still scamming, multiple bankrupt/employee wage stealer, pathological liar, Russian traitor: Who are the “very bad and conflicted people” you’re talking about?

    • cmd resistor

      I assume one is Mueller, based on the “conflicted.” He hasn’t learned those rules about not pissing off the judge or the prosecutor who has your case.

  • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

    Being an atheist, I don’t do much praying except when asked to, and for show, but I am praying HARD right now for an inept staffer to leave circus peanut’s phone where he can get to it. If that’s imprecatory prayer, I DGAF, I’m going to hell anyway.

    • Suttree

      Yay! I will have someone snarky to drink with for eternity.

      • Proud Liberal

        It will be a partay!

        • Predisenting Ron

          Wonkette Drinks Thingy in the 5th Circle!

      • Msgr_MΩment

        Can we get the Wonkebago to show?

  • Ryan Denniston

    All these developments, and Twitler live tweeting the whole saga. It’s enough to make your head spin!

  • baconzgood
  • WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

    He’s so mad he just MIGHT take the day off and go play some golf or something like he does every weekend.

    • Blackest Noobs

      i know, right? like when i’m as mad as Trump…i don’t go goof off to play fucking golf…i get my shit settled and done with it.

      Donald’s got to be the laziest fucking President we ever had.

      • Predisenting Ron

        And one of them was DEAD.

      • WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

        Here, here. Normally I don’t begrudge our Presidents their time off, even the ones I don’t like. It’s got to be a high pressure job that requires ridiculous hours. But this guy seems to walk around the West Wing flinging shit at people and tweeting. He calls it work. Hah!

  • Terpsichord

    Evan, you are worth your weight in gold ( but not that tacky fake sheit that Trumpy puts all over his buildings.)

  • MynameisBlarney
    • Proud Liberal

      That’s what you get when you break the law.

  • Tzipora Kaplan

    “The FBI leak of information regarding the president is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal,” said Mark Corallo, a spokesman for [Marc] Kasowitz.

    I will point out gleefully that he doesnt use the word ‘untrue’.

    Oh, Evan points that out as well EVAN FOR THE FIRST TIME I WUZ GONNA B SMART AND FUNNY AND YOU BEAT ME TO IT and i guess that’s why you get paid the big bucks.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      If it’s a lie, it’s not a leak. Their base is just stupid enough not to know how that works.

    • cmd resistor

      Trying to imitate Perry Mason.

    • Msgr_MΩment
  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    Being sued for violating the emoluments clause and, now, officially under investigation.

    None of this would be happening if he had just kept his mouth shut and had all tweets managed by actual handlers, like Obama did with his Twitter.

    Of course, Obama is a Full Grown Smart Man Person and not a 71 year-old wilting orange snowflake man baby with the impulse control of a spastic gnat on meth.

    • The Wanderer

      Spastic gnat on meth libel.

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        I had to issue a public apology to Tim Gorbendow, the Spastic Gnat on Meth who lives in the shoe box three doors down. He was not pleased.

    • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

      It helps when your social media manager is not your former golf caddy. The whole Trump as Evil Genius thing? Not playing out so well.

  • baconzgood

    For a dude who ran on more transparent governance he sure hates leaks.

    • Wild Cat

      Actually, he needs better colostomy bags.

      • The Wanderer

        He is a colostomy bag.

        • Wild Cat

          Then that other Human Colostomy Bag, Joel Osteen, has to teach him how to be a better and more prosperous colostomy bag.

        • Msgr_MΩment

          Oh, nvm.

          • Wild Cat

            You’re correct. In general, they are more useful and attractive than him.

    • TJ Barke

      And transparent governance. Almost like he was a filthy fucking liar.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      That’s kind of funny because it looks like the swamp is getting drained one leak at a time.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      “I just meant the women’s tops…”
      — Donald Trump

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    *tsk tsk* See what happens when you cover up? Now everyone’s got a shovel and they’re not gonna stop digging until they find what you buried.

  • jesuswasablack
  • Bill D. Burger
  • Bill D. Burger
    • Kiri the Unicorn


    • BadKitty904

      How is “Traitor” not one of the top three?

      • Vincent Ricola

        That would’ve been my answer. I figure that the “lying incompetent idiot” part is a given.

    • Darlene Underdahl

      Those faces? All sociopaths have them for disarming and disorienting other people.

  • Vincent Ricola

    I can’t wait until the creepy sons have to go under oath to answer questions about the sketchy dealings of the Trump business empire. I will throw a middle-old ladies tea and weed party if it’s one of the congressional inquiries and we get to see it live.

  • Latverian Diplomat

    “Keep launching investigations — I’ll keep obstructing ’em. Deadlock. Mexican hat dance.”
    — Donald Trump

  • BadKitty904
    • Ghenghis McCann

      History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
      Karl Marx

  • Bill D. Burger
  • Red Bird Ω

    Which one is the correct form for addressing the president? President Michael Pence? President Mike Pence? President Mikey Pence? Mr. Pence? Hmmmmmm

    • Indivisible Snark Tank

      President Steve-O Bannon.

    • Predisenting Ron

      Inmate 366271 Pence M.

    • ariel_gee_398

      I think the proper terms of address for him and the missus would be “Step-Dad and Mother Pence.”

      • Red Bird Ω

        He’s not their father?

    • Explody Brain

      President Dad?

      President Father?

      Flotus will be the First Mother!

      • BosGrl

        (sob) That was Obama…

    • jesterpunk

      President Pelosi?

    • Ghenghis McCann

      The co-accused?

  • Proud Liberal
    • Wild Cat

      So does my boss.
      It’s the American Way.
      God Bless Us All, Everyone.

  • BosGrl

    “The FBI leak of information regarding the
    president is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal,” said Mark Corallo, a
    spokesman for [Marc] Kasowitz.

    Why do I hear that read in Jackie Chiles’ voice?

  • La forza del resistino

    Donald fondly recalls that afternoon when he was under Marilyn Vestigation.

  • azeyote

    Trump is an obstruction to everything i stand for –

  • CogitoErgoBibo

    I eagerly await Senator Franken eviscerating every Trumpy mouthbreather called to testify before the Senate Justice Committee. I’ll even bring the popcorn.

  • Bill D. Burger
  • MynameisBlarney


    “So, Senator, I don’t want to get you in trouble, but you have
    actually seen you smiling, laughing, hanging around with Democrats,” he

    “Oh, boy,” Thune chuckled.

    “You were friendly with them. I’ve actually seen that with my own eyes,” he said. Then he went in for the kill.

    • FlemmishSpy

      Burn him!

  • jesuswasablack

    Whats the word? Schadenfreude?

  • Blackest Noobs

    one shitty corporate shrill Supreme Court justice appointee….and THAT’ S IT.

    in almost six months, President Trump has only accomplished ONE THING. the rest has been a quagmire of incompetence and undeserved boasts of non-accomplishments.

    good job Republicans…you picked a WINNER….just like Kansas did with Brownshit…i mean Brownback…but even though it took a few years…even the dumbfuck Republicans in Kansas wised up and are turning their backs to Sammy…let’s not wait years for Trump…let’s starting showing him the door NOW!

    • TJ Barke

      And the only reason he got that SC appointee was Senate republican intransigence. He just picked off their wishlist.

    • BadKitty904

      The next SCOTUS pick frightens me more than anything else. The Kochs, the Mercers, et al., have been salivating for years over the thought of owning the Supreme Court…

      • Proud Liberal

        That was the Republican plan when they decided to steal that Supreme Court seat. They had their sights on the next one.

        • BadKitty904

          Time is on their side.

    • Indivisible Snark Tank

      Well, there’s the gutting of Dodd-Frank, but that’s not something he actually wants to advertise. They worked so hard doing it under cover of the night (with apologies to the Stones).

  • TJ Barke

    Why are the leaks so bad, Donnie and friends? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear…

    • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

      Says the Law n’ Order crowd everywhere- except when it applies to them.

  • Bill D. Burger

    When he’s kicked out of D.C. __

  • Villago Delenda Est

    The manbaby has painted himself in a corner.

    Suffer, manbaby. Suffer.

  • Bill D. Burger
    • Indivisible Snark Tank

      Alaska and Hawaii would like to have a word with the maker of this meme.

  • Explody Brain
  • Bill D. Burger

    Hey Trumpanzees! Howz’ the ride so far?

    • Nockular cavity

      Pulling a Trump Train on America.

  • La forza del resistino

    When asked about his subpoena, Donald said I can assure you there is no problem down there.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Sub-par penner.

  • Bill D. Burger
    • Msgr_MΩment

      Yeah, call me when he sets up an unsecured mail server in his….
      Oh, nvm.

  • Proud Liberal
    • Vincent Ricola

      Associates = his entire family.

    • BadKitty904

      The GOP Money Machine – oil, rubles, coal, real estate, etc., goes in, campaign dollars come out…

      • WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

        You can’t explain that!

        • BadKitty904

          Wanna bet?

      • FlemmishSpy

        Relax, it’s not like dark money can flood our political campaigns.

        • BadKitty904

          Here’s hoping Scalia continues to burn on the floor of Hell…

    • Bill D. Burger

      “Follow the money.”

    • Edith Prickly

      Aw yaass!

  • Nockular cavity

    Single greatest witch hunt in American history, eh, Donny? I dunno. Right now I’m in Salem, Mass. There’s some dead ladies round here that might want to have a word with you.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      I thought the single greatest witch hunt in modern American history was the Birther conspiracy. If only we had some idea who started that. . .

      • ariel_gee_398

        That may have technically been a witch-doctor hunt.

  • Latverian Diplomat

    Surprisingly, this Investy-gate scandal is not about Trump’s violations of the emoluments clause.

    • Proud Liberal

      Surely, somebody is investigating that too.

      • Latverian Diplomat

        “Not us”
        — Paul Ryan

      • Paperless Tiger

        There are at least two law-suits.

      • Lori

        The NY AG maybe.

  • BadKitty904
    • Latverian Diplomat

      First as tragedy, second as farce, etc.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack


      Nightmare fuel!

      “Hair of the dog that bit me, Lloyd, my man. Hair of the dog that bit me.”

      • BadKitty904


        Similarities between Stephen King’s The Shining and the current Administration – discuss.

  • Gee, Your Hair Smells Horrific

    “As President, today I pardon myself. Covfefe, losers and haters!”
    I wonder if Donny could Tweet that in the near future, and it have legal standing.

    • h4rr4r

      You can’t pardon until after conviction. Once you are convicted you are no longer president. I predict we get another Ford.

  • Martini Ambassador 🍸

    Can we also charge him with hyperbolic whining? “Single greatest witch hunt in American political history,” my ass–just the McCarthy hearings alone make that a ridiculous assertion.

    • ariel_gee_398

      Also, it’s not a witch hunt if you really did the things you’re accused of doing.

    • Ghenghis McCann

      Salem Witch Trials libelz.

  • Douglas White

    Hey everyone! Let’s take a LOGIC TEST to see if you have the mental capacities of an average human being!

    OK, here goes:

    Imagine you have been accused of ‘Obstruction of Justice’, and that someone you trust has explained to you that ‘Obstruction of Justice’ means that you have “tried to influence or impede an active investigation of a crime.” Also, assume you DON’T WANT to be found guilty of ‘Obstruction of Justice’ for some important reason. Got it?

    So, then, which of these two things should you do?

    1) Stay as far away from the investigation you are accused of interfering with as humanly possible. Don’t talk about it, don’t meet with anyone involved, stay away!
    2) Publicly condemn the people running the investigation you are accused of interfering with, in the hopes that it will alter the course of that investigation, and meet with the people who can actually impact that investigation, explaining to them how unhappy you are with the entire situation, perhaps even threatening to fire those people if the investigation continues to make you unhappy!

    If you chose #2, you are on the wrong website. use this link to correct that error:

    • Latverian Diplomat

      Worst web quiz ever…I still have no idea which character on Gilligan’s Island I am most like!

      • Douglas White

        If you are ANYTHING like Ginger (or, let’s be honest…. even if you are anything like Mrs Howell…), please let me know so we can meet….

        • Indivisible Snark Tank

          Marianne Libulz!

          • Douglas White

            Sorry, she needs either Ginger’s sluttiness or Luvvies cash if she wants a piece of THIS man!

    • Proud Liberal

      Logic tells me that if you ain’t guilty, you would to with 1).

  • I am still liking Last Week Tonight’s choice to call all of this mess “Stupid Watergate”

  • Jack Parsons
  • La forza del resistino

    The day is lacking w/o any Senate hearings and being able to hand clap Kamala hurting any GOP fefe’s.

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