Just got back from my 3rd meeting with Russ Ambassador.
Just got back from my 3rd meeting with Russ Ambassador.
Where am I? Whomst'd've brought me here?? Internet, please help
I was recently invited to the sex dungeon by Trump and President Bannon...BOY was it fun. Made my Dumbo Ears wiggle.
some call me..... tim?
Nothing like a glass of vlad's taint sweat on a warm washington summer day! For taint sweat, you just can't beat Vlad's!
I do not recall soiling my adult diapers
My cock is 42 inches and vomits lies.
I do declare who put this uppity negress in a suit and why hasn't she washed my loafers? #kamalawho?
Sho is waarm today... it was waarm yestaday.. gonna be waarm tommora.
Can't believe I got to play with Trumps ball sack last night. Enjoyable and yuuge in my mouth! #love
By golly I've never been treated so harshly in my life as I was during that hearing. I do declare the stress has given me the vapors!
Oh, also, im a traitorous old fuck
Can't believe I got to play with Trumps ball sack last night! Enjoyable and yuge in my mouth! #love
Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~
No wait it was only 2 according to @TheNotSoHonorableSenRubio
On all levels except physical, I am a wolf *yips*
donald trump is above the law.
I'm a cunt.
Can't believe I made it through that witch hunt