Competitive Programmer's Handbook

written by Antti Laaksonen

The purpose of this book is to give the reader a thorough introduction to competitive programming. The book is especially intended for students who want to learn algorithms and possibly participate in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) or in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC).

The book is still under construction, but it is almost ready. You can send feedback on the book to – all corrections and suggestions are appreciated.

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Table of contents

Part 1: Basic techniques

  1. Introduction
  2. Time complexity
  3. Sorting
  4. Data structures
  5. Complete search
  6. Greedy algorithms
  7. Dynamic programming
  8. Amortized analysis
  9. Range queries
  10. Bit manipulation

Part 2: Graph algorithms

  1. Basics of graphs
  2. Graph traversal
  3. Shortest paths
  4. Tree algorithms
  5. Spanning trees
  6. Directed graphs
  7. Strong connectivity
  8. Tree queries
  9. Paths and circuits
  10. Flows and cuts

Part 3: Advanced topics

  1. Number theory
  2. Combinatorics
  3. Matrices
  4. Probability
  5. Game theory
  6. String algorithms
  7. Square root algorithms
  8. Segment trees revisited
  9. Geometry
  10. Sweep line algorithms