On Thursday, regular people with normal-sized hands watched fired FBI director James Comey testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee and openly declare that Donald J. Trump, barely elected president of the United States, is a liar. Comey also laid out a strong case that Trump tried to obstruct justice, but he didn’t say the magic words radical Islamic terrorism Obstruction Of Justice, so we guess it doesn’t count.

But Donald Trump, his dumb lawyer, and the handful of Americans who still support him, saw a different hearing, because they are very stupid people. In their eyes, Trump was VINDICATED!

WINNING! Because number one, Trump only said he “hoped” Comey would end the FBI investigation into Michael Flynn, and New York underworld thugs never use “hope” as a threat.


But also he is vindicated because COMEY is a common LEAKER who LEAKS, because LEAK is always a BAD WORD, even if you are talking about UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION. You see, Comey gave his friend an unclassified memo after his firing, which he wrote after Trump kicked everybody out of the Oval Office on Valentine’s Day, so he could move on Comey in private. Because Donald Trump is too stupid to know WTF the difference is between leaking classified and unclassified information, this means Comey is GUILTY because the GREATEST CRIME of AMERICA is leaking MEAN THINGS about TRUMP to the FAKE LYING PRESS. This is sooooooo much worse than that time Trump prematurely ejaculated code word level intelligence from the Israelis to to the Russians.

Trump’s lawyer laid out this “argument” in the almost perfectly spelled statement he released after Comey’s testimony. It was very convincing.

So, now that we know these things, it is just obvious that TRUMP WINS, and YOU (AMERICA) LOSE, and now he can move on from all this unsavory business and get back to the very hard work of being a failed president.

By “move on,” we of course mean that his pig grundle of a lawyer is threatening to sue, because Comey “leaked” like a Russian pee hooker:

President Donald Trump’s outside attorney plans to file a complaint against former FBI Director James Comey with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN. […]

It is unclear when Trump’s attorney, Marc Kasowitz, will file the complaints, but the source said they are actively exploring their options.

The Justice Department, however, has limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey’s file should he ever seek to be employed by the DOJ again.

That’s right, buster, there’s gonna be a note in Comey’s file at a place where he doesn’t work! Bet that’ll make him think twice next time he wants to act as a private citizen and tell one of his friends unclassified information about his interactions with the Pussgrab Loser-In-Chief! Of course, this might have more teeth if Trump had invoked executive privilege, but he didn’t.

Of course, as CNN points out, threatening to sue then forgetting to sue is Trump’s modus operandi in life. So this is probably just thug bullying behavior from the very dignified president of America, meant to make James Comey, a real man, tremble in his panties. It probably won’t work.

For now, anyway, Trump World is walking on sunshine, which is kind of weird considering how Robert Mueller’s special investigation continues on uninterrupted, and to read accounts from people in the know, it sounds like the team he’s putting together is tough as nails, and exactly the kind of people you’d assemble if you were going to take down the president of the United States. But SHHHHHHHHHHH, don’t tell them that. Let Trump and his idiot family — Donald Jr. said Daddy is “exonerated” on the Sean Hannity Snowflake Show! — believe they are #winning so much that everybody’s going to get tired of #winning. Let paid Trump idiots like Kayleigh McEnany write their 6th grade level op-eds in The Hill about “LOL U DEMS MUST BE FEELING LIKE A COMMON DUMB OBUMMER NOW.”

Let them have some false hope, just for now. It’ll be so much more fun to watch them fall.

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  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    This fucking rapist and Conman is literally the Ur-Republican, the exemplar of everything that is foul and criminal in this wretched excuse for a political party.

    This how an empire ends – with the braying Tweets of the world’s most powerful Jackass.

    • TJ Barke

      He is literally everything wrong with America personified.

      • Ricky Gay

        Solidified, like a stool. Also, too!

        • TJ Barke

          More liquid than solid…

  • proudgrampa

    “This is going to go on your permanent record!”

    • Dudleydidwrong

      That note on his transcript will make Liberty and Bob Jones Universities put Comey on their wait lists when he applies for admission. That’ll teach him.

      • Msgr_MΩment

        As in, “Wait. Is this boy serious?”

    • TundraGrifter

      Remind me to use that line next fall if I continue as a substitute teacher.

      • Meccalopolis

        Don’t assume

    • President in Exile Firefly

      Damn. Beat me to it! I should read the thread before posting.

      • proudgrampa

        Great minds think alike!


        • Chuck

          There are some weird minds that think alike , ie ,the family of the Cheeto-In-Charge.

          • proudgrampa

            Well, you and I aren’t weird, we’re G-r-r-r-eat!!!

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    “I’m gonna sue!”

    Then do it, whistle britches. Put your money where your big mouth is.

    • ez

      Truth Telling being one heck of a solid defense in a suit I would expect.

      • Ill-Advised

        Don’t trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer..

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      Exactly. As the old saying goes, this threat is all hat and no cattle.

      And now I feel like Dan Rather…

    • FlownΩver

      Just like you sued all those women you groped, eh, F(uckwad)OTUS?

  • miss_grundy

    Go ahead and sue, jackass, so you can commit perjury since every word out of your pie-hole is a lie. I hope Comey sues you for slander and defamation of character.

  • CogitoErgoBibo

    Has anyone checked to be sure this idjit actually has a current bar membership? He doesn’t law so gud.

  • Michael Smith

    They don’t care whether Trump did anything illegal. They’ve been convinced that the Democrats don’t follow the law and that Republicans need to break the rules to save America from them.

    • TundraGrifter

      It’s flat out embarrassing to watch people like Sen. Rubio argue that what the President did was unethical but clearly not flat out illegal so it’s all good.

      Talk about lowering the bar! These fools buried it.

  • Trump is bluffing.

    We all know that no reputable law firm will work for him.

    • God Emperor Emeritus

      Larry Klayman libelz!

      • Celtic_Gnome

        Lionel Hutz libel!

    • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance

      If they are smart lawyers they will demand payment in advance.

    • President in Exile Firefly

      What about Judge Napolitano?

      • TundraGrifter

        Never trust a lawyer named for a kind of ice cream.

        • FlownΩver

          Cherry Garcia, Esq. sure as hell wouldn’t take the case. Likewise learned counsel Tutti Frutti.

          • TundraGrifter

            An attorney who represents her (or him) self has a rocky road.

  • Vincent Ricola

    I’m going to hire a shady lawyer to sue Donald Trump and his entire grifting family for prolonged emotional distress.

  • John Iwaniszek

    Trump’s taint will infect the whole GOP.

    • Dudleydidwrong

      Trump is a taint. I hope that, as a president, he soon becomes an “ain’t.”

      • BearGHAZI

        Now, when you say ‘hope….’

    • TundraGrifter


  • BearGHAZI

    This will go about as far as John Boehner’s lawsuit against Obama for ‘Excessive ???’

  • TundraGrifter

    Who pays Mr. Trump’s “outside attorney?” Who pays for the Trump Administration “War Room” and the minions, lickspittles, and assorted varlets who work there? Is it rent free?

    • jesterpunk

      Tax payers pay for everything except his outside attorney.

      • TundraGrifter


      • BosGrl

        He will find a way to bill us for everything.

        • Dudleydidwrong

          Nah, Mexico will pay for his attorney.

        • jesterpunk

          Yeah and when he does he will manage to make money off of it too.

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      Pretty soon the “skim” is going to be more than the take.

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      If anyone at all works for Trump? No one pays him. No one at all.

    • Vincent Ricola

      Small children with cancer?

    • Jgb979

      You do

    • Msgr_MΩment

      I believe it falls like Mammon from the heavens.

    • Marsupial99

      Pretty sure that we will, somehow.

  • TundraGrifter

    This will go as far as Mr. Trump’s lawsuits against all the women who accused him of sexual harassment. Remember (I believe it was during a speech in Gettysburg, of all places) he promised to do just that.

    • BearGHAZI

      He promised a lot of things, but you got to remember, he’s NEW at this. Give the lawsuit threatening asshat a break, wouldja?

      • TundraGrifter

        These days I think Mr. Trump is new at pretending to be a human being.

        During the campaign, being new to all this (i.e., not being a politician) was a good thing.

        Now, like so much else, it has just become an excuse for failure.

      • Gabby Parsons

        The one thing he is NOT new at, is filing lawsuits.

  • Proud Liberal
    • God Emperor Emeritus

      I would have also mentioned, for example, ALL OF THE OBVIOUS LIES HE CONSTANTLY TELLS.

    • TJ Barke

      The man lies like no republican I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something.

      • Oblios_Cap

        I’ve seen rugs that lie less well.

    • TundraGrifter

      So all Ms. Sanders succeeded in doing was to let the world know she, too, is a liar.

      • Ill-Advised

        She’s rolling the dice for True Believer attribute in the next round. Remember, this is a RPG!

    • jesterpunk

      I can definitively say Trump is a lying sack of shit. His own lawyers have said that under oath in court.

    • Dudleydidwrong

      I can definitively say that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is an unpolishable turd. In saying this I have frankly insulted turds.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Suuuuuuuuiiiiieeeeeeee! Pig, pig, pig!

    • BearGHAZI

      Those rubes are totes adorable

      • Wild Cat

        “Less leaded water!”

        “Less inbreeding!”

    • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

      Sad confession- I have trained one of my cats to come lumbering towards her food dish when she hears this (she’s on a diet, like me, and doesn’t like it much)

      • Oblios_Cap

        I just stand in the door and whistle; mine both come running.

        • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

          Actually, if you open a can, they appear out of nowhere

          • bupkus231

            All I have to do is rattle a spoon on a dish, and my cat comes running….

          • cmd resistor

            My cats can hear me open the little zip loc bag of treats from the patio.

        • Lascauxcaveman

          In my house it’s the “Tuna Call.” Just as loud and shrill as “SooooooEEEEE!” Only it’s pronounced “HEEEEEERE Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty!!!” Do that call the first couple times you introduce them to tuna and they’ll come running every time after. Whether or not there’s actual tuna involved.

  • Jgb979

    Please sue

    Pretty please sue.

    I can’t wait for the discovery that would become a part of the public record

  • Wild Cat

    Bring it on, you whiny little greedy Kraut fucktard, bring it on.

  • TundraGrifter

    And this complaint will shut the whole thing down, just like firing Mr. Comey did.

    These idiots don’t understand the concept of “fire” and “more fuel.” They’d pour gasoline on a burning building to try to put out the flames.

    • TJ Barke

      But liquid puts out fire, right?

      • Msgr_MΩment

        Good luck with that. Molotov!

  • Marsupial99

    He’s winning so much, he’s going to get tired of winning.

    Psst… you misspelled ‘whining’ – twice!

  • Proud Liberal
    • Jgb979

      He’s going to blow through all of his Putin monies before he can spend them on a few nice pee hookers

    • Oblios_Cap

      His campaign donors don’t mind paying that. Or maybe his Foundation donors.

      • bupkus231

        You mean the ones who thoight they were donating to St. Judes?

  • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance
    • Dudleydidwrong

      And grabbing pussy.

    • William

      It’s the “oh well” defense.

      • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance

        New this fall on CBS, the all new, exciting legal drama, ‘Ryan for the Defense.’

    • Querolous

      Hell be just fine until he runs off the road into a WASP church.

  • canes_pugnaces

    I believe that Comey’s testimony was done in concert with Mueller, and was, in part, a deliberate and calculated attempt to poke the hornet’s nest. Trump is at his worst when provoked. Whatever sense he possesses (very little) evaporates when he is cornered. Sure enough: he wants to sue, which gives Comey, et al, the limited right (he’s still (swallow vomit) the president) to discovery, deposition and cross-examination. Ouch.

    • Ricky Gay

      I agree that it is all part of the long game. They probably know he won’t actually sue, but he will continue to bury himself with tweets and brags. His supporters are in for a real treat!

      • canes_pugnaces

        HIs supporters, as near as I can tell, are like Krishnas. They are cultists, at this point, and there is nothing, I mean nothing Trump could do to dissuade them from the completion of oneness with their bilious orange deity.

        • Ricky Gay

          Nor a vessel large enough to contain all their inevitable tears!

          • vivian

            … or the blood they are willing to spill rather than admit their mistake.

        • Spurning Beer

          Hare Krishna devotees are joyous and loving. Trumpanzees are more like Branch Davidians.

          • canes_pugnaces

            Krishna devotees in the US are sleep deprived, abused and utterly brain-washed.

          • Spurning Beer

            That’s fair. But they’re also the happiest people I’ve ever met.

    • Oblios_Cap

      It’s a shame they had Christie sit on the Twattering machine during that hearing.

    • BigCSouthside

      They are going to Keyser Soze this motherfucker

    • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

      The Mueller story is not front and center, nor do I think that Mueller would want it to be. And yes, Mueller and Comey go back a long ways, and probably find Trump equally loathsome.
      Remember as long time prosecutors, they’ve had to deal with every variety of white collar scam artist, tax cheat, organized crime boss, and embezzler. They know the kind of man that Trump is.
      Mueller may not find direct collusion, but he will follow the money slowly, carefully, and relentlessly, and will come up with enough to impeach Trump several times over.

    • bupkus231

      “…was submitted in concert with…”???

      Are you implying that Comey and Mueller colluded? Or merely coordinated?

      • canes_pugnaces

        I’d say coordinated… They met at least five times before his testimony… they ae old friends.

  • William

    Well of course he should sue. Clearly, Comey questioned the integrity of a man who accused Ted Cruz’s dad of killing JFK, and President Obama of bugging Trump towers.

  • Everrett Fanuelli

    Which is it, Trump: Is Comey lying or is he telling the truth? You can’t say Comey vindicated you about the things you like and say he’s lying about the things you don’t like.

  • memzilla Ω
    • God Emperor Emeritus

      +1 internet, that’s for sure.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      I will gladly pay for that kid’s scholarship to Wonkette.

      • BearGHAZI

        I hear that’s a party school

        • schmannity

          The cheerleaders are hawt.

          • OrdinaryJoe

            And they love to have Drinky Thing Parties.

        • Lascauxcaveman

          “Yeah, I went to Wonkett U. Best eleven years of my life.”

    • elviouslyqueer

      Papaya Pol Pot sues kid for defamation in 3…2…1…

    • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

      Why’s the Dad unhappy? The kid got all the colors right, and showed technical skill

      • Predisenting Ron

        And his drawing of Donnie is actually fairly flattering.

    • God Emperor Emeritus

      “You should give my son a lower grade, because I don’t like the politics of his art.” Yep. Sounds like a republican to me.

      • Lascauxcaveman

        And thus, a political cartoonist is born.

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      There are some awesome sick burns in that story:

      The father said the teacher would not take any responsibility and she asked him if he wanted her to change his son’s grade on the assignment.

      HA. Nice job idiot. Didn’t think ahead on that one, did you? And the Queen Anne’s County Public Schools’ statement basically says, “We don’t meddle in teaching plans. You got a problem? File a complaint.”

      • onedollarjuana

        It’s called “local control in the schools”. Isn’t that what Repubs all clamor for?

        • Opalescent Riddles

          It’s local control for the board and district, but not in the classroom. Teachers should do as they’re told, like a good interchangeable assembly line worker turning out widgets.

      • bupkus231

        Apparently, concerned father did not take the teacher up on changing his son’s grade.

        Stevensville is not quite the Eastern Shore ( being on Kent Island in the Chesapeake, not east of it ), but it’s got it’s share of rightwingers. One has to wonder where his son learned to “disrespect the President”? Perhaps at his daddy’s knee during the Obama admin?

        • Lascauxcaveman

          Yeah, that’s about a 99% probable.

    • Spurning Beer

      This past weekend, I went to the local March for Truth. There was an enthusiastic 9-year old girl who had made a large poster with the legend “TRUMP IS A CRUSTY BUTTHOLE.” The drawing featured a lot of brown marker, and was simple but effective. Her dad was pretty proud of her.

    • theblackdog

      WTF? He’s mad at his kid for drawing that but he is blaming the teacher?

      • MizzMazz

        And it’s a pretty good drawing for an 11 yr old. I’d give it 100 on artistic merit alone.

  • Oblios_Cap

    Odd. All this time I thought that Trumpster was pretty cool with leakers.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      You’re thinking of John Barron.

    • Only if they’re Russian. And pee hookers.

  • Mpeg

    The news is so fake that the lies can’t stop leaking! If lamestream media were any better at faking they’d earn an Oscar! Which they won’t, because they’re liars! It’s gotten so bad, that when the lies that the news media fake, get leaked, they become false statements. There is a lawsuit, believe me, that will expose all this and crooked Hillary too. Bigly.

  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    OT – I’m watching a more-recent documentary about the Challenger Disaster.

    I had not known that Morton Thiokol engineers refused to certify the Solid Rocket Boosters for flight @ or below 53F. The temperature at the Cape went to 18F that early morning.

    • Oblios_Cap

      18, 53. They’re kinda close, I guess.

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        I wanted to be a military aviator my whole life. I understand the concept of Calculated Risk. Over-ruling Flight Engineers is not a calculated risk, it’s dooming a crew to a preventable death.

        • Bobathonic

          When I worked for the Navy, I learned the Marine pilot motto: Death is a small price to pay, for looking shit hot.

        • TheBoatDude

          Yeah. I think they had a big money payload on board and didnt want to delay the launch… its called “go fever”. Of course, given the opportunity, they’d do it again…

    • jesterpunk

      If you get a chance check out Richard Feynman’s book, he talks about that and the time he reviewed science text books.

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        On the Wish List, thank you.

        • jesterpunk

          If you have a good public library around they should have it too.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            I don’t feel like being stared at by old MAGA-hatters. Thank goodness for Amazon.

      • Latverian Diplomat

        BTW, in the second book (What Do You Care What People Think?, he gives a little background on where the idea for the O-Ring ice water demonstration ultimately came from…

        Another thing I understand better now has to do with where the idea came from that cold affects the O-rings. It was General Kutyna who called me up and said, “I was working on my carburetor, and I was thinking: what is the effect of cold on the O-rings?”

        Well, it turns out that one of NASA’s own astronauts told him there was information, somewhere in the works of NASA, that the O-rings had no resilience whatever at low temperatures—and NASA wasn’t saying anything about it. But General Kutyna had the career of that astronaut to worry about, so the real question the General was thinking about while he was working on his carburetor was, “How can I get this information out without jeopardizing my astronaut friend?” His solution was to get the professor excited about it, and his plan worked perfectly.

    • Predisenting Ron

      That came out soon after the disaster. And it got swept under the rug FAST. NASA was… not well-run back then.

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        I was like 13. I was in solo Study Hall when they announced the Challenger had exploded. We all spent the morning watching the films, over and over. After lunch, the History teacher just put “The Blue & the Gray” on, he wasn’t in the mood to teach, not that I blame him.

        Why aren’t the then-NASA Administrator and the head of Thiokol in prison?

        • Bobathonic

          Pressure from Reagan to launch?

    • Kiri the Unicorn

      “Before (astronaut Ron McNair’s) last fateful space mission he had worked with the composer Jean-Michel Jarre on a piece of music for Jarre’s then-upcoming album Rendez-Vous. It was intended that he would record his saxophone solo on board the Challenger, which would have made McNair’s solo the first original piece of music to have been recorded in space.” -WikiP

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        Thank you for this. :)

  • elviouslyqueer

    Why isn’t this fucking toddler in jail yet?

    • Proud Liberal

      The wheels of justice move very slowly.

      • RobespierreHoo

        But grind very finely.

    • Mpeg

      Being kept from tweeting all day probably felt like Jail to him~

      • cmd resistor

        My unproven theory is that they got him to agree to not tweet during the hearing, but let him write down what he wanted to tweet. Then, they cleaned that up (a LITTLE) and turned it into the brilliant lawyer statement.

    • Spurning Beer

      In America, we don’t imprison toddlers. Except in Texas.

      We’ll have to go through the process to have him tried as an adult.

    • God Emperor Emeritus

      Because the GOP thinks a lower tax rate for the ultra-rich is more important than literally anything else in creation.

      • HogeyeGrex

        Or to quote Charlie Pierce,

        the Republicans in Washington… seemed eager to bargain away an adequate national government in exchange for the retrograde plutocracy of their dreams.

    • Hamilton Ω, AKA Formerly DN


  • Resistance Fighter Callyson

    President Donald Trump’s outside attorney plans to file a complaint against former FBI Director James Comey with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

    Based on what exactly?

    The complaint will focus on Comey’s testimony that he gave a friend the content of memos about his conversations with Trump and asked the friend to then give that information to a reporter. Comey said Friday that he gave the friend — later identified as Daniel Richman, a longtime Comey confidante and Columbia University professor — the information after Trump tweeted that he may have tapes of his conversations with the fired FBI director.

    That’s it? Donald is complaining because Comey talked to a friend who talked to someone else?

    The source said the fact that Comey decided to disseminate the information because of a tweet was “gold” for the lawyers looking to file a complaint against the former FBI director.

    Fool’s gold, perhaps…

  • theblackdog

    Comey should countersue to get the tapes that Trump claims he has.

    • Wild Cat

      We should countersue—they’re using OUR tax monies.

    • Dudleydidwrong

      That’s why Trump won’t sue. He knows (or his shyster lawyer knows) that, if he sues those tapes, if they exist, will be heard echoing across the world. Trump’s attorney is probably looking for Rose Marie Woods’ grandchild.

      • theblackdog

        I’m betting on there are no tapes on Comey and so he would have to admit they don’t exist.

      • Steve Cole

        Rose Marie Woods? Damn, you are olds…

        • Dudleydidwrong

          Eighty-two and still truckin’. And if I could think of a way to get “fuckin'” into the post I’d create a poem about Trump.

          • proudgrampa

            “Truckin'” rhymes with “fuckin.”

            Just trying to help…

          • therblig

            and turducken

          • LesBontemps

            also upchuckin’.

          • proudgrampa

            Truckin that fuckin turducken!

          • LesBontemps

            Keep fuckin’ that truckin’ turducken?

      • Latverian Diplomat

        “Talking about suing is almost as good as suing. It’s like construction projects that way.”
        — Donald Trump

      • ImGoingBacon

        Her, and that foot pedal.

  • BigCSouthside

    If recordings existed that proved Comey false that shit would have been released at 5 pm yesterday, and trump would spend the whole weekend on a victory tour.

    • God Emperor Emeritus

      I’m just shocked that they haven’t manufactured them in a cartoonishly blatant and obvious way.

      • msanthropesmr

        Insert Homer sweet, sweet can clip here.

      • BigCSouthside

        And then released them in the rose garden with a fly over and Ted Nugent playing guitar in the background

      • WotsAllThisThen

        The project is still in pre-production. I hear Gilbert Gottfried is going to play Eric.

        • LesBontemps

          Excellent casting choice, he’s made for the role.

      • Zippy W Pinhead

        James Comey is a lying liar.

        Signed, Epstein’s mother

        • Bobathonic

          Sweathogs libelz!

        • LesBontemps

          Wow you are old.

          • Zippy W Pinhead

            and my head is full of more useless pop culture references than Seth MacFarlane

    • vivian

      Weekend? He still talking about his Inauguration crowds (inaccurately, of course.)

    • Vincent Ricola

      Based on the White House refusing to deny the existence of a wire tapps system that they are using to “root out the leakers” or whatever, I’m betting they have the tapes and they are much worse for Trump than we can even imagine.

      • BigCSouthside

        Now I’m not a lawyer

        Could Comey sue trump for say slander or defamation (can’t remember which one is which) and then subpoena the tapes?

        A) they exist, back up Comey
        B) they never existed
        C) they exist, are fucking bad, and prove obstruction

        • Vincent Ricola

          I’m not a lawyer either, so I don’t know if Comey has a case for defamation (even though it seems like he should), but Muller should be able to get his hands on any tapes that may exist.

        • Good question. When you impune someone’s character in the PRESS (which is different than a courtroom), you are subject to libel/slander laws.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      Yup, the boy king is bluffing or those tapes would have been dominating yesterday’s news cycle

  • msanthropesmr

    As soon on as we smoke the tapes from your group. If you shoot it, you’ll conserve all winter.

  • Crystalclear12

    I know I’m tired of winning.

    • LesBontemps

      Yeah, but you’re just tired. You have to be sick of winning before you can stop, so you will just keep on winning until you’re SICK, I tell you, SICK!

      • Bobathonic

        That sickness is not covered by Trumpcare.

  • OrdinaryJoe

    Just a note. Comey in his role as FBI head was a cop, the top cop. I don’t think you can assert a testimonial privilege like Executive Privilege over what you say to a cop about an ongoing investigation. The key to any testimonial privilege is that the speaker has an expectation of confidentiality. You just can’t have that expectation when you are talking to a cop about the matters involved in the investigation.

    • msanthropesmr

      Unless you ask him if he’s undercover, man. He has to say yes or it’s entrapment, dude.

      • Latverian Diplomat

        “You know what you should totally fire me, man…it would obstruct…”
        “Umm, get in the way of justice in a cool way, dude.”

      • John Resistant Tovarich Smith

        The jails are full of people who believed that!

        • msanthropesmr

          I should have put a sarcasm tag on that statement…

    • LesBontemps

      Also too when you are attempting to engage said cop in a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

    • therblig

      “I knew a Miranda once. Not even a 5.” – DJT

  • William
    • Meccalopolis

      Lordy! So do I

  • Latverian Diplomat

    I am not a lawyer, so I haz a question. Can one sue over “defamation” in sworn testimony? Isn’t it the State’s job to prosecute for perjury if the statements prove to be false (which as we know won’t happen in this case–it’s all true of course, and Comey’s hold back on a lot of related issues).

    • Lulu Mac

      Technically yes, because defamation is a civil offense and perjury is criminal. Two different causes of action.

      • Only if it were proved that Comey LIED, then he could be charged with perjury and a civil suit filed against him, charging defamation. Comey didn’t lie of course.

        • Lulu Mac

          Right, but the question was can someone sue for defamation based on a statement made under oath. Technically yes. Proving the case and winning is a completely different thing.

          • It is my understanding that judicial proceedings are protected speech.

          • Lulu Mac

            I stand corrected. If the hearing is considered a judicial proceeding, Comey’s statements are protected. I will go crawl in my corner and beat myself with my Black’s law dictionary.

          • You are MUCH too adorable for that. You are excused. 😊

      • Latverian Diplomat

        I was just wondering if sworn testimony immunized one in some way, because it’s not entirely voluntary, and the standards of proof (that the testimony is untrue) would possibly differ between criminal and civil courts?

    • You are correct. The word “sue” came up because Donald knows it’s a trigger-word that will stir the emotions of his fanbase.
      “He’s threatening to sue, that means he’s telling the truth” is how his supporters will interoret this.

      • proudgrampa


      • YoBunnyBunny

        Damn, they are stupid.

        • TheBoatDude


  • President in Exile Firefly

    Oh noes. This will go on James Comey’s Permanent Record.

    • Predisenting Ron

      He’ll never get into a good college now!

  • Lulu Mac

    As an attorney, the past 36 hours have been infuriating. DO NOT CONFUSE YOUR GOOGLE SEARCH WITH MY LAW DEGREE!!!

    Sorry…needed to get that out…

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      Right there with you. I’m a little exhausted with having to explain “privilege,” or lack thereof, to all those newborn legal experts trying to tell me I don’t know what 3 bar memberships have taught me.

      • msanthropesmr

        Msanthrope also too.

      • msanthropesmr

        Three bar memberships? Teach you to tip well, right?

        • CogitoErgoBibo

          They’re the only kind of bar I pass. The rest? Gotta go in!

          • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

            I was first in my class, to the bottom of a glass
            But it was killing me.
            I used to get loaded, but now I’ve been voted
            Most Likely To Succeed.

      • proudgrampa

        Now you sound like you’re a pretty smart person. You should run for office so that we can start getting rid of the stupid people in government!

        • vivian

          Your premise contradicts your recommendation, but I like your conclusion!

          • proudgrampa

            Thank you! Things like watching candidate-for-rest-home McCain yesterday are so painful. Just need to get out of the mediocrity.

        • CogitoErgoBibo

          What Vivian said. I think I’m smart enough to avoid public office. Besides, I work better behind the scenes and have helped run many a political campaign. Better I play to my strong suit.

          • proudgrampa

            Don’t know if you caught Rachel Maddow last night, but if you get elected Senator or Congresscritter, you get to go into the “closed sessions.”

            Just sayin’.

          • CogitoErgoBibo

            Eh, someone will leak that stuff eventually, right? Leaking is all the rage!

      • SweetDeeKat

        Not to mention “waiver” and “opening the door.” Very excited when Pussgrab tweeted about tapes.

    • Lance Thrustwell

      Pshaw, lawyers are obsolescent. I say, just Google stuff and then go represent yourself in court. Judges love that.

      • God Emperor Emeritus

        It will save you bazillions of dollars in fees!

        • Parakeetist

          I watched a lot of Law and Order and L.A. Law shows on the teevee. Do those count?

          • vivian

            MATLOCK FTW!!!!

          • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

            Those defense attorneys, they’re all sleaze artists! They keep the real heroes from jailing guilty people!
            We all know that if you weren’t guilty, the cops wouldn’t bother to arrest you, and DA’s wouldn’t bother to file charges, because they are very smrt and busy people!

          • Predisenting Ron

            ‘I move for a mistrial! I was led to expect that the prosecutor would be Jack McCoy!’

          • ImGoingBacon

            The Good Wife also, too.

          • LesBontemps

            Only Boston Legal counts toward your CLEs.

          • ImGoingBacon


          • TundraGrifter

            Did Perry Mason ever lose a case? More than one, I mean…

      • Dudleydidwrong

        Does sleeping in a dumpster next to a Holiday Inn Express count for anything?

      • jesterpunk

        “AM I BEING RETAINED!!!!!! GOLD FRINGE!!!!!”

        • Lance Thrustwell

          I doan get it. But upfist anyway!

          • jesterpunk
          • Lance Thrustwell

            The more you know! Thanks.

          • Villago Delenda Est

            Most of what “sovereign citizens” (the name alone is a contradiction in terms) believe is not just legal nonsense, but nonsense, period. Which is why I wouldn’t vote to convict someone who used a clue by four upside the haid on them.

      • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

        “I hate pro se cases. Did he bring his own soapbox, or does he expect the court to provide one?”

        • MrTusks

          “I am requesting to proceed in forma pauperis because I had no idea not hiring a lawyer would still cost money.”

      • SmotPoker

        It helps when you lose, and appeal. You can truthfully make the claim that your attorney was a jackass that knew nothing about the law….

    • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

      Google has made everyone a doctor, a lawyer, and an Indian chief, for that matter.

      • msanthropesmr

        Not to mention butcher Baker and candlestick maker.

        • YoBunnyBunny

          But sadly not enough cheese makers. Blessed be they.

        • Kiri the Unicorn

          Tinker, sailor, soldier, spy.

          • vivian

            One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.

      • vivian


      • Bobathonic
    • John Resistant Tovarich Smith

      Legal Zoom libelz!!!111!

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      Google? Hell, Donnie’s crack team doesn’t even believe in spell check

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      Yeah…ugh…still scrubbing the stench of that troll from last night.

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        No offense to Y’alls, but you are gracing things like him with your attention. They aren’t worth it. That’s why I shit-post a Beyonce meme and Block ’em.

        • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

          None taken, dear. I just enjoy a bit of the cut-and-thrust action every once in a while. Gotta keep the wits sharp, eh wot? :)

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            Fair play to you, Sir. :)

    • Major_Major_Major

      What advise wood you give the Precedent Predisent, councilor?

      • YoBunnyBunny

        “Fuck you, pay me.” is the only advice I’d give him were I a lawyer person.

        • LeighBowery’sLuxuryComedy

          FYPM – Clevo connection? (aka is that you, Blinky? :-) )

      • Lulu Mac

        Russia will not extradite. Go away and never come back.

    • canes_pugnaces

      I don’t feel confused by google v. a law degree, but I do wonder what your broader point is?

      • vivian

        If I may, I think the distinction is one between spending years of your life and considerable resource focusing on the acquisition of knowledge and expertise in a specific field as opposed to spending 5-10 minutes on your laptop looking shit up and then speaking as if you had done the former.

        • CogitoErgoBibo

          [*slow clap*]

        • canes_pugnaces

          That I get. I feel the same aggrieved pissed-offness when people critique my fine moving pictures after I spent years perfecting my craft; or when some 24yo without any experience gets ten gazillion hits on a youtube video of his cat throwing up. Annoying. And gross. My question, however, isn’t that. My question is (was): other than the Internets making everyone an instant expert on everything and giving you indigestion (and me, too) what instigated your release. Was there some event(s) that made you want to bark at the collective electrons? Well, I mean other than the obvious.

          • vivian

            Ah! Yes. Last night there was a pernicious troll who was spouting legalistic argle bargle and giving everyone the high hat. Little fucker didn’t even vote, because “they’re all the same”, etc. etc. Most tiresome.

          • canes_pugnaces

            Ah hah… then good for you. Now I get it.

    • goonemeritus

      But I have successfully litigated whose turn it is to do the dishes with some pretty hostile parties.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      I am so glad you are here, though.

    • William

      I suppose you’re also going to question my google ordained oncology degree that I bestowed upon myself after discovering that weird lump?

      • Lulu Mac

        Nah, that’s legit. I’ve self-diagnosed myself many a time via Wed MD. It’s a miracle I’m still alive, actually…

        • William

          Many years ago (I wrote it down word for word) I engaged an idiot in a conversation about the death penalty. This was his summation word for word
          “A doctor can’t give that legal injection cuz they took a hypothetical oath”.

          • Lulu Mac
          • William

            As a former cop I tried to explain the situation Comey was in to one of my right leaning friends as follow. I work out at the same gym as a district court judge. You simply never EVER mentioned anything remotely smacking of work to his honor at the gym. Obama had 2 conversations with Comey in 8 years. Trump had 9 in a few months. Further, we find that in none of these conversations did the *gag* President discuss anything that had anything to do with national security.

    • BMW

      Google hasn’t been terribly helpful finding a definitive answer to my “Does firing someone for not dropping an investigation count as obstruction of justice?” questions.

  • memzilla Ω

    BREAKING: NSA Releases List of Every American Who’s Ever Been Arrested For Leaking Unclassified Information To The Media

    • DesertedPictures

      I’m shocked, shocked I tell ya!

    • vivian

      “If it’s not Classified, it’s not a leak.” James Clapper

      • Villago Delenda Est

        Well, that’s not true. It’s not a legally actionable leak unless it’s classified.

        • vivian

          My understanding is that if it’s not Classified then a “leak” is actually just a conversation.

          • Villago Delenda Est

            Dick Nixon got really excited about “conversations” that reflected poorly on him. Donald is the same way.

          • vivian

            … which seem to be ALL of his conversations, but that’s a different topic. My money is on there being recordings of the conversation because, like Nixon, Trump is so insecure he needs to validate that he is Predisent by having proof (or in his case, hopefully, a souvenir) of his Predisenting.

  • rocktonsam

    but all those others are still under investigation Donald.
    as long as you are vindicated, all is well with you.
    wait until the real shit storm comes

    • bupkus231

      All those others are merely satellites….

  • Lance Thrustwell

    Comey: I put you in the white house, and I’ll take you out!

  • proudgrampa

    Olbermann’s take on yesterday’s circus:

  • John Resistant Tovarich Smith

    “This will go into your permanent record!” Didn’t work for me when the nuns said it in grade school, either.

    • God Emperor Emeritus

      One of my favourite memories from HS is of the VP attempting to intimidate the valedictorian for some non-violation of a non-rule that was inconveniencing Mr. Napoleon.

    • jesterpunk

      My permanent record says my handwriting is horrible. At least that is what they said in grade school (its still true now).

    • Anna Rompage

      While the top 4 law firms are refusing to do business with the Donad, I’m sure most, if not all of them, would be happy to employ Mr Comey…

      • Villago Delenda Est

        For one thing, Mr. Comey has a record of actually paying his debts.

    • UncleTravelingMatt

      My permanent record no longer exists. It was destroyed when the school’s basement flooded.

      • Villago Delenda Est

        Lucky you! A childhood of bad deeds washed away, like your sins!

        • UncleTravelingMatt

          Also, any record that I am a high school graduate. So far, everybody’s just taken my word for it.

          • Villago Delenda Est

            You can fake that. Melania did it with college degrees!

      • John Resistant Tovarich Smith

        You went to such extremes to clear your name!

        • UncleTravelingMatt

          “Doesn’t play well with others” my ass.

      • TundraGrifter

        “So – How do you start a flood?”

        [punch line to the old ethnic lightening joke]

    • Rags

      nice hat!

      • John Resistant Tovarich Smith

        Thank you!

  • Juan de Fuca
    • CogitoErgoBibo

      MSNBC lady (whose name I have yet to commit to memory) just used an example of a kid “hoping” for a toy from Santa. That’s a hope. When mom “hopes” you’ve done your homework, that’s a threat/order from a person in a position of authority.

      Also, please see: “Nice house. Hope no one burns it down.”

      • WotsAllThisThen

        And when your boss says “I hope you can look the other way” and you don’t and he fires you. Well that certainly exonerates your boss in the eyes of Republicans!

        • Dudleydidwrong

          Or when the boss says “I hope you finish that report by 5:30 today” you then understand the power of the word “hope.”

          • WotsAllThisThen

            In Trump’s world, that means I hope you can finish your work but you do whatever you want.

          • YoBunnyBunny

            I’m totally gonna try this with my boss.

            “Those updates you hoped I’d make by COB? Did you actually want me to make them? Pfff, you should have issued an explicit directive. Well, I’m off to the beach this weekend, CHEERS!!!”

        • TundraGrifter

          Perhaps the outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg would have been different if Gen. Longstreet properly understood Gen. Lee when he hoped Gen. Longstreet would attack the Union lines.

      • Juan de Fuca

        “I hope you remember to go down in the 2nd round.” – Frank “Blinky” Palermo to every boxer he managed.

      • proudgrampa

        We always told the proudteenagers “We hope you’re home by midnight.”

        They knew EXACTLY what we meant…

        • Debbie the Unpaid Protester

          There is a similar phenomena known in these parts (Minnesota) as a “Swedish question”, eg “will you set the table, dear?”

          Drumpf’s statement to Comey could be called a “Swedish hope”

    • WotsAllThisThen

      I was inspired by the mugger’s aspirations and wanted to help.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      In the Army, at least, and I’m fairly sure in the other services, the “wish” of a commander is interchangeable with a command.

      • proudgrampa


    • YoBunnyBunny

      And never mind that this is the POTUS in the fucking OVAL OFFICE and he has excused officials with more seniority and/or access to the Trump (Sessions, Preibus, Kushner). Comey would have to be a dense motherfucker to not realize that shit was getting real.

      If, say, the dean of my school detains me in his office then shoos my boss and others out, I would be shitting bricks.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      OK, I love me some Kamala, but… that’s not a great analogy.

      • Juan de Fuca

        Well, I’ve never been robbed at gunpoint but I think if somebody held a gun to my head and said “I hope you have your wallet on you”, I would probably take out my wallet and hand it to him.

        • AnnieGetYerFun

          I’d probably pee myself and handover my wallet, passport, and children’s college funds before the robber so much as uttered a word. With that said, I don’t think we can (or should) compare being robbed an gunpoint to the situation that Comey found himself in. I’m not fond of Comey, although he is obviously very intelligent, but for someone who seems to understand how the game works, he plays very poorly.

  • Anna Rompage

    Uh oh, looks like the Donad is going to be having erotic dreams of Comey standing above him, and leaking all over his grotesque, cheeto hued body….

    • Parakeetist

      Hey, I’m having lunch!

      • Villago Delenda Est

        There goes my bagel…

    • Kiri the Unicorn

      Oh, yikes.

    • proudgrampa


    • Yet another example of trickle down economics?

  • sosuume

    When I say that I hope you can come to dinner tonight, it means I want you to come to dinner.

    • Rags

      And what is “I hope you burn in Hell, you incompetent pissant President” meant to convey?

      • Major_Major_Major

        That he is a Republican, and you are human?

  • LesBontemps

    “Nice little investigation ya got here; I sure hope nothing happens to it.”

  • Bobathonic

    I did not know that pigs had grundles.

  • Villago Delenda Est

    If Donald retains the incompetent ambulance chasing shit that was put in front of the Klieg lights yesterday, he’s going to be forced to settle, at best, for annoying the shit out of Comey.

    • MrTusks

      He didn’t even put that screed on a letterhead, did he? Did Trump get this guy from a subway ad?

  • MynameisBlarney
    • Zippy W Pinhead

      Remember when being inexperienced was reason not to be allowed to be president? I miss those days…

    • Villago Delenda Est

      This has been a running excuse for about two years now. It’s not selling any better now that it was then, mainly because Donald refuses to learn anything from his experiences.

    • ImGoingBacon

      HOLY FUCK am I tired of this excuse!! There are good, well meaning staffers within the EOP who would be more than willing to assist Trump in navigating the seas of the federal government. But does he or his immediate staff or advisors even attempt to enlist their aid? FUCK NO. And for Eddie Munster (Eddie Munster libels!) to defend him in that manner just makes me more pissed off.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      This is a fun new excuse. But if he’s such a n00b, why were they always leaving him alone with people that he couldn’t be trusted around?

    • Le Covfefe Royal

      Because the presidency is an entry-level job.

  • Lulu Mac

    That note in Comey’s file would be a badge of honor, IMO…

  • Apple Scruff

    The fact that they actually think that they are smarter than James Comey is a LOLZ for the record books.

    • God Emperor Emeritus

      All civil servants are lazy incompetents, you didn’t get the memo?

    • Lulu Mac

      They have no idea. This man know how to play the long game and keep receipts.

      • MrTusks

        But he admitted he leaked the memo! And then he confirmed all of its contents under oath! So that makes the memo, uh…?

        • Lulu Mac

          An unclassified, recorded recollection admissible in court under the hearsay rule exception. Comey don’t play…

          • MrTusks

            Oh I assumed the Federal Rules of Evidence were completely out of the field of play for these nincompoops. I’m just trying to figure their basic logic and motives.

          • Lulu Mac

            That’s where you went wrong: assuming basic logic.

  • SayItWithWookies

    So our lying so-called president is threatening to sue someone for calling him a liar, over something he blatantly and publicly lied about? That should go well – and not look like intimidation at all.

    • UncleTravelingMatt

      Discovery should be fascinating.

      • Zippy W Pinhead

        I truly wonder if these idjits are smart enough to realize that this requires the boy king to go under oath at some point?

        • kareemachan

          He’ll plead the 4th, cuz he can’t remember which one is the right one.

          “The Fifth? No thanks, I don’t drink.”

      • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

        i wanna read ALL the emails.

  • Fartknocker

    I think I’m going to make some champagne Popsicles today to have them ready for celebrating the day the Mayflower Moving truck pulls up to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to move Dampnut’s shit out of the People’s House. And I again express concern for Barron. This has got to be stressful to the child.

    • Lulu Mac

      Ooh! Champagne popcicles! Yum!

      • jesterpunk

        Ivanka has the recipe. Its the perfect memorial day treat. /s

        • Lulu Mac

          Ugh. Never mind…

          • proudgrampa

            No no no. It’s OK. Popsicle schadenfreude!

      • eggsacklywright

        Freezing real Champagne would be an awful waste of good wine. Maybe Prosecco Popsicles.

        • kareemachan

          PROSECCO LIBELZ!!!!!11!

          I like prosecco cuz it’s bubbly and usually lower in alcohol than champagne. Also, before anybody knew about it, it was cheaper. :-(

          Now I’m going to try to find me some Nino Franco….

        • TundraGrifter

          Use cold duck or some other rose. They should be blood red for Memorial Day.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      Just being the fruit of Donald’s decrepit loins has to be stressful for him.

    • BigCSouthside

      after dad is in jail we’ll elect a Dem and weed will be legal. He’ll be fine

    • proudgrampa

      They’re probably homeschooling the poor kid now.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      Maybe Melania will just stay put in New York with Barron. I know I would.

  • Zippy W Pinhead

    Opening my browser wasn’t an exercise in frustration for a change this morning. Everyone is talking about the boy king being a liar, Donnie had the twitter meltdown we knew he would, Republicans are trying to avoid the press or mumbling no comment under their breath, May got her ass kicked in the special election and had to cobble to together a new government, Dead Breitbart has lost 90% of their advertisers, Ossoff has opened up a 7 point lead in Georgia and my AZ CD2 rep, Martha McCarpetbagger, got caught talking to bankers about repealing Dodd-Frank and her plummeting popularity numbers and how Trump is dragging everyone down with him.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      As was predicted, lo, about 10 months ago by me. Donald is taking the entire GOP with him into the depths of Hell.

      • Would that make them “Liars from the depths of Hell?”

        • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

          They sold their souls and Old Scratch wants his payment.

        • John Thorstensen

          Darwin libelzz!

      • Zippy W Pinhead

        Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of lying, ratfucking assholes

        • Perhaps we should start calling them rat rapers. I doubt any self respecting rat would lower themselves to copulate with a republican willingly. Perhaps quaaludes or antihistamines are involved.

    • eggsacklywright

      I read that first line as “Opening my trouser…”

      • Martini Ambassador 🍸

        That would imply pants were being worn.

      • Zippy W Pinhead

        that works also too…

    • alwayspunkindrublic

      Just read the McSally thing…dude, that is some EPIC whinging she’s doing. Maybe she’ll have her spokesdolt pen another smug, self-serving “poor me” editorial in the Star this Sunday. Fuck these assholes.

    • dos_centavos

      Yay! Awesome.

  • Does this mean that Trump is going to hire Comey? I understand that Trump likes to pay leakers.

    • God Emperor Emeritus

      Pay him a SLAPP settlement, maybe.

      • TundraGrifter

        Did Mr. Trump ever pay the $800,000 he lost in the SLAPP suit over the woman who sued him after paying for Trump “University?”

        • AnnieGetYerFun

          I imagine that Eric’s non-profit charity for kids with cancer sent a check.

    • proudgrampa

      Trump always says he “hires the best people.”

    • sadboy

      If only journalists were as quiet and discreet as Russian hotel mattresses…

  • Mavenmaven

    It is noteworthy that a US president has to repeatedly proclaim his own “vindication” within 100 days of taking office.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      “Any man who must say, ‘I am the king’ is no true king.” — Tywin Lannister.

      • ltmcdies

        I wish Tywin Lannister was president even if meant some sort…wedding incident.

  • Martini Ambassador 🍸

    I just don’t think blustering that you’re gonna be sued by a guy who’s lawyer can’t spell “president” properly is as threatening as Donnie thinks it is.

  • goonemeritus

    Can we at least all agree that Trump is world class when it comes to impotent threatening?


      Melania thinks your sentence has an extra word.

  • Stulexington
    • Jeff Ackerman

      With a Sharpie!

  • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance
    • BigCSouthside

      I wish I could hug that blog post

    • bupkus231

      I lubs me some Rude One…

      One sentence stood out for me ( considering how many times Rump has invoked the word )

      “Vindication” apparently means “I don’t fucking care what anyone says.”

  • Sedagive ’em Hell

    Whatever Trump did to undermine the investigation into an attack by a foreign government on our democracy pales in comparison to Kathy Griffin’s dumbass photo shoot, which is the real threat to our hard-won Freedoms.

    Comedians are the enemy!!111!!!1

    • Stulexington

      Well yeah, comedians make you think, which is the biggest enemy to the Republican agenda.

      • Villago Delenda Est

        Comedy, as Steve Martin once told us, is not pretty.

    • mancityRed6

      correct spelling and punctuation, 1/10

  • gene108

    I’d love for Trump to sue. The amount of shit that can come out in a public court case would be wonderful for the American people to know what the fuck is going on with our “dear leader”.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      there’s not a chance in hell he will follow through

      • Wonder if we can dare him into it.
        Just start saying “Sue me” and taunting him
        When ya gonna sue, Dondon? When is the court date, traitorface?

        • Juan de Fuca

          Yeah, traitor Mctraitorface!

          • redarmyzombie

            Yeah, what’s the matter, traitorpants? Are your tiny baby hands too small to file a lawsuit!

    • Jimh

      I’ve got two words for you: Deposition.

      • TundraGrifter

        Isn’t that four words?

  • BadKitty904

    You might wanna save your money for your own legal defense, traitor…

    • Stulexington

      Oh but he can’t actually get an expensive lawyer. They all know he’s a deadbeat who won’t listen and won’t keep his mouth shut.

      • BadKitty904

        Old sins cast long shadows,” as my Granddad used to say.

      • kareemachan

        And the one he’s using only knows how to threaten and sue…

        • He sure doesn’t know how to spell.


            “I mante to do that!”

  • Zippy W Pinhead
    • Jo Mathie

      Brilliant. Trump’s just going to pretend that he “won” and repeat it enough times so that his idiot supporters believe it. How long before Mueller’s people nuke him with words?

  • Run2Live

    Trump has a regular pattern. When the first doesn’t work, proceed to the next level.

    Walk away

    • Whollyholeyholy

      I’ve said for years that, “I’m gonna sue you,” is the adult’s version of, “I’m telling my mom on you!”

      • Steely_Fan

        I did discipline in a tech school for years and had to deal with lots of angry parents whose little angels would never do the bad things they had obviously done. As soon as they said the words “I’m gonna call my lawyer” I would breathe a sigh of relief.

      • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

        Good thing my mom’s not in charge. She’d look up from her gin and tonic and say, “don’t involve me.” Come to think of it, the apple didn’t fall far…

    • Debbie the Unpaid Protester

      I’ve never seen the “charm” level, but the other 3 levels are spot on!

    • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

      Where is “double down” in this scenario, or does that fall under the umbrella of “bully,” which, if you think about it, is AOT,K

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Apologies if this has already been hashed/rehashed, but WaPo thinks Trump may be re-obstructing with this tactic.
    Money shot:

    “But, second,” he continued, “initiating an investigation because you don’t like somebody’s testimony could be considered obstruction. And in the whistleblower context, it’s both evidence of retaliation and, under some laws, could be an adverse retaliatory act itself.”

    • Phoenixdoglover

      Yup. I had that thought also. The investigation is ongoing. Comey is a witness, Drumpf and his minions are trying to influence and denigrate Comey. That is classic obstruction of justice.

  • Reximus
    • WotsAllThisThen

      Buckethead never concedes! He didn’t lose the vote, ’tis but a scratch!

    • UnsaltedSinner

      The Very Silly Party?

      • SeeTrain65

        Sadly, only the Slightly Silly candidate. ;)

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    Got a fiver says this was a binder full of blank pages.

    • chortlingdingo

      He does love his props, doesn’t he? Feels like an elementary school student doing show and tell.

      • SeeTrain65

        True Story: One kid in kindergarten came to school one day with a long scar on his face. He fell off a fence and an exposed piece of the fencing cut his face down one side, not deeply, but enough for it to bleed.

        His announcement for Show and Tell that day: “I got a scratch and it hurts.”

        • chortlingdingo

          Kids are amazing.

    • WotsAllThisThen

      Was the binder full of women?

    • Randy Riddle

      Binder full of women?

  • BadKitty904

    And the ACLU licks its chops…

    • kareemachan

      Reminds me – I need to donate to them again.

  • kareemachan

    Is the drumpster’s chin REALLY weird looking in that photo or what?

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      I’m riveted by the eyebrows. How does Melania allow that?

  • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance Back to the police academy with you, Lindsey.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      “You wouldn’t let his chief and only witness go through this process if you believe you really had a case to prosecute. And Mr. Mueller is a good prosecutor,” the Republican senator added.

      Uh, who says Comey’s his only witness? I mean, perhaps for this one incident (although Mueller can subpoena Trump, yes?), but I assume that there is more than incident of attempted obstruction.

    • Blackest Noobs

      hilariously Miss Lindsey is such a flip flopper…first she doesn’t support Trump now she does….remember when Republicans were sooooo gung ho about flip flopping or what us rationalists call compromising….geez…put in an imbecile full of tantrums as President..and what do you know…flip-flopping isn’t a concern no more…..OOOOOOOOOH how low Ms. Lindsey has gone.

      p.s go fuck yourself with pine cones Lindsey Graham…and of course you’re from South Carolina, a state of assholes since 1861.

  • Thorn Spike

    Those tiny. tiny thumbs. Sad!

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      Oh, wow, those really are short.

  • Bitter Scribe

    I think Trump’s problem in this case is that he doesn’t realize what happens once you fire people.

    When he “fired” people from “The Apprentice” and “The Celebrity Apprentice,” they basically disappeared. That doesn’t happen in real life. Once you fire a man, you have no control over his actions, unless he signs some sort of post-employment agreement. And when you fire him over the TV, it means there is no such agreement, meaning he can say and do anything within the law and there’s nothing you can do about it.

    This is why the presidency is harder than Trump expected. It’s forcing him to confront reality.

    • Yeah, Comey didn’t sign an NDA.

      • WotsAllThisThen

        Or a loyalty pledge.

        • JoeChristmas

          Or a fealty pledge

  • BMW
    • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

      “Nut job Comey testimony to Senate on all channels yesterday. Boring show. Bad ratings. Did not watch.” #DeletedTrumpTweets

    • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

      He actually sent a thank you tweet to Fox & Friends this morning. I assume because they swallowed (his line of bullshit).

      • PixieThis

        He likes it when they swallow; spitters are fakers.

        • Ωbjectifier

          Spit, swallow or duck I always say.

          • Mehmeisterjr

            Oddly enough, Spit, Swallow and Duck is the name of the law firm that Trump will hire after he stiffs Kasowitz.

          • James

            LOL. Perhaps he should hire the Car Talk law firm, Dewey, Cheatam, and Howe.

  • Lulu Mac

    The fact that this guy is a very rich lawyer and yet incredibly stupid make me sad.

    • Sophia


    • Cat Cafe for the Investigation

      He is rich due to complete, amoral corruption. Also he went to a third-rate University and an eighth-rate law school. He’s basically a corrupt mob lawyer. His father was a survivor. He is a shonda fur die goyim. Appalling.

  • Skokieguy [Larry]

    Comey called out five times Trumphole lied. If there are no tapes produced, then that is the sixth lie.

  • andyshelt

    Interesting snippet from the Forbes article about Trump stealing money from cancer kids.

    Here’s how Forbes reported the reaction of Trump Snr when he found out the Trump Organization wasn’t receiving any money for the use of his golf courses from Eric Trump’s Foundation.

    Trump is reported to have said, ‘I don’t care if it’s my son or not–everybody gets billed’

    Hey Donnie, your spelling is getting worse.

    I think what you actually said was “everybody gets bilked”!

    • Cat Cafe for the Investigation

      Also “I don’t care if it’s my son” is probably the truest thing he’s ever said

  • ken_kukec

    “The Valentine’s Day Massacre of James Comey’s Innocence”

    • Cat Cafe for the Investigation

      No, that Massacre was actually successful.

  • cmd resistor

    So does anyone know the process of filing the DOJ complaint? All I could find in a brief search was this form for filing a complaint against an employee with the IG. Is it like filing a bar complaint, where you send in your complaint and the first level of screening usually results in a letter saying, nope, sorry, your allegations don’t add up to anything, and if not, maybe the person is requested to respond in writing? I agree he probably won’t do it anyway. Also, a senate committee?

    • BeachBum

      I think it is like speaking to a “manager” at McDonalds. With pretty much the same results. Just what I’ve heard.

      • cmd resistor

        Sometimes you might end up with a coupon for a free burger from McDonald’s, though.

        • foreign agitator Captain Kraut

          You say that as if that’s a bad good thing.

  • Blackest Noobs

    Oh looks like Little Donny gonna settle in court…AGAIN.

  • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

    Could be worse. It could go on his Permanent Record.

  • BigCSouthside

    Can the president be legally compelled to testify under oath?

    • Skeptical_thinker

      To a grand jury? Yes. See: Bill Clinton.

    • Sophia

      Do you think that would make Donnie tell the truth? see previous lawsuits

  • Jenny

    Everyone is like release the tapes!!!

    There are no tapes between him and Comey unless the NSA was taping them.

    Trump himself doesn’t have them. Think about it, he is barely in office a month in February, and can’t even find the damn light switches. He just assumes, like with everything else, there’s already something in place, and he just hasn’t been told about it, and eventually his aides will be like oh yeah, here ya go, recordings. He has nothing but empty threats. As usual, the empty threats are working. As usual, it makes him seem more competent than he appears.

    Subpeona the “tapes” and when they don’t appear, ask him why he’s such an old, lying ass fool who sucks at his job.

    • Sophia

      What about the Obama wiretapps? Are they still in use?

    • William
      • Jenny

        No worries. The Russian spies, unlike Trump, absolutely have some great tapes on Herr Dumpsterfire.

      • I love that movie

      • SeeTrain65

        “No tapes. No tapes. You’re the tapes.”

        (Oh, Christ, even I’M tired of my own meme.)

        • Ill-Advised

          Comey has the transcription of the tapes! The Don River-of-BS speaks truth here, despite himself.

    • SadDemInTex

      No, not USA tapes….the ones the Russians installed in the Oval Office on Inauguration Day.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      Last night, Lawrence O’Donnell made a strong argument that the tapes (or tapps? I always forget how to spell words when I am following The Donald) never existed because the tête-à-tête dinner at the center of the controversy took place in the regular living quarters of the White House, not in the West Wing.

      It’s just another Trump bluff that blew up in his face like a defective, fart-infused air bag.

      • SqueakyRat

        Yeah, it was a bluff, but he was trying to bluff the public, not Comey. Comey’s already seen Donnie Two-Scoops’ cards.

  • UnsaltedSinner

    I find myself thinking more and more about that tweet where Donald hinted that there were “tapes” of their conversation. One possible interpretation is that he was lying, but thought Comey would be frightened by the possibility. But that would require that the “tapes” proved Comey to be the liar, not Trump. That seems unlikely, to put it mildly. So why did Trump think that threat would work? Stupidity, I guess. But I can’t help wondering if there actually is a recording, and that Trump is dumb enough to think that it would clear him — while Comey, being much smarter, knows that it won’t.

    • SisterArtemis

      The guy thinks his inauguration crowds were not only larger, but that there’s proof of it. He’s living in a bubble.

      • UnsaltedSinner

        Yup. And it’s not impossible that the only thing Donald really remembers from their conversation is that Comey said he wasn’t currently under investigation, which he thinks clears him of all wrongdoing.

      • Yr. Gma

        One coping mechanism of a narcissist is to create his own reality. He actually sees those zillions of adoring peeps at his inauguration, and if someone tries to point out the crowd size in Obama’s pictures, he simply discounts it as a lie. Objective reality is very uncomfortable for the narcissist, so he simply refuses to recognize it. (No, I’m not a shrink, but a few decades of liviing under the rule of a narcissist taught me a few things.)

    • azeyote

      what about the hints of other tapes that would be so much fun to see –

      • UnsaltedSinner
        • Mehmeisterjr

          Yeah, it doesn’t seem all that appetizing a prospect and anyhow, if that particular kink is your thing, you can get much better-lit pee hooker tapes from German porn companies. (Well, maybe not the under-aged pee hookers. For that, you will have to contact Predisent The Donald’s old Mafia pals. I strongly suggest that you not do that.)

          • foreign agitator Captain Kraut

            German scat porn libelz!!1!

            (Pee is for amateurs)

    • James

      If there are tapes, then Comey can get them in discovery. Moreover, the House and Senate committees investigating the administration (as well as Robert Muller) can pretty much suppose there are other tapes and subpoena those too,

      Nixon redux.

      • And if there aren’t tapes, well what does that mean for Donnie Two Scoops?

    • SqueakyRat

      I’m 99% sure there are no tapes, but that Trump tweeted to sway public opinion, not actually to threaten Comey, who after all knows the truth. Trump figures: if I pretend to threaten Comey, some people will think I really have something to threaten him with — that I can prove his statements are false — so they won’t believe him when he says things that are not nice about me. Short-sighted, sure, but this is Donnie Two-Scoops we’re talking about.

      • Cat Cafe for the Investigation

        Donnie Two-Scoops is brilliant. Definitely his name from now on.

      • TundraGrifter

        Even if there were tapes there certainly aren’t any now.

        • And congress wants em.

          • TundraGrifter

            Ashes and dust won’t tell ’em much.

    • puredog

      Yeah, it was a real head-scratcher from jump street. (Of course, I believe Comey and that Donnie Two-Scoops is a lying liar who lies, so of course I’d think that.)

    • Invidosa

      I like to think it was an actual threat against comey. As it “dude you better have not taped those conversations or I will fucking mess you up with my tiny orange yam hands!”

  • JoeChristmas

    4,000 and counting!

  • William
    • Opalescent Riddles

      And about how to prevent outside interference in our elections, ZERO TIMES.

  • William

    No matter it was still a great show. I am wondering what the closed door hearing was like, and it anything will come of it.

  • Lyly Sirivong

    He must have seen the Soviet version of the testimony.

  • SisterArtemis

    This is interesting
    How cable news networks reacted to Comey’s hearing

    Coverage of former FBI director James B. Comey’s testimony looked about the same across cable news channels. [….] But the ALL CAPS text in the bar at screen bottom differentiates networks, exposing what they want viewers to take away from the hearing. [….] These captions — also called chyrons or lower-thirds — are windows into how different networks interpret the same reality.

  • Randy Riddle

    “Of course, as CNN points out, threatening to sue then forgetting to sue is Trump’s modus operandi in life.”

    And likely describes his sex life.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      That makes for some pretty disappointed under-aged pee hookers.

      “Эта? Эта? Ты привел нас сюда, чтобы мочиться об этом?”

      • James

        Lately I’ve been getting my lesson in Russian language from Wonkette, and I have a sister-in-law that defected from the Soviet Union. Perhaps I should direct her here to ensure Russian language grammar rules are adhered to.

        • Mehmeisterjr

          I must confess that I know only a smidgen of Russian. In this case, I thought of a line that I thought was funny and put it through Google translate.

          I hope it came out something like what I intended.

          • lurch394

            Google says, “This? This? You brought us here to urinate about this?”

          • Mondoshawan

            Though it is sometimes less correct (which is entertaining in and of itself), Google is close enough on this one from Russian to English.
            Full disclosure: I am a native speaker.

  • andyshelt
    • thixotropic jerk

      Which one of these buffoons is lying?

      • andyshelt

        All of them Katie.

  • Mehmeisterjr

    AFAIK, nobody in the Justice Department has taken the legally-binding Trump Loyalty Oath which reads: “Ich schwöre: Ich werde dem Führer des Amerikanischen Russischen Reiches und Volkes Donald Drumpt treu und gehorsam sein, die Gesetze beachten, und meine Amtspflichten gewissenhaft erfüllen, so wahr mir Gott helfe.”

    This means that Jeff Sessions can still roll over on the Prednisent to save his own skin.

    I’m not sure what the legal precedent (or prednicent?) is for the Republican majority in Congress which seems to have taken the Loyalty Oath, but under the table.

    • puredog

      I think you take prednicent for an infection, but IANAD.

  • James

    Trump’s lawyer claiming Trump will sue for something (libel, has to prove it; classified information, wasn’t classified).

    If this wingnut actually launches a lawsuit, Mr. Comey gets to use the discovery process; Mr. Comey would know exactly what to ask his lawyers to look for.

    I’m happy I am invested in popcorn futures.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      It is almost funny that Trump and his mouthpiece think they could work this dumb-ass threat on Comey.

      I hope they are dumb enough to actually do it.

      • James

        Comey served as FBI Director under three presidents of both parties. I can imagine Mr. Comey welcoming such a complaint to the Justice Department (the threat was to complain to Justice, not to sue him—but Donnie Two Scoops loves to sue people so I expect that to come along shortly).

        • Mehmeisterjr

          For his own sake, Kasowitz must organize a Plan B. (For all our sakes, I hope he is as clueless as his client and has no Plan B. He already seems not to have a Plan A, so that’s promising.)

          He must surely realize, even if he saw all of those other attorneys get stiffed and he didn’t, that he will be next.

          Unless he got a $500 million retainer up front in ameros, not bitcoins or Rubles, he is screwed.

          If he is fronting costs, any costs whatsoever, he is still screwed.

          Trump will wring him dry like a dish rag and throw him away.


      Perhaps Comey’s prayers to Lordy were heard?

    • Gregory Brown

      The president of the United States has no fucking chance under libel law, no matter who holds the office.

  • “President Donald Trump’s outside attorney plans to file a complaint against former FBI Director James Comey with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.”


    • Gregory Brown

      Good catch.

  • Shibusa
    • Chris

      I’m sometimes really slow, the Daily News doesn’t like Trump?

      • Ill-Advised

        I’m sure The Daily Observer will straighten this out.

  • Paperless Tiger

    Yep, he exonerated himself. Better lawyer up though, just for the heck of it.

  • Cat Cafe for the Investigation

    “Of course we are the strongest and the best! RAF bombers can NEVER reach Berlin!”
    Followed by
    “Oh God Oh God Oh God please let us be captured by the Americans not the Russians, the Russians are doing JUST WHAT WE DID”

  • Covfefe’s Evil Twin
  • Notreelyhelping

    Discovery will be awesome.

  • puredog

    Kasowitz needs to prioritize. Doesn’t he still need to sue all those women whose pussies Donald didn’t grab? One thing at a time. Geez. I was promised those lawsuits, and I demand those lawsuits.

    • Gregory Brown

      The reason he has Kasowitz and not competent attorneys is because all the best firms the White House contacted backed away like Trump has ebola.

      • Wookie Monster

        One of them allegedly said they turned him down because, “he won’t listen and he won’t pay.”

        Littlefinger’s reputation for stiffing his hirelings comes back to bite him in the ass!

        • Gregory Brown

          It’s a beautiful thing. Frankly “he won’t listen and he won’t pay” are the two most mortal of sins, in a lawyer’s book.


    The wingnuts are toootally right!!!1

    When Trump “hoped” the Flynn Troubles™ would go away, it totally wasn’t even meant to be an order!!11!

    It was more like when someone hands over their license, along with some cash to the cop that pulled them over, saying “I hope I wasn’t speeding, officer!”

    You know, like a Normal New York City Conversation!!1

    • Or “Nice place you got here. Hope nothing bad ever happens to it…”

  • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

    let’s not forget, Comey only “leaked” this cause trump and co. WERE LYING.

    All this focus on the non-leak is ridiculous – more distraction and obfuscation.

  • TundraGrifter

    President Trump says he’s willing to testify, under oath, about his conversations with Mr. Comey.

    Doesn’t that offer undercut the contention that Mr. Comey “leaked” classified or otherwise privileged information?

    • Mehmeisterjr

      There you go again, applying logic.

      • TundraGrifter

        It’s a librul thang.

  • TundraGrifter

    “Hope is not a strategy.” ~ Old US Military saying.

  • MAZS

    So that part of Comey’s testimony Trump (mistakenly) believes exonerates him is truthful, but everything else is a lie. How convenient.

  • boll ocks

    How dare these people leak (i.e. tell the truth to the american people). They are traitors to the capitalist smegmaguzzlers that made this great country what it is today.

    • thixotropic jerk

      Make American Smegmaguzzlers Great Again!
      Yuck I just made myself sick!

  • Wookie Monster

    The joke’s on Comey! Just wait until he tries to use Jefferson Davis Beauregard Bedford Forest Sessions III as a reference.

  • Christopher Boscarino

    I love how telling the press of a conversation that you had with Trump is “Leaking” if he doesn’t want anyone to know about it. What a megalomaniac.

  • Somecallmetim

    Trump prematurely ejaculated code word level intelligence from the Israelis to the Russians.
    LOL – I thought that was cake frosting on Kislyak’s face.
    Just this once, i’m going to agree with Trump about something – the dishonesty of the press. Every account I’ve heard regarding the testimony indicates its Comey’s word against Trump’s and therefore inconclusive regarding Trump’s blatant attempt at obstruction. As if 64% of Americans and the entire rest of the world don’t know that Donald Trump is a seriously narcissistic truthaphobe. And I would really like to hear why President Dickcheese hounded Comey so much that he had to be told 3 times he wasn’t a specific target of that specific investigation at that time. If I’m not guilty of something, I want somebody to dig into it not just because I want my name cleared but also because it serves them right for suspecting me in the first place. For a guy who is almost constantly being investigated for the shit stains he leaves all over every business transaction he makes, he sure is nervous. That tells me that the whole thing is way worse than it seems.

    • Mike Steele

      Ironically, within the past 2 months at Faux News: Ailes dead, O’Reilly/Shine/Kelly/VanSusteren (sp?) gone, Shep Smith/Chris Wallace/Ralph Peters/Krauthammer/Neil Cavuto/Judge Napolitano have all called the Donald for bs. When the Politburo deserts you, it’s time to get a tea-taster.

      • Somecallmetim

        Tastes so good.

    • Ducksworthy

      Forget hacking, we’re talking an attack by a foreign enemy and the complete GOP is complicit in subversion.

      • Somecallmetim

        It would sound paranoid if it wasn’t true.

  • Jeff Mc Donald

    All this obsession with the word “leaker”. I know Freud has been largely discredited, or at least marginalized, in modern psychoanalysis… but…well. Never mind, it’s probably nothing.

  • Duchess Gummybuns

    Would somebody mail this guy a goddamned thesaurus? Hundreds of thousands of words in the English language, and our President can only come up with the word “leaker”. Is that even a real word?

    My mother-in-law had no formal education, tends goats out in the middle of nowhere in Mexico, and yet her vocabulary is more eloquent than his.

    That’s it…I’m forming my own country in my apartment.

    • SeeTrain65

      The Grand Duchy of Gummybuns will be a truly magical place.

    • M.E. Lawrence

      Plus given the possible role of leaking in certain yet-to-be released videos, I find this repetition–odd. But, then, like Jimmy Savile and other exhibitionistic predators, the Con does seem determined to out himself.

    • susan_g

      I doubt if he can even read at a normal adult level. If someone handed him a book and asked him to read out loud he would sound like Lennie Small.

  • Poly_Ester

    The reality distortion field around the Trumper is really intense.

  • SeeTrain65
  • Celtic_Gnome

    Kasowitz is doing what he’s always done for Trump, what he does as a Manhattan Real Estate lawyer dealing with legal problems. Threaten, bully obfuscate, bury them in paperwork and run up the legal fees until they go away or settle out of court to stop hemorraging money.

    I mean, it’s worked fine up to now.

    • MyLovelyNose

      The crook at the helm of the nation
      Can’t get legal representation
      He does have a shark
      Named Kasowitz, Mark
      But this ain’t divorce litigation!

      • Ill-Advised

        Hah, I bet it IS divorce litigation. Of a sort.

  • phoenix00

    Which is The True Scotsman again? Obama?

  • MyLovelyNose

    His hair has gotten more orange. Maybe it’s a Tammy Faye Bakker-kinda thing.

  • Ill-Advised

    My first thought this morning was that James Comey had a bigger audience on Thursday than Trump had on the Mall at Inauguration.

    I may need coffee.

  • M.E. Lawrence

    Meanwhile, the NYT kindly supplies us with material for a combined Bullshit Bingo and drinking game.

    Think of the wonderful drunken watch parties one could host during the next round of testimony, whether it’s from Comey, cowed White House satellites, Rethug campaign “advisors,” or the whiny little bitch himself.

    • Chris

      Thank you for the article, I bookmarked it.

    • Ducksworthy

      Subversion: The Board Game

    • Raan

      It’s like Treason Mad Libs!

  • churl

    If had moved on Comey with Tic-Tacs and grabbed him by the pussy, everything would be coming up turnips in tRumpland.

  • Newzheimer

    My $.02: Comey very carefully laid a perjury trap Thursday morning and that vulgar talking yam walked right into it. Comey was a prosecutor and knows how this stuff works.

    The yam, OTOH, is a blowhard and a bully and not very bright. His lawyer (not a criminal attorney–he couldn’t find one willing to work for him) is in over his head and has no idea how to control his client. The yam wants to testify, under oath. Has no idea what Comey might have said in closed session, or what Mueller and his team have or are assembling.

    But go on with your bad self, Yam. Your time is coming. I only hope we have a country after all of this.

  • SmotPoker

    When it comes, it will be glorious. Unlike anything we’ve experienced thus far in America.

    Him, his family, and his Republican enablers should all hang for treason.

  • Johnny Appleseed

    Comey “Leaker” or “Whistleblower”?

    Carl Bernstein says Trump has been a serial leaker his whole life. Trump shouldn’t have gone there.

  • Ducksworthy

    Forget the “leaks”. We’re looking a subversion of our democracy at the very least and probably treason in the highest levels of government. At long last sir, are there no Joe McCarthy’s left?

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