The Battle Won by Erwin Rommel in 1987
The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale is airbrushed out of the conventional history books and mainstream media. Yet, the engagement was Africa’s biggest clash since El Alamein that took place in July 1942.
From the 1960s Europe’s African colonies were transferred to the control of the U.S based globalist banking elite. Blackmailed by the threat of sanctions, civil insurrection and disconnection from investment resources, Europe’s African colonies were reassigned to supposedly black rule.
Not all went quietly: To differing degrees there was fierce resistance to Europe’s abdication, especially from White Africans. Portuguese Mozambique and Angola were no exceptions. These stable and prosperous colonies suffered Washington DC and Moscow backed terrorism that was applied to force their capitulation.
Anti-globalist conflicts that occurred throughout most of Africa’s 54 nations acted as a magnet for European servicemen, many of whom had been former foes. These included regular and irregular troops and mostly European mercenaries lured by the promise of adventure, high fees and the promise of free land.
Opposed to them was Soviet-backed Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, much praised by the West’s pro-Soviet media. The bearded revolutionary was chosen by the Kremlin to teach Angola’s rebellious Portuguese community a bayonet-sharp lesson. Whilst the world was distracted by the theatrical Cold War in Europe, Washington DC and Moscow worked together to affect the transfer of power from Portuguese to black rule. Their ‘majority rule’ insurrectionists were no more than dogs of war armed and paid by the globalist banking elite.
During this transfer of power terrorism was endemic and entirely Washington and Moscow sourced. Angola’s Portuguese communities, abandoned by their mother country, waged a brave but futile struggle for their place in the affairs of the transferred government.
Most of the thousands of African terrorist outrages committed against Portuguese and African communities went unreported by controlled western media.
The Angola Battle of Cuito Cuanavale was waged on an unprecedented scale but scarcely made the news. Primarily, the blackout was because the Cuito Cuanavale airfield skirmish was a setback and a humiliation for the globalists.
The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale (1987 – 1988) was pivotal in the outcome of the colonial transfer wars. During the battle there were several skirmishes in which prisoners were not taken. On the one side were the Cuban-backed Moscow armed and Washington supported Peoples Armed Forces of Liberation of Angola (FAPLA). In the opposite corner was the National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) supported by the South African Defence Force (SADF).
South Africa, responsible for the former German protectorate seized by the British as a prize of war in 1915, shared a border with Angola. If the Communist insurgents were to succeed, Moscow backed by Washington DC would be free to attack South Africa from the West. The South Africans were caught up in a defensive war.
As the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale commenced the odds were not in favour of the South African and Portuguese defenders. The heavily armed forces of FAPLA were 50,000 strong. These troops were heavily supported by well-armed and supplied Communist mercenaries and Cuban troops. As battle commenced there was also a heavy presence of Soviet Red Army officers. These ‘advisers’ were on hand to orchestrate the crushing defeat of the ‘upstart Portuguese colonists and their African allies’.
Such was the disparity of numbers and military hardware the battle should have been a walk in the park for the Communist forces. Ludicrously, South Africa’s African National Council (ANC) still celebrates the struggle as if it was their victory. It should have been a victory as the 3,000 mostly SADF defenders were hardly enough to fill the spectator stands of a school’s playing fields. This said, the resolve of the outnumbered SADF, their firepower, fighting spirit and esprit de corps, wrought havoc on their Communist foes.
The term havoc is perhaps an understatement. One searches in vain for a word that better describes the cutting down of 4,600 Muscovite mercenaries. Pity those delegated to do the body count; a rewarding but otherwise time-consuming task.
During the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale the South African Defence Forces lost 31 men killed. Also lost were three tanks, five armoured vehicles and three aircraft.
On the opposing side, in addition to the 4,600 troops scythed down, the Communists lost 94 T-62 tanks, 23 rocket launchers, 100 armoured vehicles, and nine strike aircraft filched from the Warsaw Pact Soviet colonies. The Communists, much to the dismay of western hacks, also lost an estimated 1 billion South African Rands in Soviet supplied equipment. Wikipedia downplays the losses suffered by the Soviet regime and their allies.
As an interesting aside the tactics employed by the triumphant South African Defence Forces were based on tactics inspired by Reich Commander Erwin Rommel. The strategy adopted was that inspired by World War II German Field Marshall when the Afrika Korps crushed the British forces at Gazala in the Western desert.
Renegade Editor’s Note: I searched for good documentaries on this battle, but found them lacking. I turned up one from the BBC that predictably was filled with pro-Cuba and anti-White bias. The following video is the best I could find in terms of actual footage and reporting the developments in the battle, but it is done by an amateur, so you may need to pause to read the text.
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6 Comments on "The Battle Won by Erwin Rommel in 1987"
Very interesting. Another reason I hate hearing defeatism from people supposedly in our ranks. How many times do we need to prove Aryans perform with excellence when outnumbered?
The video does not cover the soviet migs flying over Namibian airspace, which freaked out the SADF. Nobody one in this battle.