When talking about the Troubles, I think pretty much everyone awareof the conflict can name the IRA as one of the participants, but probably a majority couln’t name a militant group on the unionist side, despite them also killing a lot of people. This didn’t happen by accident.
also the fact that loyalist terrorists killed substantially more civilians than the IRA did, more civilians than the IRA and the British Army put together actually. 85.4% of the people killed by loyalists were just ordinary people - that’s what they are all about, so it’s far closer to what people commonly understand as ‘terrorism’
why is the IRA well known only because they have more than double the killings than the three next loyalist forces combined? :\ why don’t we focus on instead on the UVF which killed as much total as the IRA killed their own guys?
really makes you think
also, and possibly more fucked up: both loyalists and republicans killed more of their own forces than the other forces
class-struggle-anarchism, I assume you’re an anprim because you clearly can’t count