Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World

Anonymous asked:

What is your criteria for the "tragic backstory" tag? You seem to have tagged a bunch of stuff there recently that, to be frank, seems like just "slice-of-life nowstory" (eg "wtf is fetlife about" (answer: f) and the crush ask meme).

“tragic backstory” is my slice-of-life tag. It used to be me talking about myself in the past tense, and most of the things I was talking about were pretty shitty experiences, but it gradually morphed into a tag for talking about life in general.

I’m starting to wonder if I should put up an FAQ that explains my tags, because “tragic backstory” and “is this nsfw?” are both tags I’ve had to explain at least five times on this blog, and some other tags have also gotten high numbers of explanations. Unfortunately, I post a fuckton, so I would not be surprised if people tend to miss things like that. IDK whether an FAQ is worth my effort, though.

  1. serinemolecule said: FAQs are fun to write even if no one reads them! Just don’t expect anyone to read them.
  2. not-a-lizard said: Unclear whether people would think to look for an FAQ for tag explanations. Unless you added a “look at FAQ for tag explanations” tag to posts with recurring tags?
  3. sinesalvatorem posted this