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Reason why COD:WWII is alternate history SJW trash

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  3. Reason why COD:WWII is alternate history SJW trash

User Info: buggins1974

5 hours ago#1

Boycott these pandering c%nts.
They do say that verbal insults hurt more than physical pain. They are of course wrong, as you will soon discover when I stick this toasting fork in your head.

User Info: MrAntike184

5 hours ago#2
This is going to be good.
*whispers in your ear* It's free real estate

User Info: TheCyborgNinja

5 hours ago#3
Honestly, if I had a time machine I'd make damn sure SJWs didn't happen. I don't care who I'd have to empower with future tech to ensure this.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888

User Info: BaldursGate

5 hours ago#4
Anita visits Sledgehammer games.

buggins1974 "This is an outrage! Boycott CoD and if you don't, then you're a SJW and a fascist!"

Normal person "Who cares?"
The Moderators on this site are a joke.

User Info: MH_sief

5 hours ago#5
So they're going to create a factory stage where you play as a woman making tank shells? I'm confused about the inclusiveness...

User Info: Kenaue

5 hours ago#6
Jesus Christ users on this board are f***ing dumb.
Playing: TLoZ:BotW (Switch), Persona 5 (PS4), KHIIFM (PS4)

User Info: Kyrylo

5 hours ago#7
*sigh* I just hope most devs shut door before her nose.
I needed to get to my unhappy place.

User Info: scaler24

5 hours ago#8
I'm all for women representation, but having female soldiers in WWII is pretty f***ing stupid and historically inaccurate.
"Anything that comes out of Annie that you try and spread on toast just gets you arrested"
PSN: LightningLoops - LoL(LAN): Scaler

User Info: TheCyborgNinja

5 hours ago#9
scaler24 posted...
I'm all for women representation, but having female soldiers in WWII is pretty f***ing stupid and historically inaccurate.

This. My grandma was a nurse. Show that.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
(message deleted)
  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. Reason why COD:WWII is alternate history SJW trash

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