I am so sick of hypocrites tearing down Robert E. Lee statues and then giving sanctimonious speeches about the “evils” confederate symbols represent while standing in front of a fucking american flag of all things!
They have their Lincoln Statue, tribute to Wilson, LBJ, FDR, and Truman meanwhile. All criminals and swindlers. Sad!
Many such cases!
we have a huge monument of Washington in the public garden in Boston. Washington who was the wealthiest man in America because he owned so many slaves. The man who harvested teeth from his slaves for his own use. The man known as Conotocaurious (Town Destroyer) by the Iroquois because he sacked dozens of their villages during the Revolutionary War so he could feed his army.
We also have a statue of Columbus.
i’d love to see the liberals rally to take down these monuments to genocidal tyrants. but they won’t.
not to mention the JFK library. the man who committed one of the greatest terrorist acts of this century in Vietnam.
the Columbus stuff is mainly for the sake of Italian-Americans who have historically suffered a great deal of persecution in the United States, to the level where, like, someone could make incredibly racist comments, get under fire, explain that they meant Italian-Americans and not black people for example, and get completely scot free, but okay
What readings have you come across that lead you to believe we keep Columbus statues and holidays because of prior Italian American oppression? Also, why would the celebration of Italian history on Columbus day rationalize celebrating a sort of symbol of genocide and another races oppression?
1) the fact that Columbus Day has been observed mainly by Italian-Americans as a celebration of their heritage outside of significant anniversary dates and has only become an official celebration after decades of lobbying by the very same
2) obviously you are familiar with the whole process of turning people into symbols. The process of so doing creates a model that is nonetheless self-consistent, such as Albert Einstein or Winston Churchill going around making snarky quips all the time but a specific form of snarky quips each, and these models are both malleable and often not mutually exclusive. In that sense, we can quite literally separate the good from the bad.
Thus, the Columbus venerated by Italo-Americans is an incarnation of the Age of Exploration and the most significant impact Italian-Americans have left on the United States rather than a genocidal torture-happy dictator.
Note that the Lee statue is a reverse process: Lee was a generic man of his time, not particularly enlightened, not personally whipping his slaves as commonly stated; however, the Lee model in New Orleans is an incarnation of the Lost Cause and white supremacy.