Unlikely. First, it is expensive, they are huge. Second, it is dangerous (anti)pirate territory I am not familiar with.
They are indexed by both (althought there are some bugs as the timestamp in the Google Cache header uses too many formats and languages that I do not support all of them correctly)
Hm. Maybe by using a card witch is going to expire within the year?
The only blocked IP range to date was one of bingbot
It is consistent.
The problem is the part starting from # is not send from your browser to myserver, so # is the only char to be escaped. You could escape more using usual functions urlescape() or urlencode(), all of them will escape # (some other chars too, that should be harmless)
What do you mean?
Hm, I never though what is twitter’s timezone.
Now it seems to be UTC-7, so 9:55 AM should be 16:55:xx UTC