so today marks the one year anniversary of the pulse shooting. this time last year i was in japan staying at a hotel in kyoto i believe. you would think that i would hear about it on social media first but that night we went to our rooms, turned on the tv, and there it was on the news. of course it was in japanese so we didnt understand all of it. my friends japanese was much better than mine and they said that there had been a shooting in orlando but thats all they could get out of it.
we didnt think much of it at the time because i mean shootings happen all the time in america right ? maybe we should have tried to listen more about what happened since it wasnt just a regular shooting if they were airing it on japan news, but we set it aside and went to bed.
the next day we packed ourselves into a car to head to our next destination. it was in that car ride that another friend shared the news that not only was there a shooting in orlando, it was at a gay club and it was the deadliest mass shooting in american history with almost fifty dead.
now, almost all of us on the trip were a part of the LGBT community. i loved the hell out of that trip not only because i got to see many parts of japan, but i did so with friends who let me be myself and called me by my actual pronouns. so, hearing this, it was like the air in the car went still. the friend who shared the news started crying, one or two others following suit.
i stared out the window and wondered why this kept happening. that year was the year after gay marriage was passed for the us. i thought we might be over things like this, but as it turned out, we were far from being safe.
it was a somber car ride tho we tried to shake it off to enjoy the rest of our trip. but it was always there in the back of our minds. the trip wasnt tainted because of the news, but it does serve to be one of the more vivid memories i have of it
this kid that sits next to me in math class said to me today, “you’re my favorite person at this table because u don’t talk to anyone and u just sit there” and I said “ I don’t know how to respond to that” and he replied with “that’s because u don’t talk”
sakaki yuuya leading his army of pan trans zaizen aoi s into battle to fight all the homophobes and terfs in our month of june
it started with ‘’dark shadow cries almost as much as izuku’’ and escalated from there. the shortest and fluffiest friends.
- the queer power couple
- the bookish ace
- the bi dude
- Bojack Transman
- the girl who's passionate about girls
- the Gay Pisces
- the babadook
(tag yourself)