Foreign Labor Certification Data Center
Wages for the July 2016 - June 2017 program year available now and effective July 1, 2016.
The Foreign Labor Certification Data Center is the location of the Online Wage Library
for prevailing wage determinations.
Online Wage Library
FLC Wage Search Wizard
FLC Wage Quick Search
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Disclosure Data
The Office of Foreign Labor Certification releases program disclosure data on
a quarterly basis on their OFLC Case Disclosure Data page.
Data for program years 2008 and newer can be accessed there.
Archived Foreign Labor Certification (FLC) disclosure data are available for the Permanent,
H-1B, H-2A and H-2B programs.
FLC Case Data
News and Updates!
2016 - 2017 Wage Data Updated.
Wage data for the July 2016 - June 2017 program year is now available. The effective
date is 7/01/2016.
Keyword Search Updated.
Keyword search functionality expanded to include lay-titles and related occupations.
FLCDataCenter FAQ Updated.
Have you ever wondered how to determine the right skill level, what happend to that
occupation you used to use but can't find now, or why the wages for barristas went
up 20 percent in Laramie, Wyoming but went down 20 percent in Denver, Colorado?