全 57 件のコメント

[–]Prolixin [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Males have a serious lack of empathy, especially for women who they don't even view as people. They abuse, rape and then murder us for their own amusement. How can you say males are as empathetic as women? There have been studies done on this, males simply lack empathy. Men are trash.

[–]flapyourwings [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The character of my overall experience with men, the actions and words and attitudes of men as a global class, and the messages we get from men themselves under patriarchy all point to men being trash. Their rumored and often demonstrated violent sociopathy is used as encouragement to keep women from fighting back against patriarchy.

But then, like any narcissistic sickness, as soon as you point this out, you're immediately gaslighted and browbeaten about how wrong you are. Only other men are allowed to think, much less express, that men are trash.

[–]wavfem [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I mean feminism is just about the only position that asserts than men are not trash, essentially. We don't think it is essential or innate that they should rape and murder and exploit and treat us as less than human. We think that they would be perfectly alright in a world win which they did not oppress women. It's everyone else who thinks that any movement towards liberation for women somehow hurts men, implying that men are all violent and cruel, that they simply need to oppress and exploit.

But I have no problem with anyone saying "men are trash". It's a buncha males in here who decided to pick apart each of your examples and provide reasons for why each is ok loll. Pretty fucking garbage imo.

[–]MoveslikeQuaggerI was born into the transness [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

As an individual whose hormone levels were formerly in the male range, and are now in the female range - and who used to be known as a guy and is now generally known as a girl - I'd actually like to comment on a couple of these things from my perspective.

I occasionally see really troubling things. I have been seeing more and more of them as late, probably because I have recently befriended three men, whereas I didn't have any male friends before.

Hearing these sorts of things was pretty common back when my male friends included me in that ingroup. Having not been particularly exposed to feminist ideals or gender-based discrimination, very little of it particularly stood out as demeaning or dangerous, until I looked back on it years later and realized what was going on. I imagine most people who say these things don't have a firm understanding on why they are bad, or that they're even bad to begin with. And yes, a lot of that is self-perpetuated by not taking women seriously when these issues are brought up.

A lot of them have never been a part of any group disparaged in this way on a day-to-day basis, and as such there's just no perspective on what's happening outside of the superiority bubble.

  • "unlike women, it is torture for a man to live without sex"

An exaggeration, to be sure, but my sex drive was certainly higher and more painful to not succumb to back when I was at male testosterone levels. Also perpetuation of the myth that women generally don't want sex.

  • "if a man sees a sexy woman, it is very hard for him to control himself"

An excuse, based on the whole sex drive difference thing and latent objectification of women.

  • "men think about sex all the time"

Extremely accurate both to my pre-HRT experience and apparent experiences of my guy friends, albeit perhaps out of context. High sex drive -> more thinking about sex, whether you want to or not. I don't think this is necessarily a negative thing, regardless.

  • "men can only learn over time whether or not a woman's feelings are rational"

Any individual can only learn over time whether or not another individual's feelings are rational. Not that this always matters anyway. Regardless, framing it as a question of unequal gender experience is sexist inversion of the truth - again, perpetuated by the common mythos of women being driven by feelings and unable to perceive logic like men can, yadda yadda

  • "men have very good reasons to beat their annoying wives, even if he shouldn't do it"

Fucking hell, what? That's fucked up and I have no excuse for people who think this. Getting to this viewpoint absolutely requires seeing women as objects, or lessers, and a wife as a trophy accomplishment to accompany the beautiful and superior man-life. Ugh.

  • "testosterone makes you incredibly angry and aggressive, you wouldn't understand"

No, testosterone just gives that anger and aggression a better-tooled body to come out with. If men are more aggressive on the basis of testosterone specifically, then it is as an end result of the physical effects testosterone has on the body - studier bones, thicker muscles and skin, better fat metabolism - which then leads to greater confidence or ego in terms of physical prowess, thus allowing anger to come out more violently.

What really makes most people angry and aggressive is a percieved slight. I would not be surprised if men were more likely to feel slighted in a given situation than women were, especially if the situation involved gender or sex differences in any way - girls are more likely to expect the short end and boys the better deal, because that's how things have generally been set up in their pasts. This leads to relationships where the woman is expected, on some level, to be submissive to the man, and if there's any place the two are even - like, for example, when they are both annoying eachother in equal measure - the man will have expected the upper hand in the engagement and, not having it, feel slighted.

This is a problem with how our society works, not with any physical reality of the body or mind. An excuse, not a reason.

I often see men talking about how they despise being treated as potential abusers, as potential rapists. They hate being described by blanket statements like "all men are rapists" or "all men are trash". If men are not as bad as some men say they are, why don't I ever see any men speaking out against these terrible things being said?

Peer pressure, the appeal of conformity, fear of rejection. Plenty of people in plenty of situations fail to stand up for their beliefs if they think it'll end badly for them, or if it contradicts a popular opinion. This is especially true for those who, in this example, would never, EVER physically harm a woman, but fail to see how degrading some of the things are that other men are saying.

"#Notallmen" is not the answer; I cannot know which man is a violent sex-crazed sociopath and who isn't.

I cannot know which middle-eastern-looking individual is a violent islamic extremist suicide bomber and who isn't, and yet I think most Muslims are inherently good people.

I cannot know which burnt-necked MAGA-hatted individual is going to try to hurt or intimidate me and my SO because we look too queer, but I still think most of them are inherently good people.

I think most PEOPLE are good people. I cannot know which of them are going to affect my life or that of someone dear to me in a negative way, but that doesn't cause me to think people as a whole are a bad bunch.

[–]just_lesbian_thingstransphobic organ-fetishist[S] [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Extremely accurate both to my pre-HRT experience and apparent experiences of my guy friends, albeit perhaps out of context. High sex drive -> more thinking about sex, whether you want to or not. I don't think this is necessarily a negative thing, regardless.

Sounds like an obsession. You know, I've never understood how men can claim to be super rational while at the same time super sex-obsessed. Does one not interfere with the other?

but that doesn't cause me to think people as a whole are a bad bunch.

I guess the difference is, most Muslims denounce ISIS/extremists/suicide bombers and I... don't think MAGAs are good people (I'm not alone in this). Maybe if I start meeting Muslims who say "all Muslims want to slay infidels in the name of Allah, PBUH", I might feel differently (most Muslims I meet don't talk about their religion unless specifically asked). I also think men are inherently good, but I feel like many men aren't doing enough to denounce and stomp out unsavory statements such as these. As you yourself have mentioned, many men do not see the problem with these statements.

[–]MoveslikeQuaggerI was born into the transness [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

You know, I've never understood how men can claim to be super rational while at the same time super sex-obsessed. Does one not interfere with the other?

You know the whole "men have two brains" thing? I'm pretty sure that's the idea behind justifying this paradox.

I guess the difference is, most Muslims denounce ISIS/extremists/suicide bombers

Hmm, I hadn't considered the difference here.

And I... don't think MAGAs are good people (I'm not alone in this).

I... Can't say i blame you, but my view is that people of dangerous political extremes, ESPECIALLY something like the MAGA faction or WBC-types are in large part deceived into becoming part of it. I suppose this then brings forth the question of whether it even matters whether someone is inherently bad, or has been misguided into bad behaviour, especially from the point of view of their victims. This is something I'll be thinking on a lot now, I think.

I also think men are inherently good, but I feel like many men aren't doing enough to denounce and stomp out unsavory statements such as these. As you yourself have mentioned, many men do not see the problem with these statements.

Can you blame them for doing nothing about it, when they've never had reason to realize how bad this stuff can be to begin with? I mean, I see a bee flitting around, I'm not going to smack it down until I'm either directly told someone near me has a fatal allergy or discover that I have that allergy. I might not even realize on a conscious level that there's even a possibility the bee might be dangerous. Now, from our perspective in this analogy we realize that half of the population has a bee allergy and that obviously the thing needs to be kept the hell away.

[–]just_lesbian_thingstransphobic organ-fetishist[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

You know the whole "men have two brains" thing?

That's amazing. I wish they taught that in biology class. I'd love to know more.

whether it even matters whether someone is inherently bad, or has been misguided into bad behaviour, especially from the point of view of their victims

It doesn't, imo. But yeah, take your time. I'm happy for you that you've never had to think about this until now.

Can you blame them for doing nothing about it, when they've never had reason to realize how bad this stuff can be to begin with?

Yes I can. I assume men are good, empathetic, kind people, remember? Good, empathetic, kind people can empathize with the struggles of others. They are considerate towards other people and can see when they are perpetuating dangerous and violent rhetoric.

[–]MoveslikeQuaggerI was born into the transness [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You know the whole "men have two brains" thing?

That's amazing. I wish they taught that in biology class. I'd love to know more.

The "joke" is something along the lines of thinking with your genitals, rather than your actual brain. Again, excuses.

whether it even matters whether someone is inherently bad, or has been misguided into bad behaviour, especially from the point of view of their victims

It doesn't, imo. But yeah, take your time. I'm happy for you that you've never had to think about this until now.

It's generally not necessary to think about whether someone is inherently bad - only whether they are bad at all. And yes, I have absolutely had to think about the latter.

Can you blame them for doing nothing about it, when they've never had reason to realize how bad this stuff can be to begin with?

Yes I can. I assume men are good, empathetic, kind people, remember? Good, empathetic, kind people can empathize with the struggles of others. They are considerate towards other people and can see when they are perpetuating dangerous and violent rhetoric.

I thought we were talking about those who fail to oppose harmful rhetoric, rather than those who actively perpetuate it (who I don't think I could ever argue were "the good ones"). It's possible to be empathetic and considerate, but not realize what exactly needs to be considered or empathised with. Even if someone tells you they have a bee allergy, you might be somewhat skeptical if you've never heard of that before, and think they were either being overly fearful or trying to mess with you. This especially can be the case when those with the allergy are told from a young age to deal with it and not bother people about it.

[–]Watches_watches [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

What? No. Of course not. This is a stupid post.

[–]just_lesbian_thingstransphobic organ-fetishist[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This is a stupid post.

Is it? Didn't seem like you read anything past the title. Which part is stupid, exactly? I'm always looking to improve.

[–]GCxQTOTP [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If half of you is saying "yes all men" while the other half is saying "not me", then I'd have to think both parties are lying to hold my original belief that the vast majority of men are inherently good, empathetic non-rapists.

I honestly feel like it's naive to think that the vast majority of any group is inherently good, and it's naive to think that any man can't be a rapist just because he seems like a good man from what little you know of him. This is about your safety, you aren't really hurting individual men by putting your guard up and being realistic about the fact that many of them ARE violent, sociopathic rapists.

About those specific phrases, yeah those guys are trash, and the men who allow them to say those things are cowards. And I've been in plenty of "activist" groups where both men and women who are supposedly hardcore feminists are cowards about this too, and yeah I get it's not really our responsibility to police men when they should be policing each other, but still. It just goes to show that even the people who believe the same things as you and have the same frustrations, can't really be trusted to follow through when shit happens. And that's not even because they're as bad as the men who they enable or anything, it just says that they're afraid. It's frustrating, and I'm not sure there's really a solution as long as people's actions don't reflect their ideals.

All you can really do is make sure you protect yourself, which I get is kinda shitty because yeah you're not "solving" anything, but you don't need to solve men's problems for them. It's emotional labor that you're expected to carry out, but you don't have to. You just need to make sure you're okay. They can solve their own problems if they really feel bad about how other men act and how that reflects on them. And it's kind of a shitty situation, because in a perfect world we wouldn't need to focus so much on protecting ourselves, and we would be able to overextend and educate people and do everything else we want to do. But we can't really afford to do that right now, we'll burn out if we try. So just take care of yourself, be aware of how the majority of men are gonna be, but try not to let it keep you up at night or change how you feel about the individual men who you care about. Stay strong.

[–]EielliotEmpathy is everything [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Tl;dr : #TooManyMenForAnyoneToIgnore #SomeMenAreTolerable #NeverAgain

I have a hard time with trusting my back to most men. The ones who gain the ability to be near me and see my back have either demonstrated their support or are in in a community where acting like an ass is intolerable and comes with severe non-judicial consequences. Every other man stays in line of sight.

There are ways the trust gets invalidated. Easiest is when the man is a father of daughters, is married to a woman, or proclaims a strong relationship with his mother and says something vile. Report of abuse from others is another sure way for me to keep him in line of sight.

There are few individuals who happen to be men that I trust. I'd feel comfortable saying "men are trash", knowing that there are caveats to the saying.

[–]just_lesbian_thingstransphobic organ-fetishist[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

This is... not very reassuring.

[–]EielliotEmpathy is everything [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm not sure if it's better or worse that my brother is one of those who doesn't see my back.

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (32子コメント)

I thought it might be worth addressing each of your example statements.

"unlike women, it is torture for a man to live without sex"

Second part is pretty true, not sure about the first. It's probably not just sex, though, but actual relationships.

"if a man sees a sexy woman, it is very hard for him to control himself"

Not true (perhaps with the exception of some men with courtship disorders).

"men think about sex all the time"

I don't think this is true, but I could be generalizing my experiences to others that they don't apply to.

"men can only learn over time whether or not a woman's feelings are rational"

I can't say in this case, because my experiences are very atypical.

"men have very good reasons to beat their annoying wives, even if he shouldn't do it"

This might be a class thing? Not sure.

"testosterone makes you incredibly angry and aggressive, you wouldn't understand"

There's not a big enough sex difference in average aggression to justify their viewpoint.

(Yes, ridiculously many of the most scary and violent people are men, but that's because a small difference in averages leads to a big difference at the tails.)

On a tangential note, one intuition that might be worth thinking about is the idea of "greater male variance". The theory assert that men "vary more" in a lot of traits than women do.

(There are multiple proposed mechanisms for this. One is that evolutionary factors have caused men to evolve this greater variance, but I think instead it is because men usually have less genetic redundancy due to having a Y chromosome instead of another X in a pair.)

According to this theory, there should be more men who are trash, but also more who are great, than women.

While this may not be the driving factor in every case, or maybe not even in most cases, it can be useful to remember that you need to look at both tails (or just ignore the tails and go for the modes) of the distribution.

(My understanding is that on women's rights issues, it's actually the other way around; e.g. women tend to be both the strongest proponents and the strongest opponents of abortion.)

[–]just_lesbian_thingstransphobic organ-fetishist[S] [スコア非表示]  (31子コメント)

Second part is pretty true, not sure about the first. It's probably not just sex, though, but actual relationships.

Sounds really unhealthy to be tortured if not in a sexual relationship. They should learn to be more independent. By "they" I mean the men in your hypothetical.

but also more who are great

Great how? We are talking about whether or not men are sociopathic, dangerous individuals. I believe no, some men have told me yes. Either they are or they aren't. Am I supposed to feel unsafe in the presence of men? (Note: If they are as sociopathic, violent, and sex-obsessed as some men say they are in the aforementioned bullet point statements, I should definitely fear for my safety. If you do not understand how aforementioned bullet point statements could present a risk to my safety, feel free to ask.)

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (30子コメント)

Sounds really unhealthy to be tortured if not in a sexual relationship. They should learn to be more independent. By "they" I mean the men in your hypothetical.

I see no reason to believe it can be unlearned.

Great how? We are talking about whether or not men are sociopathic, dangerous individuals. I believe no, some men have told me yes. Either they are or they aren't. Am I supposed to feel unsafe in the presence of men? (Note: If they are as sociopathic, violent, and sex-obsessed as some men say they are in the aforementioned bullet point statements, I should definitely fear for my safety. If you do not understand how aforementioned bullet point statements could present a risk to my safety, feel free to ask.)

There's a distribution of personality traits for men and for women. The greater male variance theory asserts that this distribution is more "spread out" for men. As a result, you will see more men with rare personality traits, regardless of whether those rare personality traits are positive or negative.

Under the "greater male variance" theory, you can't make a general rule about "men are like X and women are like Y", though. It doesn't assert that men and women differ in specific ways, it just asserts that men are more different in general.

[–]just_lesbian_thingstransphobic organ-fetishist[S] [スコア非表示]  (29子コメント)

I see no reason to believe it can be unlearned.

I should hope it can be. People who are tortured will do anything to stop that torture, whether it be sexual harassment, rape, or murder. Women will never be free from dehumanization, violence and oppression for as long as men find it torturous to be without our sexual company.

There's a distribution of personal

I know, I was wondering what bearing it had on this discussion, the "positive" personality traits. I just want to know if I should feel unsafe or not.

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (27子コメント)

I should hope it can be. People who are tortured will do anything to stop that torture, whether it be sexual harassment, rape, or murder. Women will never be free from dehumanization, violence and oppression for as long as men find it torturous to be without our sexual company.

The alternative would be for feminists to provide useful resources for men on how to find partners. It's probably not great that all the resources are written by misogynists.

Also, I guess "torture" might be a strong word; it's probably more accurate to describe it as "intense suffering". Most who experience it are not going to do literally "anything" to stop it, because they're decent people.

I know, I was wondering what bearing it had on this discussion, the "positive" personality traits. I just want to know if I should feel unsafe or not.

Realistically, whether you should feel unsafe probably depends on a lot of things, such as your socio-economic class. There are factors which systematically affect which kinds of men you come into contact with, and any realistic risk calculation should take them into account.

[–]BoozeBabe [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

And when all the dating advice in the world doesn't make a man attractive, is it women's fault for not coming up with a magic cure for being unappealing? Are we responsible for fucking them to end their torture if we're not able to convince some other woman to do it?

I don't understand how you don't see how hugely problematic your placing the burden of men's sexual release on women is.

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

And when all the dating advice in the world doesn't make a man attractive, is it women's fault for not coming up with a magic cure for being unappealing?

There are cures for being unappealing. The problem is that they also make you a misogynist rapey asshole. That's the solution redpillers have come up with, and it probably works.

If the only way to be appealing to women is to be a misogynist rapey asshole, then that is a problem, but I doubt this is the case. More likely, redpillers include various personal-improvement strategies in their misogyny, and those strategies are what performs the actual work.

Are we responsible for fucking them to end their torture if we're not able to convince some other woman to do it?

No. I've never suggested that, and I've said multiple times downthread that I don't advocate this.

[–]PurpleStripe [スコア非表示]  (19子コメント)

The alternative would be for feminists to provide useful resources for men on how to find partners.

You're right, do you have any idea? Maybe we should groom a category of women to be used as sex toys? Teach them young so that they will enjoy being that? So that the horrific torture of not getting laid would end for the brave men who have to endure it. My heart goes to them.

Jesus fucking Christ!

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (18子コメント)

That's... not what I proposed.

What the fuck is wrong with you when you misread my comment that badly?

[–]PurpleStripe [スコア非表示]  (17子コメント)

What the fuck is wrong with me? For using sarcasm?

You said that women should make sure that men get laid! And you were serious! How do you want us to do it? Let's hear your brilliant idea.

EDIT: Oh, and not only you said that women should make sure men get laid, you also pointed out that not getting laid is basically a torture, implying that "any means necessary" should be used to stop that atrocity.

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

EDIT: Oh, and not only you said that women should make sure men get laid, you also pointed out that not getting laid is basically a torture, implying that "any means necessary" should be used to stop that atrocity.

I did not imply anything that could be interpreted as "we should groom a category of women to be used as sex toys".

(Also, when I wrote "It's probably not just sex, though, but actual relationships.", my point was that making sex more available wouldn't solve the problem.)

[–]PurpleStripe [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Making "sex more available" (ugh) implies that the women who have turned these people down should be in some way convinced to give these men another chance and/or convinced to just go on with sex/relationship for the men' s own good. What if they don't want to? What if, despite the great tips you have written down in your past comment, the number of women who turn these men down stays the same? What would happen then? What would happen if not getting laid would still be a torture, but women would still refuse to have sex with them despite the new and improved ways?

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

Men who can't get laid are obviously going to attempt to learn how to get laid. As /u/just_lesbian_things pointed out, the standard resources available for that are quite rapey. However, she linked to an example of a resource that's not rapey, and if lonely men start using such resources then it'd divert them away from the rapey ones. (I have no idea whether that example is actually good, in the sense that it works, because I haven't read it and don't plan to.)

Now, how can we make lonely men use the better resources? Step one would be to not dismiss them as "a bunch of fucking babies", but instead sympathize with their pain. Step two would be to recommend feminist resources that work. Step three would be to include links to better alternatives in criticisms of PUA culture.

There's probably a bunch of more situational things that could be done, but it generally boils down to "don't make lonely men feel alienated from feminism and provide resources to help them instead".

[–]Dahna_Mahna [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

There is something really awful about this advice...

  • men alienate themselves, it is not the responsibility of women to cater to their feelings
  • it is not the responsibility of women to teach men (with the exception of their own children) how to be decent human beings
  • dating advice is only one half of the puzzle. The truth is, a man can work on himself night and day and it's still not a woman's responsibility to date, fuck, or fall in love with him

Your advice objectifies women as emotional and physical caregivers of men.

Men need to learn how to be okay with being single, not having sex, and not having a woman's attention. Companionship is not a right. If men want it, they must first become companions to others.

[–]PurpleStripe [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

but instead sympathize with their pain

Listen... no. Their "pain" is not fucking pain! You can live without sex, if you can't, you have issues or you indeed are a baby!

The pain of not getting laid. The torture of not getting laid. Women should make sure that men get laid. Fuck it, I'm out. You people are beyond words!

[–]just_lesbian_thingstransphobic organ-fetishist[S] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

The alternative would be for feminists to provide useful resources for men on how to find partners. It's probably not great that all the resources are written by misogynists.

The alternative would be for men to grow up and stop being a bunch of fucking babies. Dr. Nerdlove seems alright too. But yeah, maybe we can add "giving men dating advice" to the list. It's gotta wait, though. I think ending FGM, getting reproductive rights, and closing the wage gap might be more important. I'd volunteer my time, but I have work and I'm not great at dating (women don't get a cookie for not raping people).

and any realistic risk calculation should take them into account.

Yeah lemme just call my accountant so she can do a full run-down of all the risk assessment...

I feel like my sarcasm is preventing my message from getting across to you. I mean, are you fucking listening to yourself? "It's your responsibility to save yourself from dangerous violent men either through teaching them to not be dangerous and violent or doing your own risk assessment and avoiding dangerous violent men". Is it any wonder why women don't wanna share space with men? And yet you get fucking morons day in and day out who cannot comprehend why women are afraid of men. Because some men tell us all men are dangerous and the rest of men not only do not dissuade the fear, but tell us it's up to us to protect ourselves, not men to be less fucking insane. Why shouldn't we say men are trash?

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The alternative would be for men to grow up and stop being a bunch of fucking babies.

Dismissing people's problems is not productive.

Dr. Nerdlove seems alright too. But yeah, maybe we can add "giving men dating advice" to the list. It's gotta wait, though. I think ending FGM, getting reproductive rights, and closing the wage gap might be more important.

Those are some important issues, but there are probably more low-hanging fruit on "giving men dating advice".

I feel like my sarcasm is preventing my message from getting across to you. I mean, are you fucking listening to yourself? "It's your responsibility to save yourself from dangerous violent men either through teaching them to not be dangerous and violent or doing your own risk assessment and avoiding dangerous violent men".

I never wrote that.

You asked about how risky men were, and I merely wrote that it depends on factors you haven't told me and that I wouldn't necessarily expect you to reveal on an anonymous reddit account. For example, if you live in an exceptionally socially dysfunctional community, of course the men in that community are going to be more dangerous.

Is it any wonder why women don't wanna share space with men? And yet you get fucking morons day in and day out who cannot comprehend why women are afraid of men. Because some men tell us all men are dangerous and the rest of men not only do not dissuade the fear, but tell us it's up to us to protect ourselves, not men to be less fucking insane. Why shouldn't we say men are trash?

I think "making violent people less violent" belongs in a general class of problems of "making dysfunctional people less dysfunctional" that also includes other difficult problems like "making poor people less poor". There's no magic conspiracy of men who decide the general levels of violence that men cause - instead, there are various types of general dysfunction in certain communities that are hard to solve.

[–]PurpleStripe [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

The alternative would be for men to grow up and stop being a bunch of fucking babies.

No no, we need to be there at their disposal whenever they need to empty their balls, and if we can't for whatever reason (pre-approved by them, like when we are already assigned at someone else who needs his balls emptied), then WE should make sure that they have fresh meat to enjoy. Get it? Hop to work, woman!

Good God!

[–]tailcalledBlanchardian, but pro-trans [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

My proposal isn't that women change their standards or anything like it. If you'd bothered to read, you'd have noticed that I proposed policies that'd make men more dateable.

[–]PurpleStripe [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I already answered you on that in the other line of comments.

[–]WikiTextBot [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

2014 Isla Vista killings

On May 23, 2014, in Isla Vista, California, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured fourteen others near the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara, before taking his own life.

The attack began when Rodger stabbed three men to death in his apartment. Afterwards, he drove to a sorority house and shot three female students outside, killing two. He drove to a nearby deli and shot to death a male student who was inside. He began to speed through Isla Vista, shooting and wounding several pedestrians and striking several others with his car.

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[–]ollobrains [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

point three and less so last point