Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World

Is it possible for transwomen to be autoandrophilic?

Pretty much the only thing my attempt at bihacking has conclusively done is made me find testosterone-typical musculature attractive. Until then, I was not attracted to myself at all (or even to a feminine mental image of myself) and confused by the idea of being attracted to oneself.

However, I now find my muscles attractive and have been known to leer at myself in the mirror when I wear tight tops. This has also caused me to manifest a desire for supplements and a gym subscription.

This is certainly not enough to affect my desire to transition and, if antiandrogens nuke my muscle mass and give me cisfemale-typical strength, I’ll be annoyed but accept it. So, like, auto[gender]philia seems to lose out to dysphoria in deciding whether to transition; as I definitely don’t have autogynephilic feelings while I might have autoandrophilic feelings.

But this is honestly pretty weird and I’ve never heard of it happening to other people. Are there other transpeople who are into the idea of having their birth-sex’s characteristics but transition anyway?

(PS: if someone can figure out how to make my natural steroid-production-system hit my muscles and nothing else, that would be really great.)

(PPS: This is relevant to @transgirlkyloren‘s interests.)

  1. affordable-services-seo reblogged this from sinesalvatorem
  2. somnilogical said: take sarms!
  3. silver-and-ivory said: relate to what happinessisnotalwaysfun said
  4. oktavia-von-gwwcendorff said:… you’re welcome
  5. happinessisnotalwaysfun reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    Yo! I was writing about this recently - I think I might be autogynephilic, as a trans chap. I definitely enjoy Being A...
  6. metagorgon reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
  7. colloquia said: Also protip, if you can get a pull-up bar that sits in a doorway - bodyweight exercise is cheaper than the gym
  8. colloquia said: Like, if you’d rather be a musclegirl than a muscleguy, you’re a woman who wants to be lean and strong. Nothing weird about that.
  9. colloquia said: I’d guess you’re just butch?
  10. silver-and-ivory said: But would be okay with losing some temporarily in order to gain permanent characteristics of my target asab
  11. silver-and-ivory said: i.e. boobs, hips (sometimes), general body shape
  12. silver-and-ivory said: i find my asab’s (dyadic) characteristics quite attractive
  13. silver-and-ivory said: i’m a weirdo because i’m bigender
  14. sinesalvatorem posted this