Mommy’s Good Boy Todd Starnes would like to have a word with the LGBT community about how totally intolerant they are! Cause like, they SAY they are tolerant, but then when someone wants to come around and promote intolerance or discriminate against them, they’re all like “We won’t tolerate you! You can’t discriminate against us!” and how is that even fair?

In an op-ed or… something, for FoxNews this week, Starnes decried the organizers of Charlotte, North Carolina’s Pride Parade for refusing to allow a group calling themselves “Deplorable Pride” (referred to by Starnes as “Gays For Trump”) to have a float in this year’s pride parade celebrating Donald Trump and how super great they think he is.

Charlotte Pride explained in a statement that they are, duh, allowed to tell people they can’t have a float if those groups do not reflect the mission of the organization.

Charlotte Pride reserves the right to decline participation at our events to groups or organizations which do not reflect the mission, vision and values of our organization, as is acknowledged in our parade rules and regulations by all groups at the time of their parade application. In the past, we have made similar decisions to decline participation from other organizations espousing anti-LGBTQ religious or public policy stances.

Charlotte Pride envisions a world in which LGBTQ people are affirmed, respected and included in the full social and civic life of their local communities, free from fear of any discrimination, rejection, and prejudice.

“It’s just unfortunate that Charlotte Pride does not practice what it preaches,” wrote Starnes, referring to the statement. Zing?

He continued:

[“Deplorable Pride” Spokesperson Derek] Van Cleve told me there’s not all that much diversity in the local LGBT organization.

“I’ve been to many pride festivals in the past and it’s pretty much a big DNC convention,” he said. “It’s extremely liberal.”

Charlotte Pride has a right to pick and choose who they wish to parade with – that issue is not in dispute.

But their decision to ban “Gays for Trump” smells of narrow-minded political bigotry.

Charlotte Pride should be celebrating diversity. Instead, it appears they are shoving gay Republicans back into the closet.

Oh? You mean like where Todd Starnes thinks they ought to remain? Huh!

Here, by the way, is a thing Todd Starnes once said about gay marriage:

“You know it’s interesting because the passage of the Bible that people — that people talk about in regards to, you know, the act of homosexuality, it goes further to talk about that. That men should not lie with beasts. And the women should not do that either. All this kind of stuff. I think the point I was trying to make there is that once you decide, you know what, marriage is not just between a man and a woman anymore, well, why are — you know, if you open it up, where do you draw the lines? Where do you draw the lines?”

Also this!

He’s said a lot of other stuff stuff too, about gay people, about trans people, about how unfair it is that kids aren’t being taught to hate them these days… Here is a helpful list of those things!

You know, if Todd Starnes is confused as to why Charlotte Pride might feel that a float supporting Donald Trump conflicts with their message, he should consider asking Todd Starnes about that!

Because there Todd Starnes is, in front of God and everyone, including Todd Starnes, promising America that Donald Trump will make it so people can be free to discriminate against LGBT people.

“Deplorable Pride” has since announced that they will be filing a lawsuit against the parade, and has launched a GoFundMe hoping to raise $100,000 for “legal fees.” So far, they have raised $6,918 dollars. Given that you can’t actually sue a group for not including you in a parade, what that money will actually go to is anyone’s guess.

[FoxNews | The New Civil Rights Movement]

You know what is a better use for your money than a GoFundMe for Trump idiots? GIVING IT TO WONKETTE! Click below to donate!

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  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    Oh gag me with a spoon.

  • If you cut them do they not bleed?


    • Msgr_MΩment

      Even Reptilo-americans bleed.

    • natoslug

      I don’t want to speculate, just point out that there is a very scientific way to find the answer to your question. I’ll leave the choice of scalpel or chainsaw up to you.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Given that you can’t actually sue a group for not including you in a parade, what that money will actually go to is anyone’s guess.

    One of Trump’s golf courses? Or was this a trick question?

    • thixotropic jerk

      That will buy a lot of slices of the most delicious yoogest bigglyest chocolate cake evah

  • UnsaltedSinner
    • Three Finger Salute

      Dump is Orange Skull and Ivanka is Synthia.

  • Michael R
  • Msgr_MΩment

    “You know it’s interesting because the passage of the Bible that people — that people talk about in regards to, you know, the act of homosexuality, it goes further to talk about that. That men should not lie with beasts. And the women should not do that either. All this kind of stuff. I think the point I was trying to make there is that once you decide, you know what, marriage is not just between a man and a woman anymore, well, why are — you know, if you open it up, where do you draw the lines? Where do you draw the lines?”

    SHELLFISH! I draw the line at SHELLFISH! If loving [to eat] shrimp is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!

    • Suse

      I lie with beasts every night – my kittehs.

      • Covfefe

        My daughter, at about the age of nine, and several of her friends of the same age, took over our dining room for their wedding, in which the lot of them married my dog. (Plural marriage). Because this was before gay marriage, I have to tell you that marrying beasts is what led to gay marriage and not the other way.

        • Suse

          How sweet!

      • Three Finger Salute

        And Republicans are beasts who lie.

    • Three Finger Salute

      Everyone at Fox is like a villain on Spongebob. Shellfish and self-absorbed.

  • jesterpunk

    Wait is he wearing mixed fiber clothing? I am pretty sure the bible says more about that then it does about discriminating against people, especially since that Jesus guy hung out with a bunch of men and prostitutes.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      ..and you know that the tax collectors wore rayon leisure suits…..

    • Suse

      No earlocks, neither.

      • thixotropic jerk

        Well, they do a have a form of earlocks going on IYKWIM…

    • shivaskeeper

      It works like this: Jesus fulfilled the need to abide by the rules in the Pentateuch. Unless they really like that particular rule. Then they can keep it and make you keep it too.

      Alternately there are three sets of rules, religious, civil, and governmental. Jesus did away with one or more of the sets.

      It all depends on which wingnut you are being lectured by.

      • Carpe Vagenda

        One of the prosperity preachers they used to show around here at 6AM on Sundays tried to explain what the rule was for levitical prohibitions being done away with by grace, and he ended up with it’s too complicated to explain. I’ll give you a list.

        • shivaskeeper

          I have heard most of them. I know Apologetics better than most Christians do.

    • pat tolle

      @jesterpunk- And probably looked more like Yasser Arafat than the needing a shave and a haircut SS recruiting posters that typify his appearance in western art.

  • Vecchioivan

    I once offered to speak before the local Republican party organization. I told him I was going to scream obscenities until my throat gave out and then lock all the doors and play Frank Zappa records above the threshold of pain for nine hours. They refused.

    Please see my go fund me thing coming soon.

  • Awww…and they were almost finished with stuffing their float with toilet paper…

  • calliecallie

    Deplorables of any stripe have nothing to be proud of.

  • Oneofthebobs

    I’m supposed to tolerate Todd Starnes? I never signed on to any of this “tolerance” stuff.

  • jesterpunk

    He got a slap on the wrist for that and they told him not to do it again.

    White House social-media director Dan Scavino Jr. violated a federal law that
    bars public officials from using their positions for political activity when he urged President Trump’s supporters to defeat a GOP congressman, the Office of Special Counsel has concluded.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    In fairness, like their hero, Trump supporters lack the stamina to actually march in a parade. Charlotte Pride correctly calculated the sight of that many golf carts would diminish the actual pride part of the parade.

    • thixotropic jerk

      Nothing strikes as much fear in my heart at a parade as the Octogenarian Shriners 4X4 Golf Cart rolling rondo routines –carnage is imminent!

  • Jgb979


    must be nice to have nothing else going on in ones life to dedicate it entirely to concern trolling. Dude if you want to hang out with a bunch of gays just dl grindr

  • The Librarian

    “Charlotte Pride has a right to pick and choose who they wish to parade with – that issue is not in dispute.

    But their decision to ban “Gays for Trump” smells of narrow-minded political bigotry”

    Can’t have it both ways, asshole.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      It’s an interesting dichotomy.

      You have complete freedom only not.

      • The Librarian

        Exactly!! ^

    • Carpe Vagenda

      Trump’s lifetime GBFs are Roy Cohn, Milo and Peter Thiel, all three of whom worked actively against LGBT rights. I’m not sure how great a reference he is.

      As far as Starnes is concerned, he thinks the Diocese of New York totally should keep irish-american catholics out of the St Patrick’s Day parade because they’re gay. It’s his thing. The reason Todd Starnes is begrudgingly allowing Pride their freedom of association is that he will. not. shut. the. fuck. up. about how important it is to keep teh gai out of the St Patrick’s Day parade. He should probably shut the fuck up now.

      • Three Finger Salute

        Maybe the parade would have more credibility if they let LGBT march rather than pedophiles. Otherwise known as “Catholic priests”.

      • The Librarian

        I suspect his shutting up is loooooong overdue.

    • Vel Venturi

      They live their lives in a state of cognitive dissonance.

      • 🛶🗣️ Mr Canoehead 🛶🗣️

        Or as Orwell called it, “doublethink”.

  • Shalimar

    He looks like Jeff Sessions’ extra-chubby little leprechaun baby.

  • Wild Cat

    Well, at least I know now who to cast in the lead role in my new historical movie, “Cardinal Spellman and the Rent Boys of Doom.”

  • Msgr_MΩment
  • I mean, once you open your mouth to sipping urine, if you open it up, where do you draw the lines? Where do you draw the lines?

    • thixotropic jerk

      PEE HOOKER LIBELZ!!11!!!!

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Two words: Mike Fucking Pence.

  • Another Republican who seems to spend a whole lot of time thinking about gays, urinals and men’s rooms.

  • DainBramage

    There’s too many people taking pride in being deplorable these days. Are there more of them, or are they just open about it now?

    • Résistance Land Shark Ω

      They have a Facebook group now … so they all know each other. Kinda like all the black people know each other. Right?

    • jesterpunk

      They are more open about it now thanks to Turnip.

  • shivaskeeper

    But libtards are the perpetually outraged snowflakes. Got it.

    • WomanInThePersistence

      We’re very fucking delicate. And goddammed snowflakes.

      • shivaskeeper

        Except snowflakes are unique. But we all know that already. Get enough snowflakes together in one place and they can kill you. With freezing avalanche votes.

        • WomanInThePersistence

          Have I mentioned recently how much I like you?

          • shivaskeeper

            Recently? No. But I think you just did.

    • Vel Venturi

      Well, the rightists are angry today about that new Facebook pride emoji, so yeah, we’re the snowflakes.

      • Three Finger Salute

        McDonalds rainbow fries are so last Thursday, you mean?

      • Shanzgood

        I saw that emoji!

      • shivaskeeper

        Yup. All snowflakes.

  • natoslug

    Needs moar throat-cramming.

  • Jamoche

    I blame all the parents who insisted that you had to invite every kid in your class to your party, even the “weird kid”. Sure, some of them were just shy or awkward, but sometimes the kid was a real creeper but you just didn’t have the words to explain.

    And now those kids have grown up and expect that they’ll still get invited to every party.

    • natoslug

      The Slippery Slope of T-Ball strikes again!

  • baconzgood

    Just because you suck cock doesn’t make up for you liking Donald Trump.

    -the gays-

    • Shanzgood

      Are you tryna provoke a TLM appearance?

      • Résistance Land Shark Ω

        That requires the Beetlejuice treatment … otherwise he can’t materialize.

      • baconzgood

        I got enviouslyqueer on my side. He likes me so I’m ok.

        • Shanzgood

          Wait, you don’t know who TLM is?! TURGID LOVE MUSCLE GUY! He posts homophobic rants crammed with really bad gay porn.

          • Christopher Story

            In his (only) defense, it’s hard to type with one hand

          • WomanInThePersistence

            I prefer not to think about how hard it is.

          • Christopher Story

            Let alone how difficult

          • pat tolle

            @Christopher Story- While holding a buybull and a gun in that same hand.

          • baconzgood

            No. I’ve missed him. But enviously queen would eviscerate him with his gay Jedi snark.

    • Three Finger Salute

      But Trump is Putin’s cock holster…

  • Anna Rompage

    I wonder if Todd here realizes the term “deplorable” has been co-oped and is the rallying cry of the white racist, alt right nazis like Richard Spencer, and that Cernovich dick…

    As someone in the LGBT community, nazis & racism have NO FUCKING PLACE in our community, ESPECIALLY at Pride…

    • Three Finger Salute

      What’s the whole thing with the gay Mounties being barred from Pride Toronto? About the last group of people you’d ever associate with armband-wearing brownshirts is the Dudley Do-Right forces. I mean, the only way they “goose step” is to actually step out of the way to avoid goose droppings on the street…

  • William

    In my opinion this guy is physiologically crippled. Think about it. Is there anything more effective (other than wearing crocs) in preventing sex than wearing a wide shiny polyester tie with a pin striped shirt under an undertakers jacket topped with birth control glasses and an NRA hat? I mean dude.

  • baconzgood

    I don’t want to feel like an idiot but without asking questions we don’t learn.

    What does the Queen stand for. I support the LBGTs and I’m sure I’d support the Qs if I knew what a Q is.

    • Anna Rompage

      Queer was generally used as a term for those folks who didn’t quite fit into the specific categories of gay, lesbian, bi, or trans…

      • William

        *sigh*, and all this time I thought it was a band that inspired a Wayne’s world scene cleverly filmed inside an AMC pacer.

      • Three Finger Salute

        What I don’t like is when the rage machine finds some outlier nutcase and tries to apply it to “See! Slippery slope isn’t a fallacy!”:

        …riiiiiight, because there’s millions of people who want to marry their laptop computers and they’re totally part of a group that’s been tortured (sometimes to death) for being who they are.

        I love the obviously annoyed judge’s tongue-in-cheek reasoning. Apparently the minimum age to consent to be married in Utah is 15 (because, well, Utah). So even if there was a right to marry your laptop (which, he argues, there isn’t), you wouldn’t be able to marry one anyway, unless the computer was more than 15 years old.

        In the next episode: Guy files another lawsuit wanting to marry a Commodore 64.

        • HogeyeGrex

          How many meg of memory does it need to be able to give consent?

    • Truck Fump

      Queer and/or Questioning.

      • baconzgood

        That sounds like a slur. It always did.

        • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

          My last Girlfriend convinced me that we’ve taken it back, and I’ve called myself “Queer” since I met her. It’s easier than “Transgender and Bisexual” in conversation.

          • baconzgood

            Well your all bisexual woman to baconz.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


          • baconzgood

            You just got extra lumps.

          • William

            Remember when we were talking about fishnets? That was nice. Can we talk about fishnets again?

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            Sure. I love fishnets and stockings. Thigh-highs with a Garter belt are *way* more comfortable than pantyhose.

          • Shanzgood

            Pantyhose are of the devil.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            Agreed and endorsed. Christmas 2015 my Stockign Stuffers from Mom were a Garter Belt and Stockings. They are so comfortable I forget I’m wearing them.

          • Shanzgood

            It’s 90 here right now. I can’t even cope with underwear and a bra.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            Ima in Bikini bottom and t-shirt. 94F.

          • Lambsendbeds

            Only 65 F here in Oakland. Where the fuck is spring???
            SEE – GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX !!!1!1!!1!elevnty.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


          • WomanInThePersistence

            Underwear is always optional for me. A bra, not so much.

          • Shanzgood

            Nobody home but me and my daughter so it doesn’t really matter if I free the girls.

          • WomanInThePersistence

            Nothing wrong with that. But I find the girls tend to be rather heavy and floppy. I’m not so nimble when they run free.

          • Lambsendbeds

            I only go braless at night. If I have a lot of chores to do on Sunday mornings before I get showered I’m very uncomfortable ( 5’3″, 38D). It’s a relief to hoist the girls up in their sling. ;-)

          • Swampgas_Man

            How do you feel about pumps? Answer sloooowly and seductively.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            xD I love pumps. All of my shoes except for 1 pair of sneakers are pumps, wedgies, or platform heels.

          • Swampgas_Man

            I’ll be in my bunk.

          • baconzgood

            You rule shanz

          • Miles Monroe

            Except for non-legwear purposes, like emergency coffee filter OR SO WE’VE HEARD

          • Shanzgood

            Impromptu replacement radiator belt.

            I think that’s a myth. My MIL was pissed at losing a pair for nothing.

          • puredog

            Bank robbery.

          • pat tolle

            @Shanzgood- Except the crotchless variety.

          • baconzgood

            This conversation about leg wear…AWSOME!

          • William
          • baconzgood

            I’m only regret is that I have but one up fist for this comment.

          • Kiri the Unicorn
          • Swampgas_Man

            Since I’ve only been attracted to androgynous men, Trans and enormous butch lesbians, I’ve started to question whether even “Bi” is appropriate for me. My ex-boyfriend referred to me as “fucked-up”, if that’s any help.

          • WomanInThePersistence

            “Fucked up” doesn’t really narrow it down much. Because I’m pretty convinced that describes most people. And I say this as a mostly straight cis-female.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            :) You be you.

          • 🛶🗣️ Mr Canoehead 🛶🗣️

            Actually, taking it back was kind of a big thing a few decades ago. Also it’s a handy umbrella term for aces, aros, poly, genderfluid, nb, et cetera.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            I’ve only been Out for a couple of years, and I had remembered “Queer” as a childhood slur. I am proud to call myself Queer now. :)

          • starfanglednut

            I love queer. I think we have definitely taken it back. And it’s a hell of a lot quicker than explaining that I’m bisexual and genderqueer. It’s a great word.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            It is. :)

        • Truck Fump

          It is the truth. I am a L and Q.

    • Shanzgood

      Queer, or genderqueer from what I’ve read. I is for Intersex and A is for asexual if we’re going with the whole alphabet.

      • Anna Rompage

        OMG, I saw someone post QUILTBAG the other day… If this keeps up, we will have used up the whole someday..

        Q – Queer and Questioning
        U – Unidentified
        I – Intersex
        L – Lesbian
        T – Transgender, Transexual
        B – Bisexual
        A – Asexual
        G – Gay, Genderqueer

        • Shanzgood

          I kinda do like QUILTBAG for ease of use but I defer to whatever term someone IN the community prefers.

          • Anna Rompage

            I grew up in a time when queer was the general term used to describe the entire rainbow spectrum of the LGBT community…

            I get funny looks sometimes from the young folks when I use that term as a descriptor for the whole community, as then never knew the days when it was just LGBT, if even that

          • HogeyeGrex

            Does that includ…
            How abo…

            Yes. And anyone you haven’t thought of.

            Kids these days. Ya gotta spell everything out for them.

          • pat tolle

            @HogeyeGrex- Unfortunately, for me, kids these days is anyone belowabout 50.

          • Carpe Vagenda

            and to complicate it more, queer is an academic term now.

          • Querolous

            “Let us drink a toast to our queer old dean.”

        • Three Finger Salute

          Canada has numbers. “2 Spirit” is apparently a term in First Nations communities. Not sure where the 2 would go in the “QUILTBAG” acronym though.

          • HogeyeGrex

            QUILTBAG 2, Electric Boogaloo!

          • Shanzgood

            That would be quite a party!

        • Swampgas_Man

          I’ve just been using GQBLT– a men’s magazine and a darn good sammich. Easy to remember.

        • Carpe Vagenda

          Aw, I’m glad aces are getting some representation.

      • baconzgood

        Those butt cowboys don’t like being called queen honey. It’s politically incorrect.

        • Anna Rompage

          Meh, it depends on who you are, and who they are…

          It’s kind of like the “n” word, it can be very offensive coming from the wrong person, or just campy fun from the right person, and in the right context..

        • Shanzgood

          WHEN did you say you wanted to ever get me all hammed up again?

        • pat tolle

          @baconzgood-Someday,maybe, some RWNJ like yourself,but probably not you, is going to tell us all precisely what you mean when you say PC. And precisely how it differs from do unto others….I added the caveat probably not you because for you to so explain would require you to show an intelligence and insight orders of magnitude greater than any you’ve ever shown.and maybe beyond your capability a

          • Pat, Baconz is not RWNJ. This be Wonkette where sometimes people say stuff like it is opposite day, generally to point at the ridiculous nature of the right wing.

      • Carpe Vagenda

        I thought it was questioning.

        • Shanzgood

          That sounds like it could be right, too.

        • starfanglednut

          Yeah me too. Christ, I’m as queer as they come and I don’t know what all those initials stand for.

  • WomanInThePersistence

    “Deplorable Pride”???? What the ever loving fuck can that even mean? Mr. Starnes apparently has some issues. And isn’t too bright.

    • TundraGrifter

      His issues have issues. One hopes he has no issue.

      • Swampgas_Man

        His plans are tissue-thin.

    • Anna Rompage

      I suppose if there are LogCabin Republicans, Caitlyn Jenner, and goPride, then why can’t there be white power alt-right, nazi LGBTQ folks too….

      • Three Finger Salute

        Milo used to be compared to Ernst Rohm, so there’s that.

        • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

          Back when people knew who the fuck Milo was, you mean?

      • Vel Venturi

        I was just reading a disheartening article about this today (from Slate, I think). The Nazi/alt-right/whatever are indeed opening their doors to gay white cis men. It’s part of their strategy now.

        • Three Finger Salute

          It’s to drive a wedge between men and feminists, gays and trans, white gays and gays of minority race. Lesbians aren’t welcome unless they’re “hot.” TERF are part of alt-right too.

          • Shanzgood

            Gah! I hate TERFS so much for so many reasons!

          • Three Finger Salute

            I guess you could call it a TERF war…

          • Kiri the Unicorn
          • WomanInThePersistence

            Do I even want to know what a TERF is?

          • Three Finger Salute

            Trans exclusionary radical feminist, basically feminist who doesn’t think trans is a real thing or that they’re “appropriating femaleness”. Things get very heated and nasty between TERF and trans advocates.

          • WomanInThePersistence

            Ahhhh…. thank you.

          • Shanzgood

            Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Trans women are not “real” women because they were born with peens and not raised as female so they couldn’t possibly know what being a woman is like. They want to invade “real” women’s spaces so they can continue to oppress and/or rape them.

            BRB stabbing things…

          • WomanInThePersistence

            Don’t stab things. That’s very male-normative.

            I’m joking!

          • Shanzgood

            Oh, ha! I finished going through my Dworkin phase in my early 20s!

          • Kiri the Unicorn


            Oh! Uh, give me a minute to clean up…sorry.

          • Carpe Vagenda

            Oh, god, them. I remember when they started infesting Womyn’s festivals.

      • WomanInThePersistence

        I have no doubt that there are foolish people in every community who identify as alt-right Nazis. But the name they chose is rediculous. Flat-out.

      • Three Finger Salute

        I only heard of two of those. What’s Go Pride?

    • Three Finger Salute

      “Mr. Starnes apparently has some issues. And isn’t too bright.”

      He works for Fox. ‘Nuff said.

  • Zippy W Pinhead

    Piss guzzling nitwit says what?

  • TundraGrifter

    “Charlotte Pride has a right to pick and choose who they wish to parade with – that issue is not in dispute.

    “But their decision to ban ‘Gays for Trump’ smells of narrow-minded political bigotry.”

    Huh? They can but they can’t? In what twisted corner of the world is this “logic?”

    • Carpe Vagenda

      He wants to condemn them for hypocrisy and that’s awkward for him because one of the hobby horses he likes to ride around the park is how terrible it is for gay groups to try to march in the St Patrick’s Day Parade in Manhattan and how it shall not come to pass.

  • Mavenmaven

    Another guy who we will soon find with a 13 year old boy or the like. When they are this obsessed about the ghey you know the ending.

    • thixotropic jerk

      It’s always a happy one

      • Miles Monroe


      • HogeyeGrex

        Not for the 13 year old boy.

  • VirginiaLady

    Wish I was free to pick and choose who I get to parade with. Can I sue the Puffins of Coastal Virginia for not parading with me? Just because they don’t even is no excuse.

    • theCryptofishist

      Those puffins. Always eating fish.

  • Gays for Trump. Kind of like Jews for Hitler.

    “Well, I don’t like his shoving my friends and family into ovens, but he has some really good economic ideas!”

    • TundraGrifter

      Or “Chickens for Col. Sanders.”

    • William

      Chickens for Colonel Sanders.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      but I really, really want that tax cut

    • HogeyeGrex

      Faces for leopards.

    • Swampgas_Man

      Worse — it’s reich-wingers sore because Natzis aren’t allowed to be part of Jewish religious services. I can imagine a (highly deluded) LGBTQ following Trump, but I can’t imagine any good reason for a homophobic asshole to take an interest in Gay Pride, except to destroy it. Maybe by forcing them to spend time and money defending against a spurious lawsuit?

  • JustDon’tSayCovfefe
  • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

    OT, but there’s an OT up now.

  • Three Finger Salute

    “I am getting really sick and tired of guys named Todd.”

    • starfanglednut

      That was hysterical. Thanks!

  • Lyly Sirivong

    Deplorable pride… What a stupid name…

    • WomanInThePersistence


    • Martini Ambassador 🍸

      It sounds better in the original Nazi.

    • javadavis

      I thought it maybe means they think gay pride is deplorable? Or something? So, yeah, let’s have a parade celebrating BBQs and see what happens when PETA tries for a Vegan float.

      • Three Finger Salute

        “Big, beautiful queens”?

        • javadavis

          hahaha…(sincere chuckles)

  • BoatOfVelociraptors

    Conservative, thy name is disingenuous.

  • Martini Ambassador 🍸
  • Chris

    If you have any further questions for Todd, just check the rest stop on Route 69. He’ll be in stall 3, the one with the gloryhole.

    • anon_the_great

      Actually Todd will be one stall over listening and weeping silently, wishing he was was brave enough to join in.

  • nightmoth

    “Deplorable Pride” has launched a GoFundMe site? I smell a scam.

    • Old town Urbandale

      Maybe Eric will throw a golf tourney for them at one of his dad’s clubs. Nothing like scamming a scam.

  • Kiri the Unicorn

    Oh my god, Starnes has such a FAT HEAD! We need to call a professional for this one!

  • anon_the_great

    I’m about to expand my see a Nazi, punch a Nazi policy to include attention seeking Trumpanzees

  • Jerry Noneofyourbizz
  • Kiri the Unicorn

    “You know it’s interesting because the passage of the Bible…”

    …Is only interesting to fatheads like Starnes who think the big book of religion fables speaks with authority on the subject.

  • Villago Delenda Est

    Todd Starnes needs to find a short pier to take a long walk off of.

    • theCryptofishist

      Are his shoes made of votes?

      • Jeffery Campbell

        Very, heavy, votes.

  • Daniel Hooper

    You know, as little as I remember of my Bible studies, I kinda recall something about, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. So either people who are using the Bible to justify their actions are either perfectly O.K with others treating them like crap, or they’re huge hypocrites.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      They don’t follow the teachings of Jesus. They are consumed by the spirit of Mammon.

    • tomamitai

      Yes, the golden rule is all well and good until you’re faced with a masochist.

  • Grokenstein

    (1) try to force parade to allow your deplorable cause
    (2a) if refused, cry First Amendment and let slip the trolls of culture war
    (2b) if allowed, claim vindication of cause and proceed with normalization attempts

  • Someone should check if all the members of deplorable pride are actually the gay, cause it sure looks like a total grift move to me

    • Stulexington

      Someone associating themselves with Trump grifting? I’d be shocked, shocked!

  • redblack

    this is a little OT, but my microwave and i have been having some really deep conversations lately, and we have a lot in common.

    i’m thinking about asking it to marry me.

    • Juan de Fuca

      Sounds like you bought your microwave from the same place that Kellyanne Conway did.

      • Gregory Brown

        Good news though, you won’t have to hire a photographer for the wedding. The bride, er, microwave can take all the pictures.

    • Jeffery Campbell

      June is the best month for weddings!

  • Suttree

    Go have your own parade “Deplorable Pride”. No one is stopping you and your 5 troll friends from doing that. Fucking WATB’s.

  • Iam Reading

    Pee enthusiast Todd Starnes?

    • NotALiar

      The very same.

  • NotALiar

    Todd Starnes blocked me on twitter. Apparently he’s a closet pee drinker and didnt want that info made public. Such a sanctimonious and disingenuous fuck.

  • mary5920

    Wow, that was quite a cartoon segment. The interchangeable women with their tight dresses and acquiescence to all of this gay basher’s ridiculous points. Gee whiz, why can’t businesses hate on the gays in their business? In the name of jeesbus who never spoke on such things.

  • Vagenda and Pee-ara

    “So far, they have raised $6,918 dollars. Given that you can’t actually sue a group for not including you in a parade, what that money will actually go to is anyone’s guess.”

    I’ll take “Disney Gay Days” for $200, please, Alex.

    • Jeffery Campbell

      Nearly $7 large? That wouldn’t keep a B-girl drag queen in feathers.

  • Kiri the Unicorn

    BTW, it’s not immoral if the unicorn says “yes”. I’m just sayin’.

  • Jeffery Campbell

    As a gay man with a very wide ranging taste in men, I can assure Mr. Starnes that Tey Ghey are never going to have anything to do with him. Never. Ever. Ever. Frankly, I don’t think he needs to concern himself with bestiality either. Every animal I ever knew, from tiny shrew to kangaroo had enough sense to steer clear of that.

  • Me not sure

    If you’re gay and almost no other gay people want anything to do with you, you’re probably doing gay the wrong way.

  • “I’ve been to many pride festivals in the past and it’s pretty much a big DNC convention,” [Van Cleve] said. “It’s extremely liberal.”

    Why ever would *that* be? Oh, yeah, it’s because the official and cultural policies and beliefs at the very core of the GOP and “Conservatism” are against equality, against LGBT people, against justice, and just generally hateful toward anyone not in their narrowly defined group. “Deplorable Pride” and any other LGBT people supporting the GOP in general and Trump more specifically are working directly against their own interests for people who hate them.

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