Who was Mr Cappadoccia?










He’s this obsessive cunt who’s gone on thesis paper long rants on his bigoted views. He’s probably one of the most obsessive nutty anti-sjws out there.

He’s famously ranted about how the water crisis in Flint is secretly the fault of the Feminists.

When a user talked about a bill that would legalize spousal rape he jumped all over it with a ton of badly argued crap that just made it look like he was defending spousal rape. And frankly with the shit he was spewing in that thread he kind of was. 

He jumped on this Pro-Life rant about how unwanted pregnancies are secretly there to enslave men. Which then turned into something about how the fetus. is the real slave treated like property

And then there’s this hot mess.

Dude was bigoted and paranoid af. But, and I hate to admit this, his shit was really funny. He was like on a whole other plain of existence with his opinions. It was like watching an alien attempt human speech but was taught by the Red Pill. And he’d hound the crap out of you with the messaging system if you told him he was a moron. Which he was.

I think this is the first time I’ve been used as a receipt.

I’m surprised nobody is bringing up the fact he made up a hypothetical scenario where a man murders a women over something trivial (I don’t remember exactly what the scenario was) and actually went on to defend the fact that the murder was not only okay but perfectly justifiable.

And then when this was pointed out he would claim “that’s not the point” all while adamantly refusing to explain his point.

Never saw that.  Wish I could.

I believe impratical is talking about the post about the woman on some dating app saying “send me $10 and see what happens” then blocking the guys that send her $10.  I don’t recall if I responded to it myself, but I’ve had my own share of exchanges with his looney ass lately.

I remember that one.  I think I commented on it myself.  Shit was ridiculous.

So am I misremembering or was he not always this crazy?

Like I remember him being a huge asshole, but the “insane rant about SJWs and black people wearing blankets” thing was far away from what I remember of him lol.

He jumped into the deep end witty cement shoes the past year or so

He’s been on a long downward path. There’s a wonderful write up about it, I’ve reblogged it a few times. If you care to search for it, he originally went by “empathnegative” or “empath-negative”

The tl;dr is that he used to be reasonable and clear, then his and his mother’s adresses were doxxed, both were sent death threats and he’s been slowly getting worse since.

And here I thought​ I was taking crazy pills. I remember him being somewhat sane a couple years ago, now he’s not even doing the alt-right thing where you literally believe 100% opposite of what The Libtards™ say, but just shit that’s just completely disconnected from reality, being obsessed with socialism is one of the more normal beliefs he has. At least Logicd was already an asshole.