A good article on female nature and why women always ruin their men…

Topic by Gargamel


Home Forums MGTOW Central A good article on female nature and why women always ruin their men…

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    A good article on female nature and why women always ruin their men…

    I was searching for articles on the „Betaization Process“ and found this interesting read on a PUA website.

    I think it is a valuable part of your basic red pill education:


    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    "Eddie Brock is no more, He is I, We are Him.........We are VENOM!!!!!"


    I’ve noticed that women, in general, are not happy when they see their boyfriends/husbands having fun without them. I don’t understand why. If the situation was turned around, I’d be happy for them.

    "I saw that there comes a point, in the defeat of any man of virtue, when his own consent is needed for evil to win-and that no manner of injury done to him by others can succeed if he chooses to withhold his consent. I saw that I could put an end to your outrages by pronouncing a single word in my mind. I pronounced it. The word was ‘No.’" (Atlas Shrugged)


    I’ve noticed that women, in general, are not happy when they see their boyfriends/husbands having fun without them. I don’t understand why. If the situation was turned around, I’d be happy for them.

    Yes, and men must know about this.

    Many of us wouldn’t have married their bankrupting, bitching and divorce raping cunt if they had known this before.

    This article is some kind of “cheatbook” for the female nature study class.

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    Thank you for the article Gargamel…It was spot on on my relationshit with my wife…I got emasculated and cooked in a slow heating pot…Damn the plantation…I am seeing it clearer now…

    I stand with feet apart and let my balls hang free...Manginas dont have balls...See how they stand and sit at the whim of their masters...


    Thank you for the article Gargamel…It was spot on on my relationshit with my wife…I got emasculated and cooked in a slow heating pot…Damn the plantation…I am seeing it clearer now…

    I could have written this article myself. I saw it and had to post it minutes later. I can relate to all of his experiences and many of my stories are already all over the forums.

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    I could have written this article myself.

    Exactly. The author of the article seems to understand the universal behavioral traits of women in relationships as good as any wise old man or MGTOW,,,BUT HE STILL INSISTS ON HAVING A CUNT IN HIS HOUSE????,,, WTF

    Whatever fucked up consequences this man gets from letting women into his personal life,,,,he’ll get no sympathy from me.


    PUA are obsess with SMV. How do the PUA know that is true she did it to decrease her man SMV?

    It can be as simple as she is unhappy all the time and cannot stand her husband is not as miserable as her.

    It also can be due to a conflict of women nature and ego. Society stroke women ego on strong independent women and all that shit. And countless generation of evolution stroke women hypergamy.

    So women cannot be happy with a man weaker then her, she will always choose a mate stronger then her. Then because of feminism shit she has penis envy and depress that she cannot be better then her men, even though she purposely choose a man better then her. She does all the shit wearing down the man below her level. But her hypergamous nature makes her depress that she is now stuck with a weaker man. She then seeks out better men, and the cycle of ruin began anew.

    Still regardless of what we think contributes to this phenomena, the truths is women always ruin their men. We don’t know the truth why women act like that, but we know it is true that women always act like that. To avoid this pitfall stay away from relationshit, rent if you cannot go monk or use fleshlight.



    Whatever fucked up consequences this man gets from letting women into his personal life,,,,he’ll get no sympathy from me.

    I know but that’s why I stated PUA in the OP. We all know that they are still pussy beggars.

    But maybe they know something we will someday miss out on?

    If we cut the cable with women, then many of us will not even get to feel and taste their evilness and agendas. Like a secret service, we evaluate every source.

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    We don’t know the truth why women act like that, but we know it is true that women always act like that. To avoid this pitfall stay away from relationshit, rent if you cannot go monk or use fleshlight.


    you just delivered a well worth analytical explanation.

    Coincides with what I have observed.

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    After having many girls with BFs who tries to hook up with me or even hang out without even their man knowing how can I think positive about them? or trust them? They are not to be trusted. Period!

    It’s not about the fear of loss this must be the most bluepill thing I’ve ever read. It’s about the fear of losing their self-esteem, look no further this is the truth. Women love taming a beast and turn it into a puppy because they want to brag about how they rule a strong men. They be like “Even though he is a strong male I, with a pussy rule him and he is in my command!” until she gets bored of him.

    You must be really naive to believe she fears to lose a man when there are other orbitters waiting for her to be single again. But she cannot accept the fact that the beast she turned into mangina can have the potential to leave her. It would devestate her, well at least for a while.

    When I have a pen in my hands, it's lethal.


    It’s not about the fear of loss this must be the most bluepill thing I’ve ever read. It’s about the fear of losing their self-esteem, look no further this is the truth. Women love taming a beast and turn it into a puppy because they want to brag about how they rule a strong men. They be like “Even though he is a strong male I, with a pussy rule him and he is in my command!” until she gets bored of him.

    Right on, I witnessed two sides to this:

    The princesses and entitled cunts don’t fear the loss of her disposable utility. They pick up that phone and call their next orbiter.

    But some ugly/fat/nasty women without orbiters (or hive) – and after they have “finally” managed to lock in “their wallet”- these are the ones with “fear of loss”.

    They know they can’t pay the bills on their own and would become a cat lady on welfare without him. That’s why they feel “oppressed”: They need their man. And it would mean disaster if he left.

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    This article is some kind of “cheatbook” for the female nature study class.

    Good idea. I wish they would teach the truth in gender studies.

    A man shouldn't make his life's objective to be on the side of the majority, but to avoid finding himself in the ranks of the insane. (Marcus Aurelius)


    This article is some kind of “cheatbook” for the female nature study class.

    Good idea. I wish they would teach the truth in gender studies.

    We are already doing this. Or why do the cunts get so nervous about MGTOW?

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    But some ugly/fat/nasty women without orbiters (or hive) – and after they have “finally” managed to lock in “their wallet”- these are the ones with “fear of loss”.

    I forgot to add: This is the main target group for PUA’s. Desperate women that believe all the lies and go to bed with anyone…

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    This is why women need a man like a parasite needs a host.
    Face Suck

    Marriage is a Shit Test! Saying "I do" is how you fail it.


    Nice one, venom.

    Love is like a river, flowing with bacterium.


    I don’t do long term relationships, but I do date. I don’t have time, nor the energy for games.

    This goes beyond girlfriends and wives. Even cunts in my family played this foul game on me, especially my cunt of a mother. I always tell her to STFU.

    No cunt is going to take away my manhood.

    Love is like a river, flowing with bacterium.


    No cunt is going to take away my manhood.

    Healthy attitude!

    No cunt was ever worth giving up any hobbies or interests.

    Not one single item, CD or book was ever discarded or sold because of a cunt.

    No, I would have gotten more if she had complained.

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::

    This goes beyond girlfriends and wives. Even cunts in my family played this foul game on me, especially my cunt of a mother. I always tell her to STFU.

    In 2012, I actually thanked my middle sister for years of mental and physical abuse when I was little. She was 8 years older than me and treated me like she wanted me dead.

    You saved me from the ever nagging, never satisfied and narcissistic bitching housewife. I sincerely thank you for your early education on female nature”

    She broke off all contact with me. Details and more are in my introduction story: http://www.mgtow.com/forums/topic/gargamels-7-part-mgtow-story-introduction-as-a-work-in-progress/

    :::::: Uncunting in progress: We are now low-level formatting the hard disk with the feminist virus on it ::::::
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