全 33 件のコメント

[–]mma9316[S] 24 ポイント25 ポイント  (9子コメント)

And in case anyone is wondering what I have planned this is what I have for the next coming weeks.

Week 3: Water Storage

Week 4: Hand to hand- melee combat

Week 5: Clothing

Week 6: Bug out bags

Week 7: Bugging out

Week 8: Bugging in

Week 9: People: Who to side with

Week 10: People: Who to avoid

Week 11: Alternative currency and trade

Week 12: Off Grid energy

Week 13: Off grid communication

If you have any other topics you want me to address message me and I'll put it in the schedule.

[–]x201s 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I have a request! Urban Camping/Car Camping/Locations of interests if you are currently in a large city looking to evac immediately. Tips, tricks, advice, and personal experience would be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: I'm a beginner at best. In fact, I haven't even camped in years! But I've been interested in doing car camping while also mixing minimalism in there. I plan on doing weekend urban camping to test out my gear and see what needs to be improvised through trial and error. But these prepper threads have really lit a light bulb.

With your experience and knowledge with survival and prepping, I think you'd be a great source for wisdom. Thanks and I'm looking forward to your prepper saga you got planned for the future.

[–]Coluphid 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

One suggestion. Add gardening and livestock. Food storage is all very well but long term production and good self sufficiency is crucial.

[–]mma9316[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

We will get there brother! I was planning on that for the advanced series. Right now we are at the essentials of prepping. Not everyone can have livestock as a significant amount of people probably don't have access to land. Pretty much everyone can store food. I will add gardening to the essentials series though.

[–]Coluphid 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Livestock can be as simple as a few chickens. And while you're right not everyone can have these - especially in urban settings - they are nevertheless crucial for long term food production. Really do hope you include some material on local food production.

At the very least a lot of what you've covered can be supplemented with purchasing produce in bulk. Traditional Christian farmers such as Mormons, Amish, Mennonites, or whatever are in your area can be a great source for inexpensive, high quality produce as well as good contacts for food production and traditional living skills. You could do a lot worse than getting to know these people and the qualitative skills they keep alive, and which keeps them alive.

U-picks and farmers markets are also great places to find bulk, quality produce for canning. Meat, vegetables, eggs and more.

If you can't grow it yourself and don't want to break the bank, stock up on such local produce. Canning is a great skill anyone can pick up and it's rewarding to do and enjoy the fruits of. Can't recommend it enough.

Firm believer that every household should aim to have a years supply of food stored. And not as an emergency supply but as a buffer that you're constantly taking from and replenishing. Store what you eat, eat it, and replace it regularly as you go. Avoids spoilage and keeps you on top of your supply situation.

[–]mma9316[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

For sure, rotating stock is necessary and I always enjoy your inputs on my threads. Mormon canneries have many prepping foods ready to go. Getting in contact with local farmers also increases your survival but I will talk more about that in my "People: who to side with" thread.

[–]Griever114 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Hello MGTOW mod. great post.

I was thinking, perhaps we can do a daily or weekly:


This post would allow people to post something MGTOW they did that day so we dont flood the board with the usual anti-everything else posts.

I think this would bring some positive energy back into the sub.

[–]mma9316[S] 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (2子コメント)

That is part of the point of this. I get the women posts and don't want to tone Police but these prepping threads are about helping men go their own way by embracing masculinity and self reliance. Many great mgtows in the past were self reliant. I get that women have done bad things to men but where do we go from there? Do we keep ourselves in the negativity of women or do we move forward and go our own way. My goal for these threads is to help men become more self efficient and move on from a society that has forgotten about them. In becoming less reliant on the system we gain true freedom.

Also not sure if you think I am a mod cause I am not but if you are a mod then thank you for the recognition.

[–]Griever114 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Exactly my friend. I thought you were a mod since the text was in green "announcement."

I appreciate your posts!

[–]gahj 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nice posts I'm looking forward to the rest

[–]a17c81a3 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Please include hydrogen peroxide in your water guide. The stuff will not only disinfect bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses it can also clean water.

I read about a teaspoon to a liter will clean it and you can drink it afterwards since hydrogen peroxide is a natural chemical in the body.

[–]mma9316[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I will be sure to add it thank you for the input.

[–]KingOfYaks 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Regarding food storage in buckets:

Not all 5 or 6 gallon buckets are equal. You cant use the crappy ones you'd find at home depot and expect them to be truly air tight. I use 6 gallon buckets from Emergency Essentials which cost about 6 dollars each. Then again I live in UT so this type of thing is easy to get around here. They have a rubber gasket in the lid and a rather thick wall.

For best results you can get big mylar bags that go inside the buckets and block oxygen even better than the bucket alone. They require a big heat-sealer bar.

For sure always drop in some 02 absorber packets.

My understanding is that brown rice does not last nearly as long as white rice. I always put a big salt container right in the bucket. For me a bucket of rice costs about 30 dollars, weighs about 48 lbs (6 gal) and should last beyond my life time. One bucket of rice will feed you for a month. You can add rice to anything to make a small meal a large meal.

Since I have a lot of rice I also get seasonings (big containers) at Costco. You can get cheesy broccoli sauce mix, Mexican and Italian, chili powder etc and you'll make that rice a lot more tempting. The stuff is cheap. You might even throw it in the bucket before you hammer the lid down.

Sometimes doing it yourself is worth it, sometimes not. Somebody mentioned the Mormon canning stations. East of the Mississippi they only sell pre-packaged stuff, but on the west side they still let you use their canning machines yourself. In the end I generally get the pre-canned stuff from them. Don't worry-- I'm not a Mormon and they're perfectly happy to do business with me. They're just happy to see someone come and use the service. Their prices CAN NOT BE BEAT. Get canned dry beans, sugar, spaghetti, etc but don't expect gourmet freeze-dried raspberries etc.

Speaking of freeze-dried raspberries... For a beginning prepper who has some storage space, start with rice and beans. Its not fancy but it'll keep you alive. Start adding 'recipe' stuff later and then start adding comfort foods last.

Rule of thumb regarding food lifespans-- If it has oil in it it tends to do poorly. I don't care if its freeze-dried. A peanut is not going to last-- It'll go so bad you could kill rats with a single peanut after a few years. Anything powdered has a lot of surface area and thus a lot of oxidation is going to happen if you don't keep the air out. Someone mentioned vacuum-seal-bagging machines. I have one and they work well, though 'pokey' things tend to need to be double bagged. Give the items you seal a few days to see if they leak before putting them away. Don't consider the vacuum bags to be good enough on their own, though. I'd still put the stuff in mylar or a bucket or something.

Wheat. Do you have a grinder and do you have the time/oven and fuel/skills to make bread? It lasts forever but its an item that takes time to prepare so don't over-do the wheat.

How much do you need? The answer is related to how much space can you make. Put it this way... Lets compare "shit hits the fan" to the French Revolution. If you started with a 3 year supply, once you ate it all you'd still have 20 years of hell awaiting you before the return of normalcy. And thats imagining that you manage to keep it to yourself top secret and you don't white-knight the food away in the first few months. Thats a whole subject worth talking about.

Even if you don't believe in Mad Max apocalypse scenarios, consider this little made-up story: Your dad gets a letter saying that the family's ration cards are going to be cut in half unless the family comes up with 2 able males between 18 and 45 to go to the Nebraska work-farms. But you have food so you're fine with a half ration card. The neighbors send their men off, but the buses never make it to Nebraska and divert to Texas. You find out that the men are quickly put through basic training and loaded onto ships destined for the latest greatest war. Suddenly those cheap buckets of rice seem pretty damn valuable, eh?

[–]--Steak 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I know it doesn't mean too much, but I am really happy your prepper threads are doing well, I enjoy them alot!

[–]mma9316[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks bro. Hopefully more people will join in.

[–]desertfox16 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This looks like a great addition to the sub, keep up the good work.

[–]AprilVictor 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Love the content, but what does this have to do with MGTOW?

[–]mma9316[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Becoming more self reliant is a part of going your own way. Also many of us believe western society is near collapse. This gives likeminded people something to talk about besides women.

[–]AprilVictor 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I see, nice! I've always been interested in prepping, having watched many documentaries and reading up on it. Also, judging from your name, you like MMA too?

[–]mma9316[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Fight mma and big UFC fan

[–]BeholderSahjhan 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thank you very much for sharing this valuable information. I just recently got into prepping myself. I wish I could find other MGTOW in NC with this mindset of being prepared. When shit hits the fan I want to be part of a good group of men who will work together to survive and hopefully thrive too if we hone our skills enough. I look forward to reading your future content.

[–]x201s 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I posted a thread asking members of MGTOW about the decline of society and it included thoughts about prepping.

So my question is... Why do you prep/when did you become interested in prepping? What are your motivations and what events in particular do you prep for? Financial meltdown? Society collapse? Peace of mind? All of the above? Curious to hear.

[–]mma9316[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Prepping is great because even if I wasn't concerned about the collapse of society it teaches self reliance which is part of going your own way.

I started prepping in 2012 with my Dad and brother. I took the red pill and was a big Ron Paul guy back then. As I dived further into the red pill I read about the Federal Reserve and the truth about the political sphere in America. After taking the red pill about women and combing it with my previous reading about philosophy and history I became convinced that there is no way western society lasts much longer. Here are the outcomes that I think will lead to a collapse of society.

The collapse of the U.S dollar: the dollar is the world reserve currency and once counties start trading oil in other terms of money and refusing our debt the dollar immediately hyper inflates.

Race war: Racial tensions in the US and Europe are reaching there climax and the left is pushing this. Islamic culture and Western society are not compatible. A redpill truth is that homogenous societies are much better off then diverse ones. Diversity raises conflict. Japan has a strong national identity and is a safe country. In the US universities are turning minorities and some white women against white men. If the dollar collapses a good amount of minorities will blame white men.

Civil War: the left is getting more and more violent everyday. The majority of leftists would cheer if Trump was assassinated and are controlled by mere buzzwords. Look at the hysteria from the Paris accord. Even if you tell a leftist that the Paris accord was never really about climate change but a treaty to rip off the American tax payer they don't care. The phrase "climate change" sends them into an emotional hissy fit. If Trump is killed the majority of Trump supporters will believe it was a deep state plot and a Civil War could break out and mass carnage would happen.

Natural disasters: I live in the Northwest of the US. If Mt. Rainer were to erupt the whole NW would shut down. Look at what happened at Hurricane Katrina.

Look at the results of Hurricane Katrina, the Rodney King riots, Venezuelan collapse etc. Prepping is your only chance to survive these scenarios. You can't rely on the government to help you.

[–]sir_wankalot_here 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Simply put, it is a useful hobby. Developing nations are more immune to natural disasters since living off the grid is a normal way of life.

[–]TheExSexOffender 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"MRE's/Freeze dried food: MRE's and freeze dried food is a necessity for any prepper as it lasts for years at a time and if you are on the move it is very light weight. To get military grade mre's you have to know some one in the military but you can purchase freeze dried food online or at Cabela's, Bass Pro, REI or your local outdoor shop. You will need mre's/freeze dry food for your bug out bag. ":

Check Army/Navy/Military Surplus stores as well. You can get them there iirc.

[–]Sithcipherdias 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I love stuff like this Thanks for posting. Had a conversation with some friends a few weeks ago about how much we today are reliant on power. I theorised that if we as a people lost power for over two months, people would revert to cannibalism.

I know its off topic but i could plausibly see walking dead scenarios. Your thoughts?

[–]mma9316[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If society had a major collapse such as the grid going out or the dollar hyper inflating such things could happen. People will first do everything they can to protect their close family and friends. People will not hesitate to kill you or rob you to feed their children. After the initial shock of the collapse the survivors will revert to the core of their identities which is race, religion and political affiliation to form groups. These groups will then square off with each other and the government (if there still is one) for control of resources. As groups eliminate and outlast each other those groups will then be the basis of the next society. And a major collapse like that would result in mass carnage as in 80%+ of the population dead.

[–]MethaCat 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Great post, thanks for sharing.

Adding to this:

I would like to suggest to add both pickled things and sweet conserves (like sweet peaches, forgot the word in English for this) and jams, that you can store on unused glass containers.

Also it is of critical importance to check on the expiration date of canned food, sometimes it could be very cheap for this reason. Better to pay a bit more than having lots of food go to waste. Expiration dates are not absolute but they serve their purpose.

Chlorine is very useful to have, you can disinfect both water and any fruit/vegetable you find. Plus you can use it as detergent for clothes and cleaning solution for the bathroom.

Learn to compost, it can and ideally works better on dark places as long as you air it. The same things you think as waste could be used (in the right proportion) to create a good soil for future crops. Used toilet paper, leftovers, ashes, unused leaves and branches and even your own feces. I included it here considering that the natural step after eating/cooking is waste treatment.

Be sure to have an abundant energy source for cooking: gas, alcohol, dry wood, kerosene. And be sure your stove is as efficient as possible. (The main issue about cooking fuel is inefficient stoves/bad installation).

Keep the prep info coming.