How many men killed themselves because of marriage?

Topic by freedom_Roy


Home Forums MGTOW Central How many men killed themselves because of marriage?

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    In my country of 8 million people, about 150 people commit suicide yearly, because of divorce, the vast majority of them are men.

    The research doesn’t mention drug and alcohol addiction caused by it, and how many people take anti-anxiety pills, which are basically also drugs.

    wonder what are the numbers in the states and if those are the real numbers


    Like you, I was wondering this the other day.

    Society nor the media recognize the fatalities of Men from being totally fucked over by marriage/divorce courts, etc.

    This is an unreported epidemic and I feel the numbers are staggering.

    Whenever I see a story on the news where a man has a stand-off with the police or when I see that a man has murdered his wife or kids and then himself I automatically assume, “Yep – he was getting fucked and he SNAPPED”.


    first off too many.

    Suicides Affected by Family Issues

    I know this is for military personnel. it says 30% is cause of family issues 11% is undetermined and the rest says No.

    6500 Veterans kill themselves each year. so even if it is 1/3 of that number we have 2000 the court/cunts put to death each year.

    Tom Balls situation is not unique. The Fathers Rights movement is all too familiar with it. Perhaps 24,000 men a year commit suicide due to the unconstitutional denial of basic rights of fathers in family courts. Some 250,000, or more, men are falsely and unlawfully placed into debtor’s prisons each day.

    This is bullshit and needs to stop

    Don't date single mothers all you are doing is housing financing and raising another mans orgasm. Live your life like you stole it.

    May 7 2020
    may 7 2020

    too many.

    I was going to be one.

    The bitter truth is better than the sweetest lie.


    One too many? ALL of them? How to be sure? In an open society where such numbers aren’t swept under the rug it’s possible to come up with an accurate number but as it is… In any case, one too many is probably the correct answer.
    I’m just coming back this hour from a friend’s house. He’s like a big brother to me and he’s just this year getting better and back on his feet after his crazy nutjob of a wife had left his children at the mercy of a voracious vicious and rapacious in-laws who basically stole his kids and then proceeded to completely and utterly destroy him some years ago. He doesn’t know his kids and they were pumped so full of lies that they don’t bother visiting. D’you think he didn’t try to off himself? Of course not.
    How many men have I met or known whose hell were created by weemins with the eager and expert help of fucking menginas and degenerate feminists? Again, one too many!

    " There are some former feminist troll posts in the litter box forum. No “concrete” examples exactly, because if we slammed a concrete door in her face, she would be even uglier. " ~ Keymaster


    Some people have underlying untreated mental issues and cannot handle stress well so when they face the end of their marriage and/or a bitter divorce and/or the loss of a good chunk of their money and property, rather than shrugging their shoulders and saying “I’ll just rebuild my life like I did before I met her”, they go on a shooting rampage or light themselves on fire or jump off a bridge.

    That’s on them.

    No one else.

    This is just another one of those “victim mentality” threads where it’s everyone else’s fault: The courts, the bad wife, the guy she’s having an affair with, the ungrateful kids who don’t speak to dad anymore because they’ve been brainwashed or whatever.

    I’ve been through all of that. And I’m still here.


    This is just another one of those “victim mentality” threads where it’s everyone else’s fault: The courts, the bad wife, the guy she’s having an affair with, the ungrateful kids who don’t speak to dad anymore because they’ve been brainwashed or whatever.

    I’ve been through all of that. And I’m still here.

    In other words, “man up”?

    I agree with the evils of “victim mentality”, but that is when people do something wrong and try to escape the consequences.

    But when you do nothing wrong, when you did what you are supposed to do, and you get screwed? That is not a victim?

    A girl having consensual sex and later screening rape is not a victim. The guy going to prison from her false allegations IS!

    You need to think carefully about what influences you have in your life that prevents you to see clearly injustices when it does to MEN!

    Because you would not call for a women to “suck it up” !!!

    Von Richthofen was the James Dean of World War I, an idol of his time, but he had no affairs with women.


    This is just another one of those “victim mentality” threads where it’s everyone else’s fault: The courts, the bad wife, the guy she’s having an affair with, the ungrateful kids who don’t speak to dad anymore because they’ve been brainwashed or whatever.

    I’ve been through all of that. And I’m still here.

    In other words, “man up”?

    I agree with the evils of “victim mentality”, but that is when people do something wrong and try to escape the consequences.

    But when you do nothing wrong, when you did what you are supposed to do, and you get screwed? That is not a victim?

    A girl having consensual sex and later screening rape is not a victim. The guy going to prison from her false allegations IS!

    You need to think carefully about what influences you have in your life that prevents you to see clearly injustices when it does to MEN!

    Because you would not call for a women to “suck it up” !!!

    I agree, it’s impressive to keep it strong in that sort of situation, but fuck, if a woman screwed up my life that, I don’t know what I’d do, especially if kids I helped raised started to hate me


    I know this is for military personnel. it says 30% is cause of family issues 11% is undetermined and the rest says No.

    I can recall six male suicides that I am personally aware of when I was in the military. Each one was associated with a relationshit or a marriage that had gone south.

    I’m also curious as to how many of those dead guys got married after being told that marriage was a horrific and retarded thing to do?

    You can only lead a horse to water…


    In other words, “man up”?

    I agree with the evils of “victim mentality”, but that is when people do something wrong and try to escape the consequences.

    But when you do nothing wrong, when you did what you are supposed to do, and you get screwed? That is not a victim?

    In other words, suck it up, accept that life isn’t fair, control what you can and let the rest go and do what you can with what you’ve got left.

    Going around blaming everyone else is a waste of expensive time and energy.


    I dunno and I’m not willing to spin that loaded revolver! I’m willing to let you guys go first!


    Over a million is my guess.

    A MGTOW is a man who is not a woman's bitch!


    Some people have underlying untreated mental issues and cannot handle stress well so when they face the end of their marriage and/or a bitter divorce and/or the loss of a good chunk of their money and property, rather than shrugging their shoulders and saying “I’ll just rebuild my life like I did before I met her”, they go on a shooting rampage or light themselves on fire or jump off a bridge.

    That’s on them.

    No one else.

    This is just another one of those “victim mentality” threads where it’s everyone else’s fault: The courts, the bad wife, the guy she’s having an affair with, the ungrateful kids who don’t speak to dad anymore because they’ve been brainwashed or whatever.

    Let’s play your little game.

    Some people have underlying untreated mental issues and cannot handle stress well so when they face forced sexual intercourse and/or genital trauma and/or the loss of their ability to enjoy normal sexual intercourse, rather than shrugging their shoulders and saying “I’ll just rebuild my life like I did before I met him”, they light themselves on fire or jump off a bridge.

    That’s on them.

    No one else.

    This is just another one of those “victim mentality” threads where it’s everyone else’s fault: The schools, the bad boys, the guy she was trying to seduce, the fashion industry who brainwashed her to wear indecent clothes or whatever.

    A man shouldn't make his life's objective to be on the side of the majority, but to avoid finding himself in the ranks of the insane. (Marcus Aurelius)


    In other words, suck it up, accept that life isn’t fair, control what you can and let the rest go and do what you can with what you’ve got left.

    Going around blaming everyone else is a waste of expensive time and energy.

    Then what are you doing here???

    What you call blame I call assigning fault where it lies.

    We are here assigning fault of the nature of women that when feral, on the injustices of law that protects them, and prevalent social norm of male disposability.

    We cannot assign fault? Must suck it up because life is not fair?

    I dont suck it up and continue as nothing happened. I react and respond accordingly.


    I do not “get over it”, I resign participating in this insane society that seeks to enslave me.

    I care not for it, just for myself and whoever I judge worthy. I will not actively undermine it, but I am in strike.

    That is my answer. Let Muslims have it, if they want it so much.

    How is that for moving on?

    Von Richthofen was the James Dean of World War I, an idol of his time, but he had no affairs with women.


    Then what are you doing here???

    Don’t know yet, still finding my way around. I just made an introductory post titled “don’t know if I belong here”. I joined because I read a few posts and felt inclined to give my input because of the misconceptions contained within them. I’m impulsive like that.

    What you call blame I call assigning fault where it lies.

    We are here assigning fault of the nature of women that when feral, on the injustices of law that protects them, and prevalent social norm of male disposability.

    We cannot assign fault? Must suck it up because life is not fair?

    I NEVER said blame cannot be placed where it belongs.

    I blame my ex-wife for spending most of our marital assets on her reckless and irresponsible spending habits and wasting a good part of the rest on attorneys fees for a contested divorce that could have been settled amicably and I blame her for much of the reason my daughters don’t speak to me.

    But I don’t then go jump off a bridge. If I did, I’d have no one to blame but yours truly.

    I don’t waste my time complaining about a flawed system that won’t change much during my lifetime.

    I live my life to the fullest extend that I can and I don’t look in the rearview mirror and constantly complain about how infairly I was treated by the broken system because it’s a pointless exercise in futility and a waste of my valuable and limited time and resources.

    Do you see the difference between what you said that I said and what I actually said?


    In other words, “man up”?

    I agree with the evils of “victim mentality”, but that is when people do something wrong and try to escape the consequences.

    But when you do nothing wrong, when you did what you are supposed to do, and you get screwed? That is not a victim?

    In other words, suck it up, accept that life isn’t fair, control what you can and let the rest go and do what you can with what you’ve got left.

    Going around blaming everyone else is a waste of expensive time and energy.

    Listen, buddy, good for you for dealing with that shit, but some people had their life completely destroyed.
    I read your story, you lost 250K, but you were left with 250K, those who kill themselves are usually people who stayed with barely enough money to pay the rent for a 1.5 bedroom apartment, so give them a break.

    what’s next, you tell man who got back from wars with PTSD, to suck it up?

    Can't Stump Trump
    Can’t Stump Trump

    I read a few posts and felt inclined to give my input because of the misconceptions contained within them. I’m impulsive like that.

    Bad reason to join MGTOW. Read the forums to LEARN from the experiences of wise men, not to PREACH.

    Women are better at multitasking? Fucking up several things at once is not multitasking.


    Going around blaming everyone else is a waste of expensive time and energy.

    I was going to give you some slack, on the possibility that you where “new” to this stuff.
    But either you are new not, I do not care for your attitude on a thread about MALE SUICIDE.

    Your callowness in this thread is appalling. You are insulting their memory assigning “mental issues” to every one of them.

    And in the words of someone that I RESPECT and that has gone through hell:

    I was going to be one.

    I was once driven to the brink of suicide also. Yet you claim this to be a mental issue on my part, and wrong to assign the fault to the one that drove me there?

    Yes, I moved on, but I do not forget.

    I therefore conclude that you can only be tuna, and I held you in contempt for every man here that was driven to despair by unspeakable injustices.

    Von Richthofen was the James Dean of World War I, an idol of his time, but he had no affairs with women.


    Listen, buddy, good for you for dealing with that shit, but some people had their life completely destroyed.
    I read your story, you lost 250K, but you were left with 250K, those who kill themselves are usually people who stayed with barely enough money to pay the rent for a 1.5 bedroom apartment, so give them a break.

    The legal fees were $250 combined. I was left with enough to purchase a small 2 bedroom condo but in the past 7 years have pulled it together and rebuilt most of what I lost in the divorce.

    Most of us start our lives with no money.

    Getting divorced is sort of like pushing the reset button.

    You start all over again. It blows, but you do it. Unless you’ve got such a mental deficiency that you think blowing your head open with a shotgun is preferrable to scrounging up a meal.


    Bad reason to join MGTOW. Read the forums to LEARN from the experiences of wise men, not to PREACH.

    I’ve been on this site for a day. Long enough for me to realize I’ve got a heck of a lot more to offer the membership than I’ll ever learn from most of them.

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