In 28 cities across the country today, tens of idiots are getting together to protest “Sharia Law.” You know, because it is totally so very likely that the United States of America will somehow adopt Sharia Law.

The protests are organized by anti-Muslim hate group Act for America, which counts among it’s board members former Trump advisors Walid Phares and Michael “Good Guy” Flynn.

One of these protests, set to take place in Arkansas, was already cancelled after it was revealed that the rally’s primary organizer was Billy Roper, a known Neo-Nazi. Whoops! Of course, that doesn’t mean that Neo-Nazis, anti-government groups and white supremacist groups are not going to show up — groups like the III Percenters, the Minnesota Minutemen, White Lives Matter and Sons of Odin have all announced they would be attending in various states, and the SPLC reports that neo-Nazi Christopher Aldean Locke will be attending the Roseville, California protest with his steel-toed boots on.

ACT’s founder Brigitte Gabriel claims that what they are protesting is Sharia Law being applied in the United States, and not just elsewhere — specifically citing female genital mutilation and honor killings. Which she for some reason thinks are totally legal here and “feminists” are fine with it, despite the fact that they are definitely not legal and no, “feminists” are not fine with that at all.

“It’s already here in America,” Gabriel told birther site World Net Daily. “We’re seeing girls being killed simply for wanting to wear makeup. Under our Constitution they deserve the same rights and protections.”

And they have them! Yeah, that is definitely illegal here and anyone who does that is going to end up in jail. Just like how Warren Jeffs is in jail for following his religion’s “requirement” that he marry a bunch of preteen girls. Just like how Christian Minister Brooke Covington may be going to jail for leading her congregation in beating a gay man half to death in order to “exorcise his demons.” Everyone here is allowed to practice their religion. No one here is allowed to break the law because of their religion. It’s all very sense-making and fair!

By the way, Sharia Law does not require Female Genital Mutilation. That is not a thing. According to Dr Ahmend Talib, Dean of the Faculty of Sharia, Al Azhar University in Cairo, “All practices of female circumcision and mutilation are crimes and have no relationship with Islam. Whether it involves the removal of the skin or the cutting of the flesh of the female genital organs…it is not an obligation in Islam.” There is also no mention of it in the Koran. The practice is also not limited to Muslims, and it’s actually practiced by Christians in some countries as well.

Female genital mutilation is a freaking horrifying thing, and it’s important that we all work together to put an end to it the world over. You know what’s really, really unhelpful in doing that? Idiots claiming that it’s part of Sharia Law and disingenuously protesting against it because they don’t like Muslims and they want to have a stupid protest against Muslims. In fact, it is the very opposite of helpful.

They’re not trying to be helpful though, they just think they’ve hit on a real clever way to be assholes with some kind of moral impunity that will prevent anyone from calling them assholes. It’s a troll. As evidenced by this statement from protest organizer/megadouche Scott Presler to World Net Daily:

If radical leftists want to hold counter protests in favor of female genital mutilations, honor killings and the death penalty for former Muslims who have left the faith, they are more than welcome to do so.

And they totally would have gotten us on that too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids and their blasted dog! Or, you know, the fact that we’re not stupid.

So how are the trolls doing? Well, Wonkette’s own Killer Martinis was gracious enough to take a pic for us at the protest in Southfield, Michigan!

Yep! That sure is an empty parking lot!

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch feed has a number of sweet pics as well:

OOH! The Proud Boys! Think they brought some milk with them to chug?

I’m sure they’ll all have a lovely time making asses out of themselves. Maybe next week they can all get together to protest unicorns or something equally non-existent!

[Southern Poverty Law Center | Washington Post]

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  • Msgr_MΩment
    • Chyron HR

      Well, now I just miss Tbogg.

    • Bobathonic

      Ask her hips – they don’t lie.

      • Msgr_MΩment
        • greyXstar

          Fucking. Morons.

          How cosmically stupid does one have to be to buy into this shit?

        • PubOption

          It looks more like Devanagari script to me.

          • WomanInThePersistence

            It does because it is. It’s certainly not Arabic. And why would anybody spend that much time decorating a doughnut?

        • Mike Hoyer

          That’s the One Ring.

          Apologies if PubOption said this already when he called it Devanagari. I’m not the biggest fan of Lord of the Rings. But I saw the movie and I’m pretty sure that’s also the answer to “Why would anyone spend that much time decorating a donut?”

          • WomanInThePersistence

            Ooooohhhhh- I missed that totally.

  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    Losers, Cowards, and Assholes, to the last of them. Go Fuck Yourselves, you Pusillanimous Racist Religious Fanatics. You – *YOU!* are a far greater danger than anyone in the Muslim world.

    • Lordpnut

      I read an article by Some Guys Who Did The Math, and through the last year statistics were available (2014?) the chances of an American dying in a terrorist attack were several times less than being hit by lightning. Compared to an American in the U.S. killed by a foreign-born terrorist, you are more likely to be hit by lightning – survive it – and be struck by lightning again.

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        I believe it. These cowards spend way too much time quaking about this unlikely shit. They are fear-filled Gastropods that sully the once-proud title of American Citizen with their squalling and mewling.

  • memzilla Ω
    • DoILookAmused2u? Résistance☨

      Halal is like poseur Kosher.

      • redarmyzombie

        I’ve found that every religious dietary guideline is basically Kosher…

  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    “In 28 cities across the country today, tens of idiots are getting together”

    Brava, Robyn. Well Played, Madame.

  • Le Covfefe Royal

    Sorry,folks. If the founding fathers wanted separation of mosque and state, they would have said so in the Constitution. So we’re going to cram some sharia down your throats.

  • Everrett Fanuelli
  • willi0000000

    get out the signs protesting Scalia Law and blend in folks.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      I still get my panties in a twist over Salic Law.

      Salic Law of Succession, the rule by which, in certain sovereign dynasties, persons descended from a previous sovereign only through a woman were excluded from succession to the throne. Gradually formulated in France, the rule takes its name from the code of the Salian Franks, the Lex Salica (Salic Law).

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        I literally learn something on Teh Wonket every day.

        Ima big fan of “Downton Abbey”. It always irked me that Lady Mary couldn’t inherit the title or the property even though it was her mother’s money that kept the damned enterprise going.

  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    A: The Proud Boys

    Q: “I’ll take ‘Neckbeards Whom shall die as Virgins” for $2000, Alex.”

  • WomanInThePersistence
    • willi0000000

      can ten people really “throng” together or do you need more?

    • Le Covfefe Royal

      I read that as “thongs.” Leaving disappointed.

  • Anna Rompage

    Something tells me that most of these fragile snowflakes, that are so fearful of a religion that is practiced by 1% of the population, have no qualms with the 10 Commandments being displayed in a court of law, or evangelical Christins pushing to implement their own version of sharia law here in the US…

    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

      This. The ones that constantly spew their own religious privilege are objecting to the merest mention of any other religious privilege.

    • willi0000000

      yes. . . . they want Church Law not Sharia Law

      [ replace the title page and you don’t even have to change the page numbers ]

  • Jgb979

    “One of these protests, set to take place in Arkansas, was already cancelled after it was revealed that the rally’s primary organizer was Billy Roper, a known Neo-Nazi”

    ….in fairness wouldn’t it be more shocking if he WASNT a neo Nazi in Arkansas? (Sorry Arkansas libelz)

    What kind of self – respecting sharia lawyers would pick Arkansas of all places to set up a law? (More Ak libels)

    • Explody Brain

      The kind of Sharia lawyers who realize how close the Christian Right is to wanting to impose Sharia law of their own?

  • Michael R
    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


    • DoILookAmused2u? Résistance☨

      Somebody’s gradmas escaped the home again.

    • Explody Brain

      One of them needs to write a book that will galvanize a movement that will end with them not being allowed to read.

      Or they could all see a reputable psychiatrist.

    • willi0000000

      grabbable, perhaps . . . grab-worthy, unlikely.

    • nightmoth

      Where’s a good slut-shamer when you need one?

    • greyXstar

      Oh. Honey, no

    • Rickyphoo

      Ha! They wish!

  • willi0000000

    why would anybody want to be known as an ill percenter?

  • Debbie the Unpaid Protester

    Well, genital mutilation is gross & awful & cruel– a horrible way to “control” women. in that regard, you’d think the white supremacists would like that,because there seems to be an overlap between them & the MGTOW guys.
    Ish, here in Minnesota, I see:

    “Hundreds of people gathered at the Minnesota State Capitol on a sweltering Saturday in dueling protests focused on Islam in America.

    Inside the Capitol rotunda, about 100 people listened to speakers who portrayed sharia law as a threat to American democracy. Outside on the Capitol steps, about 300 counterprotesters heard their own speakers and carried signs advocating tolerance for Muslims and decrying racism.

    “Oppose sharia law,” read one of the signs inside. One outside read, “Sharia law doesn’t threaten America, but your hate does. Love your neighbor.”

    A sign reading “Deus vult!” had been placed near one door inside the Capitol, though it was not clear by whom. The phrase, which is Latin for “God willing,” was a battle cry in early Christian crusades and has been embraced by some on the far right.

    At the anti-sharia gathering, a letter from Act for America founder Brigitte Gabriel was read, with the crowd applauding at its call for tighter restrictions on immigration and standing to clap when President Donald Trump was mentioned.”

    So, at least they’re outnumbered (it’s 90 degrees already, and supposed to get up to a 100-degree heat index). I hope the counter-protesters stay safe & hydrated.

  • DoILookAmused2u? Résistance☨

    There were literally couples of self-identified skinny heads and White powder nationals in groupings?

  • Anna Rompage

    Funny how these folks don’t seem to have any qualms with male circumcision..

    • DoILookAmused2u? Résistance☨

      They are afraid coming out against that might be “premature”.

      • Anna Rompage

        Maybe they’re just looking to snip one procedure at a time…

      • Msgr_MΩment

        Or they’d come off as half-cocked.

    • TJ Barke

      Not to well, actually you, but actually, the MRAs love to harp about that, even though the two aren’t nearly equivalent.

      • nightmoth

        Oh lord, 30 years ago I had a co-worker in my science lab who was a NUT about that. It was his big cause, he turned every conversation to it, and he would get worked up into a rage and turn red in the face. Needless to say, he was NOT invited to any of our parties.

        • Résistance Land Shark Ω

          A paranoid putz?

  • Explody Brain

    To participate in this you either have to be so far down the rabbit hole you’ve popped up in Shanghai or so fucking cynical that you really ought to throw the towel in and come hangout with the people on Wonkette.

    • WomanInThePersistence

      No. I don’t think we want them here.

      • Explody Brain

        Hey, I’m willing to accept converts if it means winning (with real votes) in 2018 and 2020.

        • WomanInThePersistence

          Converts, yes. Trolls, not so much. And anybody participating in this non-sense is almost by definition a troll.

          • Explody Brain

            That’s not the way I meant it, but decent point.

  • CeeQ

    Ugh. I used to live in Southfield. Bastards.
    Fucking hell these people. I’m glad turn out is small. Hope people just walk by, point and laugh then take pics to mock these concern trolls with.

  • Reximus

    Wingnuts are also flipping out about the newly commissioned USS Gabrielle Giffords

    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

      :) If I ever build a model of a LCS, it’s be USS Gabrielle Giffords.

      • TJ Barke

        Heh heh, littoral

        • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


          USS Cunning Linguist. I should be Skipper of *that* ship.

    • ariel_gee_398

      Confidential to Sheriff Clarke – Note what the uniform of an actual badass looks like.

  • WomanInThePersistence

    Personally, I am more concerned about the (non-existent) threat to mandate the laws of kashrut, the ( non-existent) movement to require magic underwear, and the (non-existent) determination to require Communion. It’s frightening, really. Well, if you are very, very stupid.

    • Suttree

      They have no chance. The only reason I even wear underwear is because I’m not wearing pants.

      • WomanInThePersistence


  • The Librarian

    Sharia law in U.S. – non-existent, likelihood of happening – non -existent

    Female genital mutilation in U.S. – non-existent, likelihood of happening, non-existent

    Asshats protesting these non-existent happenings: they believe it lends credence to non-existent happenings.

    Amount of asshats favorably attending these protests: lololololololol. But the ones that did can go fuck themselves into non-existence.

    • nightmoth

      There was a jerk in Atlanta who did FGM on his baby girl and was arrested and deported. Mom and the baby got to stay.

      • The Librarian

        Good!! I will qualify my snark as FGM is not common in this country.

        • Résistance Land Shark Ω

          But sadly, does exist.

          • The Librarian

            Indeed, I stand corrected: What is the prevalence rate of FGM in the U.S.?
            In response to advocacy by Equality Now, Safe Hands for Girls, and other civil society partners, in January 2016 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a new study about the number of women and girls who are at risk of FGM or have undergone FGM in the U.S. According to the study, an estimated 513,000 women and girls in the U.S. have undergone or are at risk of being subjected to FGM, which is more than three times higher than an earlier estimate based on 1990 data.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      If they’re bothered by religious fanatics trying to impose their laws on the rest of us, they should look up what their Yeshua ben Myriam said about the log in their own eye.

    • I am actually kind of surprised that FGM hasn’t caught on more with the the radical Chistian sects. Happy it hasn’t, but still surprised

      • TJ Barke

        Shh, don’t give them any ideas…

    • Suttree

      If they were actually getting laid, they would have something better to do on a Saturday afternoon.

      • baconzgood

        We have the gay pride thing here in pittsburgh. Maybe they should (eh-hem) explore other cultures.

  • CeeQ

    3 Percenters? Is that how much of their brain is left functioning? Asking for a friend.

    • Résistance Land Shark Ω


    • SayItWithWookies

      They’re awful tippers.

  • nightmoth

    I’m opposed to the imposition of any religious law, sharia or evangelical christianist. However, there’s apparently more to sharia law than we commonly hear. A couple of years ago I was amazed when an Iranian woman lifted the death sentence on her son’s killer, under sharia law. A few weeks before this happened, a black family in Texas went before the parole board to beg that the killer of their son and brother be spared from execution, and instead serve life in prison. Texas refused, saying that although the victim’s family forgave the killer, the matter was now an issue for The State, and the state had imposed a death sentence. The juxtapostion of the two cases was interesting to me. I think we could learn from other judicial systems in the world, instead of going deaf when we hear how they do things in any other country but ours. The story about the Iranian woman who gave a reprieve is here:

  • covfefesumgame0005

    OT but…

    Adam West, Straight-Faced Star of TV’s ‘Batman,’ Dies at 88

  • greyXstar

    Orlando’s dedicated the entire month to promoting unity and inclusion for the anniversary of the Pulse attack. Even Disney’s involved. It’s downright adorbs that the Nazi frog brigade thinks they’re getting anything over on us.

  • TJ Barke

    Sharia law, a thing that will never be a thing in America. Because, guess why? Liberal values, values that don’t actually tolerate things like sharia law. A hyper conservative and reactionary concept. We tolerate and celebrate tolerant, moderate and liberal Muslims, not conservative reactionary and extremist Muslims. Just like we tolerate and celebrate moderate and liberal Christians, and we don’t really tolerate vile extremist Christians. This isn’t hard to understand…

    • willi0000000

      “…we don’t really tolerate vile extremist Christians.”

      too many citizens of this country not only tolerate them but actively support them . . . and way too many of those are in Congress!

  • UnsaltedSinner

    Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

    • TJ Barke

      What a stupid tool.

      • UnsaltedSinner

        Hey! You don’t want to piss off these badasses…

        • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

          “Like lame Bumblebee Cosplay.”

          • willi0000000

            LARPing for idiots.

          • Msgr_MΩment


          • nightmoth


          • PubOption

            Really lame, he could have found pants the right size.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


        • TJ Barke

          Go for the legs. Easy to injure the knees even on an armored enemy.

          • UnsaltedSinner

            I think you can just wait for the guy in the gas mask to have a heat stroke. Mr. Bumblebee seems to have left his nether regions unprotected.

          • Covfefe

            In basic, if we were naughty, they would make us run in gas masks. But they gave us salt pills.

          • UnsaltedSinner

            Yeah, we did that as well. Not an activity for a hot summer’s day.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            Had I the cash, I’d love to own a quality replica of a Gladius. I’d hang in on my wall, because I love bladed weapons and history.

            I would *not* take it to the park.

          • UnsaltedSinner

            When my dad turned 75, we gave him a replica of the iron age Snartemo Sword (ca. 500 CE), which was found in the area where his family has lived for centuries. It’s beautiful, but the hilt is weirdly small. I guess the guy who used it had Trump-like hands.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            I used to have a cheapie “Henry VI” Two-Handed Blade I got as a gift.

            I could swing it like a Gladius, the “two-handed” grip was barely big enough for my smallish hand.

          • C4TWOMAN

            Even if you’re SCA or Renfaire, you don’t “fight” with your real weapons. That’s a great way to get someone hurt or killed, especially if they’re made well. You “fight” with rattan swords or blunted foils(depending on the period/style). Your armour is real though.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            Oh yes. I used to hang out with SCA in Colorado Springs. we used compressed foam “blades” for contact duels. It was a blast. :)

          • Edith Prickly

            LOL, just run away. Even if Mr. Aryan Superman could keep up, he’ll trip on something before he got too far.

          • C4TWOMAN

            It is a weak link with the right weapon, but not if you have proper armour and know what you’re doing.

            What am I saying? Of course they have NO clue. As you were.

            (old SCA fighter here)

        • Msgr_MΩment

          Is he sweating to death or does he have a “drinking problem”?

          • UnsaltedSinner

            The gas mask may have been an unfortunate choice.

          • C4TWOMAN

            Vader libelz!

          • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

            Why not both?

        • CripesAmighty

          This crowd makes a Furry convention look like a philosophy colloquium.

        • SayItWithWookies

          “Is this the casting call for Mad Max Conquers the Martians?

        • anon_the_great


        • jesterpunk

          Aww how cute, their mom let them outside but made them wear their safety helmet.

    • ariel_gee_398
    • Vecchioivan

      Go play outside, peewee.

    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

      The Fuck is this? BHA-hahahaha.

      • UnsaltedSinner

        Check out the whole thread. It’s awesome.

        • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

          Oh Dear Goodness, thank you for the recommendation. xD

    • WomanInThePersistence

      There are reasons the Romans aren’t the military force they once were. Has this one been drinking from lead goblets?

    • TJ Barke

      If they’re smart they know to go for the armpits.

      • willi0000000

        only necessary against full coverage, properly designed and fitted armor . . . against that shit you just come in under the lowest plate on an upward arc . . . or just go for the dangly-bits . . . he seems to have forgotten the lower parts.

    • Ricky Gay

      Dat feeb don’t need no armor, he need a iron lung!

    • Anna Rompage

      What’s with all the middle aged, morbidly obese people, dressed up as GI Shmoe, and carrying assault weapons?

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        “Do you Suffer from Small-Peen Syndrome? Here are the symptoms:”

        • Vecchioivan

          “Haven’t seen Mr. Wee-wee in a month of Sundays? We’re here to help.”

      • subatomic

        Isn’t that most of the male population of Arkansas?

    • The Librarian

      Um, those idiots don’t know Halloween is in October?

    • CripesAmighty

      My shop class project. B-. Pretty cool, huh?

    • Edith Prickly

      Ladies and gentlemen, your master race.

      • TJ Barke

        He looks a little ethnic…

    • Mysterious Masked Wrestler

      Wait, wait, wait, you can’t just post that picture and not tell me what the fuck this is

      • UnsaltedSinner

        It’s an alt-right rally in Texas.

    • anon_the_great

      Who else can’t wait to get him in a dark alley and give him a Handie?

      • thixotropic jerk


  • Msgr_MΩment

    ‘Scuse me while I ram this while I ram this down your throat….

    • Vecchioivan

      🎶 Sharia . . .
      🎶 I just met a law called Sharia . . . 🎶

      • Nockular cavity

        Sharia, shari-i-a,
        they call the wind sharia

    • John Thorstensen

      Or Weird Al, “My Bologna” …

    • Old Man Yells at Cloud

      Sharona Law?

  • Nounverb911

    Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad,
    sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, Batman!

    • C4TWOMAN

      I haz many sadz.


    • Bitter Scribe

      I really liked Adam West for his voice appearances on The Simpsons (some as himself/Batman, others not). He had a sense of humor about himself, for sure.

    • Persistent Demme

      I loved snarky Batman.

  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    I suppose it’s easier to blame life’s disappointments on the Other – Feminists, Muslims, Browns, Liberals – and to carry assault weapons and whine than to take stock of yourself, change what you can, and to realize no person gets everything they want.

    • Vecchioivan

      WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA!??!!!!!???!

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


    • The Librarian

      You’re a shameless hussy for outing them. I like that in a person. :)

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        :D Thankees. *curtsey*

  • Rickyphoo

    I see this “creeping Sharia Law” bullshit everywhere, even from some of my own idiot relatives and I ask then to please explain to me just how Sharia Law can become a thing when the assholes GOPbaggers they put into congress and the white house control the majority in both houses as well as the White House.

    I never get a straight answer.

    • jesterpunk

      Projection. They want everyone to focus on something that isn’t a thing while they pass more so called Christian religious laws.

    • willi0000000

      they don’t do answers . . . just complaints, bitching, moaning…

  • baconzgood

    I’m glad they drew my attention to Sharia Law. This new law intrigues and I’d like to subscribe to its news letter.

    • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

      You are in fine form today, sir!

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Vernon Law’s grandson. Used to play with the little Elroy Faces
      /esoteric 1960 yinzered

  • PubOption
  • Me not sure

    So a “boy band” showed up in Orlando? I always wondered what happened to the Proud Boys.

  • Vecchioivan

    Is it just me, or does Proud Boys sound like a NAMBLA front?

    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

      IMHO, “Proud Boys” sounds like cute Gay Guys cruising for Bears or Leather Daddies.

    • anon_the_great

      They are boys. Stupid, scared, horny and terrified of just about every human interaction.

    • Me not sure

      Now that you mention it, they don’t look like the kind of guys that would wake up in the morning absolutely outraged about clitoridectomy or vaginal infibulation.

    • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

      The National Association of Marlon Brando Look-Alikes? None of these clods look like Marlon.

  • SayItWithWookies

    One of these is scheduled to begin soon in Virginia Beach — the only listed one in my state. It’s taking place on Mount Trashmore, a landfill that was engineered to be turned into a public park and greenspace once it was filled. The Islamophobes and their Nazi pals might could take a hint from that.

    • TundraGrifter

      I hope they fire up a bbq.

    • The Librarian

      How apropos, trash on trash.

  • anon_the_great

    Oh, won’t SOMEONE think of the Unicorns!

  • Bitter Scribe

    If radical leftists want to hold counter protests in favor of female genital mutilations, honor killings and the death penalty for former Muslims who have left the faith, they are more than welcome to do so.

    Sure. We’ll do that right after your counter-protests against pig-fucking and using crystal meth.

    • Nockular cavity

      Don’t call his sister a pig!

    • Persistent Demme


  • Marion in Savannah

    There is, in fact, a cohort in the United States that is DYING to implement their version of Sharia law. It’s the Talibangelicals, the Y’allQaeda crowd. As in absolutely everything else, if they’re protesting Sharia law it’s projection all the way down.

    • C4TWOMAN

      IKR? We’re talking IMAX THX Dolby stereo surround sound level here….

  • jesterpunk
  • Msgr_MΩment

    Don’t ya just hate it when your Veep and Secretary of Edumacation can’t shove their religious laws down your throat cuz everybody too busy “circumcizing” your mothers and daughters all over the place?!

  • MizzMazz
    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


    • Jon Sussex

      Still not one on my street. I was promised. :(

      • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

        We told you: HER EMAILS = NO TACO TRUCKS on your corner.

      • WomanInThePersistence

        Only if Hillary won. :(

        Which she did if we had a sane system that allowed the majority of voters to win. :(

      • Msgr_MΩment

        Thanks, Putin.

      • mailman27

        Yeah, and I’m still waiting for those pee hookers.

    • The Librarian

      Love this: ” “If it’s [Donald] Trump’s worst nightmare that we’re going to bring a taco truck to every mosque, then he really needs to start changing his dreams of what his future of America looks like, because we are the future of America.””

    • WomanInThePersistence

      This made me tear up a bit. Who knew that onion ninjas were Latino muslims?

    • CripesAmighty

      Coolest. Thing. Ever.

    • norcalOG

      Something else real Americans need to get rid of. Let’s quit allowing Mex talk to dominate our food.
      What you want is a piece of unleavened flat bread made from finely ground corn stuffed with spiced meat, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese. Put some sauce on it and you’ve got something good.
      Call it what it is!
      Don’t dress up trucks with foreign stuff that defies naming.
      Before you know it, you’ll have to order it all in Mex: taco con lechuga, tomate, queso, salsa. Pretty clear, after they get Sharia, Mex is nex.

  • Me not sure

    They claim to be anti-Shariah, but they look like they would be more than willing to cut off your hand if you stole something from one of them.

  • Robbertjan Brandenburg

    Sigh, can’t we just introduce Sharia law just to get rid of these poor excuses for people…

  • jesterpunk

    No Trump, No KKK No Facist USA.

  • Shanzgood
    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

      Wow. Your “Master Race”, Everypony.

      • Vecchioivan

        Heh heh heh. “The Aristocrats!”

      • Paperless Tiger

        They don’t make them like they used to.

        • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

          That’s for Damn sure.

    • The Librarian

      Hate and stupidity hiding behind an American flag. :P

      • DainBramage

        They need a bigger flag.

        • The Librarian

          I don’t think there’s one big enough.

    • Marion in Savannah

      That kinda looks like the local Meth Addicts Day Out. Pitiful.

    • WomanInThePersistence

      My goodness. Look at those tens of people. And that’s barely a plural.

    • MizzMazz

      I don’t get her expression. She’s totally miserable? Bad batch of meth? has to go and can’t get to the potty because the stairs are blocked?

      • Marion in Savannah

        Dunno. That could be the look of someone whose husband made her wear the damn hat. She’d probably rather be at home cooking up a new batch of meth.

        • Shanzgood

          She posted it herself along with some videos which I couldn’t bear to watch.

      • DainBramage

        She’s trying to smile without showing her meth teeth.

        • MizzMazz

          LOL, I was thinking that too.

      • Vecchioivan

        No, just the look of bewildered panic she lives in all day.

      • mailman27

        Sort of a yeah, like, whatever…?

    • Anna Rompage

      I see the Derp State has sent only their finest out to protest today!

    • Vecchioivan

      I’ve seen better looking crowds lined up outside the Baptist Church in downtown Portland just before the kitchen opens.

    • TundraGrifter

      I’ve seen more people than that standing at a San Francisco bus stop.

      As for the remarkably poor taste American flag clothing – speaks for itself. And it’s howling.

      • Shanzgood

        ACT had a FaceBorg event about it. Apparently all of 47 people marked it as “went”.

    • Shibusa
    • jesterpunk
    • janecita

      The “Master Race,” keeps on going downhill.

    • William
    • Msgr_MΩment

      Bunch of Beerhall Putzes.

  • darnyoudarnyoutoheck
    • jesterpunk

      He is so worried about someone using a knife that he leaves huge openings where someone could stab him if they wanted. He should stop eating paste.

      • Marion in Savannah

        But… but… but… He gets his paste from Jonah Goldberg’s supplier. It’s the VERY BEST paste.

    • MizzMazz

      Aaaannd another constipated one.

    • Nockular cavity

      Nice thinly-disguised Nazi flag, asshole.

    • The Librarian

      Rethug goons playing dress up is just sad, but the comedic moments are priceless.

    • Paperless Tiger

      It goes inside your coat for the element of surprise. Duh!

    • TundraGrifter

      I would have told him his corset is on backwards.

      In a nice way, of course.

    • darnyoudarnyoutoheck

      It also struck me that he is not particularly “white” looking.

      • Vecchioivan

        It’s the thought that counts. . .

      • DainBramage

        George Zimmerman syndrome.

    • janecita

      Look at that puzzled expression! This dude has “Moran” written all over.

    • Suse

      What a ridiculous douche bag!!11!

    • Everrett Fanuelli

      Worst Iron Man cosplay ever

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


    • William

      Welcome to virginity. I’ll be your guide.

    • CripesAmighty
    • Christopher Story

      Cosplaying is getting really out of hand. Seriously, you didn’t drop the amount of money that cost for self-defense. He looks like a child wearing his favorite Halloween costume because he thinks it makes him look imposing.

    • Christopher Story

      Besides, all us role playing leftist nerds already spotted his soft spots.
      The major artery in the the thigh that bleeds really fast when severed.
      Ha ha ha, he thinks he’s safe in that.

      • Shanzgood

        The femoral artery was my first thought.

        • Christopher Story

          Yeah! That one! I can’t think today; nephew’s here

        • Unmutual Tetsu Kaba

          Mine also too

    • baconzgood

      Man-o-man…SOMEONE needs a cock punch.

  • Paperless Tiger

    That buck stops with the Führer.

  • baconzgood

    So like 4 people show up and it’s a “protest”? That means that every wonkette drinky thing is an act of civil disobedience minus the misspelled posters.

    • jesterpunk

      I had more people show up the last time I had a BBQ and I didnt even invite anyone they just kind of showed up.

    • Shanzgood

      You spelled “orgy” wrong.

      • Doug Langley

        I’m detecting a pattern to what’s on your mind when you talk to Baconz.

        • Shanzgood

          It’s his fault!

        • baconzgood

          I give her what she wants. And she leaves the money on the dresser. It’s a perfect relationship.

      • Vecchioivan

        Orgy? Hmmm. I guess the real fun starts after I go home.

    • WomanInThePersistence

      Well the Wonkette drinky things do feature bigger vocabularies. And fewer acts of desecrating the flag. We’re classy like that.

  • TundraGrifter

    “…the Minnesota Minutemen…”

    That’s what she called them.

    • DainBramage

      Don’t believe the hype. They’re rounding up.

      • TundraGrifter

        “Thirty-second men?”

  • Covfefe

    If we could just bring The Bible back into the classroom, we wouldn’t have to worry about no sharia law.

    • Vecchioivan

      And we could bring back are proud Confederate heritage along with it. Slavery is in the Bible you know!

  • janecita

    Why doesn’t Brigitte Gabriel go fight Sharia law in her own fucking country, Lebanon? Fucking crackpot!

    • TundraGrifter

      Do you really think they want her back?

      • janecita

        Do we need to tell them that we are sending her back? Let it be an unpleasant surprise.

    • Covfefe

      Charming story really. Wiki says her birth name was Hanan Qahwaji. Changed her name to Brigitte because, as we all know, there are really two kinds of people on God’s Green Earth, the Irish and those who wish they were Irish.

      • janecita

        The woman was happy when Israel invaded her country, she is a terrible human being.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Why stop at Shania Law? I don’t want any Sikhs forcing me to not shave, wrap a turban around my head and carry a sword!

    • Vecchioivan

      And if you think I’m wearing any goddamn magic undies . . .

    • WomanInThePersistence

      And I don’t care what the Wiccans want. I don’t do sky-clad.

    • Suse

      Shania Twain is our overlordess?

    • janecita

      “You don’t impress me much.”

    • baconzgood

      Or Clevelanders? I don’t want to watch Drew Carry and have a mullet.

  • William
    • Doug Langley

      Total hoax. It really says “One donut to rule them . . .”

      • ariel_gee_398

        One glazed ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

    • DainBramage

      Served at all Shakira concerts?

      • William


    • janecita
      • William

        Who dances in front of urinals that tall? Who does that?

        • janecita

          We all will be doing it soon, if Starbucks has its way, and Shakira’s law is implemented in the U.S. Wake up Sheeple!!!

          • Msgr_MΩment

            Those hips don’t lie.

          • William

            Is that one of them-thar unicycle bathrooms?

          • Juan de Fuca

            So that’s what that song was about!


          • janecita

            Yes it was!

          • Juan de Fuca

            Well sign us up for Shakira’s Law then. She is loved in the de Fuca house. She’s also a good daughter who takes her dad as her date to her awards shows *looks across at Miss de Fuca* ;-)

          • natoslug

            I fully admit I have no idea what she was singing, but I do love listening to her.

          • janecita

            She is singing about a man’s eyes. She has seen many wondrous things, and has traveled to many exotic places, but nothing compares to his eyes.

    • Randy Riddle

      You know what else they’re doing? Marking neighborhoods where Sharia law has been enacted with these Islamic road markings!!!

  • mailman27

    Well, at least the relentless media attention on these halfwits has shown that not too many people are buying this bullshit, right? And that’s a good thing, yes? No? Well, I’ll just resume the fetal position…

  • cmd resistor

    I’m in orlando today. Somehow i missed seeing this throng.

  • norcalOG

    They’ll have to pry my BLT from my cold, dead hands.

  • Anna Rompage

    Vicente Fox trolls Trump, yet again….

    • CripesAmighty

      Ha! Rachel or Joy oughta give him a weekly slot a la Andy Rooney. How ’bout it?

    • Kiri the Unicorn

      I’m with John Oliver in appreciating Fox making the effort to cuss in his second language.

  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    Y’know the last time i interacted with Muslims here in Colorado, it was when my then-GF and I were dropping off a friend on our way to the Club. I went to pay for the fuel in a micro-skirt, fishnets, and 6 inch heels. The service station guys were both Muslim.

    They smiled at me, and the transaction took a while because the older man was training the younger one. Eventually he took my $20, gave me my change, and smiled again, saying “Enjoy your evening.”

    No catcalling, no staring, no intrusive lectures. I’d much rather interact with Muslims than with “Good Christians”.

    • William

      Were they black fishnets? Was there lipstick? (Just trying to,… ya-know get a good mental image in the name of…um…religious tolerance and all that).

    • Anna Rompage

      We had a muslim family from Jordan who lived a couple doors down from us for about 10 years, with 3 generations all living under the same roof.

      They were awesome folks, who would come over an pick grape leaves, then bring us a massive plate of dolmas when they were done cooking them up.

      They were friendly, respectful, we would have BBQs on occasion together. I would share excess produce from my garden with them, and in return, they would always gift us with home baked sweet treats from the region they lived, or a plate of grilled meats.

      The funny thing is that I live on a street where just about everyone knows one another, except for the evangelical Christians who live on the corner, they keep to themselves, are not very friendly, and they don;t talk to any of the neighbors

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        Sweet. The best Gyros placein Colorado Springs is run by a couple from Iran. They are so sweet, the food is amazing and plentiful, and since they are usually very busy the woman usually gives out some Baklava or Dolmas while they prepare the Gyros.

        • Hamilton Ω, AKA Formerly DN

          You just had to mention Baklava…


          Gotta go. Back in 45 minutes!!

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


        • Wally Pipp

          Is it George’s? Asking for a friend. . .
          Since we’re not allowed to post here, I’ll understand if you don’t answer. I won’t like it, but I’ll understand.

          • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

            No, it’s Grand Gyros.

    • m3bosha

      The Muslims that live two doors down borrowed our dolly and my 15 year old son to get their new trampoline kit moved into their backyard. All while wearing a head scarf. She didn’t even stone me for my short shorts and the fact I was one cocktail in at 5 in the evening. Savages.

      • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

        :D IKNORITE?

  • ariel_gee_398
    • Mid evil is so blasè

      • Shanzgood

        Mi devil is so naughty.

        • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


        • Baconz really DID rub up on you!

          • Shanzgood

            He did. It took almost a week to recover.

          • baconzgood

            She smells like ham now.

    • William
    • TJ Barke

      We’re brave, protesting against something that will never happen here!

    • DainBramage

      Mid evil is very bureaucratic with bad florescent lighting.

    • Hamilton Ω, AKA Formerly DN

      So far the main thing these idiots are casting out is proper spelling.

      Dumb asses.

    • janecita

      Mid Evil is better than upper management evil. Those fuckers are the WORST!

    • CripesAmighty

      Doing a fine job dispelling their undeserved reputation as bumptious hicks.

    • Poorly Behaved Pérsistanista

      Mi devil is better than your devil.

      • Kiri the Unicorn

        Mine gives excellent back massages!

    • Sophia

      Guess they went to the same school with the tea party clan. What a bunch of morans.

      • Lori

        Are you assuming the these geniuses are the tea party folks are different clans? I’d say that’s assuming facts not in evidence.

  • Clyde Barrow

    There’s an “anti-Sharia march” going on a few miles from me. Of course, it’s in an upscale shopping center in a mostly white bedroom community. The braveness of these Duck Dynasty patriots is astounding!

    • CripesAmighty

      Betcha they’re gonna be nonplussed when the bougie neighbors send out the gendarmerie to sweep up the trailer trash.

      • Clyde Barrow

        Actually the counter-protesters outnumber the protesters, 3-1. Sweet.

  • calliecallie
    • Kiri the Unicorn

      Why would anyone even do that? The right wing has NO sense of humor!

  • Kiri the Unicorn

    I’d like to mention at this time that unicorns are not non-existent.

    We’re mythical, which is a different other kind of thing entirely altogether.

  • Shanzgood

    I wonder how many of them accidentally got caught up in Pride parades?

    • CripesAmighty

      Needs moar glitter.

      • Anna Rompage

        And pink & pastel camo dammit!

        Enough with this drab beige shit…

    • Clyde Barrow

      That may somewhat of a Freudian slip on their part, since so many are closeted.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      I read recently that the alt-right is trying to recruit gays. Should work out well. Something about Hollywood liberals sissifying them.

      • Shanzgood

        Because wimminz won’t sexx on them so they’re trying to increase their odds?

    • WomanInThePersistence

      One certainly hopes.

  • efoveks

    “It’s already here in America,” Gabriel told birther site World Net Daily. “We’re seeing girls being killed simply for wanting to wear makeup. Under our Constitution they deserve the same rights and protections.”

    Yep. Every day, people are murdered here in Murica-NotMurica. Therefore, it must be in the Scarlet Dear Diary Book of US Laws somewhere that this is okay.

    Wow. This group is really stoooopid.

    • Shanzgood

      The maternal mortality rate skyrocketed in TX after the Domionists slashed family planning funds.

      • WomanInThePersistence

        Feature, not bug. “Pro-life” my ass.

      • Anna Rompage

        Not to mention, teen pregnancy rates are the highest in the nation, in a state, that at the most, teaches abstinence only education…

  • WomanInThePersistence

    Yes, I’ve already posted this today. But it gives me such fucking happiness, I’m posting it again. Because I need this.

  • Anna Rompage

    I wonder how many of these fuck nuts go out an protest their conservative, evangelical Christians actually implementing their own version of sharia law…

    • WomanInThePersistence

      Two words. Leopards. Faces.

    • Clyde Barrow

      Are you kidding? That’s what white, English speaking, anti-socialist, Baby Jesus™ wants in ‘Murica. Old Testament fire and brimstone, uh, I mean, laws.

  • CripesAmighty
  • Napacab

    I am sick and tired of living under Sherry’s law. I’ve never met Sherry and I don’t even drink sherry.

    • WomanInThePersistence

      Sherry’s is a mediocre chain of 24 hour restaurants in my neck of the woods.

      • Napacab

        In my neck of the woods too. I forgot about that Sherry which I’m sick and tired of also.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    I thought sharia went away once we removed the communist socialist Muslim from the White House?

    • Clyde Barrow

      Herr Trump hasn’t even dispensed with the government issued bacon yet. Why is he golfing when we are being denied our anti-Sharia bacon rations?

  • norcalOG

    I will not be forced into patronizing a hookah bar. A hooker bar? Well,

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Ate at a Turkish restaurant last night. There were two Muslim couples TWO TABLES AWAY!!1!! If it weren’t for the drunk white women calling away between us, I would have enjoyed dinner more.

  • Mavenmaven

    I’m sad to hear that this is how Mr. Roper ended up. You’d think Janet at least would have set him straight.

  • Suse

    He seems nice.

    ‘No threat to persons or community’: Florida judge grants bail to neo-Nazi arrested with bomb-making materials

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