Say what you will about the Saudis, but those guys can spot a patsy! So they invited Donald Trump to Riyadh last month, put his face up in lights, let him touch the glowing orb, and even rubbed his distended belly. PROBABLY.

And while their special friend is still lying on his back with his paws up, the Saudis are taking advantage of his narcissistic stupor to get in a few punches on the annoying kid next door.

So someone hired a Russian hacker to plant a fake news story about the Qatari ruler criticizing his Arab allies and praising Iran and Israel. After which Saudi Arabia and its sidekicks in Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates retaliated by cutting off relations with their tiny neighbor Qatar. All “my friend, King Salman” had to do was whisper Radical Islamic Terrorism in Trump’s ear, and the idiot was off and running to fetch that wet tennis ball. He even took credit for the blockade that caused a run on supermarkets in Qatar, which relies on imports for 90% of its food. Because Donald Trump is a GENIUS.

At the same time, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is not an actual moron, frantically tried to signal to Middle Eastern allies that the United States is NOT down for a wider regional conflict, pleaseandthankyou. And he hopes the Qatari royal family doesn’t think we’re taking sides here, since the Qataris just built us a $1 billion air base, and the US has 10,000 troops on the ground in their country. Sure, the Qataris sponsor Hamas and the Saudis fund Wahhabist madrasas. But that’s no reason we can’t all get along, right? Would God have buried all that oil in the Middle East if he wanted a war there? I think not!

We call for calm and thoughtful dialogue with clear expectations and accountability among the parties in order to strengthen relationships. We ask that there be no further escalation by the parties in the region…

We’re seeing shortages of food, families are being forcibly separated, and children pulled out of school – we believe these are unintended consequences, especially during this holy month of Ramadan, but they can be addressed immediately.

But Donald Trump doesn’t do calm and thoughtful dialogue. That’s not really his bag, baby. So a mere 90 minutes after his Secretary of State gave a speech advising everyone in the Middle East to calm the fuck down, Donald Trump was at a lectern in the Rose Garden claiming that he and Rex Tillerson had planned the whole thing while they were at that Gulf Cooperation Council meeting last month.

The nation of Qatar, unfortunately, has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level. And in the wake of that conference, nations came together and spoke to me about confronting Qatar over its behavior. So we had a decision to make. Do we take the easy road, or do we finally take a hard but necessary action? We have to stop the funding of terrorism. I decided, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, our great generals and military people, the time has come to call on Qatar to end its funding – they have to end that funding – and its extremist ideology in terms of funding.

Because if you want to pick off a regional rival, all you have to do is let the American president think it’s HIS IDEA! Which it wasn’t. Per Bloomberg:

Trump’s account that he was consulted before the Saudi-led move against Qatar contradicted the narrative offered by the State Department earlier in the week. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said that U.A.E. notified the U.S. about the plan shortly before it went into effect.

Whatever! Donald Trump doesn’t care what you do over there, just as long as he gets the credit.

Meanwhile, the Qatari ambassador was desperately trying to reach the American president via Twitter.

And the White House flacks went into heavy spin mode. First they distributed a memo of Trump’s speech side-by-side with Tillerson’s to show that they were exactly the same. No dueling banjos here!

Then they talked about how great it is that the Trump team is attacking terrorism from all sides. It’s a beautiful duet! Po-TAY-to, po-TAH-to. Per the New York Times,

But on Qatar, a senior adviser to Mr. Tillerson, R.C. Hammond, suggested a difference in emphasis — if not ultimate goal — between the two men.

The president is focused on ending terrorism; the secretary is focused on diplomacy that will return G.C.C. focus to fighting terrorism,” he said, referring to the Gulf Cooperation Council, a loose association of mostly Sunni Arab states.

Or maybe it’s all an elaborate game of Good Cop, Bad Cop. Captain Donnie softens ’em up by acting all crazy, then smoothtalking Officer Rex comes in and seals the deal?

LOLOLOL! Nope, just the usual shitshow. Here’s one poor bastard from Trumpland trying to square it with the Washington Post last night.

A senior administration official, speaking after Trump’s comments, acknowledged a difference in “tone” with Tillerson. “But I think the policy is consistent,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to explain the apparent discrepancy.

Trump does not oppose easing the blockade — although he did not mention it — but “he does believe that [Qatar] deserves it,” the official said. If the Persian Gulf states and Egypt “want to keep the pressure on” in terms of canceling flights with Qatar and “pulling ambassadors . . . [Trump] is okay with that.”

Tillerson may initially have had a view, then the president has his view, and obviously the president’s view prevails,” the official said.

Riiiiight. Donald Trump can certainly find Qatar on a map. He definitely knew we had 10,000 troops on the ground there. We are not getting played by one tribal monarch trying to take out another. Of course we are NOT governed by an idiot who would destabilize the entire Middle East because someone threw him a party. What a ridiculous suggestion!

[The Economist / NYTimes / WaPo / Bloomberg / Al Jazeera / Foreign Policy]

Happy Weekend, Wonkers! Don’t forget to put something in the kitty before getting outside to enjoy this beautiful day!

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  • Parakeetist

    OT, I has a sad: Adam West from Batman died at 88 of leukemia. :(

    • The Wanderer

      Holy Grim Reaper, Batman!

      He’ll always be Batman to me, and he was over the top as the mayor in Zombie Nightmare and Family Guy.

    • Wild Cat

      Last I saw him was playing Peter Weller’s father in the social satire “The New Age,” a very 1990s effort, the last dying fart of cinema before it all became a technological orgy of inhumanity. It was a good casting choice—they both had a physical resemblence.

    • Bobathonic

      Best. Batman. Ever.

  • Ok, i hate nearly all people almost all the time and diplomacy annoys the fuck out if me, but i alsoknow it’s necessary to make the world continue to function. Someone make me president.

    • Phoenixdoglover

      Very well.

      By all the power invested in me, etc., etc., I now pronounce you Predisent of the Untied States,

  • The Wanderer

    I think it was Dennis Leary who said (as part of his act) that if he were President, his first act would be to nuke an ally in order send the message to the world, “This is how he treats his friends – imagine what he’d do to an enemy!”

  • FlownΩver

    This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.

    • The Wanderer

      Unless some serious effort is made to rope in the Bombthrower-in-Chief.

    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

      Sayeth the Senator from The Hunt for Red October.

  • Joel Dent

    This is the start of Trump’s war. He already thinks bombs=ratings so how long will it be before he bombs quatar (hell, maybe he’ll even bomb our own base) to distract from the daily revelations of corruption and incompetence.
    Worse, most of the networks will fall for it, with Brian Williams having to hide the wet spot on his slacks every time he mentions missles.

  • DainBramage

    How long until Putin persuades Donnie Dumbass to launch a full scale invasion of Western Europe to combat the spread of somethingism?

    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl


      • Querolous

        The Bombs of August

    • Le Covfefe Royal

      Those Germans are bad people because the keep selling us cars.

    • Perkniticky

      I think it’s going to be closer to home. There will be fake news about a domestic terrorist attack and Trump will advise averyone to panic and spread rumours, thus leading to chaos and even lower trust in national security institutions. In fact, the Russians wouldn’t even need to plant fake news – the right wing press will do that all on their own.

  • Spurning Beer

    “Oh, oh, oh! Oh! Mister Qatar! Mister Qatar!”

    • The Wanderer

      You have made me giggle. Well done.

      • Spurning Beer

        Anything for a fellow Sweathog.

  • Phoenixdoglover

    Here at 58 E. Longitude, people of various nationalities ask me to explain Donald Drumpf. I tell them I cannot explain many of the things he says and does, and how we have many people in our government who are opposed to him. They wonder why we don’t just send over the Interior Minister and his men to cart away the Orange Menace, and replace him with someone more reasonable. I further explain that is not how we do things. There is not a lot of understanding about that.

    What there is among people here, is a great affinity for America. They want us to be better. We are falling so short with this fraud in the White House. Everyone here knows this.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Wow. I thought I had it bad trying to explain the 2000 elections to Costa Rican friends when I lived there.

      Fight the good fight, Sir or Madam!

    • Kiri the Unicorn

      Just tell them that our founding documents do not authorize the use of tranq darts, because they hadn’t been invented yet.

  • Picabo

    Would somone please cancel Dolt 45’s Twitter account? Please!

    Al Udeid Air Base. “. . . form the main hub of the CENTCOM air and ground logistical network in the area of responsibility.”

    • Rick Hill

      Without his twitter, we wouldn’t know half the stoopid shit he’s trying to do. It’s making him look bad on a daily basis and providing evidence for his upcoming impeachment so, no, don’t shut it down

      • Picabo

        Good point.

      • Also Comey wouldn’t have leaked his memo which led to a special prosecutor.

    • mancityRed6

      we need his twitter rants and tantrums like we needed the Nuremberg trials. so that we can learn from the mistakes.

  • Rick Hill

    Well, it just doesn’t make any sense. The world’s most intelligent and expert deal making negotiator is being led by the nose like a common, naive Obama? Give me a break. Next thing you’ll be telling me that trickle down doesn’t work…

  • Me not sure
    • DainBramage

      Is Rule #1 to not let the dummy talk about domestic policy?

      • Covfefe

        Rule 2.1 is never let the dummy tweet.

      • Me not sure


  • Johnatx

    We’re so screwed.

  • mancityRed6

    *side eye*
    How did you know it was a beautiful day in Kansas?
    *covers camera with tape*

  • WomanInThePersistence

    Has anybody noticed recently that our so-called president is a batshit crazy moron?

    • Recently? Is 2015 recent?

      • WomanInThePersistence

        On a cosmic scale, yes.

    • Rick Hill

      Oddly, if that number were on a counter, it would be a steadiliy increasing figure

      • bupkus231

        I think it would outrun that “National Debt Clock” that the GOP were pushing a few years ago

    • Bobathonic

      I am reminded every goddamned day, thank you.

      • WomanInThePersistence

        I may have been speaking rhetorically on the noticing part.

    • UnsaltedSinner

      Now that you mention it…

    • greyXstar

      I’m beginning to suspect…

  • Everrett Fanuelli

    I hope someone in the state department is telling Qatar that if they give Trump a bigger medal then everything should even out.

    • Shibusa

      That or $101 million to Ivanka’s “charity”.

    • Kiri the Unicorn


  • TJ Barke

    Most corrupt and incompetent predisent ever.

    • Augustus

      It really is hard to say which one comes first, corrupt or incompetent. They’re neck-and-neck with this no-talent ass-clown.

    • vivian

      Setting a new precedent for executive disfunction, or should i say, a new

  • Swampgas_Man

    The late Batman would have cleared this up in a jiffy.

    • WomanInThePersistence


    • Msgr_MΩment

      Our Predsident*:

      Nana nana nana nana Batshit!

  • WomanInThePersistence

    O/T Rep. Waters is a bad ass.

    • Yr. Gma

      Go Maxine.

  • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

    OT – 11:30AM, it is 96F here, and predicted to reach 99F later.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Finally able to line-dry the laundry today. 70s. Baby steps in the subarctic.

  • OutOfOrbit

    Any world leader who has not, by now, figured what a schmuck Trump is, they are of the same ilk. That said, I would be surprised if any upper-level politic anywhere is as dull as don.

  • UnsaltedSinner

    Problem is, it’s the page where the plot suddenly takes a dramatic and completely unexpected turn.

  • Reince Pubis

    This shows the sort of nuanced understanding of foreign relations that have made Trump branded neckties an international sensation. MAGA. Drain the swamp. Build the wall. Grip the orb.

    • Skwerl the Taco Hunter

      GRIP THE ORB! Tweet on the pot!

      • Msgr_MΩment

        Begin the beguine!

        • H0mer0

          [begin the sanguine]

  • WomanInThePersistence

    Just reread the article. And followed the Russian hacker link. Holy shit!

  • Le Covfefe Royal

    I’m sure someone told him Al Jazeera was based in Qatar, and he thought they said al Qaeda, probably.

  • Covfefe
    • Msgr_MΩment

      What’s with the beaver pelts getting in the way of the sexxytimes taping up top?

      • Covfefe

        Embiggin it. Look to the right of the beaver pelts.

      • PubOption

        A reference to Kushner meaning furrier?

        Also, is that a chameleon passant regardant?

  • Skwerl the Taco Hunter

    From the actions of senators, I feel Comey really presented some solid obstruction evidence in that closed meeting.

  • SayItWithWookies

    Al-Jazeera has pissed off every insular monarchy in the Middle East, and our Islamophobic so-called president is incapable of distinguishing between Al-Jazeera and al-Qaida, precisely because he reads (or has spoonfed to him) that stupid Breitbart/Alex Jones/Pam Gellar et. al. bullshit. Together this bunch of allies believe God created the earth faster than you would ever believe, that the moon is made of green cheese, and menacing a slightly more progressive country will create jobs and ensure stability. They are morons of the first order — all of them got taken in by this fake story, not just Assmouth.

    And now that this rift has been created, all it’s going to take is a terrorist act in one of the countries embargoing Qatar for it to blow up into something where there’s shooting. What then? We have ten thousand military over there — how big is Qatar’s military? For their own safety, you say? Only until stability comes back to the region? And in the meantime we’re taking their oil, but only to defray expenses? Gee, that sounds so reasonable…

    • WomanInThePersistence

      I’m absolutely sure that Trump has no idea that there are American troops actually stationed in Qatar. And wouldn’t care that he’s risking their lives, even if he did know that. Because he’s a narcissistic fuckwit.

      • SayItWithWookies

        He doesn’t have to know until it’s time to use them. And there are enough Mike Flynns in the military’s top brass to shove this along in the right direction.

  • Kiri the Unicorn

    I hadn’t seen the sword-dance video before. Trumpy’s looking particularly limp.

  • Yr. Gma

    This is one potential example of how Donnie will fuck things up so badly that even ZEGS and Turtle will begin to think he’s more trouble than he’s worth. When he begins to hurt their chances of reelection, then the Pubes will begin to turn on him. No one is loyal to Donnie. They are loyal only to themselves.

  • John Resistant Tovarich Smith

    How long before we’re all dead?

    • WomanInThePersistence

      At least we’ll all go together when we go.
      What a comforting fact that is to know.

      • Kiri the Unicorn

        Play it again, Tom.

        • WomanInThePersistence

          Just sing out a te Deum
          When you see that ICBM…

    • TJ Barke


    • Anna Elizabeth, Tank Grrl

      It all depends on whether Trump loses it before the temps rise much farther. I see the chances of the human race living past 2040 as 0, and we may not make it to 2021.

      • SadDemInTex

        I’m good to go…just leave all the other mammals.

  • bupkus231

    OT – Has anybody seen any pictures/news about those “anti-Sharia” demonstrations taking place today?

    It’d be interesting to see more tiny crowds….

  • kittygrrl

    No law firm will take Donnie’s case because he doesn’t pay his bills like those damn members of NATO! And who wants a client known worldwide as a pathological liar with 50 years worth of proof? YouTube is full of videos of Rump lying under oath during various depositions. Sure Mueller’s office has copies of those, as well as Rump’s complete Twitter history. Patience, Grasshopper, patience.

    • H0mer0

      “Fool me twice…Won’t get fooled again!”

      • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

        Dubya, is that you?

  • Lori

    It is truly astonishing how stupid Trump’s ego makes him. Worse is the number of people who bought into his empty bragging. Art of the Deal my ass. We’re all Barnum’s suckers now.

    • CeeQ

      So his supporters are the kind of people who think constant incompetence and idiocy is the kind of qualities a POTUS should have. It’s just jaw dropping.

      • Kiri the Unicorn

        His strongest supporters are the kind of people who are unable to recognize incompetence in the first place.

  • UnsaltedSinner


    I’m sure she’ll find that the president is an enthusiastic supporter of this idea. He’d probably be happy to take on the job of making that evaluation himself.

  • Randy Riddle

    Obviously, because Qatar has Hillary’s emails.

  • CeeQ

    Omg seriously this fucking guy. No snark. What is even the fuck going on here? How does he seemingly not know anything? Is ANYONE briefing this fuck? Is anyone coordinating anything?? How the fuck does this happen constantly? Do they huddle, decide on something, go out with the message and then he just decides NOPE, not doing that, I’m POTUS, I get to do whatever I want. Does he honestly not understand how incompetent this makes his administration and by extension, the country, look?
    I know I know. But omg. Seriously. What the actual fuck.

    • FauxAntocles

      Dementia + narcissistic personality disorder = complete moron.

    • Annie Jomes

      Right there with ya.

    • WomanInThePersistence

      You sum it up nicely.

    • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

      Add to the other replies: no self-awareness. None.

    • Kiri the Unicorn

      He’s an arrogantly ignorant egomaniac, and he prefers the company of toadies and yes-men to anyone of competence.

  • FauxAntocles

    It would be awesome if people would think about the consequences of their votes.

    • Spurning Beer

      Way to use big words, Einstein.

    • TJ Barke

      What’re you, some kinda intullekshul?

  • ariel_gee_398

    I think this dumb motherfucker actually thinks he’s helping fight terrorism. How can someone simultaneously be both incredibly pathetic and incredibly dangerous?

  • Oxidation Suspenders

    Wasn’t Jared supposed to bring peace to the Middle-East?

    “Hey Jared – clean up in aisle 5.”

    • Anna Rompage

      “Middle-East? Is that around Kansas, Tennessee & Missouri?” Donad Trump

  • Mehmeisterjr

    Rex, my man, whatever you think you are doing and think you might accomplish, you are working for a soon-to-be-impeached nitwit. Save yourself while you can.

    • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

      Or he can go fuck himself. He joined the circus, so he has to clean up after the elephants now.

      • Mehmeisterjr

        I’m just mocking the guy to his face. I don’t really want him save himself. And he is too far in to to save himself. As you so rightly say, fuck him.

  • JustDon’tSayCovfefe

    Not even gonna scroll down. If this has been posted already, posting again is OK.

  • What the hell do the Saudis want with Qatar any way?

    • aktlib101

      Complete domination over the region. What all dictators/kings want

Next articleGeniuses Across America To Protest All The ‘Sharia Law’ No One Is Doing To Them