Is Kellyanne Conway A Leaker? Twitter Account, Report Cries Foul Of White House Adviser

Leaks and the furor they cause both in the media and at the White House have become synonymous with President Donald Trump’s administration. Trump has repeatedly lambasted leakers and the mainstream media for such leaks as well as the use of unnamed sources. He’s also called for investigations to find out who is leaking information to the press.

It turns out, White House adviser Kellyanne Conway may be one of them, according to Politico’s Playbook.

RTX39WPV Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway arrives at Newark International airport in Newark, NJ U.S., with President Donald Trump, June 9, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Conway was reportedly heard speaking, supposedly off the record, to reporters Thursday night at the British Embassy while everyone in attendance awaited the final results of the United Kingdom’s parliamentary elections.

The report states that Conway was talking to the reporters about her West Wing co-workers, as well as White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Trump’s order on what to say about former FBI director James Comey and the supposed existence of tapes of the president’s conversations with Comey.

It also mentioned a Twitter account that sent out pictures of Conway speaking with the reporters called “@KellyanneLeaks.” The account’s profile states: “If a NYT, Politico, or WaPo article hits  @Reince45  (or other W.H. staff), good chance  @KellyannePolls leaked.”

Conway was overheard telling the reporters that Trump told her to “go out there and say ‘Jim Comey is going to have to wait and see about the tapes.” Conway said the statement was the equivalent of a “no comment” response.

Trump had referenced the possibility of tapes in a tweet on May 12, one day after a report by The New York Times cited two sources' knowledge of a dinner Trump had with Comey in January during which the president allegedly asked the former top law enforcement official for “loyalty.” Comey claimed that in his statement for the record and backed it up in his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday morning.

Comey also said he wrote memos of his conversations with the president, unlike under President Barack Obama, because he was worried Trump might lie about what transpired.

Trump responded Friday afternoon that Comey was lying and that he would be willing to testify under oath, opening the possibility that he would be the fourth sitting president in the country’s history to present testimony to Congress.

The Twitter account claimed Conway was speaking to two Washington Post reporters and the D.C. paper’s White House Bureau Chief “loudly.”

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