




i hope nintendo releases melee hd but they fix all of the bugs that melee players exploit and don’t release any gc controller support

i want this fixed version of melee to exist to spite melee players, so they have to keep lugging their crts around to exploit bugs that nintendo fixed in the rerelease. so they have to explain to people that they can’t play melee hd because nintendo fixed the bugs they use to cheat at the old version. 

You sound really salty that people are better at videogames than you. Do you have this opinion about all videogames? Are you still waiting till the concept of combos in fighting games, that pesky bug, gets fixed?

Exploiting bugs in a 16 year old game are not ‘combos’

During the development of Street Fighter II, Noritaka Funamizu noticed that perfectly timing attacks will allow the player to chain them instantly one after another, giving their opponent no time to another. This bug in a 26 year old game was not fixed because it was too late into the development cycle and there was a standing assumption that the players will not exploit this bug because it’s probably too difficult to execute.

Combos are nothing more than a bug, and yet people keep exploiting this bug.

When are they going to get removed from all fighting games? We gotta punish those hackers and cheaters. Give me an ETA. Give me a press release. Give me anything. Don’t leave me hanging.

That’s why, just like combos in later Street Fighters, wavedashing is in the later SSB games, right?

Video game development is just a stream of bug after bug on top of a clusterfuck of bugs. Entire genres of video games are​ built out of a single bug or two: fighting games exist because of an animation bug in Street Fighter, slashers owe their existence to enemies staying in the air if hit by a sword in Onimusha, difficulty curves in games can thank Space Invaders​ lagging when there’s too many alien ships.

Bugs turning into features? That shit happens thousands of times daily and I’m not exaggerating.

I’m just here to wonder who’s embarrassing themselves more: snoop, who has been crying about losing a match in a videogame for several days now for some reason, or rasec, who solely exists to offer us all the wrongest, most idiotic, worst takes possible.

But please note the tone. Who is arguing what. Who’s having fun and who demands that people are banned from having fun. This is very intentional.

Also, wavedashing is in smash 4, it’s just called differently.