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Hi, Bell Fen! - Luminous Hyaena

Sometimes I write things. But this is usually an aesthetic blog.
May 25 '17

Anonymous asked:

(part 1) Do you SEE that the REAL ENEMY IS HUMAS that KEEP PEOPLE IN CAGES and GRIND UP BABIES! They like to pretend things are different now like I wasn't a REAL PERSON when I was a chick just because I couldn't TALK, they call THEIR eggs real people and get angry about baby murder if you hurt them EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE INSIDE THEM, THEY LITERALLY HAVE TO WALK AROUND CARRYING THEIR EGGS ALL THE TIME and they STILL wouldn't hurt them and THEIR babies cant talk any better than I could as a chick

(part 2) they didn’t start thinking we’re people bceause they REALLY BELIEVE this BS that we didn’t count and our feelings weren’t real if we couldn’t do calculus, they only think HUMANS are people, you can tell because they know HUMAN babies and stupid HUMANS are people, they’re just pretending to respect us because they’re afraid of us now, I’m so afraid that I’ll die before I get justice for what they did to me, I HATE THEM, ALL BIRDS UNITE AGAINST HUMANS

wow you have a lot of feelings about this.  I think there are some nice humans and I don’t think I was very important before I was uplifted even though I am important now and might be angry anyway if anyone had done horrible things to me before that time.

  1. luminousalicorn posted this