The Nizkor Project: Remembering the Holocaust (Shoah)

Dedicated to 12 million Holocaust victims who suffered and died
at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime

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The Dentist of Auschwitz
Where Is John Ball?
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Deborah Lipstadt
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Given the evidence ... why do people deny the Holocaust? Shofar FTP Archives
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International Military Tribunal
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The cynical truth comes to us by way of an obscure extremist group, which boasts:
"The real purpose of holocaust revisionism is to make
National Socialism an acceptable political alternative again."

Holocaust memorial flame   The Nizkor Project

Nizkor is a Hebrew word which means "We will remember."

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This site is intended for educational purposes to teach about the Holocaust and to combat hatred. Any statements or excerpts found on this site are for educational purposes only.

As part of these educational purposes, Nizkor may include on this website materials, such as excerpts from the writings of racists and antisemites. Far from approving these writings, Nizkor condemns them and provides them so that its readers can learn the nature and extent of hate and antisemitic discourse. Nizkor urges the readers of these pages to condemn racist and hate speech in all of its forms and manifestations.