


英国と米国:どうしてこうなったAdd Star



This post is a response to a provocative piece by Anatole Kaletsky. He writes

“While the US has taken only 100 days to see through Trump’s “alternative reality” (though perhaps not through Trump himself), almost nobody in Britain is even questioning the alternative reality of Brexit.”

In other words, although both the US and UK succumbed to right wing populism, the US is strongly resisting while the UK has given up doing so. He contrasts the reaction of business to Trump and Brexit. “US businesses started lobbying immediately to block any Trump policies that threatened their economic interests” which has “removed Trump’s main protectionist threat.” In contrast “no major British companies have tried to protect their interests by campaigning to reverse the Brexit decision. None has even publicly pointed out that the referendum gave Prime Minister Theresa May no mandate to rule out membership of the European single market and customs union after Britain leaves the EU.”

One reaction that many will have is that while US elections are 4 year affairs, a referendum was meant to be ‘for a generation’. If the Leave vote had been 60% or more, I might have some sympathy with this view. But the narrow victory coupled with uncertainty about what Brexit actually entails means that the argument for a vote after negotiations conclude is compelling. But only around 30% of people support being allowed a second vote. In contrast, currently 56% of US voters disapprove of Donald Trump.

You could say this is because Donald Trump has done plenty of things for US voters to get angry about, whereas Brexit has not happened. I would put the point rather differently. The problems with Trump are visible to everyone. You just need to read his tweets! The costs of Brexit are economic and less clear to everyone. For example the depreciation immediately after Brexit was very visible, but you needed some knowledge of economics to know that this would mean lower living standards for everyone living in the UK.






米国有権者が腹を立てることをドナルド・トランプはたくさんやらかしたが、ブレグジットはまだ起きていないのだから、という言い方ができるかもしれない。その点について私は少し別の表現をしたい。トランプの問題は誰の目にも明らかである。彼のツイートを読みさえすれば良い! ブレグジットのコストは経済的なものであり、万人にそれほど明らかというわけではない。例えばブレグジット直後の減価は非常に目につくものだったが、それは英国に住む者すべてにとって生活水準の低下を意味する、ということを理解するには幾ばくかの経済学知識が必要である。



トラックバック - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/himaginary/20170609/on_the_divergence_of_us_and_british_populism