The following is the society's case against porn:
The convenience of being able to access porn readily online has led to more people choosing to spend time alone rather than getting intimate in the bedroom. Porn viewers experience all of their sexual pleasure in isolation instead of shared. --- Marriage/family being so-called a pillar of the society, it is society's case that porn has resulted in the decline of marriage. Correlation is not causation. There is a stronger causal link between feminism and the decline of marriage. This is nothing but a far fetched reasoning to yet again blame men for society's decline.
Porn separates sexual pleasure from intimacy. ---I will deal with the intimacy or love aspect later.
Porn may be a way of masking insecurities such as a fear of intimacy. (According to a female sex therapist Amanda Pasciucco) --- Firstly, it gives an unreasonable importance to emotions like all women do. Secondly, it stands contrary to society's definition of a real man which is to mask insecurities.
People do not have to put themselves in the uncomfortable situation of building their confidence to go out and ask others to connect intimately with them. It makes them more self-conscious, anxious, fearful, and rejected. ---This argument answers itself- Ease of transaction. The sequitur in the present day being that men must ask women out and fail. This inspires anxiety and feeling of dejection and not that of confidence as claimed.
Addictive nature of porn. ---I agree that watching too much can lead to addictive behavior. Firstly, the chemical addiction involved also comes into play when you use social media like facebook. Secondly, this is no argument, as anything in excess will cause harm. Some people can't stop eating doughnuts which is life threatening if not unhealthier.
Women's case against porn:
Porn increases tolerance toward aberrant or violent sex --- Women are proponents of rough sex as we have seen in the statistics of porn viewership.
Porn dehumanizes women --- Women are themselves responsible for devaluing of their kin. Provocative images are being uploaded on Instagram this very second for your validation and likes. Look at a woman's attire these days, it is difficult to distinguish between those who sell sex and those who don't. But do not ask girls to cover up, but teach men to look away and ignore their biological tendencies.
Porn creates impossible expectations for women. --- No it does not. Women feel dissatisfied with their appearance as they should. Because with the onset of fat-acceptance, the women seem to have forgotten what feminine characteristics look like.
Porn impedes pleasure of real sex ---Women on an average have had more sexual partners/sexual encounters than men. Pleasure of real sex was always reserved for the ladies. Moreover, many men never have the pleasure of real sex available to them. Since porn in comparison to real sex is more visually and mentally stimulating, I can't figure out exactly how and to whom does porn impediment.
Lastly, the affects of the women involved in the production of pornography. They suffer psychological and physical abuse. It concludes by making the connection between the porn industry and human trafficking. --- The consent to involvement in the production of pornography is an exercise of women's ownership of their bodies. They cannot then complain of an injury. This is the principle of volenti nonfit injuria. The connection between porn industry and human trafficking only goes to prove the market forces that govern the sex trade. There is a demand in men to have sex which is unfulfilled by their female counterpart.
Pornsexual: A term used in the context of person who prefers pornographic material over real sex. Let us hear from a person who identifies himself as a pornsexual:
(Subject: Marcus Jackson; Source: )
Positive points:
Real women fail in comparison.
More visually and mentally stimulating.
Specially catered to your specific tastes. (height, hair color, her race, age, face, eyes, body, hair, demeanor)
And now imagine that her sole purpose in life is to please you sexually. That is literally the only thing she wants in life, to satisfy your needs.
With porn, it’s just easier. With porn you don’t have to deal with the whole song and dance that is dating these days.
(These are verifiable facts as we can infer all of this from the current state of affairs with fatties, land whales and ugly pick that an average male has, the burden of fulfilling their bloated expectations and the risk that follows with commitment.)
Negatives are: No romance, connection, intimacy; But his take on the issue of love and intimacy is even better:
"but most of all you get this thing I keep hearing about called love. I hear you people talk about love a lot. A lot of people have some good things to say about it, others say not so good things. But honestly, do you really need love? Were you alive when you woke up this morning? Yes? Good. Did you feel sick at all? No? Ok, good, good. Were you in love when you came out of the womb? No? Didn’t think so. So really, do you need love to survive? I don’t think so. I mean I’ve lasted 24 years without love, and I’m doing fine."
Porn teaches you how to not need anyone but yourself. So I ask you; when I can have porn, why would I want anything else?
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