Is MSNBC doing comedy now?
One can only hope that they were simply trolled. But this should underline, once and for all, the intrinsic unreliability of the mainstream media. I mean, how can you see this and then think that anything they say about the God-Emperor, Russia, or even Gross Domestic Product has any relation to reality?
Not that CNN is any better:
Not that CNN is any better:
CNN has corrected a Tuesday report after the release of former FBI Director James Comey's opening statement for his Thursday testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee contradicted the reports' sources.Mike Cernovich is right. The mainstream media is Fake News.
The CNN report said Comey was expected to dispute President Trump's claims that Comey said he was not under investigation on multiple occasions.
The report, titled “Comey expected to refute Trump," was based on unnamed sources and said Comey's conversations with the president "were much more nuanced," and that Trump drew the wrong conclusion. The story was complied by four CNN journalists, including Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper and Brian Rokus.
CNN published a correction to its story Wednesday afternoon with the revised headline: "Comey unlikely to judge on obstruction.”
"CORRECTION AND UPDATE: This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement," it reads above the original Tuesday story. "The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published.
Labels: media, trainwreck
I didn't think it was humanly possible to be so wrong.
And yet they've achieved the impossible.
Truly nothing is too foolish to a sufficiently talent fool.
The MSNBC thing is literally fake news, from a video made by the "kekistanis".
A Plague of Frogs. Where have I heard of that before??
Secret Code Word
"My Sides"
I have a high amount of reverence and respect for what I am currently looking at.
Stingy Jews always lie.
Titus 1
10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
John 8
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.
40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
1 Thessalonians 2
14 for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
From what I gather, the Kekistanis are like the Swiss in WW2. They are trying to be neutral in the Identity Wars while decrying the ongoing oppression of their people.
You'd think they, of all people, would understand sexual fetishes.
This smells like a 4chan op.
Doesn't SJW meaning stingy jew imply there are non stingy jews?
I posted that special snowflake unwitting minion brigade #1 pic on gab and people thought I got my own special badge.
"Lover of Fat Women".... that is top kek.
Ya know, for people constantly immersed in snarky irony, they're remarkably clueless.
There is no reason for these people to be alive in our country. Even if they weren't lying traitors, they are dangerously stupid pests who only burden our society.
I saw this the other day on youtube and thought it was satire/spoof of msnbc.
Sure there are non stingy jews; it takes hours for Rigor Mortis to set up.
I like "Stingy Jew" as a reverse code word for SJW. It's hilarious.
Surprised they didn't put "kek" as a synonym for penis or Pepe is a word used to reference an undocumented immigrant/DREAM'er
Even their laziness demonstrates a high degree of sloppiness.
My coworker is watching the Comey testimony right now on CBS. Mark Werner, the guy who spoke directly before him, and Comey both are speaking out of the side of their mouth with great alacrity. Bunch of snakes.
@12 FP
That's exactly what it is.'s like "Jeopardy" for progressive morons!
"I'll take 'MSNBC Propganda' for $400 Alex......."
This is almost as good as KTVU news (in San Francisco) listing the 'names' of the flight crew for Asiana Flight 24 that had crashed at SFO (July 2013).
Captain Sum Ting Wong
Ho Lee Fuk
Wi Tu Lo
Bang Ding Ow
Reminds me of the Monty Python Ralph Melish sketch:
(Ominous music)
Voice Over: (Michael Palin) June the 4th, 1973, was much like any other summer's day in Peterborough, and Ralph Melish, a file clerk at an insurance company, was on his way to work as usual when... (da dum!) Nothing happened! (dum dum da dum) Scarcely able to believe his eyes, Ralph Melish looked down. But one glance confirmed his suspicions. Behind a bush, on the side of the road, there was *no* severed arm. No dismembered trunk of a man in his late fifties. No head in a bag. Nothing. Not a sausage. For Ralph Melish, this was *not* to be the start of any trail of events which would not, in no time at all, involve him in neither a tangled knot of suspicion, nor any web of lies, which would, had he been not uninvolved, surely have led him to no other place, than the central criminal court of the Old Bailey.
(muttering voices, Judge's gavel banging.)
Voice Over: But it was not to be (ominous music returns). Ralph Melish reached his office in Dullsells Street in Peterborough, at 9:05 a.m., exactly the same time as he usually got in!
(door opens)
Enid: Morning, Mr. Melish
Ralph: (Terry Jones) Morning, Enid
Voice Over: Enid, a sharp-eyed, clever young girl, who had been with the firm for only 4 weeks, couldn't help noticing the complete absence of tiny but tell-tale blood stains on Mr. Melish's clothing. Nor did she notice anything strange in Mr. Melish's behaviour that whole morning. Nor the next morning. Nor at any time before or since the entire period she worked for that firm.
Ralph: Have the new paper clips arrived, Enid?
Enid: Yes, they're over there, Mr. Melish.
Ralph: (faintly) Oh...
Voice Over: But for the lack of any untoward circumstances for this young secretary to notice, and the total non-involvement of Mr. Melish in anything illegal, the full weight of the law would have insured that Ralph Auldus Melish would have ended up like all who challenge the fundamental laws of our society. In an iron coffin with spikes on the inside.
Dollars to donuts that MEAN is taking its cues from that S-Jews video by that liberal blogger whose name escapes me ATM.
If they had a professional voice doing this, it would be very hard to tell it was a spoof.
Well the leader of the Progressive faction is the Pat character from SNL no doubt T patched to East German levels and she is MSNBC, so yeah comedy.
The CNN report said Comey was expected to dispute President Trump's claims that Comey said he was not under investigation on multiple occasions.
I'm sure CNN did expect him to confirm their narrative. How dare he make liars of them? People keep expecting things to go certain ways in the Trump campaign/administration, but reality keeps stubbornly letting them down.
"Is MSNBC doing comedy now?"
Did they ever do anything else?
Watching the testimony, Comey just come out and said he created the memos because he didn't trust Trump. Why did he only talk twice with Obama? Why did he trust Obama?
Because he covers his own rear!
Came not come
I'm pretty certain the MSNBC video is a parody and not something that ever aired on the network. For one thing, all the clips that appeared in the video were from pre-existing youtube videos uploaded by "kekistani" accounts. Also, even by MSNBC standards this stuff wouldn't fly. Note they misidentified Sargon of Akkad as a black guy. This is funny to those who know who Sargon is, but MSNBC would be pushing the "white supremacist" angle and would never show a black guy associated with the alt-right. So, this is really just a joke meant to give those "in the know" a good laugh.
As in "Man, that snowflake cuck tried to SJW my trap."
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just assuming that people should be smarter than they actually are, or if I'm actually seeing trolling. Often, really.
What "law" is it when it becomes impossible to satirize something because it's so ridiculous?
CNN has corrected a Tuesday report after the release of former FBI Director James Comey's opening statement for his Thursday testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee contradicted the reports' sources.
So what you sayin is, they sayin he not gonna say what he said he gonna say what Trump said he said he didn't say.
If that was done because producer/talking head/reporter is stupid, they have to be at least 1SD below average. They can't even search "urban dictionary." (double checks. Hmmm... The Soros / SJWs troll-bots have upvoted the disinformational definitions. Never have I seen so many wrong definitions for one term.)
I suspect it's more likely deliberate in an effort to manipulate the language so they can paint their opposition speaking truth as low-brow haters.
If done by a troll taking them for a walk down a blind alley to set them up for mocking and ridicule, then I say "Well done, Sir!"
Ransom Smith wrote:I didn't think it was humanly possible to be so wrong.
And yet they've achieved the impossible.
Truly nothing is too foolish to a sufficiently talent fool.
Hey guys, check out this snowflake in a Trump hat! F***ing based!
A troll wrapped in a meme inside a parody.
Well done whoever did this.
I don't know what's funnier, this post or Comey's testimony.
This stuff never aired on MSNBC
You are not entitled to your own facts. Sorry!
No wonder they laugh at you over at
The MSNBC thing is so obviously fake.
No wonder they laugh at you over at
It's true. Fat people are jolly.
Our enemies are ridiculous.
So "does not directly dispute" is fake news-speak for "unequivocally confirmed that Trump was correct and truthful".
The Narrative is a harsh mistress and fake news purveyors will believe anything that feeds it. Because they desperately need a want to.
Agent Tapper: I want to believe (anything bad about the right)...
Whoosh. Right over sooo many heads.
Who cares if it's true? Parody is indistinguishable from Microsoft's National Biscuit Company. May I have another please.
This was a hilarious start to the morning.
Best timeline.
The denials inspired me to see what's on Snopes these days.
"A woman's warning about a man who gave her a "bad feeling" at a Walmart in Coon Rapids, Minnesota probably had nothing to do with human trafficking."
Survey says...
Lover of Fat Woman.
Well yes...but there really is more to it than that.
Aeoli Pera wrote:So what you sayin is, they sayin he not gonna say what he said he gonna say what Trump said he said he didn't say.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
I'm guessing that whoever came up with that definition for Trap was an estrogen-addled pajama boy projecting pretty hard.
You should only care if it's true or not SouthRon if you make a post proclaiming how this underlines once and for all the unreliability of the mainstream media. Because if it then turns out to be fake you look like the unreliable one.
The degenerates get so mad when we laugh at them. Good to know.
Kekistanni productions on that first one...
Lover of Fat Woman.
Uh, no. I think the proper term is "Chubby Chaser" or "Fat Bottomed Girls Lover".
The story was complied by four CNN journalists, including Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper and Brian Rokus.
how many TheHill editors did THIS story comply with? these people can't even English.
Is MSNBC even on the air now? I thought vampires slept during daylight hours.
To be fair, maybe MSNBC reporters like raping traps.
Just FYI (from Martin Armstrong):
A technique used by pseudointellectual leftists to obscure simple truths.
Example: "Yes, he's raping your wife with your youngest child, but you're missing the cultural nuance of the situation."
Syn: Obfuscate, lie, kultursmog
MSNBC segment is fake, don't feel bad, I only realized it was fake after reading the comments on YouTube. Really well made.
Praise the Kek and pass the ammunition.
you wrote:
This stuff never aired on MSNBC
You are not entitled to your own facts. Sorry!
Okay, nobody thinks you are sorry. At least not in the way you pretended to mean it. Second, VD's intro never says or even implies that this aired on MSNBC or anywhere else. You are not entitled to your own facts, even though you inhabit an alternate reality.
I wasn't having a great day until I saw this. "Stingy Jew" made me laugh the hardest. God bless whoever made this happen!
@Aeoli Pera
That makes me think of how Cheech Marin used Anderson Cooper as a shamwow on the one episode of celebrity Jeopardy.
"Stingy Jew" made me laugh the hardest.
Yes, although that's also the biggest hint that it's a spoof. I don't think any MSM outlet would put that phrase on screen with their logo in the picture, even as part of a hit piece.
Is MSNBC doing comedy now?
One can only hope that they were simply trolled. But this should underline, once and for all, the intrinsic unreliability of the mainstream media.
Sure, the guy isn't really sorry. But are you reading the same intro? Of course VD implies that this aired on MSNBC. What the hell else could he mean?
Those MSNBC screencaps have to be fakes. They have to be. I can't believe in stupidity on that level.
Speaking of trolls. I haven't been on the Twitter that long but in the time I've been there I've never seen such trolling as for this Comey hearing. They are THICK! 17-year locusts thick! Chicago pizza thick! Amy Schumer butt sweat thick!
I have not thought about it enough to decide what is the cause and no doubt the differences have more than one root, but Men and Women communicate differently. Perhaps it is because Women are the smaller or the weaker or the more vulnerable, but for whatever reason, they are more dependent on deceit and assume everyone else (Men) practice a great deal of deceit in what they say too. Men are more likely to be literal in what they say. Women are looking for hidden meanings, code words, and infer much...not from what is said, but what can be inferred or implied or the tone or HOW it is said.
Still doubt me? Perform an experiment when talking to a woman (if you are a man). Ask her to repeat exactly what you said, word for word. Most of the time, she will not be able to do it. Why? Because she was not listening to what you actually said. She was trying to get the hidden meaning, the message between the words, the tone, the emotion. In fact, when speaking to Women, they will not hear the carefully chosen words but they will pay special attention to HOW it was said.
In political discussions, this can make communication nearly impossible. Specific words have specific meanings....except to Women. Men send Messages, as if they were speaking to other Men and this does not work on Women. They prefer to think they can read your hidden emotions, your dogwhistles, your code words. You MUST be as deceitful as they are and would NEVER actually say exactly what you mean.
I am not sure of the root cause for the disconnect between Men and Women trying to communicate. Perhaps Men and Women process information differently in their brain. This is certainly true of getting directions. Women give directions in terms of landmarks. Men give directions in terms of vectors. A Woman might say that the day care is next door to the Presbyterian church. He husband may not know where the church is located, but he could find the day care if he knew it was six blocks east and four blocks north, on the left hand side. Women claim they are more aware of the landmarks, so they are more observant. Men might say they ignore everything except what they are looking for. I really am not sure of the cause, but I am certain that the Leftist Liberals (if not often Women themselves) are certainly trying to communicate with Women. To Men, Leftist blab is just so much background noise.
OK, who has been putting funny mushrooms in the MSM's water coolers?
Or maybe "Idiocracy" started there.
It is not that I find MSNBCNN bothersome, but I doubt anyone would want to watch a daycare with a bunch of toddlers saying "I want..." and making no sense and there is no adult until nap-time. Or watching something like a documentary pre-1960 from an insane asylum. Gawking, maybe once, but not daily.
FreakShow, or what is the next level?
I don't need more proof that the Washington establishment is as creepy as I think it is, so I am giving these hearings scant attention.
It's true. Fat people are jolly.
While many see all you can eat buffets as a dopamine hit, it turns out G.RapeRapeMartin paid for more ho ho hoes than Charlie Sheen and DavidtheGood combined.
OT: since we are talking about Comney there are rumors that the deep state will offer up the Clintons for everything but kiddy diddling as part of a deal to keep #Pizzagate hidden.
@67 - Long ago John Stossel showed an exeriment where two conversations were going on from a recording. Men could easily select one or the other to listen to, women couldn't. They are literally wired differently. Men are analytical, women need to be more sensitive to beneficence or threats. But it works both ways, women are more easily decieved if you push their "like" buttons. The whole PUA thing is not to rationally explain why a 10 should go to bed with you, but to stimulate the lower areas of the brain.
We used to develop virtue in children to avoid the problems. An alarm system to stop behavior from going too far, but even then had chaperones. We've been liberated, but not from the slavery of sin, but the rule of virtue.
See Eichenwald's recent tweet - someone's keeping tabs on him.
Shut up Scoobius
Fat people are jelly. Jelly bellies. You are what you eat.
64. BillB923 June 08, 2017 1:03 PM
What the hell else could he mean?
the infidel NormieFag speaks not the Holy Language of Kekistan.
give him a Pinochet ride, that he might know Kek and Pepe his prophet.
66. GracieLou June 08, 2017 1:19 PM
Amy Schumer butt sweat thick!
even the Kekistani women have chili.
The msnbc screen shots would be a great Saturday night live skit. Back in the Dan Ackroyd Bill Murray days. Chevy Chase could announce the definitions and Dan and Jane could argue the real meanings behind each one.
Not everyone is tall enough for the ride that never ends.
And, that is okay.
Being a high-functioning "autist"/sperg cut me out from other women, at least in my youngest years. I had no trouble whatsoever interpreting direct communication as a man said it and repeating it back. What other women "really meant", however, was a mystery until my teen years. I ended up with a system that began with street numbers and blocks and logic and eventually acquired a "landmark/emotion" layer. So my mind is still doing a lot of things bass-ackwards compared to other women. As a child, I found it easier to hang out with my dad and his buddies than with other females of any age unless they were close rellies.
@75 at least SNL had the saving grace of actually being funny at that time. Then again, MSNBC in the present is almost as (unintentionally) amusing.
it's Fake News...because it's Jew News.
The MSNBC smear is actually a subconscious and most revealing confession.
Moonbear wrote:The MSNBC thing is literally fake news, from a video made by the "kekistanis".
Good catch, Trevor.
79. Tim June 08, 2017 4:19 PM
you want to rape fat, stingy, Jewish transexuals?
well, okay.
@77 Madame Ringading
"As a child, I found it easier to hang out with my dad and his buddies than with other females of any age unless they were close rellies."
I only know about the South, and I know nothing about your own experience. But in the South, Men and Women mostly lived in separate societies....growing up, working and as adults. In some families, they did not even eat together. In school, it was not unusual for classroom seating to be girls on one side and boys on the other. The Women and girls could collect in the kitchen and the Men and boys would go outside somewhere, usually on the front porch. I have wondered if the communication disconnect between Men and Women was mostly genetic or simply the fact that they actually socialized very little?
Maybe you have another explanation?
You didn't watch the whole MSNBC report. MSNBC later noted that the pilot of the alt-right is Wee Tu Lo and the copilot is Ho Lee Fuk.
I saw that clip. They showed a clip of Big Man Tyrone and said he was Sargon of Arkaad. They didn't even research their segment.
They will continue to carry on this way unless and until we can break the networks of finance and influence which support them (and I suppose they will continue to do so even afterwards, just to a much more "selective" audience).
I'm wondering if a concentrated push against all news organizations within your reach demanding to know about the Clinton;s ties to Russia, the Pakistani IT hack against congress or Anthony Weiner's possession of thousands of classified emails might not turn at least a few lower level news organizations to start looking at what everyone obviously seems to "know".
A counter narrative might also work, suggesting to everyone you encounter that they are somehow missing by not being aware of these stories and others. People turning to alternative sources is the desired effect.
@73 In that case, I'd be General Tso.
What Don said @67 is awesome.
Anyway, this is quickly turning from joy to disappointment...I SO WANTED to run with the cuck definition. But since it didn't originate from the left, it's delegitimized. Seriously, if it can't be worn with the same pride as "deplorables" then I'm disappointed.
Their definition of 'cuck' is the only one that's even remotely close.
Guess I should clarify...don't consider myself cuckservative, although it was a bittersweet to hear Vox say: "I would so luvvv to vote for Ben Carson". The new cuck definition would be worn for fun, as in, "Man, I worked so hard today. Time to put on some cologne, wander around Wal Mart and be a cuck.
Interesting... I think it is a familial/cultural "mileage may vary" thing, as I have never been south of New York my entire life. In east Canada (yeah, I know), some family dynamics were less segregated than others. At large "down home" gatherings the sexes might separate a bit more and I'd be hovering in the (otherwise) no man's land between.
I'd lean towards the side of "nature" in this. Understanding it was work for me, I was an outlier from birth.
Definitely graduates of the "underpants gnomes" school of editing.
Sorry to say this Vox, but you jumped the gun on this one. This was made by a Youtuber who was creating parodies.
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