全 7 件のコメント

[–]makedotagreatagain 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

You sound like you're focusing entirely too much on what other people are thinking about you. Don't worry about relationships right now man, just find some things you enjoy doing and relax. Don't listen to your family or any girls telling you anything negative, they're 100% just jealous that you have the drive to do something they don't. If you're happy with your life the drive will come so focus on chilling out and having a good time.

[–]Stopbeingfuckingbeta[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

My passion is something that will force me to to be social because it relies on that for me to make a name for myself. I want to enjoy the company of other people, I wanna fuck around a bit before I turn 25. I know that's against MGTOW but even a feigned relationship for a few months where I have the power to end it would be nice.

You're absolutely right I'm way too introspective and I can't seem to turn off my mind. I try going to a bar to just get the stress off and meet people but then I'm just sitting there alone and leave because I feel like it's really hard to just say hi to people.

How would you suggest taking the edge off?

[–]makedotagreatagain 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You definitely need atleast 1 other guy friend with you at the bar. I go to a bar school known for being pretty party crazy so I end up in bars multiple times a week on average and in my first semester I did terribly with girls, never was grinding or getting any action with any of them and it threw me off and just caused a lot of stress in my life. Second semester was when I found mgtow, I decided that I didn't care about the girls or if any of them were interested in me. Now whenever I'm at the bars the only thing I'm focused on is talking to my friends and dancing. The funny thing is when I started only focusing on dancing and having fun all of a sudden I was 2 times as attractive to girls, I've started having girls just grab me by the pants and start aggressively grinding on me (obviously would be a sexual harassment charge if a guy tried to do the same thing). I would say the most important tip would be to have fellow mftow bros there with you so you can feel relaxed and really have fun.

[–]Stopbeingfuckingbeta[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe I'll go out alone and pretend I'm with people lmao

(No friends)

[–]Marque01 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

If you were in a 4 year relationship, you've already experienced what it's like.

[–]Stopbeingfuckingbeta[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You're right. I guess it would be nice for me to have the power and have short relationships where I cut it off. I dunno man. Sometimes I feel so MGTOW but I can't fight the need for companionship it feels really dreadful.

[–]Marque01 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can get a girlfriend. Just don't move in with her, wear a condom, and don't propose, no matter how many shaming posts she puts up on Facebook.

once the bunny phase wears off, relationships go to shit anyways, but yeah, if you have to experience it for yourself to know for sure, go for it. It's your life.
