上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]6chan 307 ポイント308 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Am I reading too much into the uploader choosing that half a second shot of the girls tits as the thumbnail?

[–]chksum 185 ポイント186 ポイント  (2子コメント)

He knows how to get clicks.

[–]TheKidFisch 47 ポイント48 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Is why I clicked. Red heads for lyfe.

[–]danideex 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It looks like the cash me outside girl to a T.

[–]_the-dark-truth_ 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I didn't think you could actually choose a particular frame to be utilised as a thumbnail, on YT? I thought it just used a random grab from a certain timeframe, nah?

[–]DMann420 24 ポイント25 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think your channel has to be a certain level of "good" or something like that to get custom thumbnails. Sadly, all it does is limit new channels and give more power to the clickbaiters.

[–]_the-dark-truth_ 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah. I wondered if it may have been an "optional extra" that cost you $$ or something. But a base number of subscribers or min views per vid seems to make more sense.

[–]_curtiss 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Used to be, but now you can do custom thumbnails.

[–]headmustard 1079 ポイント1080 ポイント  (314子コメント)

what kind of fucking teens try to fight a bunch of cops?

[–]BreakingGarrick 669 ポイント670 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Dumb ones.

[–]TRN_YER_FKN_BRN_ON 144 ポイント145 ポイント  (8子コメント)

Punk is aptly used in this situation!!

[–]GotchMaster 28 ポイント29 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Is it? I've never understood what the derogatory version of a punk actually was.

[–]falsestone 28 ポイント29 ポイント  (5子コメント)

The word "punk" used to just mean rotten, like bad food.

[–]LITER_OF_FARVA 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Kid with a bad attitude is usually called a punk.

[–]DaddyBoomalati 69 ポイント70 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The kids really suck at rugby. The cops are much better.

[–]WishiWasaSquirrel 344 ポイント345 ポイント  (118子コメント)

Welcome to Britain where kids are self entitled pricks that think they can do what they want cause there shitty parents don't give a fuck.

[–]Deomon 44 ポイント45 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This really isn't a problem exclusive to Britain.

[–]secretWolfMan 70 ポイント71 ポイント  (15子コメント)

Everywhere these days.
Suburban kids think they are untouchable. City kids are too poor to care. Religious kids are trying to save the planet with violence.
It's all the same dumbfuckery with different social justifications.

[–]Friskyinthenight 114 ポイント115 ポイント  (14子コメント)

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

That's Socrates, sometime around 400BC. This isn't a "these days" thing, the sky isn't falling, kids have always been dicks.

[–]JimDiego 97 ポイント98 ポイント  (3子コメント)

That quote is not from Socrates (or Plato). It began as part of a dissertation by a student at Cambridge in 1907 that had since been repeatedly misattributed. Here is the link: https://www.google.com/amp/quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/01/misbehaving-children-in-ancient-times/amp/

[–]JVanDyne 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Haha this is brilliant. I guess the myth of 'well-behaved kids back in the day' is nearly as old as western civilisation itself.

[–]Nick_Jackolson 129 ポイント130 ポイント  (27子コメント)

Entitled ones.

Love the "don't fucking touch me" followed by him being tackled to the floor. Well done the police...bunch of little shits learnt a lesson here.

[–]86413518473465 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (26子コメント)

What lesson was that, don't play rugby at the park? I'm not even sure what the hell is going on in the video. I don't like either party in this situation. The cops were pushing the kids, the kids were pushing back.

[–]Doctor_Fritz 21 ポイント22 ポイント  (7子コメント)

I don't think they were just playing rugby at the park. They seemed agressive to the cops, it's safe to assume they were probably harassing other people who in turn called on the cops to deal with the situation. I wouldn't think police would just start removing people from a public area if they weren't a nuisance somehow.

[–]Steven_Seboom-boom 30 ポイント31 ポイント  (15子コメント)

the kids put their hands in their face.. which resulted in the police pushing. the kids deserved to get rekt and tased

[–]apple_2 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haha if i was in that situation I'd just walk away. Those kids overstayed their welcome long before the violence.

[–]stromm 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Entitled little shits who's parents never punished them when they were being bad

[–]ukwonderboy 39 ポイント40 ポイント  (57子コメント)

Kids that know they'll be very little repercussions for doing so.

Our police don't carry guns for starters.

[–]adamissarcastic 119 ポイント120 ポイント  (30子コメント)

You know, our police have access to guns when they need them. Bunch of 14-year-olds showing off, playing silly buggers? Sounds like one of those situations where they don't need them.

[–]massiveboner911 43 ポイント44 ポイント  (6子コメント)

Sounds extremely reasonably. No tasers, no pepper spray, and no guns drawn. Just very fit, strong police, skilled in hand to hand, taking down angry hostile teens swiftly, and safely. Well done.

[–]Waslay 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That one looked like he whipped out a baton though

[–]Danielle082 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Yep i agree, this is how our cops need to be trained to deal w teenagers. I'm disgusted when I see all the videos of cops body slamming kids in schools for no real reason or punching them in the face because they don't like their tone.

[–]Trevloc 28 ポイント29 ポイント  (9子コメント)

My highschool cop over heard there was going to be a fight one day and he showed up before anyone else holding a gallon sized can of pepper spray. Had a huge ass handle and trigger. He was ready to just start spraying.... there wasnt a fight that day.

[–]Pinkbrushings 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Why wouldnt they just fight somewhere else?

[–]Trevloc 33 ポイント34 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Valid point. No idea. I was just walking by and asked why he had such a huge one.

[–]greenbabyshit 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Mighty nice rig there fella. Tell me, how'd ya get such a big one? Mine isn't even half that size.

[–]ukwonderboy 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (8子コメント)

That is exactly the point I'm trying to make... We don't need guns in this situation and they know this.

[–]burtra12 20 ポイント21 ポイント  (14子コメント)

I'm American--those kids would've gotten tasered at the very first sign of aggression. I couldn't believe how ballsy those kids were being because in my country, that is a good way to end up dead.

[–]DigThatFunk 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (9子コメント)

One cop reaches for his belt at one point it looks like (baton maybe?) and I legit thought he was going for a taser until I remembered it wasn't a video from the US

[–]Third_Ferguson 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (10子コメント)

What do guns have to do with this? You think those kids should be dead?

[–]ThaNorth 44 ポイント45 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Police most likely appear much less threatening to people when they don't have a gun on their waist.

[–]Bloody_hood 20 ポイント21 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, logically they actually are a lot less threatening without a gun

[–]ukwonderboy 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Probably be a little less likely to fight cops that carry guns on them and are known to use them regularly.

[–]YRYGAV 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If they want to start fistfights with trained police officers simply because they don't have a gun, it's probably a good thing overall. Let them know the consequences of their actions early in life. Rather than letting it fester to a point where they hurt themselves or other people.

[–]Redbolt4 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (5子コメント)

If those pansy ass Brits would just shoot someone once in a while, this wouldn't happen.. I for one enjoy living in a constant state of fear

[–]3yna3eis3ud 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Upvoting never felt so good.

[–]Paddywhacker 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (53子コメント)

What kind of cop runs up and starts pushing kids around?

[–]Captain_Blunderbuss 52 ポイント53 ポイント  (19子コメント)

they were told way too many times to leave and refused so making them leave by force was necessary as usual the kid only starts recording when the cops show up to make them leave so they dont show whatever they did but they were obviously doing something that required a bunch of officers to show up

[–]faithle55 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (0子コメント)

At about 0.03 you can see someone in the background, kneeling, with his hands cuffed. My inference is that these kids didn't like him being arrested and went the wrong way about protesting, ended up getting arrested themselves. We don't know what the kneeling person did.

[–]NurtTheRedditor 27 ポイント28 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Some people don't understand "complying with a lawful order". If you don't listen, you will be forced, simple as that. It's the same here in the US, except you'll have people come out of the wood work, starting riots and looting to "protest" police brutality.

[–]EyeLikePie 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (6子コメント)

The kind that's sick of their shit and wants them to buggar off.

[–]sighs__unzips 771 ポイント772 ポイント  (88子コメント)

The kid with the green/blue backpack who pushed the cop at 1:05 definitely would have been arrested and charged in the US. That's assault. The cops there have been very patient.

[–]weedonanipadbox 599 ポイント600 ポイント  (16子コメント)

He gets spear tackled in the background 5 seconds later.

[–]Jumpman2014C 293 ポイント294 ポイント  (8子コメント)

Yeah my reaction was "damn he's getting away and BOOM JUSTICE!"

[–]MazeMouse 122 ポイント123 ポイント  (4子コメント)

The leadup with the cop running into frame was just great.

[–]rbcornhole 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The way he just lays there after like "Yeah maybe that was a bad idea"

[–]eviktion 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (1子コメント)

"On your belly now!" That got a serious chuckle outta me, not even stomach, belly. Oh, and the other cop, with his lovely "Settle down young lady!" I'll take these cops over our American cops any day, they're effective, nobody got shot, and I got to watch that dumb dumb get spear tackled.

[–]evidica 104 ポイント105 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That was satisfying to watch.

[–]RodeoRex 27 ポイント28 ポイント  (0子コメント)

He was just showing them how to play rugby...

[–]rizkybizcuits 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (1子コメント)

By the one black dude hanging out in the background not even trying to argue with some spoiled brats

[–]SarniaSmash 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Guzzled that guy. Thirsty cop.

[–]GotHimGood 28 ポイント29 ポイント  (36子コメント)

It's battery. Assault is the intent to commit.

[–]Tasty_Burger 75 ポイント76 ポイント  (21子コメント)

What is this a courtroom? We all know what he meant.

[–]dawkholiday 75 ポイント76 ポイント  (20子コメント)

still good to know the difference if you need to talk about it to an officer

[–]Nation_State_Tractor 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (19子コメント)

talk about it to an officer

Absolutely fucking not.

[–]dawkholiday 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (18子コメント)


[–]Nation_State_Tractor 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (16子コメント)

[–]dawkholiday 44 ポイント45 ポイント  (6子コメント)

If I am a victim of assault or battery im going to speak to the police friend...and I'd like to know the difference/be educated on the subject matter before presenting any false information

[–]blackxxwolf3 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (5子コメント)

it entirely depends. if everyone stopped talked to the police period (with the exception of people calling them in emergency's) a lot of people would die because cops couldnt find wanted people or find out about incidents that are about to happen.

[–]Blizzaldo 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (2子コメント)

in the US. That's assault

Not all penal codes are the same. The US has assault where most countries have battery.

[–]TripDeLips 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's not even strictly correct, either.

Some places within the US don't differentiate between assault and battery, some places use "assault," some places use "battery," some places use other terms entirely. And those ordinances, as defined, can all differ from city to county to state.

In short, it's fucking stupid to say, "X is assault in the US," or "X is battery in the US," or "the US have X while other countries have Y." All those statements are wrong while simultaneously being correct. It's dumb and it's the worst type of pedantry.

[–]GetMoneySmokeWeed 525 ポイント526 ポイント  (37子コメント)

The funniest part of the entire thing is that moron that started filming was one of their friends. Once they posted that on YouTube, proof has been handed straight to the prosecutors. That minute of cries is music to my ears.

[–]bossmcsauce 149 ポイント150 ポイント  (1子コメント)


[–]czech_your_republic 55 ポイント56 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"I don't wanna face consequences for my actions!"

[–]Idontknow63 64 ポイント65 ポイント  (17子コメント)

The officers had body cameras, so it doesn't matter from that perspective

[–]diegotf30 80 ポイント81 ポイント  (16子コメント)

Still, it provides more evidence, from a clearer POV.

[–]CarolinaPanthers89 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (16子コメント)

It looks to me like the kids were arguing with the police, but then one officer decides to start pushing. Then the kids are backing up, while getting pushed. Then one kid pushes back and all hell breaks loose. It seems like the police escalated the situation. What am I missing here?

[–]Captain_Blunderbuss 74 ポイント75 ポイント  (6子コメント)

if you get told to leave an area by cops and don't leave then they will make you leave

[–]YRYGAV 48 ポイント49 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Generally speaking, a mob of teens sticking their hands in somebody's face yelling at them is not an 'argument'. It's more of a physical threat than anything. And threatening officers in the middle of an arrest is generally not going to lead to something positive.

[–]travis- 41 ポイント42 ポイント  (0子コメント)

not only that, there was someone in handcuffs at the beginning of the video. when have police EVER let the public surround and interfere with an arrest? fucking never.

[–]usedtobesofat[🍰] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (3子コメント)

The original police were outnumbered, they were waiting for backups

[–]GetMoneySmokeWeed 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It looks to me like the officers were trying to keep the peace because of some unruly teens that were being loud, obnoxious and possibly abusive at the game. I'm pretty sure it's part of a gang initiative where a large group of teens is required to disperse by an officer should they be causing any trouble.

[–]encrypted_genitals 358 ポイント359 ポイント  (14子コメント)

I like how they used the split second of redhead for the thumbnail.

I mean, it got me to click it, so I guess it works

[–]Sniggleboots 99 ポイント100 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I, too, am but a simple man.

[–]Erethiel117 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I see redhead and I click.

[–]FuzzyBlumpkinz 33 ポイント34 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Yall just clicked for teenage tits, admit it.

[–]blackxxwolf3 30 ポイント31 ポイント  (0子コメント)

boy nothing gets past you!

[–]Iceblack88 31 ポイント32 ポイント  (1子コメント)

... That's the implication

[–]Dutch-Knowitall 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The girls in porn watched worldwide don't look that different.

[–]dab2525 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

At least she was in it. A special place is reserved in hell for youtubers that put a hot, half naked chick on the thumbnail, even though she's not actually in the video.

[–]bdubble 33 ポイント34 ポイント  (1子コメント)

"Upvoted Not Because Girl, But Because It Is Very Cool; However, I Do Concede That I Initially Clicked Because Girl"


[–]Bm7add11 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Looks like carrot top with tits

[–]the1goodguy 585 ポイント586 ポイント  (18子コメント)

Its so satisfying to hear those children cry later on. I mean you want to challenge an adult physically? Fine, but don't bitch and cry about it when you get reminded of who the adults are.

[–]HizzlePizzle 224 ポイント225 ポイント  (16子コメント)

not to mention they're the fucking police! bitch you just kicked one, what you expect would happen?!

[–]bossmcsauce 175 ポイント176 ポイント  (15子コメント)

it's hilarious to watch this as an american. I can't even imagine having the gall to treat police like this. I'd be surprised if I didn't end up in the ER after kicking a police officer.

[–]vonkelvin 24 ポイント25 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Damn serious. In the US these kids would have never attempted this kind of thing. They hung around for 3 minutes too long.

[–]dapstulk 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not so sure about that. It's becoming common to challenge the police and cry "oppression" when they do their job.

[–]stupid_muppet 64 ポイント65 ポイント  (6子コメント)

see the difference between growing up in the USA and GB is that in the USA I had no problem running from the cops as a kid but if I ever pushed one like this I'd probably end up in the hospital and charged with a felony.

[–]BlueGold 29 ポイント30 ポイント  (1子コメント)

My first thought.

In my experience as a drunk American teen in the early 2000s, when cops showed up - sprint, jump fences, hide in bushes, cross highways, climb trees, etc. There was never any fight, just flight.

Once everyone started squabbling, had that kid with the teal backpack put his hands 12-18 inches lower when he pushed the cop at 1:05, well... There are many places in the U.S. (including my state of my birth, Louisiana) where your survival is definitely 50/50 following that kinda contact.

[–]Chipnstein 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (0子コメント)

heh, back in Romania, around my mid-late teens, I was working graveyard shift in this resort place on the beach and these 2 guys had the private security show up, police and the Gendarmerie.

Just a quick note here, many times even if you don't provoke much, the security guys will kick the shit out of you, many of them work for companies that have the police in the pocket so to speak and don't worry about their folders down at the station being as tall as their heads.

Right, so back on track, these 2 guys, one dude quite short and the other 6ft+. The short guy kept trying to pull his mate away and tell him to leave it, though both being drunk, he had more wits about him. He pulls him like 10m+ away when the tall dude breaks free and goes back to the group of these 3 forces.

Everything was ok until he touched this really short guy from the Gendarmerie, a real Louis de Funès character (looks and all were astounding). Now when I say he touched him, I mean like with his finger, like poking, and not even hard, he barely just made contact, when all the guys there insta grab him, put him up in the air, don't even drag him, towards the Gendarmerie van. It was hilarious to hear that guy instantly wake up from his drunkness and cry like a baby "No, please, i won't any more, please, i promise, i'll be good, please, no, let me down, i'll be good from now, i swear!".

Now before the van drove of in a Tokyo Drift style, after they threw him in the van and shut the door, the car light was still on inside, fading out slowly, when I see a punch going in an arc movement, up then right then down, on the guy they just pulled. That's the last I saw as the windows were tinted, as you do with these vans, and his friend was there all like "tsk, tsk, tsk, i tried alex, but you're just too stubborn, now I have to pay your bail too in the morning" and walked away.

[–]hilarymeggin 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I feel like in the US the cops would not have tried to engage and be reasonable from the start. They wouldn't have listen or responded to anyone. They would have just started issuing orders. "Ma'am, take three steps back. Sir, I'm going to need you to lie down face down." And whomever didn't comply would have been cuffed. Honestly, until I watched this video, i would have thought that was the a-hole way to do it. But it seems like the cops in this video let it dissolve into a fracas by walking into their midst and fighting with them hand to hand. I feel like US cops would have corralled them all and brought them to the station. I could be totally wrong.

[–]Slim_Charles 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If this was in the US, as soon as one of those kids tried to square up with a cop they would have been tasered.

[–]ducktit 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I mean dont push a cop no matter what. I live in a small southern town amd the cops are calm as shit when dealing with teens, i think its cops in the city that go apeshit.

[–]DonaldsPizzaHaven 50 ポイント51 ポイント  (41子コメント)

No idea what's going on.

[–]meth0dz[S] 46 ポイント47 ポイント  (40子コメント)

[–]jabbadarth 56 ポイント57 ポイント  (33子コメント)

suspicion of affray

care to translate for a yank?

[–]meth0dz[S] 57 ポイント58 ポイント  (7子コメント)


In many legal jurisdictions related to English common law, affray is a public order offence consisting of the fighting of one or more persons in a public place to the terror (in French: à l'effroi) of ordinary people. Depending on their actions, and the laws of the prevailing jurisdiction, those engaged in an affray may also render themselves liable to prosecution for assault, unlawful assembly, or riot; if so, it is for one of these offences that they are usually charged.

[–]pikey246 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Being a pain in the ass, general nuisance.

[–]dayzstu 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (2子コメント)

We’re aware of a video posted on Facebook which shows officers detaining and arresting a number of people in Taunton.

It must suck to be in Taunton. It smells bad enough on the outside.


[–]fleminjo 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Should have brought Pepsi

[–]brainbyangel 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (2子コメント)

My favorite is at 1:08. He thinks he's getting away after punching an officer then BOOM

[–]Fillopino 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lmfao yeah and the chick who gets tackled after kicking the cop.

[–]hgrub 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I imagine the second cop as techno viking lol

[–]chksum 29 ポイント30 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Fucking chavs

[–]timboevbo 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Chavs with dreadlocks?

[–]murree 162 ポイント163 ポイント  (76子コメント)

I'm sorry but am I missing something here? The cops are obviously the ones escalating the situation around 0:25 after one of the kids point their finger at one of the cops. From there on out the cops are just pushing and tackling followed by resistance. What for? The police's job is to de-escalate, not escalate a conflict. Has the world gone completely insane?

edit: I'm not saying the kids are acting righteously, but they are not hired by the people to protect the people through de-escalation and enforcement of laws. Regardless of whether the kids acted wrong or not, the cops definitely did, so I fail to see how this is justice porn in any way. I was frankly just disappointed with the lack of justice porn in the video.

edit2: turns out this is /r/JusticeServed, not /r/JusticePorn - lol

[–]TwelfthCycle 81 ポイント82 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Duplicate post from another one, but I'll give you my take on it.

You have to resolve the situation. That's why you got the call. It's not your job to just ignore the problem. And there's no resolution to standing and talking in circles for 3 hours tying up several people. Now if you're getting some movement, fine, I can keep talking, I LOVE to talk, but if we're just going back and forth on the same point? I need to resolve this shit. If we're at, "Do this." "FUCK YOU", "I need you to help me out here and do this." "FUCK YOU". It doesn't matter how I phrase this, its not working. At that point we're done talking. I have an obligation to resolve the situation as it represents a threat in itself, tying up significant manpower that is needed elsewhere. That means its time to hit the "Make" stage. Thats where they're at in this video. Shits obviously been going on for a while, and nothing is happening. Fine, we tried talking, its time to move people. This is not a negotiation, you need to leave, and given you're not moving on your own, I'm going to help you. Now for the manner used. It's aggressive, Hell ya its aggressive, when it comes to hands on, the safest method for everybody is hard, fast, and CONFIDENT. Notice those shoves? They get the crowd moving. Only thing injured is ego, but people move back and you move forward. Finally getting movement. As the the conclusion? If you don't want to follow the lawful orders? You're taking a ride.

[–]MundaneFacts 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (3子コメント)

That makes sense, but shouldn't the next step be... "Ok, move along or I'm going to start making arrests." Then if they don't move along, you grab someone and arrest them?

It seemed like in this video, it went from "please move along" to "you wanna fight, bro." Did i miss something?

[–]Sergeant_Skulldozer 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think that the officers start pushing people to basically reinforce what they had been saying, basically going from "Get out of here" to "We are getting you out of here".

And that's when the teens start jumping around, shoving back, punching, making it clear that they aren't going to leave the area.

So then the cops start arresting them, one by one.

[–]ForeverYong 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

And this is the part that video doesn't give us. The cops may have already stated this before the video started. I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but at some point the police needed to move forward with the situation and they did. If the teens would have retreated without any backlash then they wouldn't have been tackled and/or arrested. Police resources could have been used elsewhere besides at a rugby game at the park.

[–]thedogedidit 37 ポイント38 ポイント  (6子コメント)

Seems they asked the kids to leave and they didn't. The cop that pushes the finger pointer was waiting for his backup, that is why it escalated so quickly. De-escalation looked as if it was ineffective to me.

Also, as was pointed out elsewhere in the thread if the cops ask you to leave and you don't they have every right to remove you and or arrest you.

[–]davanillagorilla 89 ポイント90 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Yeah I'm with you, I don't get the reaction here. Shouldn't even be in this subreddit really. The cops 100% escalated this, especially the cop that just comes charging in for no reason.

[–]yellow_logic 38 ポイント39 ポイント  (9子コメント)

We don't see how long the cops have been there attempting to clear out the field.

I'm inclined to believe the officer who came "charging in" saw how increasingly aggressive the teens were acting and had enough.

I didn't see a problem with him coming in and telling them to leave asap after they appeared to have already told them to. Him pushing one of the teens was just reenforcement of "hey, leave now, or you're going to be in cuffs."

[–]teawreckshero 18 ポイント19 ポイント  (8子コメント)

saw how increasingly aggressive the teens were acting and had enough.

This just sounds like you're describing a cop who lost their cool. The more aggressive the kids are, the more important it is for the police to de-escalate the situation. Instead, a cop charges in without warning and starts shoving them yelling "get back". Ok, fair enough, maybe they did need to back up, but he keeps shoving them for like 50+ ft. After the initial, possibly justified push, from 0:30 to 0:55 they kept pushing random people for no reason, repeatedly trying to antagonize and provoke a reaction, which they eventually succeeded in doing.

[–]Shrek1982 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (2子コメント)

The more aggressive the kids are, the more important it is for the police to de-escalate the situation.

I can't say that I agree with this at all. There is only so long you can sit there and say "go home" with the kids becoming increasingly aggressive in their mannerisms, at some point you need to either make them leave or arrest them.

Ok, fair enough, maybe they did need to back up, but he keeps shoving them for like 50+ ft. After the initial, possibly justified push, from 0:30 to 0:55 they kept pushing random people for no reason, repeatedly trying to antagonize and provoke a reaction, which they eventually succeeded in doing.

Because they showed no signs of leaving the area, they still turned to face off with the cops. If they had turned and started walking away then I doubt that this problem would have gone any further.

[–]ducktit 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Have you ever tried to calm a teen down who wants to impress thier friends? Its almost impossible. The cops looked liked they tried to de escalate but they got fed up and said okay "fuck off ya cunts". The kids were not leaving so the cops used force. Not every situation can be de escalated you need to try, but if that doesn't work then force is necessary.

[–]nationalhero9 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You are missing lots of things here.

Please don't paint a completely different picture to what is actually happening.

At the 00:10s mark you see one officer standing back on the radio with a kid in cuffs. He's clearly been arrested for some sort of offence. The guy on the radio is giving updates, possibly calling for backup as the situation is escalating as the kids are not moving on after given direction to do so.

This job has been going on for a while if someone has already been arrested, you have no idea how long these guys were trying to communicate with the crowd of kids who are not following police direction to leave the area. Mind you this is an offence already.

Backup arrives (in the form of running man) and they all move in to get the kids to move on. They don't listen and continue to argue. Of course they are going to use physical force to move them on. I was very surprised I didn't see batons or spray being used. These guys were very patient and only tackled and held the main offenders down.

Even the girl who assaulted an officer by kicking him in the back is simply being held down and hasn't even been cuffed. When someone comes to tell the cop off 1:30s he calmly explains why she is being detained.

These cops behaved extremely professionally and I've seen much worse.

It's very easy to say 'their job is to de-escalate' but at what point, when you are surrounded and the kids aren't moving on do you take different action?

It goes to show that they were perfectly within their right as after the cops started getting physical, other kids trying to throw in kicks and shoves, even laughing at what was going on! I'm not sure about you but assaulting an officer or getting in a scuffle with one is not a laughing matter. It goes to show that they had no respect and were pushing the envelope.

[–]peypeyy 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I agree. They way escalated the situation. It probably would have panned out much better if they kept their cool. Plus those kids were tiny and didn't seem to pose a threat at all. If one of them made physical contact with a cop I would feel differently. Although we don't know what happened before this recording began. Maybe he did all he could and failed.

[–]WiretapStudios 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (8子コメント)

While I 100% agree that the cops were escalating the situation, from the lack of any context here, I assumed they were trying to move them off the field, possibly by pushing them further and further back?

[–]murree 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Fair enough. However, what prevents them from saying: "If you do not move away voluntarily, we will forcefully move you away, and if needed, arrest you"?

[–]WiretapStudios 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (3子コメント)

We have no context, they could have said this repeatedly prior to the video. I don't think this is Justice Served material per se, we have no idea if the kids are being attacked by aggressive cops, or if this is a pack of shitty teens that won't leave the grounds. I'm guessing #2 since it was Rugby related, but the police still don't look that great pushing children, although most of the comments here seem to think it was justified.

[–]transmigrant 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

And the cop even shouts 'get back!' while repeatedly shoving the kid back and then walking towards him shouting the same thing...wtf

[–]Marrionette 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I'm with you, not sure why people are seeing this as police justice. The kids come off as argumentative, sure, but they didn't start anything, they were just arguing. That one cop comes in and starts shoving people around then gets pissed off when the kids don't back off. The cops are obviously escalating the situation and making it worse.

[–]JVanDyne 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (11子コメント)

IMO the fault lies with both parties. From what you can see in the video, that one cop definitely escalated the conflict by shoving the kid who was pointing, but at the end of the day the kids shouldn't have reacted in the way they did. Everyone's an asshole in this situation!

[–]lostpatrol 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (3子コメント)

The police were there to conduct an investigation about an assault. The "kids" get in their faces, yelling and preventing their work. No idea how the police are at fault.

[–]JVanDyne 27 ポイント28 ポイント  (2子コメント)

At 27 seconds, that little cop comes out of nowhere and shoves the kid aggressively. This is not the type of behaviour you use when you're simply "conducting an investigation". Doesn't mean that the kids weren't at fault either, but the situation could have been handled a lot better.

[–]Crying_Viking 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yup. That guy escalated it. From what I could tell, the kids were complaining that the police had arrested the kid on the ground by choking him first into compliance. That's why they were upset. To add further context, this area (Taunton) is hardly a hot bed of gang activity and high crime. It's not reasonable for the Police to assume a hostile position like this in rural England. Tell the kids to calm down, but don't start shoving them, even if they dare to point a finger at you.

I have first hand experience of this Police Force (Avon and Somerset) and have seen their bullying approach to policing first hand. I wasn't surprised to see which constabulary this was when I first saw it last week.

They (Avon and Somerset) give some legitimacy to the British phrase "all coppers are bastards".

Disclaimer: I'm a huge supporter of the police in general, but like in everything, there are good ones and bad ones. This constabulary just seems to have mostly bastards.

[–]the_mods_are_idiots 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

This sub belongs to the altreich now. The police are the ultimate authority. Get out while you can.

[–]thecowgoesrawr 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Came here for this. The cops lashed out, they were shoving the kids as they were backing away. Hell, if you look at 1:00 in the video, there is a girl just fucking standing there, and a cop tries to tackle her. Yeah, the kids are assholes, but cops are the ones that are supposed to keep everything under control. This would definitely cause some controversy in the US.

[–]guitarfingers 62 ポイント63 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Those de-escalation skills 👌👌👌

[–]Blaizefed 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I am an American (New Orleans) living in England. I've been here ten years. It never ceases to amaze me the kind of shit people get away with here when talking to cops. Shit that would get the shit beat out of you in the states, and a night in jail at minimum, just gets brushed off by the cops here. Despite what the locals say, they are pussycats compared to American cops, and all of them have deep wells of patience.

(I do not for a second mean to say UK cops are pussies. The shitstorms they run towards armed only with a stick is amazing. These guys have real balls when needed. It really is US heavy padding football vs UK no padding blood and spit Rugby)

[–]xyifer12 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I see someone point, then get attacked. The video quality sucks, where's the part where a kid makes the first contact?

[–]TiberonChico 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It was said above, but the officers were making an arrest and these teenagers were obviously threatening them verbally and with their body language (hands in their face and such). If an officer feels threatened they're allowed to take action if they feel necessary.

These kids really shouldn't have been so aggressive towards the cops, they're friend was already under arrest and provoking the cops make everything worse.

[–]ConditionOfMan 20 ポイント21 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Can someone point out where the justice is? All I see is the police escalating the issue all the way up to violence.

[–]JonnyArtois 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The lass kicking the police officer on the ground then instantly getting arrested is definitely justice served.

[–]relaxmf 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I knew there was more to this video than a bunch of cops picking on some random kids. Why do people do this, they hassle the police then cry innocent when they retaliate.

[–]Hockeyloogie 23 ポイント24 ポイント  (6子コメント)

how is this justice served if we don't know what happened? for all I know these kids could've been loitering, and if that's the case I don't need "justice served". I just don't feel the same sense of justice in this situation as when a real criminal does something and gets served. seems brash

[–]ThaNorth 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (5子コメント)

If you're loitering, and the cops tell you that you can't loiter and you have to leave, and you start to verbally yell back at them then the cops have the right to physically remove you. Listen to the cops when they tell you to leave, otherwise they will force you to leave.

[–]rasch8660 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (3子コメント)

LOL, people in this thread saying that by American standards the cops were being patient. 😂 But by any civilized standard the cops are acting like complete amateurs, the way they escalate the situation by pushing and provoking.

[–]reecereddit 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

What would you do when you've told them multiple times to leave while interfering with and arrest, oh and the outnumber you and are fine with attacking you?

[–]evilchops 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah because we see how well things are panning out all over the world with the approach of just letting out of control asshole teenagers do what they want because they know you won't physically touch them. It's this soft approach that's raising an entire generation of whiny bitches that when confronted with reality do exactly what you see in this video... Break down and cry. When a punk ass kid is running his mouth the way these kids were these cops did exactly what they should ... Givem a fucking reality check and send them home to their parents crying.

[–]Koolorado 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lets all be tough badasses simce we are all together in this peer pressure group. Ooops that didnt work. Lol, gotta love todays smart mouth youths.

[–]CarolinaPanthers89 16 ポイント17 ポイント  (1子コメント)

It looks to me like the kids were arguing with the police, but then one officer decides to start pushing. Then the kids are backing up, while getting pushed. Then one kid pushes back and all hell breaks loose. It seems like the police escalated the situation. What am I missing here?

[–]Fillopino 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

A chick got assaulted and is now in hospital. They were asking them to move away from the incident and they didn't, clear reason there...

[–]Sempais_nutrients 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Screaming "get off him!" and kicking a cop is sure to work.

[–]UnhappyJohnCandy 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I've never understood why anyone would struggle when there are multiple cops holding them down. Unless you're part of The Resistance and we're halfway through a revolution, you lost. Let it go. Go limp and work with the police. Idiots.

[–]Hockeyhoser 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Classic escalation techniques being applied there

[–]vatothe0 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

At the very end, the cop has a decent arm bar going

[–]Chatterbox19 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (0子コメント)

How is this justice?

[–]pikey246 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

😂😂😂 serves the little shits right

[–]notmyrealnam3 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

wow, stupid fucking kids

[–]scottgst 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

My favorite is when an officer obliterates someone, and that someone's friends go and try and push the officer off, only to subsequently be ruined by another officer standing by. Seems theres always one in these kinds of videos.

[–]Remulos91 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"You'll start getting nicked! You'll start getting nicked! All you motherfuckers are getting nicked!"

This is why British police don't need guns, we're clearly Shakespeares people.

[–]sjmdiablo 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Kids today.

[–]Erichardson1978 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

[–]ThaNorth 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

How fuckin retarded are these kids?

[–]globaltourist 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you act this way to police as a child, you were raised poorly.

[–]davanillagorilla 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Opposite of justice served. Great example of adults acting like children.

[–]palsforever 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I love how they're all crying at the end.

[–]jackgrafter 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (58子コメント)

This is a sad reflection of kids these days. Schools aren't allowed to discipline them any more, so they think they can behave like little cunts and get away with it.

Anyone saying the police were out of order here can fuck right off. Those little pricks showed zero respect and got exactly what they deserved. Police shouldn't have to take that shit from anybody, let alone some jumped up little chavs.

[–]jabbadarth 92 ポイント93 ポイント  (7子コメント)

This is a sad reflection of kids these days

this is such bullshit. there have always been shitty kids, they just didn't have cameras and the internet to share it before. kids are the same as they have always been, some are good, some are bad, some grow out of it and some don't.

These kids were being stupid and shitty and they got arrested for it.

[–]borgol 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"These days" -- you don't think kids were naughty in the past?

[–]Tower-Union 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

they think they can behave like little cunts and get away with it.

Takes me back to my days bouncing. They get even more outrageous with a little liquid courage for the first time, and bouncers aren't known for the restraint of cops.

[–]moha384 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

And they you hear them crying now... You ain't so tough no more eh

[–]abigboom 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stupid kids, legit being a cop ain't easy. Somebody gotta keep society in check. We don't want clockwork orange shit going down.

[–]pikey246 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I just read those little shit bags tried to get those coppers fired!!! What is happening to this country, self entitled arse holes. I bet those kids wouldn't be acting like that of they were in London last weekend.