Can you really say what he was worried about?
No, but why else would he wan the investigation stopped?
Loyalty to Flynn would be the first thing that comes to mind.
But I do thing your point about Flynn/Kushner checking first w/ DJT is likely.
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新しい会話 -
We all know that! Frustrating it can't be said on Senate floor as of yet! The public is frazzled, we are under attack daily by this maniac!
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今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す
今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す
The only good we can derive from this ? Is Flynn N Trump did something nefarious N WE need 2 keep digging! So we have a lead in which 2 dig
今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
And they are secretly stealing healthcare with a backroom deal sneaking through the senate while this distraction captivates.
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of course. Word. Truth. and all that jazz....
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You're the Masonic Mong hiding behind a name of "Unknown" totally lacking class
I wouldn't know, don't even know a handshake, I'm sorry you suffer from Tribalism though.
新しい会話 -
Like hiding a dog turd in the yard by covering it with horse shit....
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How his supporters can defend him is beyond me. This is pure intimidation!
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Moreover, any transgressions Flynn allegedly committed which were undisclosed to
@POTUS at the time of termination do NOT redound to POTUS. …今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す