I’ve had an idea percolating for a while. I love using Haskell for work. It’s functional, expressive, and easy to reason about. It’s also strongly typed and deals with immutable data (for the most part) which are big pluses for writing good code. However, it’s garbage collected, and while it’s not likely to run into performance issues for small projects, on larger ones it can get in the way. Commonly with Haskell, if one really needed speed, the FFI would be used with C code in order to get the performance needed. The only problem with that is that C is unsafe with undefined behavior being the norm. This is where Rust is a great alternative C for those performance critical functions needed in some Haskell problems. If you’ve ever used Haskell before you know that the documentation is either outdated, unrelated to what you actually want, or just plain missing. I spent hours digging through old Haskell and Rust blog posts, stack overflow posts from 2009, GHC options, and god knows how many compiler errors. Rather than having you dig through the depths of the archaeological nightmare that is the Internet, I’ve decided to write this for anyone trying to use Rust in Haskell. Let me be clear, this article is not covering how to use Haskell in Rust. That’s for some other time.
Let’s get started then.
This articles assumes you have the following installed:
- rustc - at least 1.12 stable
- cargo
- cabal
Why not stack? It kept yelling at me for weird things. I like it but this is a simple example and cabal will suffice. Besides stack is built on top of cabal so you should already have it anyways.
Setting up our Rust Code
First let’s setup our project directory. Initialize it with the following command:
cargo new haskellrs
This well setup a folder haskellrs that’s laid out like this:
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
└── lib.rs
Before we start setting up our Haskell code as well let’s get our Rust code straightened out. First we need to modify our Cargo.toml file. When you open it up it should look something like this:
name = "haskellrs"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Michael Gattozzi <mgattozzi@gmail.com>"]
We need to modify it to look like this:
name = "haskellrs"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Michael Gattozzi <mgattozzi@gmail.com>"]
name = "rusty"
crate-type = ["staticlib"]
If you’ve done FFI before you might have noticed I chose to statically link this file rather than dynamically link it. I have yet to get an example working with dylib or the new cdylib format for Rust and would love to know how if you’ve done it before. The three new lines added let Rust know a few things:
- The output file will be a .a file called librusty.a (The common convention for C code that’s a library to start with lib and then the name of the project).
- This file can get statically linked into other programs because we’ve defined it to be a static lib.
- It knows how to setup the file differently with it’s symbols for other programs. Rust normally uses .rlib files to link Rust code to other Rust code when you pull in external dependencies with Cargo. We don’t want that since Haskell would have no idea how to understand that file format.
Okay so our project is setup! Let’s start writing some Rust! Open up your src/lib.rs file. It should look like this:
mod tests {
fn it_works() {
We don’t need this for our purposes so feel free to delete it. Instead
we’re going to write two simple functions so that we can see how this
works. One with CStr
and one with i32
. First up we’re going to write
a function called double_input
that takes an i32
and doubles it. It
should look like this:
pub extern fn double_input(x: i32) -> i32 {
2 * x
Let’s go through each line:
- The
tells the Rust compiler not to do anything weird with the symbols of this function when compiled because we need to be able to call it from other languages. This is needed if you plan on doing any FFI. Not doing so means you won’t be able to reference it in other languages - Now our actual function header.
makes it available to use elsewhere.extern
means this is externally available outside our library and tells the compiler to follow the C calling convention when compiling. If you don’t know what that means, it has to do with how code leaves values available for functions that called it on the CPU level. You can find more information about it here if you are interested on learning more. We need to do this so Haskell knows how to treat the Rust code. For all intents and purposes Haskell thinks it’s calling C compiled code and not Rust. Now we finish with the rest of the function.fn
tells us this is a function we are declaring,double_input
is the function name(x: i32)
means it has an inputx
of typei32
and-> i32
means we are returning ani32
. - Our next line is simple take
and multiply it by 2. Since it’s the last line in the Rust function by omitting the ; at the end we’re telling the compiler return the value of the expression, much like how the last expression of ado
block in Haskell returns a value.
Pretty simple right? The only difference between FFI code and Rust only code
is the extern
and #[no_mangle]
statements put into the function
Okay now let’s write a function that prints Strings passed to it. Since
we’re using FFI we need to use CStr
so that both languages know how
to talk to the other. At the top of lib.rs add the following line:
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
Now we’re going to write our printing function:
pub extern fn print_string(x: *const c_char) {
unsafe {
let cstring = CStr::from_ptr(x);
if let Ok(input) = cstring.to_str() {
println!("{}", input);
} else {
panic!("Unable to print input");
Like before we write out our #[no_mangle]
and pub extern
so that the
function will be exported. We’ve also stated that our input is
a pointer to what we’ll turn into a CStr
. Because a CStr
isn’t like a Rust
we need to turn it into one if we want it to be able to print. This is
why we use the to_str()
function. However, this has the possibility of failure. If
the program making the CStr
fails in making it properly then we won’t
be able to turn it into a Rust String. This is why to_str()
a Result
type. If it’s translated fine we’ll print out the input string
and if not we panic and cause the program to abort because it failed in
some manner. We also have to wrap it in an unsafe because we’re messing
around with raw pointers. While this is classified as unsafe by Rust we
can be pretty sure that the Haskell code will generate a correct CString
for us to use so wrapping it in unsafe
here is alright.
All right so we have our two functions we want to use in Haskell setup. I want to talk about what we’re going to be doing with the Haskell code and some problems I ran into before actually writing this code.
A small digression
While we could do this in one file we’re going to use two of them. One containing the foreign functions imported from Rust and our main file that will call them from the other module. Why? Because there’s no documentation about using foreign functions imported in one module to be used in another and it was the most frustrating things to have to deal with. To digress for a bit, I found the documentation for Rust FFI was alright but not the best. I could figure out what I needed but it’s out of date since it lacks any examples with dylib/cdylib and using that in other languages. It also assumes I only want to write and use it in C code. I don’t want to use C. That’s why I use Rust. I want that embedded in other languages not the other way around.
Haskell’s documentation however was messy, disorganized, scattered across various web pages and sites, and could use a lot of love in getting fixed up. There’s no good tutorials on dynamic vs statically linking libraries and how to do it. It just said cabal and GHC manuals covered it without linking the relevant pages. That’s honestly pretty frustrating, it felt like saying that’s an exercise left to the reader with no basic knowledge to get started. Linking to it would have saved me many hours of digging through the documentation. There’s no well written explanations of doing FFI. The information on how to do it is there, it’s just not good or easy to parse without time and effort. This is one of the times where, no the types really can’t speak for themselves, because it’s not types I’m dealing with. It’s frustrating because I really do like Haskell as a language but the lack of good documentation really hurts the language.
Alright. Enough about bad documentation. Let’s actually code what I spent forever figuring it out so you don’t have to be as frustrated as I was, and so I can contribute rather than just being angry about it.
Setting up our Haskell code
We’re going to create two files in our src directory. Main.hs and FLib.hs. Here’s what FLib.hs should look like:
module FLib where
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
foreign import ccall "double_input" doubleInput :: CInt -> CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "print_string" printString :: CString -> IO ()
Here’s what Main.hs looks like:
import FLib
import Foreign.C.String (newCString)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ doubleInput 3 --This will print 6
-- Technically newCString doesn't need the \0 but I found that
-- Rust was eating up the last character regardless of what it was
-- so to make sure it works I just null terminated it to get the right
-- output.
str <- newCString "Hello World\0"
printString str
Now we need to setup our cabal file so that this actually can work:
name: haskellrs
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable haskellrs-exec
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
default-language: Haskell2010
other-modules: FLib
extra-libraries: rusty, pthread
extra-lib-dirs: target/release
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: FLib
other-extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
default-language: Haskell2010
extra-libraries: rusty, pthread
extra-lib-dirs: target/release
Pretty simple file right? Before we dive into the Haskell code let’s get this example working so you can see for yourself:
cargo build --release
cabal run
You should see the following printed out on your screen:
Hello World
You just ran Rust code inside of Haskell! Let’s dissect our Haskell code, so that we can understand how all of this works.
If we take a look at FLib we have our statements for importing code:
foreign import ccall "double_input" doubleInput :: CInt -> CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "print_string" printString :: CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall
tells us that the function we’re importing
follows the C calling convention and Haskell should treat it like that
in it’s code. Anything in quotes is the name of the actual function
we’re importing. The stuff after the quotes is the function header and
what we’ll call the name in Haskell. For example our Rust function double_input
is being imported into Haskell as doubleInput
and it takes a CInt
returns a CInt
Take a look at the second line though. Notice how I put unsafe? We need
this because of how CStrings
work for one in Haskell (I couldn’t get
anything to print if I didn’t put unsafe) but two we are doing an IO
action. Unlike doubleInput
this function isn’t pure and we have side
effects (printing out a line) and so we need this to be in the IO
for it to work. Even if your input might be a CInt
for another function
you write, if you implement any kind of IO with that function import it
with an unsafe call so that it’s enforced that way in Haskell. Unlike
Rust, Haskell needs to keep track of it’s IO actions so that it knows
how to execute things each time.
General rule of thumb:
- Import pure functions as if they were safe
- Import impure functions as unsafe
Okay now let’s look at our Main.hs file
import FLib
import Foreign.C.String (newCString)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ doubleInput 3
str <- newCString "Hello World\0"
printString str
This is the code that actually executes our Rust Functions. First we
import our library that contains our Rust code and we import a function
to make CStrings
Now we setup our main function. If you’ve not used Haskell before then the syntax might look different but we’ll go through each line so you can understand what’s going on:
main :: IO ()
This is our function declaration. Every executable has a main function
with a return type of of IO ()
. Essentially we’re saying this program
has side effects (because we are running a program on a computer) and it
returns the unit type ()
upon completion wrapped up in the IO
If that was complete gibberish then just know that IO
is there to tell
the compiler we’re doing stuff that affects the computer and it needs to
properly keep track of it.
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ doubleInput 3
We’ve started our do
block which is saying that all the actions after
this must be in a monad and the last statement returns the value of the
expected monad, in this case we’re in the IO
monad and the last
statement must return IO ()
. Our next line contains $
. It’s a way of
saying do everything to the right of me first. That line is equivalent
to writing:
(putStrLn (show (doubleInput 3)))
I just find that the $
is a bit cleaner to read. So what’s happening
here is we’re doubling the input 3. However we want to display this in
the terminal, so show
converts the CInt
into a String
actually prints it out to the console!
Next up we have this line:
str <- newCString "Hello World\0"
What we’re saying is store the value of newCString
into str
. Why are we
doing this though? Couldn’t we just do what we did with the other line?
Well no, see newCString
returns an IO CString
and what we want is
the value inside the IO
which is a type CString
. Our function
expects a CString
not an IO CString
. By doing this
step we can actually then use str
as a CString
That’s why this line works:
printString str
It then prints our string and returns an IO ()
like the do block
expects and so our code compiles! I’ve been hiding some of the magic of
how this works in the cabal file that contains some options and things
to get this working. Let’s take a look at it again:
name: haskellrs
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable haskellrs-exec
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
default-language: Haskell2010
other-modules: FLib
extra-libraries: rusty, pthread
extra-lib-dirs: target/release
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: FLib
other-extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
default-language: Haskell2010
extra-libraries: rusty, pthread
extra-lib-dirs: target/release
It’s fairly straight forward. We’ve created an executable that imports
our FLib library (this is why it’s listed under other-modules) and it
imports our rust library (remember we called it rusty). We’ve also stated
where rusty was located with the extra-lib-dirs that way Haskell could
link it in properly. Remember this means you’ve compiled the Rust
Library first otherwise the target/release folder won’t exist at all. Now
we’ve also imported this library pthread. It was necessary to get the CString
example working. Our library entry is also pretty much the same but take
a look under other-extensions. It uses ForeignFunctionInterface
. If we
didn’t put this here we would have to put {-# LANGUAGE
ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
at the top of every Haskell file that did
an import call. By putting it here it implicitly does that for every
file in the library. Together these allow Haskell to call our Rust code
as expected. Seems like a lot but overall there aren’t that many lines
of code needed to get it working!
If you want to take a look at the code I’ve put it up in a repository here. This post covered how to setup a project to use Rust inside of Haskell code. While this was fairly simple to setup and do in terms of the overall code it still took some work. It also covered the proper ways to call the code inside of Rust. I’ve started a project to automate the process in Rust and Haskell projects so the need to write all the boiler plate yourself is unnecessary. It’ll also provide mappings between the various types in Rust and Haskell to make it easier to reason about. This will take some time to get right but making this a seamless experience for users would be great. I think Rust and Haskell compliment each other well and making it easy to do that will be a boon to both communities.
Thanks to Caleb Jones for making some minor corrections to this article.