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Search : For example "Cosplay of the month" to see evidences of why only us Asians can Cosplay

The most biggest evidence of us Asians making our Anime characters based on us Asians

The pictures you see are from the same episode of the same series where in that episode they imagine that they are impersonating as westerners which are shown by the 3rd picture.

As you clearly can see, we Asians believe that :
1. You westerners have smaller eyes than us Asians which is why our Anime actually 'hate' you westerners
2. You westerners have big long nose while big long nose are not cute at all and not Anime characters-like at all
3. You westerners have square face and square jaw that are also not cute at all and only make you westerners look like your own cartoon/western characters while look nothing like our Anime/Asian characters.
4. Etc you westerners look nothing like us Asians or our Anime, Manga and our other Asian based characters we Asians made based on us Asians

You can also see that not just with the characters who have black hair but also who have yellow hair which you racist westerners use as your retarded reason when claiming our Anime characters based on you racist westerners . Another difference that you can also see is the lips where we Asians believe you westerners have bigger and thicker lips which also not cute at all or not look like our Anime characters at all.

The example you see is only just 1 of the many examples like that and we Asians also have the same believe of you westerners are supposed to look like that in reality :
You can see more examples including from hundreds of years ago at while you will never see anything like that when us Asians in Japan impersonating other Asians and we dare you racist westerners to find even just 1 example of it to prove us wrong.

There is just no way we Asians will ever make our Anime/Asian characters based on you westerners because first of all we Asians don't even find you westerners attractive and also because we Asians are not idiots who will prefer to feature and promote other peoples than our own peoples, our Anime is one of the many things that make us Asians famous world wide.

You westerners should start to learn to accept reality, the reality that :
1. Our Anime are much more superior than your cartoon
2. You westerners can't make any Anime to this day
3. You westerners will never be/look like our Anime/Asian characters because you westerners will never be/look like us Asians while only us Asians who can be/look like our Anime characters because we Asians made them based on us Asians
4. Millions of our Anime fans hates you westerners cosplaying [ read : ruining ] our Anime characters which hurt millions of our Anime fans
5. Etc so that you racist westerners will eventually stop on claiming our Anime characters based on you or associating your inferior cartoon to our superior Anime.