Never trusted @TheIntercept to begin this.
And they screwed up a huge story and burned their source. Bunch of incompetent f**ks.
Not incompetent, intentional. They want to snuff out leakers who leak info incriminating of Russia. Simple as that.
Then they ran with the story incriminating Mother Russia? I'm confused and need a cocktail.
If she was leaking to them, she would've leaked to others. She'll never leak something negative about Russia again.
By arresting this girl, the administration is in a pickle. They have legitimized the information that they say doesn't exist. Sad
By the way, the Oxford comma is my friend too. How do you feel about double spacing at the end of sentences? My husband is wrong, right?
Not obsessive about that one, particularly on Twitter.
I remove extra spaces to make my tweets fit...
- 他1件の返信
新しい会話 -
Read the guys name Reality Leigh Winner - really? It was intentional and its much worse than whats written. Me believes votes were changed
She's a courageous patriot
She's given us the most detailed insight yet into how the buggers stole votes. Very clever opps, really.
We agree w she. She needs to explain the delivery mechanism through the chain of custody to the host target and how votes were flipped
I don't think she knows. Just started in feb. Saw clear and damning evidence, mailed it (to the wrong people)
Part of effort doc'd in "her" report suggests they were seeking hardware and software vulnerabilities for government official comps.
We need well staffed congressional commission if you want more answers, I think
And we need some in the GOP to PROVE they aren't colluding too.
新しい会話 -
Proof that the Intercept is indeed working for Putin: they turned in the NSA leaker who gave them the story re RU bad.
Maybe that was the point of this operation... Maybe NSA is
#RealityWinn[ing] -
Like Reality/leak was the honeypot for Intercept to blow cover only to "accidentally" confirm damming intel? If so, brilliant.
Yes. That said, zero clue that is the case here - just imagining possibilities.
It's all speculation until all the trials conclude. Even then, sometimes...
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