(cache) BitBean - Bigger, Faster, Stronger

Why is it Bigger?

BitBean has a maximum coin supply of 50 billion virtual beans, approximately 2,380 times more than Bitcoin's supply. With over 7 billion people on earth, this will provide enough BitBeans for everyone without creating fractions of account! Currently there are a little over 1.9 billion BitBeans in existence. It will take another 93 years before BitBean's cap is reached.

BitBean is the first digital currency to implement a 20MB maximum block size limit. This is 20 times bigger than Bitcoin's maximum block size. BitBean is designed from the ground up to be scalable and meet the demands of future mass adoption!

Why wait for Bitcoin to hard-fork? BitBean delivers bigger block sizes today! This means ultra-low fees and ultra-fast confirmation times, just as you would expect with traditional credit cards (except for fees)!

How is it Faster?

BitBean has a target block time of 60 seconds, with a confirmation time more than 10 times faster than Bitcoin! A single confirmation can sometimes occur in as little as 20 seconds! Planned updates to BitBean's core will dramatically improve synchronization time for full nodes. An Android Keychain App (a Light Wallet) is available for free download. No need to wait hours to synchronize with the block-chain, you can instantly receive and take your BitBean with you - to spend any time!

BitBean POS unit

How much Stronger?

BitBean is currently being maintained and developed by Bean Core, a virtual company, comprised of top BitBean holders and developers - who have a vested interest in its success! After being abandoned by the original developer, the community (Team Bean) and a dedicated team of developers (Bean Core), came together to form a plan, to continue development and take BitBean to the next level! Updated wallets have been developed for many platforms and are available for free download.

Bean Core, through a corporate partnership, now has a telephone support hot-line. This allows higher levels of support, for consumers and merchants, on the BitBean Digital Cash network. The first 10 minutes of general and technical support, are provided at no-cost. Additional pre-paid telephone support is available at a rate of 50k BitBeans per hour (1 hour minimum).
Bean Core can be reached at:
+1 (406) 213-4656

  • Get Some Free BitBean And Test-Drive BitBean Yourself Today!
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BitBean Latest News

DNS Seeder Servers Launched

DNS Seeder Servers Launched

Download Press Release in .pdf

BitBean Digital Cash Cards With Security Seals Available Upon Request

Please email for more assistance

Android Keychain "Light Wallet" Available
Experience BitBean Digital Cash at the Bean of Light!

Download the new Android BitBean Keychain Wallet

BitBean Added to CoinPayments.net

Bitbean Added to CoinPayments.net

BitBean Added to Cryptopia Exchange

Bitbean Added to Cryptopia Exchange

BitBean Vault v1.1.0.0 Generally Available

Download the new updated Wallet

Bean Core RoadMap 2017

Bean Core is no longer putting out quarterly RoadMaps. The Bean Core team is moving to a new project management system which will show real-time development status including current and projected milestones. We anticipate to have this new system in place by the end of April 2017. Milestones not completed in 2016 have been carried over and will be completed in 2017. Our development team is mainly comprised of passionate volunteers. Beginning April 2017, we moved from part-time to full-time development of BitBean. You can still view our last published RoadMap here.

BitBean Logo

Family-First Digital Currency
Team Bean is comprised of developers who have families with children. Reflective of this is a core value that family time is first. BitBean is the first digital currency with a developer philosophy that families come first. Our developers are committed to moving BitBean technologies forward and supporting it's success for at least the next 93 years! Your patience in seeing new developments mature will be well worth the wait! Starting April 2017, our development schedule has moved from part-time to full-time.

Social & Private Capital Investments
BitBean is being developed by a core group of devs and investors, known as ""Bean Core". Around the core group is "Team Bean", which is comprised currently of over 1,000 holders of BitBean. A web portal is being developed for Team Bean and will be released by the end of May 2017. Bean Core has implemented and is currently expanding an integrated infrastructure which provides transparency, efficiency, and productive work flows.