Before our country Let Go and Let Vlad, a senator or congresswoman seeking information from the White House would just ask for it. In general, Republican presidents honored Democratic requests, and Democratic presidents honored Republican requests. Hahahaha, SUCKERS!!!

Oversight of the Trump administration will be carried out by the president’s millions of Twitter followers, thankyouverymuch. Donald Trump is far too busy presidenting to answer annoying questions about how much money his hotels take in from foreign nationals, or what he owes to Russian shell companies. So Trump summoned his buddy Don McGahn and told him to figure out a way to hit the mute button on all those pesky Democrats with their gotcha questions. Then he went back to watching Hannity.

On May 1, the Office of Legal Counsel produced an opinion memo telling the President that he had every right to tell those Democrats to Suck it, Nerds!

Individual members of Congress, including ranking minority members, do not have the authority to conduct oversight in the absence of a specific delegation by a full house, committee, or subcommittee. They may request information from the Executive Branch, which may respond at its discretion, but such requests do not trigger any obligation to accommodate congressional needs and are not legally enforceable through a subpoena or contempt proceedings.

From here on out, we only talk to VIPs. If you’re not a Committee Chair, you’re not on the list.

As Politico reports,

The idea, Republicans said, is to choke off the Democratic congressional minorities from gaining new information that could be used to attack the president.

“You have Republicans leading the House, the Senate and the White House,” a White House official said. “I don’t think you’d have the Democrats responding to every minority member request if they were in the same position.”

Which is like the mugger saying, “You’d take my money, too, if you had a knife. So, this is really an act of self-defense!”

When questioned about the abrupt change of policy, Trump officials responded to the Atlantic, “OBAMA! THUGS! SQUIRREL!”

Although denying that it was deliberately ignoring Democrats, the White House did acknowledge that it was taking a different approach to congressional oversight that did the Obama administration. “Unlike the prior administration that acted above the law, this administration will follow the Constitution and implement congressional statutes consistent with their plain meaning,”the official said.

Did they just say the Obama administration violated the law by cooperating with Congressional enquiries? THEY DID.

So why is Trumpworld being SO LAW ABIDING about withholding information from Congress? Is it all the ways Trump is getting bribed charging a fair market value for services at his many trash palaces? Or is it his administration’s interesting relationship with the Russians?


But Your Favorite Congressman Elijah Cummings is not taking this shit lying down. The House Democrats thumbed through their own rule book and came up with a 1928 statute called The Seven Member Rule that grants a quorum of seven members of a committee the right to demand documents from the Executive Branch. Never fuck with the nerds!

As their first order of business, 18 House Democrats have a few questions about that new hotel Donald Trump’s company is leasing from the federal government. Particularly, they would like GSA to splain them how it is okay for Donald Trump to own a hotel on government property when the lease specifically says,

No member or delegate to Congress, or elected official of the Government of the United States … shall be admitted to any share or part of this Lease.

In March, the GSA sent the Trump Administration a letter declaring the deal kosher because the Treasury doesn’t actually hand Trump a briefcase full of cash each month. Instead, his sons hold the revenue in a trust for Donald Trump’s benefit. Which is entirely different!

House Democrats would like the GSA to kick up all the paperwork pertaining to Trump’s hotel lease, rightnowplease. But it’s a safe bet that the White House isn’t about to say, “Okay, since you got a minyan together – here ya go!”

Courts have been mixed on enforcing the Seven Member Rule. In 2001, Democrat Henry Waxman successfully sued to force the George W. Bush administration to disclose Census data. Remember when the biggest thing the White House was hiding was ratfucking House Districts? We were so innocent then!

The Waxman case is bad precedent for Trumpland’s efforts to hide GSA documents. Particularly since the GSA is saying that the White House explicitly ordered it to withhold the hotel data from Congress. Luckily, Donald Trump has an advantage Low Energy Jeb’s brother didn’t have. He knows how to sweet talk those judges!

[Politico/ OLC Memo / The Atlantic / The Politics of Executive Privilege / Bloomberg / Politico, again]

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  • armed_bears
    • WotsAllThisThen

      “Ummm… Is it the media?”

      -Republicans running for reelection

    • Blackest Noobs

      it’s the girl, right? amiright?
      yeah of course it’s the girl.

      • Skwerl the Taco Hunter

        Short hair, was in the military, obviously ghey, then look at the girl….

    • redarmyzombie

      Otto Von Bismark?

    • OddMan

      One is “. . an Air Force veteran who reportedly speaks four languages. . spent six years in the Air Force where she studied languages and worked as a linguist. She reportedly speaks Farsi, Pashto and Dari, according to her mother.”
      The other is Gollum come to life.

    • tehbaddr

      This is a trick question, there’s no picture of The Great Orange One!

  • Wild Cat

    Good. I’m tired of the only one who had a pair was John Edwards, and he was using it on the wrong floosie.

    • chazmanr

      Is there ever a correct floosie when it comes to the world of politics?

      • Wild Cat

        Yeah, one that keeps her/his yap open during sex, but closed to the “media.”

  • Oblios_Cap

    I haven’t seen a lot about the Trump spawn in the news lately. They must have had to return to the netherworld to recharge their negative energies.

    • Dudleydidwrong

      Persephone libelz!

    • jesterpunk

      Trump Jr is now attacking London’s mayor.

      Broadcaster CNN has fired back at the son of President Donald Trump after he accused the organization of creating and spreading “fake news” following a terroristattack in London Saturday.

      “They create the narrative they want to push & sell it at all costs,” Donald Trump Jr.‏ tweeted early Monday, linking to a story on the “alt-right” Gateway Pundit conspiracy theory website.

      Projection so strong it can be seen from the other end of the Universe.

      • cmd resistor

        HE is almost as dumb as his father.

  • Mpeg

    Before our country Let Go and Let Vlad

    Dang. The snark, it burns shines brightly~

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      It’s kind of corrosive, too….

  • Weird Fishes

    I’m just going to leave this here, in case anyone wants to join me down by the water.

    • vivian

      Thank you for this!!!

      • Weird Fishes

        Any time. Sometimes I just need a break, and the bears do the trick.

    • proudgrampa

      I’d much rather everyone join me HERE:

      • Weird Fishes

        to each his own – cheers

  • MynameisBlarney
  • Blackest Noobs

    well that’s good. If anything, Trump and his people, by their own actions and nothing else keeps proving more and more to be the actions of someone who is guilty and is actively trying to cover something up they’re guilty of doing.

    innocent people do not act like this.

    O/T: isn’t it funny the people who keep telling us to get over this, this being Trump elected President, are the same people who cannot move on from an internal war between the States 150 some years ago where their side LOST yet they wave the loser’s flag and call it heritage or some other bullshit.

    • I like to tell em, unless your heritage is directly related to the Army of Northern Virgina, you can fuck off with that heritage shit cause you have no idea what it even means.
      makes em mad ^.^

      • Werewolf

        Two of my great-great-great grandfathers served in the Army of the Northern Virginia-but I want nothing to do with the Dixie Swastika.

    • cmd resistor

      I believe all my ancestors were busy being peasants and such in Europe during that war.

  • ya know….didn’t lil Eric say with his mouth parts that sure me and dad discuss all the Trump Brand Biz all the time, but it is ok, cause a president can’t have conflict of interest?
    Seems to me if Eric is in the white house (or the summer white house, or the weekend white house) discussing bidz with dad, he is an unofficial member of the government and therefore, in direct violation of the lease

  • Shibusa

    “Unlike the prior administration that acted above the law, this administration will follow the Constitution…”

    • The Rain in Spain’s Therapist

      Yesiree, any day now, they’ll start following that Constitution….

      …Any day now…

  • MynameisBlarney
  • proudgrampa

    Ya gotta admit: these guys (McGahn and his ilk) are clever. Fuckweasels, but clever fuckweasels.

    • UncleTravelingMatt

      They’re not that clever. They could have just dragged their feet fought and stonewalled like every other administration. Their opening gambit is to paint themselves into a corner, and begin the fight from there.

      • MynameisBlarney

        A brilliant strategery.

        • UncleTravelingMatt


    • tehbaddr

      Fuckweasels Libelz!111!11!!!111!!11!!11!!!1

  • DainBramage

    Siege Mentality. Pretty soon the WH staffers will be forced to live in their offices. Only Donnie will be allowed to come and go, to the golf course.

    • geoffalnutt

      In armor-plated golf cart outfitted with long-range nuclear missiles…and a horn that goes “OWW-OOOGA-BEEP-BEEP”.

  • aktlib101

    “Rex Tillerson gets frosty welcome in New Zealand – complete with single finger salutes”
    “Rex Tillerson arrived in wet and windy Wellington for an eight-hour visit on Tuesday, with his motorcade greeted by middle fingers and thumbs-downs.

    Fairfax Media reported that the US media contingent were surprised by the hostile reception from members of the public.

    “I’ve never seen so many people flip the bird at an American motorcade as I saw today,” the New York Times’ Washington correspondent, Gardiner Harris, told

    “Greenpeace New Zealand referred to Tillerson as Trump’s “henchman”.

    • YoBunnyBunny

      “Now see here! Those nice Saudis would have never let those demonstrators offend a guest to their country!!!1!!”

    • natoslug

      Good. (insert Grumpy Cat here)

  • Blackest Noobs

    Trump’s Disconnect ( or Donnie’s Major Malfunction): Donald is trying to infer that Barry acted illegally as President. Well that is something so far from the truth. The thing Barry did that they, those on the right who are mostly white, didn’t like was Barry bypassed the white Congress with his executive orders….thus in their minds…illegal…however when Trump does it…it magically becomes legal again.

    this again is a stupid strategy by Trump. yes of course the rubes will love it. but those same rubes always vote white…i mean right wing. the guys and gals that won you the election….yeah…this kind of strategy is not winning them over dude….keep it up and feel the pain in 2018 and 2020. that’s if this presidency even makes it to New Year’s Eve this year.

    • miss_grundy

      These rubes and their leaders considered Bamz to be an “uppity Negro”, because he was intelligent, well-mannered and didn’t act like a toddler.

  • Suse


    BREAKING: Comey’s Testimony Leaked To ABC In Tuesday Bombshell Exclusive

    • Blackest Noobs

      getting really tired of Comey and his bullshit. he’s a dick, he’s not a dick, he’s back to being a dick.

      (i think someone got to him…said say this or else…and else bothered him more)

      • Toomush_Inferesistance


        • Blackest Noobs


          Comey was like….”puu ppuuuttt shoowboat! oh heaven to betsy what do they think of me….ooooh my word…”

    • Lance Thrustwell

      Eh. Not that much of a ‘bombshell’. I was hoping (of course) that Comey would be all like, “he threatened me, yo! And I got dirt on this motherfucker!”, but I wasn’t really expecting it.

      Placing more hopes in Mueller.

    • This is apparently a giant “duh” because Comey isn’t supposed to speculate about Trump’s motives anyway. Doing so would actually weaken his testimony.

      • CogitoErgoBibo

        I guess that’s the best spin you can put on it. “He said this. Make of it what you will.” I still see attempted obstruction.

        • Of course you do, because that’s what it was. Comey just isn’t going to be the guy to say it. (And we’ve seen how much political damage he can do just by leaving the specter of wrongdoing blowing in the wind.)

          • cmd resistor

            He’s a witness to what was said. Someone fits that evidence into the definition of obstruction and argues that it is. If it were to go to a trial a factfinder would decide if it adds up.

    • Covfefe’s Evil Twin

      I think Comey’s playing a longer game. He doesn’t have to actually tie the noose …. given enough time (and twurds) Drumpf will not only provide an ample supply of rope but will have also tied the knot himself.

      • lowenufc

        “I tie the most tremendous knots in nooses… really tremendous, believe me. All other knots are sad.”

    • WotsAllThisThen

      Trump will immediately tweet “I told him to stop the investigation and then I fired him. #MAGA”

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      Trump said: “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” during a February meeting.

      The request made Comey uncomfortable, but the source tells ABC News that Comey has told associates he will not accuse the President of obstructing justice.

      Soooo, because Trumpy only had hopes and wishes of a world without a Flynn controversy and only doodled about it in his dream journal, sharing said heart-decorated confessions with Comey, that’s not actual obstruction? FFS. I’m so over this whole thing. Seriously.

      • miss_grundy

        Comey is still a Republican. Don’t forget that. For all of this bullshit, he isn’t man enough to call the Orange Shitgibbon on trying to obstruct justice. POS.

      • VirginiaLady

        This is pretty absurd. How many rabbit holes do we have to fall through?

  • Lyly Sirivong

    You know, spending time on Wonkette, and bitching all the time about Trump, Republicans and various idiots almost made me forget that Democrats existed.

    • Skwerl the Taco Hunter

      Yeah but, Andrew Jackson, John C. Calhoun… um what was my point?

    • Martini Ambassador 🍸

      Wait a sec? Aren’t you French? You lucky ducky, with your true democracy and whatnot.

      • Lyly Sirivong

        Yes I am. We do have our share of nutters, idiots or crooks. We try not to elect them president though. Not having a electoral college helps, I have to say.

    • TJ Barke

      Well they’re kind of forgettable…

    • Jgb979

      Need a rebrand

      Like “anti-republicans”

  • tehbaddr

    Checks and Balances how do they work? You write the Check to one of DRUMPFS Hotels/Resorts/Golf Courses, he waits for it to clear by checking the Balance, then he sends you Jared for special favor requests. It’s all really very simple!

    • jesterpunk
    • C4TWOMAN

      No, no, that’s Checks and Bounces.

      • miss_grundy

        On Crooks and Liars, there is an article concerning the Orange Shitgibbon not able to get any big-name law firm to help him dealing with the various congressional committee investigations dealing with his relationship with Russia. None of the big names are willing to take him on as a client due to conflicts-of-interest or because he isn’t willing to take the advice offered or they believe he won’t pay his bills.

        • tehbaddr

          Yup, see C4TWOMAN, Trump is the only one in the cycle bouncing checks, and he’ll be reneging on those called in favors soon enough. The dude is a loser deadbeat flim-flam conman carnival barker of a shitgibbon. How he ever got to where he is…Oh yeah Russia!

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    White House: “Ain’t No Rule?”
    Congressional Democratic Members: “Actually, there is a rule. Cough it up.”
    White House: “Lemme see that!” *rips up* “See? Ain’t no rule!”

  • goonemeritus

    If Trump lasts long enough for the Dems to take bake the Senate in two years they will ride him like a Shetland pony.

    • WotsAllThisThen

      You shouldn’t do that to ponies.

    • natoslug

      They’re legalizing pot in the Senate now? SWEET!

    • therblig

      can they beat him like a rented mule, also too?

      • Marion in Savannah

        Oh, please!

  • Toomush_Inferesistance

    Fucking so-called “judges”! They’re lucky the government lets them in, gives them quarters, and has everybody stand up when they enter the room! They should have to sleep in the streets, calling themselves “judges” like that….

  • “I don’t think you’d have the Democrats responding to every minority member request if they were in the same position.”

    I know the GOP is all about psychological projection, but they don’t usually admit to it so readily.

  • Martini Ambassador 🍸

    Something something blahblah unelected activist judges and elected loser Dems probably also too.

  • Martini Ambassador 🍸

    But you know what’s funny? A GOP committed to 8 years of obstruction during Obamz years now decrying Dems using fair procedural tactics to slow the roll of the orange fascist.

    Did I say “funny?” I think I meant bitter irony.

  • TJ Barke

    It’s a republican soft coup.

    • They have a little blue pill for that.

      • Marion in Savannah

        Yes! And it’s covered on your health insurance, unlike birth control.

        [heads off to find a drink before she stabs someone…]

        • While BPH means a guys gotta piss all night and never gets a good rest, having dysmenorrhea means you get to spend 3-6 days completely doubled over and unable to function. They should drop coverage of the pill and give men with BPH a set of depends or something….

  • “’Checks and Balances’? Sad. Who came up with that idea? Democrats? Congress should stop sticking its nose into my business interests and focus on leakers. Like Svetlana, my favorite Russian prostitute. Seriously, girl can pee like a racehorse. And I know, I’ve stood under many peeing racehorses too. I’m probably said too much.”

    • Nephilim

      “The answer is no. I mean yes. But no, not really. On the other hand, maybe a little bit yes. I’m sorry, what was the question again?”

  • MynameisBlarney
    • MynameisBlarney

      Whoever came up with that is fucking brilliant!


      • Lance Thrustwell

        It was me!

        U can’t prove otherwise. Or if you do, it’s fake nooz.

    • The Rain in Spain’s Therapist
      • Nephilim

        Hooray for Captain Underpants!

      • elviouslyqueer

        The embellished frontbutt gives it a little je ne sais quoi.

    • Covfefe’s Evil Twin

      h/t Rob Reiner
      Collusion Of Vile Fatuous Evil Fascist Egomaniacs

  • Marion in Savannah

    [sigh] While this may yield some few nuggets I think I’ll stay under the bed with the cats until Thursday. I trust Wonkette WILL be live-blogging his testimony? If not, I’ll just stay under the bed.

  • elviouslyqueer

    And now for my weekly repeat:

    I will be so very glad when each and every one of these treasonous, venal motherfuckers takes a very long perp walk to the nearest Federal penitentiary.

    So very glad.

    • natoslug

      Hopefully there will be keelhauling involved. I’m not sure what that is, but it sounds appropriate for this bunch.

      • elviouslyqueer

        Tarring and feathering, also too.

        • marxalot

          I’m spending a lot of time refinishing this hurdle for when we need to run them out of town on it.

      • Marion in Savannah

        Don’t volunteer to be keelhauled…

    • george gonzalez

      Not only glad for the usual schaudenfrude reasons, but also as it will result in a bit of a reset to the political process, perhaps pushing the parties to try a little bit harder to nominate non-Trump-like people for high office. Once a long time ago it was just assumed that candidates self-selected to have a certain level of altruism and respect for the process. The bottom has rusted out of that barrel.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      A long perp walk off a short pier.

      There, FTFY.

  • Wellstone En Resistencia, Coño

    It is difficult to eliminate corruption by legal and procedural means if there are no immediate consequences for those who practice it. When corruption gets normalized the very notion of having rules becomes irrelevant. This is the curse of the Third World. Those countries have the most beautifully aspirational constitutions and legal frameworks but they’re essentially meaningless because corruption preempts everything. When I say that civilization is fragile this is what I mean. I firmly believe we’re in serious peril if corruption is normalized. Donald and his family are hellbent on doing that and they need to be stopped. We have a short window of time where we’re going to be able to do that through legal and procedural means. Once that window is closed the only option, as history shows, is by force. Let’s not get to that.

    • Lance Thrustwell

      And the system wasn’t exactly corruption-free before Trump! He’s positioned to push it over the edge.

    • This is just gorgeous.

      And i feel like it’s already happening.

  • bookish

    Those are the kinds of leaks that anger Trump. And what drives his anger is not some high-minded concern for national security but his sense of being disrespected by a disobedient press corps and his instinct for lashing out at anyone he feels has humiliated him. That’s why, assuming Donald Trump’s “war on leakers” does actually get going, it will be about punishing those who reveal things that make people laugh at Donald Trump. And while Winner’s arrest may end up having a chilling effect on other potential whistleblowers, it will not have happened because Trump finally followed through on his threats. Rather, it will be business as usual for a Department of Justice that most likely approached this case the way it would have under any administration. Trump, for his part, seems to know that Reality Winner is not the kind of target he’s really looking for. As of Tuesday afternoon, he hasn’t even tweeted about it.

    • Roni Raven, Undercovfefe Agent

      Hey, remember when Trump was overseas and Fox reported that he had discovered the identify of the White House leakers and was going to fire them as soon as he got back?
      Then he came back and did just that?
      I don’t either. Someone should get Hannity on it.

    • Crystalclear12

      No, he hasn’t tweeted about because his handlers are keeping it from him.

      • Jennifer R

        Yo just know if he knew about it that he would taint the jury pool so hard.

  • natoslug

    Well, see, you have these things that are “above the law,” or in our new common parlance, legal, and you have these things that are “below the law,” or illegal, and you have things that hover right at the level of the law, taunting it. And of course, there’s Trump law, which punches a hole in the bottom of below the law, circles around back to above, then sinks like a turd in the law bowl, befouling everything.

  • Khavrinen

    “choke off the Democratic congressional minorities from gaining new information that could be used to attack the president.”

    Or, you know, help run the fucking country!

    Seems to me like sometimes paranoia can be a self-fulfilling prophecy: if thinking “they’re all out to get you” makes you act like enough of a jerk, eventually they will all be out to get you, because they’re sick and tired of you acting like a jerk!

    • Wellstone En Resistencia, Coño

      Let’s fulfill their dream. Let’s make it all about bringing these motherfuckers down. Let’s make their paranoia so real they end up wanting to spend more time with their families. We need the Democrats to grow some balls and go after these fuckers like there’s no tomorrow. If they can’t do that they deserve to be treated like doormats and they don’t deserve my vote.

  • Joe Beese

    Russians staying in Western luxury hotels, eh?

    • marxalot

      Garbo laughs!

  • Crystalclear12

    Bring forth the paper pushers for they will deliver us.

  • shivaskeeper

    One of the things that has allowed the GOPers to hold onto power is someone like McTurtle knows all the arcane rules and is not afraid to use them to his side’s advantage.

    I know there are those on the left who know the rules just as well, but don’t seem willing to play the same fuck-fuck games the right does.

    Could this be a turning point in that mindset?

    • Marion in Savannah

      One can only hope…

  • alpacapunchbowl

    “Unlike the prior administration that acted above the law, this administration will follow the Constitution and implement congressional statutes consistent with their plain meaning,”
    When will our long national nightmare finally be over so I can laugh and laugh and laugh at all this abject fuckery? the official said.

  • BoatOfVelociraptors
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