Millennials Seek "Generic Father Figure" For Backyard BBQ On Craigslist

Tyler Durden's picture

A group of millennials in Spokane, Washington are seeking a “generic father figure” to help them host a barbecue on Father's Day weekend.  In the Craigslist post which has explicably since gone viral, college student Dane Anderson and his “boys” are offering free food and booze to any enterprising area dad who’s willing to come to their party next Saturday and man the grill for a few hours.

Anderson, who was interviewed by local NBC affiliate KHQ, says he created the post because he and his roommates, who range in age from 21 to 26, live too far away from their own dads.

For any interested dads, duties include:

  • Grilling hamburgers and hotdogs (whilst drinking beer)
  • Bringing your own grill (though this is subject to change. We will provide all of the meat)
  • Refer to all attendees as "Big Guy', "Chief", "Sport", "Champ" etc. (whilst drinking beer)
  • Talk about dad things, like lawnmowers, building your own deck, Jimmy Buffet, etc. Funny anecdotes are highly encouraged. All whilst drinking beer.

The "boys" are looking for dads with a minimum of 18 years' experience as a father, a minimum of 10 years' grilling experience and "an appreciation of a nice, cold beer on a hot summer day." For what it's worth, Anderson & Co. say they know how to grill, but that “none of us are prepared to fill the role of BBQ dad.”

Oh, and since we are talking about millennials broke college students, Anderson says he and his roommates can’t afford to pay their stand-in “dad", though they’re offering compensation in the form of "all the food and cold beer your heart desires.”

Anderson told KHQ that the ad has yielded a handful of responses. But at least one interested dad didn’t pan out.

"There was one guy stan who sent us a message but then he stopped replying,” Anderson told KHQ. Now that the media has helped transform Anderson's post into a viral sensation, he and his roommates might try and recruit as many as three dads to help with the festivities.

“We’re just looking for a dad to come and crack a cold one with the boys,” Dane said. The nature of Anderson's relationship with his own father – and whether or not he plans to call and wish him a happy father’s day – remains unclear.

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Croesus's picture

Call Rosie ODonnell. You might be able to catch him in between meals.

espirit's picture

Sounds like a setup.

Hope they end up with a retired SEAL, MARINE, or ARMY type.

The_Juggernaut's picture

It's encouraging that they realize their own dads are a bunch of limp-wristed pussies.

ParkAveFlasher's picture

There is nothing generic about a strong father.  In my experience, in fact they are few and far between.

MillionDollarButter's picture

Man, this is beautiful.  I wish I lived in Spokane.

HockeyFool's picture

Is Michelle 0bama available? They did say they wanted a wookie to drink beer with, correct?

erkme73's picture

Pretty sure if Rosie was grilling, you'd have no food for anyone else.

SWRichmond's picture

If their moms hadn't used the feminized misandric family courts to throw away their dads and take his stuff, they might have a real dad who'd be delighted to come to their BBQ, show off some cooking-on-fire skills, and drink some beer.

Fester's picture

Bet you could use a cool one.

MalteseFalcon's picture

Isn't there a robot dad available?

You know, one with AI and beer drinking ability.

StychoKiller's picture

Ooh, ooh, Pick me, PICK ME!  :>D

NoDebt's picture

Trying to decide if this is sad or funny as shit.  I'm thinking funny as shit.  If I didn't live half way across the country, I'd do it.  10 years grilling experience?  Way past that.  Drinking beer?  No need to ask, I got that covered.  

By the time I left (after drinking all the beer, and nailing one of their girlfriends quietly in the back bedroom) you'd have a house full of snowflake males converted to Constitutional conservatives.  And they'd THANK me for it, too.

Being a teacher in the real world is somewhat different than teaching in a classroom.


knukles's picture

By God I could have a fucking hoedown with those guys. twisting some progtard heads with scurrilous logic and false information a la MSNBC.  See, everything I'd say, I'd say that I heard (What's her name from CNN?) Rachel Maddow (What's that in lipstick?) say which would start having them wondering what they've missed all their lives.
Would be an EPIC BBQ.
Yo!  Sport, Big Daddy, have another brew.  A few more tequilas can't hurt.  Enjoy yourselves.
Hey, I got an idea.

             Go long and catch the pass, as I hurl a red hot charcoal down field with the tongs.    

Where's that gallon of hi-octane ethyl I brought along?  Oh, nothing really, just lighting a camp fire.

             What?  No, I don't hear any sirens.

StychoKiller's picture

Forgot yer hearing aid, right Knucks? :>D

PlayMoney's picture

Its actually little Ricky Maddow

Lumberjack's picture

My brother and father of 3, was recently adopted/inducted into his oldest sons frat in Maine for...doing all of their bbq's. The pay is the same as offered by the young fellas in this story and they helped design and welded up one hell of a pig cooker. All frat members are conservative and Trump supporters as well. Great bunch of young men and never any problems. They all pull their weight. Most are studying engineering and such. My nephew will be working on underwater autonomous vehicles and computer programming. My brother looks forward to all of their events and according to snowflake wisdom, must be a bad influence!!!

Eyes Opened's picture

I think Al Bundy would be perfect for this "job"....

I can just see him flippin burgers with one hand whilst his other hand is , as always, jammed down his trousers, counting change... LOL



fnord's picture

Bunch of fucking pussies. Age range 21 - 26 and needing someone to man the grill and call them champ. I had 10 years grilling experience by 23, older roomates ought to be ashamed, but I'm pretty sure their generation doesn't know what that feels like. And never once did I actually like being called champ or sport or bigguy, always felt like baseless self-esteem building bullshit

divingengineer's picture

Holy cow, I could bring over the Big Green Egg and the AK-47 for some marksmanship lessons to boot.
Being in the company of a real man would do these lost young men a world of good.
Tell some stories about bar fighting and chasing tail, hunting deer and four wheeling.
Then lead right into some life lessons and the "what it means to be a man" talk.

Obviously nobody has ever done any of that, for any of them.
Sad really.

Whole generation of little fuckers like them.

PlayMoney's picture

set up a snare, catch a squirell and toss it over....clean this boys. As they all faint.

gladih8r's picture

This must be what happens when snowflakes grow up with two mommies and I mean that regardless of the gender of their parents.

Mtnrunnr's picture

When their feminized fathers failed to raise them to be men.

divingengineer's picture

My father was a POS too, but I didn't grow a vagina over it.

A Nanny Moose's picture

It's tragic that a bunch of young adults need to buy a fantasy, because men didn't have the balls to say no to women.

Fantasy does not replace reality. The reality of a society, destroyed because men allowed women to walk all over them, is upon us.

freedogger's picture

I just see nothing but wins. Its about a 12 hour drive from where I live unfortunately.

iancredible's picture

Haha, reminds me of the old bill brasky skits on SNL.

Implied Violins's picture

Your 'r' should be a 't'. Otherwise, correct.

SmittyinLA's picture

They don't have any money, you dont want to know how much it costs to hire a wooky for beers.

E.F. Mutton's picture

They asked their real Dads, but they couldn't figure which dress to wear to a BBQ.

lil dirtball's picture

More divide and conquer, Tylers? Else, WTF is this doing on ZH?

Stuck on Zero's picture

Dirtball: There's a business opportunity here? Can't you see it.  They already have "Rent-a-Wife" services in Northern California. Now you can start a "rent-a-dad" service.


man from glad's picture

This story is so pathetic and sad to read.

Mr Hankey's picture

A test-tube cumsickle can't cook& drink beer.

mkkby's picture

The little shits flunked their diversity training.  "Dad" could be a tranny, homo, LBQXYZ...

They don't even have a grill.  They need dad to organize even that.  Their own parents should be proud of such failure. 

I almost wish I'd voted for Hillary.  These little bastards need a few muslims rammed right up their asses.

Ali Tarpate's picture

Yah, me too - I could do that job.

"Now wash my goddamned car!"

Hobbleknee's picture

They want him to pay for it of course. Duh!

Xena fobe's picture

It must he a very fine line.  Dad's must impart good values while being a buddy at the same time. I guess it comes down to devoting time and attention. 

Laddie's picture

Sadly, you are right. The "Greatest Generation" (sic) sold their souls for Mammon. The Baby Boomers get a lot of blame, but the children are the creation of the parents.

The (((Mainstream Media))) has, effectively, for GENERATIONS worked "Black Magic" on the White Founding Stock of America.

And they did it through: Changing our immigration law in 1965 see:
Professor Kevin MacDonald’s ‘The Culture of Critique’ Reviewed This review, written in 1999, explains EVERYTHING that has happened in Europe and America.

And through this:
It is difficult to exaggerate the role played by television in shaping the mindset and outlook of the American people. Dr. George Gerbner, former Dean of the Annenberg School of Communications at the University of Pennsylvania, put it this way: "Television, more than any single institution, molds American behavioral norms and values. And the more TV we watch, the more we tend to believe in the world according to TV, even though much of what we see is misleading."

This is hardly surprising given that, as cultivation theory and social learning theory postulate, exposure to media content leads to increased sympathy for the values embedded in the content, as well as an increased propensity to regard the fictional portrayals as representations of reality.

Jenji Kohan and the Jewish Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture
Mind Pollution — The Promotion of Sexual Perversion on National TV: The Case of Jenji Kohan

Brainwashing People: The Ten Steps of Mind Manipulation

And so when you see White males of all age groups acting like WOMEN, not men, know the Man Behind The Curtain:
We have seen that a common component of Jewish intellectual activity since the Enlightenment has been to criticize gentile culture. Freud’s ideas have often been labeled as subversive. Indeed, “[Freud] was convinced that it was in the very nature of psychoanalytic doctrine to appear shocking and subversive. On board ship to America he did not feel that he was bringing that country a new panacea. With his typically dry wit he told his traveling companions, ‘We are bringing them the plague’ ” (Mannoni 1971, 168).

Mannoni, O. (1971). Freud, trans. R. Belice. New York: Pantheon Books.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. . . .

"Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world. . . .

"Sometimes the effect on the public is created by a professional propagandist, sometimes by an amateur deputed for the job. The important thing is that it is universal and continuous; and in its sum total is regimenting the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments the bodies of its soldiers. . . .

"The systematic study of mass psychology revealed to students the potentialities of invisible government of society by manipulation of the motives which actuate man in the group. . . . So the question naturally arose: If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it?

"No serious sociologist believes any longer that the voice of the people expresses any divine or especially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. . . .

"Whether in the problem of getting elected to office or in the problem of interpreting and popularizing new issues, or in the problem of making the day-to-day administration of public affairs a vital part of the community life, the use of propaganda, carefully adjusted to the mentality of the masses, is an essential adjunct of political life."

Edward L. Bernays
1 Wall Street
New York City

Edward L. Bernays
7 Lowell St.
Cambridge, Mass.

He was descended from the Chief Rabbi of Hamburg (late 18th-early 19th century) and was a nephew, on both sides, of that quintessence of FILTH, Sigmund Freud. (born Sigismund Schlomo Freud)

Bubba Rum Das's picture

"This is hardly surprising given that, as cultivation theory and social learning theory postulate, exposure to media content leads to increased sympathy for the values embedded in the content, as well as an increased propensity to regard the fictional portrayals as representations of reality."

It's nefarious social engineering; plain & simple; which includes destabilization of traditional society & culture, the family, & basic biblical based moral platitudes & understandings.

The Deep State through the U.S. Federal Government has been at it for years.
Done through absolute control of television, movies & radio broadcast media & the Public School System.

All you have to do is step outside the box & look around; once you realize what's going on, everytime you see & hear it you WILL be aware of it.

Von Berger's picture

Are these twat heads for real ?............

God protect me from reality...... cos' these flakes live in another galaxy.

JRobby's picture

Why don't you buy your own grill, assemble it and grill yourself?

We don't know how to.

Isn't there a YouTube video to instruct you?


Hey, give these kids credit - at least they know they need a professional to man the grille, drink all their beer, and fuck the shit outta all of their girlfriends. 

noless's picture

All you guys bragging about fucking their girlfriends really brings the point home.

hoos bin pharteen's picture

Well, somebody's gotta do it! 

divingengineer's picture

Don't worry,you can have first run at the lads.
We wouldn't want to cut into your tonnage.

divingengineer's picture

It does show more character than I'd expect from them.