The road to our brave new world of pensions has been a rocky one. Paved with best intentions, the journey ended, sadly too often, in scandal, u-turns and empty promises – potholed by political meddling and rising life expectancy.
For some, those days are over. Ros Altmann, the Government's older workers' tsar, believes we have finally arrived at our destination – a modern, user-friendly retirement solution, fit for the 21st century.
But leading commentator Tom McPhail of Hargreaves Lansdown is more ambivalent. He fears the speed of reform will ignite a bonfire, making more change inevitable.
He said: "One thing I am sure of is that this is just the beginning. There will be more change, although it is hard to say what that will be. Many good things will come out of the reforms. Some people will make mistakes. Where we go next, I really don't know."
Other experts believe that rather than scaling new horizons we are, in many ways, turning the clock back.
Deborah Cooper, a senior partner at the actuarial firm Mercers, said: "In some ways we have come full circle. If you go back 100 years, the first pensions were paid to people aged 70 and over, to keep them from starving. Future generations may have to wait until 70 to get their state pension, and it will provide only a basic level of sustenance."
We take a look at the seven ages of pensions, what has been achieved, the growing pains — and what went wrong.
First Age: beginning of the journey
Technically pensions are thought to date back to Roman times; centurions received an "annuity" when their days of active service were over. But anything we would recognise as a modern pension is barely 100 years old, and like Shakespeare's infant, came "mewling" into the world.
The first "old age" pension was introduced by the Government in 1908, paying five shillings a week (worth around £14 today). At a time when the average life expectancy was 47, it was only available to men aged over 70.
Shortly before this, embryonic workplace pensions took shape. In 1874, we saw the first nurses' pension paying £15 annually to "broken down" carers, followed by a more comprehensive National Pension Fund for Nurses in 1887.
Police officers were among the first professions to be offered a pension scheme, set up in the 1890s
Schemes covering civil servants, teachers and police were set up in the 1890s. Railway companies were the first industrialists to offer pensions, followed by Reuters in 1882, WH Smith in 1894 and Colmans in 1899.
Coverage, though, remained thin, until the 1921 Finance Act introduced tax relief on pension contributions. This was followed, in 1925, by a skeleton contributory state pension scheme for male manual workers who were earning less than £250 a year. It paid a total of 10 shillings weekly (around £15 today) from the age of 65.
It was not until 1940, after the outbreak of the Second World War, that women joined the party.
The Old Age and Widows' Pension Act introduced a pensionable age of 60 for unmarried women who paid in, and widows of insured men.
Second Age: pensions start to grow up
The modern universal compulsory state pension did not arrive with its "shining morning face" until 1948. The 1942 Beveridge Report envisaged a social insurance scheme, designed not to provide a comfortable income in retirement, but a safety net against destitution.
However, as a report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) points out, the insurance-based system envisaged by Beveridge was never implemented, because it could not provide for the millions of older workers, many of whom had fought in two world wars. It failed to offer them sufficient time to build up a fund for themselves.
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So, instead, the "pay as you go" system we have today was introduced, whereby today's contributions pay today's pensions.
An IFS spokesman said: "Over time, the link between a person's contributions and their own pension has become even weaker."
Third Age: heyday of hope and expectation
During the following quarter of a century, pensions, like most other things, boomed. The post-war shortage of manpower led firms to increasingly offer attractive company pensions to retain managerial and skilled staff.
However, Chris Noon, a senior partner at Hymans Robertson, the pensions consultancy, points out that these were only promises and not guarantees. He said: "It was a kind of 'best endeavour, we'll try our best' environment. Indeed, it was similar to the 'defined ambition' world that the pensions minister, Steve Webb, would like to see reintroduced."
High inflation, interest rates and stock market returns saw the value of pension funds soar, with many apparently hatching large surpluses which started to attract the attention of politicians.
But accounting rules and overall supervision at the time were weak.
James Callaghan, former Labour prime minister, introduced an earnings-related pensions for people without workplace schemes
Ms Altmann said: "Were the surpluses real? They weren't necessarily real in the same way deficits may not be real today. No one knows. That's the point with pensions, they are paid out a very long time in the future.
"These were young schemes started in the Fifties and Sixties. They didn't begin to pay out in any serious way, until decades later, when all of the problems materialised."
By 1967, more than eight million employees working for private companies enjoyed a final salary pension, along with four million state workers.
In 1978, the Labour government introduced a fully fledged "earnings-linked" state top-up system for those without access to a company scheme.
Fourth Age: dawning of reality
As the funds became richer, they became more powerful and the question of who owned them was more pressing. Employers had considered the funds their own private domain, with freedom to pay pensions to whom they pleased, if and when they pleased.
Many staff were discriminated against. Employees who left the company paid heavily in penalties. Part-timers and contract workers were not allowed to join.
Increased regulation became inevitable. In 1985, companies were forced to inflation-proof the pensions of leavers, and in 1989, schemes were obliged to pay men a pension at the same age as women, following the famous Barber legal battle. Part-timers and other excluded staff had to be offered benefits.
All this pushed up costs.
At the same time, the government became concerned about the future bills that the State Earnings Related Pension (Serps) was ratcheting up. The Thatcher government introduced a widespread package of reform in 1988. The power of the company to control the labour market was broken, and individuals were given the right to not join their employer's scheme. Similarly, individuals could contract out of Serps into a private pension and the Government paid them attractive incentives for doing so.
Fifth Age: the wheels start to come off
The Nineties began with a loud splash when newspaper baron Robert Maxwell fell off his yacht, leaving his publishing empire on the brink, only to reveal that he had stolen £400m from the Mirror Group pension scheme.
Suddenly pensions had become headline news, as was their lack of supervision. The public clamoured for increased protection of their pension savings.
Margaret Thatcher's administration gave workers the right to opt out of poor-value workplace schemes in 1988
Sixth Age: the era of scandal
It wasn't long before the Thatcher reforms turned sour, when in 1993 it emerged that some unscrupulous financial advisers had been mis-selling personal pensions to earn fat commissions. This triggered payments of more than £11bn to six million people caught up in a mis-selling scandal.
There was worse to come.
Seventh Age: the collapse
It started to emerge that the industry, while in some cases overestimating potential investment returns, had consistently underestimated life expectancy, which was growing sharply.
Instead of a year or two of leisure after work, pensioners were increasingly enjoying a quarter of a century of good health. And they expected generous pensions to fund it.
The sums didn't add up, and many schemes collapsed. Strong employers, who could afford their promises, also pulled up the drawbridge. Today only around a million working in private industry have access to a final salary pension.
Public sector pensions were also reformed yet around five million state employees continue to enjoy a salary-linked pension.
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The Pension Protection Fund was established in 2004 to bail out collapsing funds. However, it is paid by a levy on other funds, adding to their burden.
The state pension, too, was under pressure, so the government first increased the female pension age to 65, and to 66 for anyone currently in their late fifties, rising to 67 for those in their mid-fifties.
The Chancellor, George Osborne, linked the state pension age to rising longevity, implying younger generations will have to work until they are 70 to get a state pension – just like their Edwardian great-grandfathers.
From 2016, everyone will receive the same basic "level" pension of around £7,500 annually. At the same time, quasi-compulsory workplace contributions have been introduced through the auto-enrolment system.
Chancellor George Osborne suggested that young people should wait until they are 70 before retiring
The future
Is this the final act of what Shakespeare might have called "this strange eventful history"?
We have the prospect of an adequate basic state pension, a flexible system of private savings, with an element of compulsion.
Late 19th century beginning of occupational pensions
1908 first "old age" pension paid by the Government
1921 Finance Act introduces tax relief for pension contributions
1924 voluntary contributory pension is brought in for those who could afford to save
1948 the modern state pension is introduced under the Beveridge Report
1978 state earnings-linked top-up (Serps) was provided
1985 pension funds had to increase payments to company leavers
1988 Thatcher pension reforms
1989 Barber judgment ruled pension ages must be equal between men and women
1991 Maxwell pension scandal pushed pensions on to the front page and up the political agenda
1993/4 pensions mis-selling scandal
2004 pension commission set up to investigate private pensions under Lord Turner of Ecchinswell
2010 state pension age for women starts to rise from 60 to 65
2012 auto-enrolment begins for big employers
2012 new universal flat-level pension is announced for all
2014 March Budget announces new freedoms to cash in your pension
2015 freedom and choice regime begins
2016 new flat-rate state pension to be launched
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