Statement on Erik Loomis

by Erik Loomis Statement on December 19, 2012

Erik Loomis is no stranger to this blog. A gifted young scholar of US labor and environmental history, Loomis is also a blogger at Lawyers, Guns and Money. Many of us have tussled and tangled with him, most recently over whether leftists should vote for Obama. We have often disagreed with Loomis, not always pleasantly or politely, and he has certainly given as good as he has got.

But now we must stand by Loomis’s side and speak up and out on his behalf, for he has become the target of a witch hunt, and as an untenured professor at the University of Rhode Island, he is vulnerable. Loomis needs our solidarity and support, and we must give it to him.

This past Friday, in the wake of the tremendous grief and outrage millions of people felt over the Newtown mass shooting, Loomis tweeted the following:

I was heartbroken in the first 20 mass murders. Now I want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick.

Wayne LaPierre is the head of the National Rifle Association.

It seems obvious to us that when Loomis called for LaPierre’s head on a stick, he had in mind something like this from the Urban Dictionary:

A metaphor describing retaliation or punishment for another’s wrongdoing, or public outrage against an individual or group for the same reason.

After the BP Oil Spill; many Americans would like to see Tony Hayward’s head on a stick, myself included.

Ever since putting someone’s head on a stick ceased to be a routine form of public punishment—indeed, the last instance of it we can think of is fictional (Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, though it references an actual event from the French Revolution)—calling for someone’s head has been a fairly conventional way to express one’s outrage or criticism. Two months ago, for example, right-wing blogger Glenn Reynolds voiced his anger over the State Department’s lax provision of security in Benghazi by demanding, “Can we see some heads roll?”

Yet that very same Glenn Reynolds is now accusing Loomis of using “eliminationist rhetoric.”

Other conservative voices have joined in. The Daily Caller says Loomis “unleashed a flurry of profanity-ridden tweets demanding death for National Rifle Association executive Wayne LaPierre.” Townhall put Loomis’s tweets in the context of NRA members and leaders getting death threats. And just this morning, Michelle Malkin wrote at National Review Online:

What’s most disturbing is that the incitements are coming from purportedly respectable, prominent, and influential public figures.

Consider the rhetoric of University of Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis….

Unfortunately, Loomis is not alone….

So, it’s come to this: Advocating beheadings, beatings, and the mass murder of peaceful Americans to pay for the sins of a soulless madman. But because the advocates of violence fashion themselves champions of nonviolence and because they inhabit the hallowed worlds of Hollywood, academia, and the Democratic party, it’s acceptable?

Blood-lusting hate speech must not get a pass just because it comes out of the mouths of the protected anti-gun class.

This campaign has now brought Loomis into the crosshairs of the state and his employer.

Loomis has already been questioned by the Rhode Island State Police, who told him that someone had informed the FBI that Loomis had threatened LaPierre’s life. Loomis also has been hauled into a meeting with his dean.  And now the president of the University of Rhode Island, where Loomis teaches, has issued the following statement:

The University of Rhode Island does not condone acts or threats of violence. These remarks do not reflect the views of the institution and Erik Loomis does not speak on behalf of the University. The University is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive and equitable culture that aspires to promote positive change.

We do not expect any better of the orchestrators of this campaign—this is what they have done for many years, and doubtless will be doing for years to come. We do expect better of university administrators. Rather than standing behind a member of their faculty, the administration has sought to distance the university from Loomis.

Even to suggest that Loomis’s tweet constitutes a “threat of violence” is an offense against the English language. We are dismayed that the university president completely fails to acknowledge the importance of academic freedom and of scholars’ freedom independently to express views (even intemperate ones) on topics of public importance.  This statement—unless it is swiftly corrected— should give alarm to scholars at the University of Rhode Island, to scholars who might one day consider associating themselves with this institution, and to academic and professional associations that value academic freedom.

However, this is not merely a question of academic freedom. It also speaks to a broader set of rights to speak freely without the fear of being fired for controversial views that many of us have been flagging for years. Everyone should be clear what is going on. As a blogger at Atrios has pointed out, what the witch hunters want is for Loomis to be fired. Indeed, the calls have already begun (see comment thread here). Though Loomis has a union, his lack of tenure makes him vulnerable.

We insist that the University of Rhode Island take a strong stand for the values of academic freedom and freedom of speech, that it not be intimidated by an artificially whipped-up media frenzy, that it affirm that the protections of the First Amendment require our collective enforcement, and that all employers—particularly, in this kind of case, university employers—have a special obligation to see that freedom of speech become a reality of everyday life.

We urge all of you to contact the following three administrators at the University of Rhode Island:

Dean Winnie Brownell:
Provost Donald DeHays:
President David Dooley:

Be polite, be civil, be firm.

We also call upon all academic and other bloggers to stand in support of Loomis. We invite others who wish to associate themselves with this statement to say so in the comments section to this post, and to republish this statement elsewhere.


Chris Bertram, University of Bristol

Harry Brighouse, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Michael Bérubé, The Pennsylvania State University

Daniel Davies, non-academic

Henry Farrell, George Washington University

Kieran Healy, Duke University

John Holbo, National University of Singapore

Jon Mandle, SUNY Albany

John Quiggin, University of Queensland

Eric Rauchway, University of California Davis

Corey Robin, Brooklyn College

Brian Weatherson, University of Michigan

Update. Since this wasn’t entirely clear in the original post. This comment section is purely for people who want to sign onto the statement. If you don’t want to sign the statement, but simply to make semi-related points, start discussions, troll or whatever, please refrain from doing so. Further information that is directly relevant (e.g. about responses received, other people to be contacted or whatever) is OK. So too is brief context for why you are signing, if you want to provide it – but please remember that this is a public document, which is intended to speak to a cause that deserves support from a wide variety of people. Anything else – not the right time, thanks.

Update 2: some CTers who did not have the opportunity to sign on earlier added above.



Jacob T. Levy 12.19.12 at 9:12 pm

I wish to associate myself with this. Well-said.


Henry 12.19.12 at 9:15 pm

I should make it clear that this has been pulled together on an emergency basis, during a period when many of us are away from our desks.


Malaclypse 12.19.12 at 9:21 pm

I contacted Louis Kirschenbaum, head of the URI AAUP (Louis J. Kirschenbaum ) and received the following back:
Many thanks for your message. The AAUP has already expressed our disappointment in the President’s statement. We have asked for a second statement of the University’s commitment to free speech.


Ari Kohen 12.19.12 at 9:21 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis; thank you for writing it.


SEK 12.19.12 at 9:24 pm

Much appreciated. (Not that I expected any less of you lot.)


Malaclypse 12.19.12 at 9:24 pm

Gah, link fail:


David Kaib 12.19.12 at 9:28 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis


Kate McIntyre 12.19.12 at 9:29 pm

I stand with Erik.


Seth Kahn 12.19.12 at 9:30 pm

I’ll send letters to the URI admins, but want to indicate public support for this statement. The same conservative headhunters who defend Sarah Palin and Wayne LaPierre (and Ann Coulter and…) as “patriots” now are co-opting the term “eliminationist” because they got hammered by it. The disingenuity would be stunning if it weren’t so typical. And for URI’s admin to be responding to it this way? We’ve heard this story before: Normal Finkelstein; Bob Jensen; that list goes on and on too.


Jamie Mayerfeld 12.19.12 at 9:32 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Ben Alpers 12.19.12 at 9:34 pm

Let me add myself to the list of people supporting this excellent statement. Perhaps you should allow others to sign on?


MinKimCT 12.19.12 at 9:35 pm

I’m a nobody, but I have written to the administrators and I also wish to associate myself with this statement.


Chris Smith 12.19.12 at 9:35 pm

I associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis and fully support his right–indeed his obligation–to speak out as a public intellectual.


Mike Konczal 12.19.12 at 9:36 pm

I wish to associate myself with this. Thank you for organizing and writing it.


DrDick 12.19.12 at 9:37 pm

I emailed the university president last night about this, expressing similar sentiments. I am sure your support is much appreciated by all who support freedom of speech and academic freedom. We cannot allow brown shirts on a jihad to dominate what scholars do and say.


Henry 12.19.12 at 9:38 pm

Let me add myself to the list of people supporting this excellent statement. Perhaps you should allow others to sign on?

This comments section is intended to allow just that. I will ask people who don’t want to sign the statement, but simply to make semi-related points, start discussions, troll or whatever, to please refrain from doing so. Their comments will be deleted – this isn’t a regular discussion section where people discuss rights and wrongs. Further information that is directly relevant (e.g. about responses received, other people to be contacted or whatever) is OK. So too is brief context for why you are signing, if you want to provide it. Anything else – not the right time, thanks.


Jonathan Dresner 12.19.12 at 9:38 pm

Consider this a co-sign: I endorse this wholeheartedly.


afeman 12.19.12 at 9:40 pm

Anybody who deals with moving legislators this way recommends a phone call, or better a letter, or both.


josh fischel 12.19.12 at 9:40 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis


christian_h 12.19.12 at 9:40 pm

I obviously support this statement.


chrismealy 12.19.12 at 9:40 pm

This is what I wrote to the admins:

Please support Erik Loomis, and do it quickly. It’s your job.

I want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick too.


Adam Hyland 12.19.12 at 9:41 pm

I’m happy to associate myself with this statement. I support Loomis and and the concept of figurative language (never thought I’d have to say that).


Libby Spencer 12.19.12 at 9:41 pm

I support this statement and stand with Erik.


chrismealy 12.19.12 at 9:41 pm

(oops, feel free to delete #17 and this one)


John Erganian 12.19.12 at 9:42 pm

I stand with Erik. He deserves an apology from the university for the cowardly and incorrect statement they issued.


Dano 12.19.12 at 9:42 pm

Well said. This speaks for most in the reality-based community.




Kate Krimsky 12.19.12 at 9:42 pm

I agree, wholeheartedly, and wish to associate myself with this.


Max Sawicky 12.19.12 at 9:44 pm

Count me in.

Max B. Sawicky


ingrid robeyns 12.19.12 at 9:45 pm

For various reasons (the most important one that I’m not living in North America), I haven’t followed this. Assuming the facts as reported here are correct (and I have no reason to doubt this!), I wholeheartedly endorse this statement.


Brandon 12.19.12 at 9:45 pm

Solidarity Forever

emails sent, though I merely endorsed this post in whole


David Noon 12.19.12 at 9:45 pm

I stand wholeheartedly behind this statement.


AcademicLurker 12.19.12 at 9:45 pm

Well said. I support this statement and will be writing to the URI administrators under my real name to say so.


Eric M. Fink 12.19.12 at 9:46 pm

I too join in the statement and stand in solidarity with Erik. An injury to one is an injury to all.


Peter Hovde 12.19.12 at 9:47 pm



Jeet Heer 12.19.12 at 9:47 pm

I completely agree with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


Yasmin Nair 12.19.12 at 9:47 pm

Signed in support.


Jeffrey Dudas 12.19.12 at 9:49 pm

I associate myself with this statement and stand with Erik.


Alex Gourevitch 12.19.12 at 9:49 pm

I agree completely, and wish to associate myself with this.


Greg Hays 12.19.12 at 9:49 pm

I endorse this statement in support of Erik Loomis.

Gregory Hays, University of Virginia


Steve Saideman 12.19.12 at 9:50 pm

It is alarming that to which folks over-react. I support this statement.


SEK 12.19.12 at 9:50 pm

(And if you’re going to append the original post to include all the people who openly support it, feel free to do so with my name and institution. I meant to indicate as much in my original comment.)


Jerry Vinokurov 12.19.12 at 9:50 pm

I wholeheartedly associate myself with this statement in support of Erik.


Manta 12.19.12 at 9:52 pm

I fully agree with the content of this post.

However, there is this statement:
“It also speaks to a broader set of rights to speak freely without the fear of being fired for controversial views that many of us have been flagging for years” and “the protections of the First Amendment require our collective enforcement, and that all employers—particularly, in this kind of case, university employers—have a special obligation to see that freedom of speech become a reality of everyday life.”

When John Derbishyre was fired for speaking freely his controversial views, many of the bloggers here and at LGM cheered.


Thers 12.19.12 at 9:53 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement of support for Erik Loomis.

Andrew Haggerty
Broome Community College


Scott Lemieux 12.19.12 at 9:53 pm

…of the College of Saint rose.

I associate myself with this eloquent and unanswerable statement.


John Protevi 12.19.12 at 9:53 pm

Few things have made me as proud as being able to say the following: “I stand with Erik Loomis.”


Rob Gressis 12.19.12 at 9:53 pm

I associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


John Protevi 12.19.12 at 9:55 pm

If you want affiliations,

John Protevi
Louisiana State University


cedar 12.19.12 at 9:55 pm

I associate myself with this and with what Erik Loomis said.


Uncle Kvetch 12.19.12 at 9:56 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement.


Rachel Stone 12.19.12 at 9:56 pm

I want to support this statement and Erik Loomis


Stephen Pimpare 12.19.12 at 9:56 pm

Utterly insane that it’s come to this, but there we are. In firm support of this statement and of Erik, and in the general proposition that all decent people, even academics, might now and again express moral outrage at immoral acts and actors by using common turns of phrase whose meaning is well known by those who are not trying so very hard to be idiots and immoral actors themselves. Sigh.


Uncle Ebeneezer 12.19.12 at 9:57 pm

Just want to applaud CT for this post. I just wrote to the Prez:

Dear President Dooley,

I am just writing to express my disappointment in the way that URI has handled the faux-controversy that right-wing bloggers have created around Erik Loomis’ completely harmless and obvious hyperbolic tweet that said he wanted “Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick”; claiming that it is anything other than the fairly obvious use of a colloquial phrase commonly interpreted as a call for responsibility.

After 20 children were ruthlessly shot down last week, it is time for the gun lobby and more specifically the NRA to be held accountable for the America they have created. Erik’s tweet made an important point that needs to be shouted from the rooftops of our country. THE NRA NEVER PAYS!! The families hurt, the community suffers, the rest of the country empathizes and we all have to go about being a lot less safe, both physically and psychologically. Aside from the victims, their families, and the first-responders, you know who gets hit the worst? The entire public education system. Teacher’s and parents living in fear, administrations faced with security concerns and an overall environment that is not conducive to learning.

As a key member of the educational system, URI should be standing with their professor’s right to free speech, rather than cow-towing to obvious attempts by right-wing hysterics to continue to feed the Greedy-Liberal-Ivory-Tower-Academics myth that they have been using for decades to attack teachers, their unions, and the very concept of fact-based education for all.

I hope the University will change their tune and show some respect to their staff, and the parents and students of America, rather than the screaming lunatics who are just trying to smear Professor Loomis and further their stereotype of Academia.


Pub Editor 12.19.12 at 9:57 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Greg Weeks 12.19.12 at 9:57 pm

I wrote to the administrators and will get a post up on my own blog.


Chris Bray 12.19.12 at 9:57 pm

I’m not especially a fan of Erik Loomis, and I rolled my eyes at his comment on Wayne LaPierre’s head and the stick. When I read this post, my initial reaction was to think it was hyperbole to say that his ability to gain tenure had been put at risk — like academics would punish a colleague for speaking critically of the NRA, I thought.

But then I saw the statement from his university, and I was absolutely floored. There is no controversy so silly and overhyped that university administrators won’t wring their damp hands and issue an earnest “statement” distancing themselves from anything that causes a loud noise.

So yes, I endorse this post, and I’ll write politely to his dean and provost, and I’ll ask others to do the same. Totally fair to criticize Erik Loomis, however aggressively or cruelly, in acts of public speech that respond to an act of public speech. Calling the state police over a bit of overheated rhetoric, and attacking his livelihood, is disgraceful. And his political speech is not his university’s business at all.


Vincent Vecchione 12.19.12 at 9:57 pm

I support this statement.


Roane Carey 12.19.12 at 9:57 pm

Add my name to the list.
Roane Carey
The Nation


Connor 12.19.12 at 9:57 pm

My email below:

Dear leadership of the University of Rhode Island,

Your statement regarding the Erik Loomis situation suggests that you have not actually read the tweet that is at issue, but instead just read the howling critics describing some visceral threat.

What he said is that he wanted Wayne LaPierre’s “head on a stick.” This is not a “threat of violence,” as you described it in your statement, but a metaphor or an allusion conveying a demand that the NRA to be held accountable for recent gun violence. Actually placing an individual’s head on a stick is a violent practice unknown to recent centuries; it is certainly too remote to actually be feared as a threat by anyone reading his words in good faith.

Whether holding the NRA accountable for such violence is appropriate is a separate question, one wholly within a professor’s purview to comment on.

I would not have expected the leadership of a major university to be so easily fooled. By indulging critics who maliciously misinterpret his rhetorical call for accountability as a literal threat of violence, you have chilled the public discourse regarding this topic for Professor Loomis in particular, and probably others as well.

I hope and anticipate you will issue a corrective statement announcing you firmly support academic freedom, and will not let your professors be cowed by deliberately ignorant misreadings of his words.


Chris Brooke 12.19.12 at 9:58 pm

Yes, of course.

Christopher Brooke, University of Bristol.


JWS 12.19.12 at 9:58 pm

Free speech without strings attached. I support the speech of Loomis. I support the speech of Glenn Reynolds. Loomis should not lose his job for speaking freely. He is entitled to his opinions and outrage. Email to the university sent.


Doug Tarnopol 12.19.12 at 9:58 pm

I completely support this statement, and I live in Rhode Island, too, and will be contacting my friends at URI.


Ben Alpers 12.19.12 at 9:59 pm

If you’re looking for affiliations: Ben Alpers, University of Oklahoma

(and thanks for the clarification, Henry @16! I should have figured as much from the conclusion of the statement itself)


Michael Busch 12.19.12 at 9:59 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Janice M. Eisen 12.19.12 at 9:59 pm

I’m a nobody, but I’ll be emailing immediately and I wish to associate myself with this statement. Well said!


Brian Stauffer 12.19.12 at 9:59 pm

I proudly stand with Erik Loomis and associate myself with this statement.


Dayle Moseley 12.19.12 at 10:00 pm

First thing I thought of President Dooley’s statement was that he appeared to be throwing Eric under the bus on this one. Nice to take a break from all the tweets about tossing seniors over the fiscal cliff to say that I also fully support this statement.


Joshua Halpern 12.19.12 at 10:00 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement. I would add that the chairman of the faculty senate is Peter Larsen


djw 12.19.12 at 10:01 pm

Thanks for this.

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement.

David Watkins
University of Dayton


William Timberman 12.19.12 at 10:01 pm

Right-wing bullies and craven university administrators have long been partners in barbarism. In the hope that for this one time, decency will prevail, please add my name to the list of Erik’s supporters.


Daniel Bier 12.19.12 at 10:02 pm

I’m proud to stand with Erik Loomis.

I think he was wrong, but you and I get to decide that for ourselves. Free speech is about the right of us to HEAR, just as much as the right of others to SAY, things we disagree with. It’s our privilege and responsibility to think for ourselves and not to have others’ opinions and ideas filtered through institutional and state censors. No one should lose their job or be pressured into silence for expressing a controversial opinion.

Daniel Bier
Rutgers University-Camden
The Skeptical Libertarian


christian_h 12.19.12 at 10:02 pm

To repeat with my full name: I support this statement.

Christian Haesemeyer


Leeds man 12.19.12 at 10:02 pm

I wholeheartedly support this statement.


Ged Travers 12.19.12 at 10:03 pm

I fully support the above statement in defence of Erik Loomis.


Lee Rudolph 12.19.12 at 10:04 pm

I fully and without reservation associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis. I wrote the President of URI early this morning; I will now forward that e-mail to the Dean and Provost.

Lee Rudolph
Professor Emeritus and Research Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts

[(1) The above lines are for identification; they are not meant to imply that Clark University, its faculty, administration, or trustees, in any way endorses my opinions. (2) I would be distressed and disgusted if, in fact, my opinions are not endorsed by any of the named parties.]


Donald C. Freeman 12.19.12 at 10:04 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement. URI’s statement, or at least the version of it published here, should have included a statement that although Professor Loomis does not speak for the University, it supports his right to free speech.

Donald C. Freeman
Emeritus Professor of English
University of Southern California


Joan McCarter 12.19.12 at 10:05 pm

I stand with Eric Loomis.

Joan McCarter
Daily Kos


Lynn McKenzie 12.19.12 at 10:05 pm

Erik has my support as well.


Alex 12.19.12 at 10:05 pm

Erik was passionate and intemperate after hearing news of the mass shooting of children by firearms. A couple of days later, pro-gun websites are self-righteous and gleeful after driving him off the web and putting his job on the line.

The gun lobby: never knowingly missing an opportunity to demonstrate their astonishing ethical myopia.


Ken Houghton 12.19.12 at 10:05 pm

Without hesitation, fear, or favor, I endorse this statement completely.


Will Berson 12.19.12 at 10:06 pm

Please add my name, because I don’t believe metaphoric violence is even comparable to actual violence.


tedra 12.19.12 at 10:06 pm

I completely support this statement.


Michelle Smith 12.19.12 at 10:06 pm

I endorse this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


Nancy Wallace 12.19.12 at 10:07 pm

I support Erik. The only thing more ridiculous that the manufactured outrage of the right-wing pundits is the University of Rhode Island’s administration pretending that they don’t understand the use of metaphor and hyperbole.


Sahar Shafqat 12.19.12 at 10:07 pm

I support Erik Loomis and the statement.


Chase Madar 12.19.12 at 10:08 pm

The persecution of Erik Loomis is ridiculous. I expect as much from the suddenly-sensitive Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds, but for law enforcement and university officials to follow their lead is grotesque, and a great injustice.

Chase Madar
civil rights attorney and author, The Passion of Bradley Manning


steven c. 12.19.12 at 10:08 pm

solidarity with erik loomis, right here.


Jason Kosnoski 12.19.12 at 10:08 pm

I support the statement wholeheartledly

Jason Kosnoski
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Political Science
University of Michigan–Flint


Chris Goff 12.19.12 at 10:08 pm

Thank you for this, and I stand behind this statement, behind Erik, and quite frankly, behind Erik’s sentiments without equivocation.


Edward Kazarian 12.19.12 at 10:10 pm

I wish to associate myself with this important statement concerning the treatment that scholars and intellectuals engaged in public debate should expect from their universities in accordance with the principles of academic freedom and the reasonable interpretation of figurative speech.

Edward Kazarian
Rowan University


John Aho 12.19.12 at 10:10 pm

I am in support of this statement.

John Aho
Los Angeles, CA


Ken Doran 12.19.12 at 10:10 pm

Email sent as suggested.


Leonard Williams 12.19.12 at 10:11 pm

I support academic freedom, the statement, and Erik Loomis.


Geoffrey 12.19.12 at 10:11 pm

I whole-heartedly endorse and wish to associate myself with this statement.


Rich Meagher 12.19.12 at 10:12 pm

I support this statement, and academic freedom in general.


Shaun Clark 12.19.12 at 10:12 pm

I completely and wholeheartedly agree with this statement and will support Mr. Loomis is any actions are taken to restrict his freedom to express his opinion. The comment was easily understood as a metaphor.


Virginia Scharff 12.19.12 at 10:13 pm

I support Erik Loomis. I wrote the following letter to the URI administrators:

Dear President Dooley, Provost DeHayes, and Dean Brownell:

I write with regard to recent attacks on one of your most dedicated, brilliant and productive faculty members, Assistant Professor of History Erik Loomis. I have known Loomis for more than a decade. He was my doctoral student, and of the dozens of students I have mentored in nearly a quarter of a century of teaching at the University of New Mexico, Loomis stands at the top. He is a gifted and passionate teacher, an insightful scholar of labor history, a great colleague and deeply committed citizen. Now he is under attack, facing death threats, due to a metaphor he used in a blog post. He did absolutely nothing wrong, did not threaten anyone’s life. The idea that he would do so is preposterous, cynical, and inflammatory.

Erik Loomis writes a widely read and respected, award-winning blog. He uses history to think about contemporary politics, and writes with force and clarity. He does not make things up for effect, as so many political bloggers do. At my public university, we encourage our faculty to make use of new media to engage the public and disseminate knowledge in their disciplines. I can think of no historian who has done so more effectively, and with more scholarly seriousness, than Loomis. He can be blunt, and I don’t always agree with him, but he invites real debate.

Your statement disavowing his comments struck me as defensive at least, and disappointing in all events. Some people who disagree with Loomis are using this opportunity to use him as a scapegoat for their crusade for unregulated firearms sales. I expect the death threats (and these are REAL, as opposed to the completely fabricated threats Loomis’s stalkers accuse him of making) make you nervous, so you can only imagine how Professor Loomis must feel. In other words, this is the very moment to offer strong support for one of your most vulnerable junior faculty members.

On September 11, 2001, my own UNM colleague, Associate Professor of HIstory Richard Berthold, told his 8 a.m. class the following: “Anyone who bombs the Pentagon is okay with me.” He was so proud of his wit, that he came into my office, repeated the statement to my administrative assistant, and then repeated it again for his 11 a.m. class. You can imagine the reaction. Berthold’s classes were cancelled for weeks. We, his colleagues, had to go into the classrooms to notify his students that he would not be around, all the while looking over our shoulders for the people who said they wanted to come into his classes and kill him. Campus police gave our staff and faculty security training (locked doors, be careful when opening mail, watch for suspicious looking substances or packages), while Berthold received police protection, continued to make outrageous and inflammatory statements, and laid low. Everyone was appalled by his stupid, arrogant, insensitive behavior, his egotistical willingness to put his students and our staff, particularly, at risk. The threats and the fear continued for months, and affected all of us more than we know.

For its part, the UNM administration did exactly what it should have done. It affirmed his right to speak his mind, not only under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but also as a matter of academic freedom. His words were irresponsible, wounding, and foolish, but UNM backed him up, and rightly so.

Public universities, and the humanities in particular, face a lot of uninformed opposition these days. In Florida, the governor thinks learning history is a luxury. We need people like Erik Loomis, who engage a broad public in serious discussions illuminated with historical perspective. You owe him your full support.

Respectfully yours,

Virginia Scharff
Distinguished Professor of History and Director, Center for the Southwest
Department of History MSC 06 3760
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001


Kris Roney 12.19.12 at 10:13 pm

I wholeheartedly support Erik Loomis in this matter.


Rob Hunter 12.19.12 at 10:13 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Lou Vuoto 12.19.12 at 10:13 pm

I absolutely support this statement. Erik Loomis did nothing wrong and is a credit to his place of employment.


Freddie deBoer 12.19.12 at 10:13 pm

As a University of Rhode Island alum, I am deeply disappointed by the President’s statement and the university’s general lack of support for Dr. Loomis’s free political expression.


Timothy Shortell 12.19.12 at 10:15 pm

I stand with Erik. I’ve been attacked in the right-wing media for a controversial statement, so I know from experience how important it is to stand firmly against such head-hunting.

Timothy Shortell
Brooklyn College CUNY


Samuel R. Galloway 12.19.12 at 10:15 pm

I stand in solidarity with Loomis, and support this statement.


Cayden Mak 12.19.12 at 10:17 pm

I’d also like to sign on, and will send these administrators an email.

Cayden Mak
University at Buffalo


Bethany Spencer 12.19.12 at 10:18 pm

Thanks for this. I support Erik.


Terrence Peterson 12.19.12 at 10:18 pm

I fully endorse this statement.

Terrence Peterson
PhD Candidate
The University of Wisconsin-Madison


Dave Brockington 12.19.12 at 10:18 pm

Stated better than I ever could. I stand completely with this statement and my colleague Erik Loomis.

Dave Brockington
University of Plymouth


Peter S. Baker 12.19.12 at 10:18 pm

I also wish to support Erik Loomis and this statement. I’ve written to the URI administrators.

Peter S. Baker
University of Virginia


Marcy Wheeler 12.19.12 at 10:19 pm

Sign me on.


Colin Snider 12.19.12 at 10:19 pm

I stand by Erik, and by the freedom of expression in public arenas and in universities.


Matthew Pettit 12.19.12 at 10:19 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement.


Gabriel Winant 12.19.12 at 10:20 pm

Please add my name.

Gabriel Winant
PhD Candidate, History, Yale University


Mikaila Mariel Lemonik Arthur 12.19.12 at 10:21 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Christopher Young 12.19.12 at 10:22 pm

I endorse this statement without reservation.

Chris Young
Brooklyn, NY


James Rickard 12.19.12 at 10:23 pm

It is a sad day when a University feigns naivete towards a figure of speech in order to avoid an important public debate and isolate a member of its faculty. A University betrays its mission when it refuses honest dialogue and chooses instead to flee the scene of discourse.


Tony Grafton 12.19.12 at 10:24 pm

Please add my name.


Matt 12.19.12 at 10:24 pm

I support the statement, and have sent a message to the relevant administrators.

Matt Lister,
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Denver, Sturm College of Law


James Rickard 12.19.12 at 10:25 pm

(Note to moderator) – my message, #113, was meant as endorsement for the statement.


Norm Rosenberg 12.19.12 at 10:25 pm

I support the position of CROOKED TIMBER — and that of Eric Loomis as well.


Seth 12.19.12 at 10:25 pm

I enthusiastically support this statement and Mr. Loomis.


Carrie Dahlquist 12.19.12 at 10:25 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis.


Richard Taylor (@dakine100) 12.19.12 at 10:25 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis. It is ludicrous that such a statement as he made has caused such an uproar, especially given the daily eliminationist rhetoric we hear from pundits and politicians and talking heads every day.

I support this statement.

Richard Taylor


Mark Bahnisch 12.19.12 at 10:25 pm

I stand in solidarity with Erik.

Dr Mark Bahnisch
School of Medicine and School of Population Health
The University of Queensland, Australia


Stefan Borst-Censullo 12.19.12 at 10:26 pm

As a law student and the son of a long time college administrator, I am ashamed that Loomis’ Dean and President have refused to stand with their colleague against the forces of intimidation and collective fascism from the right wing blogosphere. They should be ashamed.


Elizabeth Prickett-Morgan 12.19.12 at 10:26 pm

I support this statement.


Paul Orwin 12.19.12 at 10:26 pm

I also wish to sign on to this statement. Kudos to the CT crowd for standing up for someone with whom they often disagree.

Paul Orwin
Associate Professor of Biology
California State University, San Bernardino


Ryan Edgington 12.19.12 at 10:27 pm

I wholeheartedly support Erik. Letters have been sent. We are with you friend.

Ryan Edgington
Environmental Studies
Macalester College
Saint Paul, MN


Jeff Langstraat 12.19.12 at 10:28 pm

I’ve written the President from my professional account, but I will add my name here as well.


Brandon Griffin 12.19.12 at 10:28 pm

Posted earlier, but wanted to leave my full name. No academic affiliations, but I have enjoyed reading Loomis’s posts at LG&M and stand with him over this fabricated controversy.


Laura Clawson 12.19.12 at 10:28 pm


I have written to the administrators listed.

Laura Clawson
Daily Kos


Robert Tarzwell 12.19.12 at 10:28 pm


Robert Tarzwell
Clinical Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia


Dallas R. Trinkle 12.19.12 at 10:29 pm

I, too, support this statement and have contacted the administration at U. RI to state my views on the importance of academic freedom.

Assoc. Prof. Dallas R. Trinkle
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Robert Guay 12.19.12 at 10:29 pm

I support this statement.

Robert Guay
Binghamton University


John Lasseter 12.19.12 at 10:30 pm

Assistant Professor, here at Fairfield Unviersity, not 15 miles from Newtown, with several members of our community having lost people to this tragedy.

Signed in support, emphatically. Would also like to see LaPierre’s metaphorical head on a metaphorical stick.


Rob Frost 12.19.12 at 10:30 pm

I support this statement without reservation.


Russell Arben Fox 12.19.12 at 10:30 pm

I fully support this statement.

Russell Arben Fox
Associate Professor of Political Science
Friends University
Wichita, KS


Todd Johnson 12.19.12 at 10:31 pm

I stand with Erik. Emailed the president and the dean to say as much.


Sus. 12.19.12 at 10:31 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.
Susan Laury
Georgia State University


Sabina Sawhney 12.19.12 at 10:31 pm

I absolutely endorse this statement and stand in solidarity with Erik Loomis.


Hilary Bok 12.19.12 at 10:32 pm

I would like to sign on to this statement.

Hilary Bok


Matt Zwolinski 12.19.12 at 10:32 pm

I agree wholeheartedly with this statement.
Matt Zwolinski
University of San Diego


Robert Cruickshank 12.19.12 at 10:33 pm

Erik Loomis has my full support and I co-sign this excellent statement. Thanks for putting this out there.


Kate Tunstall 12.19.12 at 10:33 pm

Please add my name in support.
Kate Tunstall, University of Oxford.


Joshua Brown 12.19.12 at 10:34 pm

I support Erik and endorse this statement unreservedly.

Joshua Brown
Gustavus Adolphus College


Jacob Schiff 12.19.12 at 10:34 pm

I endorse this statement whole-heartedly.

Jacob Schiff
Assistant Professor of Politics
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH


Sandeep 12.19.12 at 10:34 pm



Thomas Lumley 12.19.12 at 10:34 pm

I endorse this statement

Thomas Lumley
Professor of Biostatistics
University of Auckland.

[This is not intended to imply that the University of Auckland agrees with me or even has a view on the issue.]


Eric Saylor 12.19.12 at 10:34 pm

I strongly support this statement on behalf of Erik Loomis.

Eric Saylor
Associate professor, music history
Drake University


Barbara Collier 12.19.12 at 10:34 pm

I support this statement.


Peter Stone 12.19.12 at 10:35 pm

I am willing to sign this statement. The idea that it is LaPierre’s critics, and not LaPierre himself, that may have the harder time right now is an outrage against humanity.


Peter Stone
Trinity College Dublin


Led 12.19.12 at 10:35 pm

I am proud to stand with Erik Loomis.

(Note to URI President and Officials: I’m not literally in close physical proximity to Mr. Loomis. I suspect we are, in fact, located in different states. By my statement I’m intending to express support for Mr. Loomis’s right to free political expression. For further questions about how metaphor works, please consult your English department.)


Brian Schefke 12.19.12 at 10:35 pm

I fully support this statement and will also be writing URI in support of Erik.


Carole Kennedy 12.19.12 at 10:38 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement .
Carole Kennedy
Associate Professor
San Diego State University


Linda Stich 12.19.12 at 10:38 pm

I stand with and support Erik Loomis


Katherine (Katie) Surrence 12.19.12 at 10:38 pm

I agree with this statement. (Formerly a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin)


George Ciccariello-Maher 12.19.12 at 10:39 pm

Please add me to the list of supporter.

George Ciccariello-Maher
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Drexel University


Michael Teixeira 12.19.12 at 10:39 pm

I unwaveringly support this statement.


Marcus Arvan 12.19.12 at 10:39 pm

I support this statement, as well.


Greg Seigworth 12.19.12 at 10:40 pm

Signing on, yes.


Paul Gowder 12.19.12 at 10:40 pm

Count me in.
Paul Gowder
University of Iowa


Felix Gilman 12.19.12 at 10:41 pm

Firm, polite emails sent. Great statement.


Samir Chopra 12.19.12 at 10:41 pm

Erik Loomis has my support. I endorse the statements above.


David Derbes 12.19.12 at 10:42 pm

I support Erik Loomis. What he said was clearly figurative. We as a nation will be much the poorer if there are certain allusions to which we may no longer refer without endangering our employment. That his political opponents have been able to represent his remarks as a threat is both disturbing and astonishing.

David Derbes
physics teacher,
University of Chicago Laboratory Schools


Kevin Fathi 12.19.12 at 10:42 pm

I support this statement.


Steve LaBonne 12.19.12 at 10:43 pm

I too, for whatever my non-academic voice is worth, stand with Prof. Loomis and express intense disappointment with the cowardice of the URI President.


Charles Petersen 12.19.12 at 10:43 pm


Charles Petersen
Associate Editor, n+1 magazine


solidcitizen 12.19.12 at 10:44 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis. Go Ducks!


Todd Shepard 12.19.12 at 10:45 pm

Erik Loomis has my support. I endorse the statements above.


William Flesch 12.19.12 at 10:46 pm

I wish to endorse this statement.


Ruthe Olmsted 12.19.12 at 10:46 pm

I stand with Mr. Loomis, people say they want someone’s head on a platter all the time, it is never taken as fact.


Robin Varghese 12.19.12 at 10:47 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Alan Winston 12.19.12 at 10:47 pm

I would like to associate myself with this statement.

Alan Winston
(A non-academic employee of Stanford University)


Caroline Z-H. Abbott 12.19.12 at 10:48 pm

I fully support Erik Loomis, and agree completely with the statement above.


Steven King 12.19.12 at 10:48 pm

I too support this statement.


David Merli 12.19.12 at 10:48 pm



Benjamin Kunkel 12.19.12 at 10:48 pm

I would like to add my name to those supporting Erik Loomis.


Jim Henley 12.19.12 at 10:49 pm

Co-signed. The forced miscomprehension of Loomis’s attackers is farcical. The cowardice of the administration would rise to the level of farce if it did not cast a very real pall over free expression.


NMissC 12.19.12 at 10:49 pm

I agree with this post. Tom Freeland


Sharon Dale 12.19.12 at 10:51 pm

I unreservedly support Erik Loomis. What a frightening country this would be if the NRA dictated the policies/personnel of our universities.
Sharon Dale
Associate Professor
The Pennsylvania State University


S. Abbas Raza 12.19.12 at 10:52 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


slavdude 12.19.12 at 10:52 pm

I support this Professor Loomis.

Donald A. Thumim, PhD


slavdude 12.19.12 at 10:52 pm

Gah. Remove the “this”.


Sarah Skwire 12.19.12 at 10:53 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement, with academic freedom, and with free speech, free minds, and sanity.


John Gee 12.19.12 at 10:53 pm

I fully support this statement.


Amy Fried 12.19.12 at 10:56 pm

I associate myself with this statement.

– Amy Fried, Professor of Political Science, University of Maine


jonathan hopkin 12.19.12 at 10:56 pm

I support Professor Loomis and find it depressing that his University should find it so hard to do the same.


Julian Sanchez 12.19.12 at 10:57 pm

Count me in.
Julian Sanchez
Cato Institute


Hank Vandenburgh 12.19.12 at 10:57 pm

Hank Vandenburgh
Professor (Retired)
Bridgewater State University



Joseph M. Schwartz 12.19.12 at 10:58 pm

I wish to associate myself with the statement.

Prof. Joseph M. Schwartz
Department of Political Science
Temple University


Kevin T. Keith 12.19.12 at 10:58 pm

I agree with and support this statement.

This campaign of harassment is in obvious bad faith, and the statement quoted was an obvious and common rhetorical hyperbole that no person of reasonable intelligence can claim constitutes a threat of violence. Absurd claims to that effect are an attempt to suppress freedom of speech by harassment and intimidation. The university should unambiguously repudiate them and affirm its support for Prof. Loomis and the right of vigorous public discourse.


Blake 12.19.12 at 10:58 pm

I wholeheartedly agree with this post.


Uncle Kvetch 12.19.12 at 10:58 pm

Please consider my endorsement at 50 superseded by the following:

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement.

Steve J. Albert
aka “Uncle Kvetch”


Douglas D. Edwards 12.19.12 at 10:59 pm

I stand with Eric Loomis against this outrageously dishonest campaign of persecution. I endorse particularly the following remarks from the above statement:

Even to suggest that Loomis’s tweet constitutes a “threat of violence” is an offense against the English language. We are dismayed that the university president completely fails to acknowledge the importance of academic freedom and of scholars’ freedom independently to express views (even intemperate ones) on topics of public importance.

This campaign is patently not a manifestation of genuine fear; it is, instead, an attempt to inspire fear not only in Loomis but in anyone else who might wish to engage in candid dialogue on political issues.

Douglas D. Edwards, PhD, PharmD


S 12.19.12 at 10:59 pm

Erik Loomis has my support.
Scott Ellison
University of Tennessee


Negeen Pegahi 12.19.12 at 11:00 pm

I support this statement.


Jim Smith II 12.19.12 at 11:00 pm

I support this effort wholeheartedly


Leslie O'Neil 12.19.12 at 11:01 pm

I stand firmly with Prof Erik Loomis.


Wayne 12.19.12 at 11:01 pm

I also endorse Quentin Tarrantino’s films. The thought that such art could inspire a cult of glorification of violence is ludicrous. Speech doesn’t kill people; people do.


Patrick S. O'Donnell 12.19.12 at 11:01 pm

Patrick S. O’Donnell
Santa Barbara City College


John Tomasi 12.19.12 at 11:01 pm

I support this statement (though I do not endorse the sentiment expressed in Loomis’s tweet).


Ernest Jackson 12.19.12 at 11:02 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis.


Nick Pino 12.19.12 at 11:02 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis, free speech, and academic freedom.


Jamsheed Siyar 12.19.12 at 11:03 pm

I wholeheartedly support this statement.


Gonzalo X. Ruiz 12.19.12 at 11:04 pm

I’m writing in support of professor Erik Loomis. To take as literal what is clearly a figure of speech can only be facetious and malevolent. He only expressed a sentiment felt by a large part of the country in a way that any semi-literare person can understand as not a literal advocation of violence. He could have used “tarred and feathered” or “run out of town on a rail” or any other obvious metaphor, and the same gun defenders would be using the same willfully obtuse strategy to “get a scalp”. See what I did there? Stand up for academic freedom, but also for simple literacy, and ignore the calls for punishment of Loomis.


Kathleen Von Stein 12.19.12 at 11:04 pm

Professor Loomis’ statement was appropriate given the circumstances. I have read his tweet multiple times and can find nothing violent or threatening in it. I fully support his right to free speech and to academic freedom. I disagree with the University’s stand on this issue. I am with you Erik.


Eric 12.19.12 at 11:04 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.

Eric Rauchway
University of California, Davis


Lesley Wright 12.19.12 at 11:06 pm

Figure of speech.
Freedom of speech.
Shameful University of Rhode Island does not support Professor Loomis – I do.


Renee Cramer 12.19.12 at 11:07 pm

I support this statement, and Eric Loomis.
Renee Cramer
Associate Professor and Director
Drake University’s Program in Law, Politics, and Society


Janice McCoy 12.19.12 at 11:07 pm

I support free speech. And metaphors.

Janice McCoy
PhD Candidate, English
University of Virginia


Bradley Jacobs 12.19.12 at 11:07 pm

I hereby apply my name to be counted among those who support this statement.
What, I thought it was a Verbose Contest. ^_^;
But Seriously, Count me in.


Edith 12.19.12 at 11:07 pm

I also stand with Erik.


Gretchen Hertz 12.19.12 at 11:07 pm

I am in support of free speech.

Gretchen Hertz, J.D.
Brighton, MI


JoyfulA 12.19.12 at 11:07 pm

I endorse this statement. As a copyeditor of academic books, I hope someday to work on his collected “Today in Labor History” posts.


Kim Klimek 12.19.12 at 11:07 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis and with academic freedom.


Glenn Greenwald 12.19.12 at 11:08 pm

I never thought anything would make me speak up in defense of Erik Loomis, of all people, but a repellent witch hunt to get him fired over absolutely nothing – a clear threat to academic freedom to boot – has accomplished this.


Joe Macare 12.19.12 at 11:10 pm

I support Erik Loomis against this witch-hunt, and endorse this statement!


Patrick Nielsen Hayden 12.19.12 at 11:10 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse and associate myself with this statement. What is being done to Loomis is obviously intended to intimidate, not just Loomis, but also everyone else who uses vivid, conversational political speech to criticize the powerful.

Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Senior Editor
Tor Books / Macmillan Publishers


Knelis Tonie 12.19.12 at 11:10 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement.

Anton vdRepe
aka knelistonie


Daniel W. Drezner 12.19.12 at 11:10 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Robin O'Brian 12.19.12 at 11:11 pm

I’m proud to stand with Erik Loomis.

Robin O’Brian
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Elmira College


Sam Crane 12.19.12 at 11:11 pm

I support this statement

Sam Crane
Political Science
Williams College


Amanda Marcotte 12.19.12 at 11:12 pm

I offer my support to Erik and demand that URI treat Malkin’s harassment campaign as the nonsense that it is. I’ve seen Malkin do this over and over again. She wants to get people fired for one simple reason: She’s a sadist. It’s not “activism”, in that it accomplishes nothing but the cheap thrill of ruining a life. She should not be rewarded for her antisocial behavior and lies.


Ben Kalafut 12.19.12 at 11:13 pm

Even if “head on a stick” is a metaphor, Loomis is still in the wrong in a way that is unbecoming of a professor of anything–and not just because he replaced his metaphor with nearly equally repugnant positions. (Round ’em up!)

There is a trade-off between deterrence and self defense on he one hand and vulnerability to spree shootings on the other. If we blame the NRA for spree shootings, shall we blame Erik Loomis for home invasions, muggings, and rapes in places where gun crontrol is too strict? Is Loomis responsible for the beating of Mary Shepard?


Joshua Cohen 12.19.12 at 11:13 pm

I endorse this statement and am grateful to its authors. The attack on Loomis is disgraceful.


Michael Yarbrough 12.19.12 at 11:14 pm

I also support this statement

Michael Yarbrough
Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, Yale University


Ben Kalafut 12.19.12 at 11:15 pm

Missed the note at the bottom. Please delete 222.


Joshua Kavaler 12.19.12 at 11:15 pm

I endorse this statement and support Erik Loomis.


Paul Bloom 12.19.12 at 11:16 pm

I support the statement.

Paul Bloom
Professor, Psychology


Brett Banditelli 12.19.12 at 11:17 pm

although I have no academic creds, as someone who’s industry is hailed by the right as a beacon of free speech, I’m proud to have had him on first and many times since

I support Erik and condemn anyone who uses our platform for witch hunts instead of issues.

Brett Banditelli
Executive Producer, The Rick Smith Show


bianca steele 12.19.12 at 11:18 pm

I don’t know much about Erik Loomis or the apparent CT-LGM feud (I actually still confuse LGM with LGF), and I’m sure he knows even less about me (this isn’t even my real name, I don’t actually have a graduate degree, and I’m not affiliated with a university), to the extent that it seems like grandstanding for me to add a comment to this post, but I fully support this statement in support of Prof. Loomis’s free speech rights and academic freedom. A cliché or metaphor like “I want so-and-so’s head on a pike” isn’t a threat, or a call for assassination or any other violent action, or a statement in support of violence in principle, or anything at all other than a statement of blame, and nobody could seriously believe a statement like that constitutes a threat.

Next will university presidents be coming out in support of the rest of what Malkin says, including that criticizing the current head of the NRA amounts to insulting all of the organization’s members?


Laleh 12.19.12 at 11:18 pm

Please add my name in support.


John C Whitney 12.19.12 at 11:18 pm

My name, here


Leeds man 12.19.12 at 11:18 pm

In place of #73;

I stand with Erik Loomis and this statement

Robert Grigjanis


Laleh 12.19.12 at 11:18 pm

Apologies, full name is Laleh Khalili, School of Oriental and African Studies, London


John Krinsky 12.19.12 at 11:19 pm

I support this statement.


Jeff Von Stein 12.19.12 at 11:20 pm

I know Eric, and I am in full support of Eric. I cannot find words to express my frustration with this entire situation.


Diana Paton 12.19.12 at 11:20 pm

I support this statement.


Akela Cooper 12.19.12 at 11:21 pm

I would also like to support Erik Loomis. Don’t let them bully this man out of his job.


Dave Weeden 12.19.12 at 11:21 pm

I also stand with this statement, and would like to note that protecting this seems to be very much in line with the way UK legislation is heading as far as abusive/inflammatory/provocative etc comments on social media is concerned. Loomis’s tweet doesn’t contain an actual threat of violence, does not seriously call on anyone to carry out an act of violence on his behalf, nor does it seem to harass Mr LaPierre. Goddammit, this is free speech.


Dan Nexon 12.19.12 at 11:22 pm

Should be obvious from what I’ve said elsewhere, but sign me up to this excellent statement.

Daniel H. Nexon
Associate Professor in the Department of Government and the School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University


Sarah Jaffe 12.19.12 at 11:22 pm

100% in support.


Richard Fannan 12.19.12 at 11:22 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis and endorse this statement. URI should be supporting academic freedom and free speech, not siding with the forces who want to suppress points of view.


Kevin McDonough 12.19.12 at 11:23 pm

I support this statement and call on the Dean, Provost and President of URI to issue a clear statement condemning the attacks on Professor Loomis and supporting the right of URI Faculty members to free speech.

Kevin McDonough
McGill University


Nichole mcDonald 12.19.12 at 11:23 pm

Freedom of speech is the first amendment for a reason! For without it we have NO freedom! I stand firmly beside Eric Loomis because at the VERY least my for fathers died for this most basic right!

Nichole McDonald
Mother of two beautiful, well spoken children


Aaron M. Dellutri 12.19.12 at 11:24 pm

I’d like to be associated with your statement. Thanks for giving us the opportunity!


Richard Benya- UIC 12.19.12 at 11:25 pm

Administrator’s cowardice. How unusual.


Mehmet Kucukozer 12.19.12 at 11:25 pm

I too stand with Erik Loomis and this statement.

Mehmet Kucukozer


Jeremey Bingham 12.19.12 at 11:25 pm

I proudly stand with Erik Loomis.


John Grant 12.19.12 at 11:25 pm

How shameful for a university to respond in this craven way to the ravings of demagogues. I stand with Erik Loomis.

John Grant, writer


Mark Dawson 12.19.12 at 11:26 pm

In the interests of free speech and the usage therein of the English language, i wish to associate myself with this statement


trex 12.19.12 at 11:27 pm

I stand in support of Erik Loomis, as I, too, would like to see Wayne LaPierre called before committees in the House and Senate and forced to answer tough questioning on how his organization’s lobbying against any reasonable gun safety legislation has contributed to an epidemic of gun violence…with the ensuing public outrage over the naturally unsatisfactory nature of his answers putting pressure on him to step down and on the NRA to change their policies and appoint a more moderate leader, easing the pressure on Congress and paving the way for sensible gun safety legislation and culminating in an increase in public safety. 

Because a scenario like THAT is what is routinely meant by calling for someone’s head on a stick in 21st century America.


Jonathan Korman 12.19.12 at 11:28 pm

I have been following with horror the spread of eliminationist rhetoric in American political discourse. Loomis’ statement doesn’t qualify.



Whit Blauvelt 12.19.12 at 11:29 pm

As a Loomis on my mother’s side: Don’t frack with Loomises! We have real power in New England. Don’t test us.


Markos Valaris 12.19.12 at 11:29 pm

I’ll sign on to this.

Markos Valaris
University of New South Wales


Miriam Reumann 12.19.12 at 11:29 pm

I support Prof. Loomis and, as a longtime URI employee, am dismayed at the lack of support offered y our administration when a colleague is under attack. An educational institution whose motto is “Think Big” should be encouraging open discussion rather than shutting it down by implying that Eric was in fact encouraging literal violence. Our students, as well as our faculty, deserve better.

Dr. Miriam Reumann
Lecturer, Dept. of History
The University of Rhode Island


Kevin Farrell 12.19.12 at 11:29 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement of support for Erik Loomis


Hein Goemans 12.19.12 at 11:29 pm

I, too, wish to associate myself with this statement.


Laurel Cooley 12.19.12 at 11:30 pm

off with all their heads!

Laurel Cooley
Brooklyn College


mike shupp 12.19.12 at 11:31 pm

Loomis’s statement is obviously rhetoric and well within the traditional limits of free speech. I support his right to speak as he did without reservation.


Daniel Levine 12.19.12 at 11:31 pm

I support this statement.

Daniel J. Levine, Assistant Professor
The University of Alabama


Grif Rosser 12.19.12 at 11:31 pm

I stand with this statement in support of Prof Loomis.


Tim Montmarquet 12.19.12 at 11:32 pm

As a life long resident of Rhode Island, I support this statement.


Matthew Giglia 12.19.12 at 11:32 pm

I don’t always comment on Crooked Timber, but when I do, it’s to endorse Erik Loomis.


Tim Engles 12.19.12 at 11:32 pm

I fully endorse this statement.

Tim Engles
Professor, English
Eastern Illinois University


Michael W. Piotrowski 12.19.12 at 11:34 pm

The right to criticize is of enormous importance in our society. I stand with Professor Loomis on this issue and am deeply dissappointed in the PR driven response of URI.


Tim O'Keefe 12.19.12 at 11:34 pm

I support this statement. Erik Loomis’ statement is obviously not a literal call for violence, but a metaphorical expression of his outrage.


Francis Spufford 12.19.12 at 11:34 pm

I support this statement wholeheartedly.

Francis Spufford
Goldsmiths College, University of London


Richard Johnson 12.19.12 at 11:36 pm

I support Prof. Loomis, and am heartened by his willingness to use an apt metaphor. He is an asset that the U of RI would be well-served to retain and promote!

I applaud Prof. Loomis’ willingness to speak, and the stellar abilities he’s repeatedly shown in so doing. Even though I find I disagree with him more often than not, that’s an opportunity for me, and the rest of us. U of RI needs more of such thinking, and educating. Not less.


Alexander Livingston 12.19.12 at 11:37 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis and against the silencing of democratic dissent.

Alexander Livingston
Department of Government
Cornell University


Alexander Livingston 12.19.12 at 11:37 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis and against the silencing of democratic dissent.

Alexander Livingston
Department of Government
Cornell University


Bernard Sufrin 12.19.12 at 11:38 pm

I strongly endorse this statement.

It is shocking that the administrative leadership of a University should respond in this way to an attack on the free speech of one of its staff, and the response compounds the attack. The attack on Loomis is so obviously based on a bad-faith reading of a metaphor that it is hard to believe that anyone entrusted with academic responsibilities would give credence to the perverse reading by disassociating themselves from it. The reputation of URI will suffer unless this is speedily corrected.

Bernard Sufrin, Magdalen and Worcester Colleges, University of Oxford. Sometime elected member of the University of Oxford Audit and Scrutiny Committee.


Beth Moscato 12.19.12 at 11:38 pm

I support this statement.

Beth Moscato
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yale University


Deen Freelon 12.19.12 at 11:38 pm

I endorse this statement.

Deen Freelon
Assistant Professor
American University School of Communication


Ben Oren 12.19.12 at 11:39 pm

I support the above statement


Aaron Bady 12.19.12 at 11:42 pm

It is a depressing indictment of the University of Rhode Island’s academic integrity that some “web-log” has to call on them to act like the institution of higher learning they otherwise pretend to be. I’m glad to associate myself with the adults in this room, and I hope Dr. David M. Dooley decides to join us.


Andrew Dilts 12.19.12 at 11:43 pm

I fully support this statement.

Andrew Dilts
Department of Political Science
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA


Michael Cholbi 12.19.12 at 11:43 pm

I support the CT statement and condemn URI’s apparent willingness to undercut the rights of their faculty.


LD Johnson 12.19.12 at 11:44 pm

I too wish to stand with Eric Loomis and against the thugs and bullys who seek to quash even the mildest dramatic statement against their agenda and supporters.


Emily Blanck 12.19.12 at 11:44 pm

I endorse this statement. Not the first (or last) time that we must fight against Universities’ political pressure to quash dissent.


AndreasP 12.19.12 at 11:44 pm

I agree. The right of the people to keep and bear sticks, shall not be infringed.


Leo Casey 12.19.12 at 11:45 pm

Please add my name.

Leo Casey
Albert Shanker Institute


Jeremy Buchman 12.19.12 at 11:45 pm

I wholeheartedly support Prof. Loomis and the statement made here on his behalf. My 8-year-old knows what metaphor is; I should expect leading university administrators to display no less awareness.

Jeremy Buchman
Associate Professor of Political Science
Long Island University


Colin Edgington 12.19.12 at 11:45 pm

I absolutely stand with Professor Loomis and support this statement.

Colin Edgington
College of Staten Island, CUNY


Martin O'Neill 12.19.12 at 11:45 pm

I endorse this statement.

Martin O’Neill
University of York


M C Hoppin 12.19.12 at 11:46 pm

I fully endorse this statement.

If the protections of free speech extended to tenured professors are to mean anything, they must be extended to untenured professors as well.

This would be true for Eric Loomis even if he were not a scholar whose posts (on labor history, in particular) I eagerly consult.

M. C. Hoppin
Williams College
Williamstown, MA


William Elison 12.19.12 at 11:46 pm

I support this statement.

William Elison
Dartmouth College/Duke University


Patchen Markell 12.19.12 at 11:46 pm

I strongly endorse this statement (and thank its authors for composing it).

Patchen Markell
Associate Professor of Political Science
The University of Chicago


digby 12.19.12 at 11:46 pm

I’ve seen some idiotic right wing witch hunts in my day, but this one takes the cake. The notion that the statement was literally calling for violence is daft enough, but that they are calling for the smelling salts over the delicate sensibilities of the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre in the wake of a mass shooting of tiny schoolchildren is almost beyond belief.

Of course Loomis should not be fired for this. It’s shocking that this silly complaint has been taken seriously by anyone.


Teresa Nielsen Hayden 12.19.12 at 11:46 pm

I endorse this statement in every particular.

The cynical and mendacious attacks on Erik Loomis’s language, which in many cases are being made by bloggers who have long been in the habit of casually using such language themselves, is an attempt to suppress not only Erik Loomis, and current debate about current events, but the existence of a free public discourse.

Teresa Nielsen Hayden
Consulting Editor, Tor Books


Lisa Meyer 12.19.12 at 11:49 pm

I fully endorse this statement and stand with Erik Loomis.

Lisa Meyer
Associate Professor of Sociology
SUNY Geneseo


Chris williams 12.19.12 at 11:49 pm

I support this statement.

Dr Chris A. Williams
The Open University, UK


Jama Lazerow 12.19.12 at 11:50 pm

I fully endorse this statement.


Naadir Jeewa 12.19.12 at 11:50 pm

I support this statement.

Naadir Jeewa
University College London


Samuel Baker 12.19.12 at 11:51 pm

I support this statement.


Albion Lawrence 12.19.12 at 11:51 pm

Please add my name to this statement.

Albion Lawrence
Associate Professor of Physics
Brandeis University


Jason Toby Reiner 12.19.12 at 11:51 pm

I stand with this statement in support of Prof Loomis.

Jason Toby Reiner
Assistant Professor, Dickinson College.


Christopher Cassidy 12.19.12 at 11:52 pm

I fully support this statement.
Christopher Cassidy
Associate Professor, New Media & Design
University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Aaron S. Veenstra 12.19.12 at 11:52 pm

I support this statement and stand in solidarity with Erik Loomis.

Aaron S. Veenstra
Assistant Professor, School of Journalism
Southern Illinois University Carbondale


Ernest Fuentes 12.19.12 at 11:53 pm

I wish to associate myself with the above comments in defense of Erik Loomis. URI should not retaliate against him in any way, shape or form in support of the NRA’s malicious smear campaign.


Rob Wohl 12.19.12 at 11:53 pm

in solidarity, etc.


Angus Johnston 12.19.12 at 11:54 pm

I endorse this statement wholeheartedly.

Angus Johnston
Hostos Community College
City University of New York


Margaret Keck 12.19.12 at 11:54 pm

I support this statement, applaud its writers for bringing it to our attention and am appalled that the University of Rhode Island reacted as it did.
Margaret Keck
Dept. of Political Science
Johns Hopkins University


Anthony Paul Smith 12.19.12 at 11:54 pm

Count me in.

Anthony Paul Smith
La Salle University


Richard Hanley 12.19.12 at 11:55 pm

I fully endorse this statement.


Avery Kolers 12.19.12 at 11:55 pm

I support this statement and stand with Erik Loomis.


Jason Frank 12.19.12 at 11:55 pm

Signed in support.

Jason Frank
Cornell University


Linkmeister 12.19.12 at 11:59 pm

I’m proud to stand with Mr. Loomis.


DrDick 12.19.12 at 11:59 pm

Oh hell. Sometimes you have to take risks to make a stand. This replaces mine at 15.

I fully and enthusiastically support this statement. We cannot let the brownshirts on a jihad control what we say and do.

Richard A. Sattler
University of Montana


Rose Maria Pegueros 12.20.12 at 12:00 am

I stand with Erik.


Alyssa Picard 12.20.12 at 12:00 am

I associate myself with this statement, I want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick, and I invite any gun-lobby lackeys so inclined to bring it on.

Alyssa Picard
Member, National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981


Emily Pawley 12.20.12 at 12:02 am

I support this statement and have e-mailed the administrators.

Emily Pawley
Dickinson College


David Harmon 12.20.12 at 12:02 am

I fully support this statement, and I call on the administrators of the University of Rhode Island to defend their professor and the rights that make their university possible.


Robert Verde 12.20.12 at 12:03 am

I completely support this statement, and Mr. Loomis.


Frank Zollo 12.20.12 at 12:04 am

I fully endorse this statement. It is deeply disturbing that a transparent effort to stifle criticism of the NRA would be taken seriously by any responsible person.


Barry Freed 12.20.12 at 12:04 am

Following Uncle Kvetch and DrDick above; I fully endorse this statement.

-Christopher Alario


Iain Coleman 12.20.12 at 12:06 am

I endorse this statement.

Iain Coleman, University of Edinburgh.


T Hilde 12.20.12 at 12:06 am

I support this statement.

Tom Hilde
School of Public Policy
University of Maryland


Gabriel Brahm 12.20.12 at 12:07 am

Fweedom of tweets shall not be abwidged, circumscwibed unweasonabwy, or cynicwy manipwiwated! If I begin with a bit of humor it is not because I fail to take this case seriously, but because I regard Loomis’s metaphor as so metaphorical as to make serious accusations against him for using it (literally) laughable. If I were to say that someone appeared to “bite my head off” because they seemed impatient with me, would Loomis’s detractors take me literally? “Head on a stick”?? Seriously?? Did he brandish said “stick”? I say let’s roll out the red carpet for him (but not a real red carpet, unless you happen to have one you’re not using) and fight this thing to hell and back (unless that’s putting it too strongly, in which case, I wish to emphasize that by “fight” I mean discourse reasonably in hopes of persuading others, and by “hell and back” I have to say I don’t really know what I mean, it’s just an expression, isn’t it?). You know what they should do, is investigate those people at carnivals who eat fried butter-on-stick. Please forgive the sarcasm — I know this case is serious which is why I want to add my signature to the petition — but how else is one to respond to such inane literal-mindedness, other than by recalling the pervasiveness of not just metaphor but “dead metaphor” at that in our everyday use of language? Is this another job for FIRE, If so, will they start a real fire (should we call the fire department)? Ouch! I just burned my fingers typing the letters F.I.R.E.!


Jonathan Dettman 12.20.12 at 12:07 am

I endorse this statement and call on the administration of the University of Rhode Island to throw out the corporate PR manual and to defend Dr.Loomis’s right to speak as a public intellectual.


Scott Martens 12.20.12 at 12:07 am

I support this statement.

Scott Martens
Researcher, Dept. of General and Computational Linguistics
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen


Sonia Dickey 12.20.12 at 12:07 am

Erik is a friend and a colleague; I stand with him 110%.


Chris Schoen 12.20.12 at 12:08 am

“I want X’s head on a stake” cannot in any intelligent sense be interpreted as a threat of violence. To capitulate to an insistence to the contrary is to abandon any adherence to principle whatsoever.

How darkly ironic it would be if Loomis, who was not calling for action of any kind but simply expressing his disgust at LePierre’s lack of accountability, should find his job in jeopardy because of the thin skins of LePierre’s comrades, who cannot bear the mere *suggestion* that he might be in part responsible for gun violence, and demand that others take action on their behalf to silence such sentiments.

I unreservedly support this statement.


Aaron M. Dellutri 12.20.12 at 12:10 am

Here is what I emailed:

subj: Please stand for academic freedom of speech (Erik Loomis matter)‏

Dear Mr. Dooley, Mr. DeHays, and Ms. Brownell,

I have for some time followed the online writings of your professor Erik Loomis. He is uniquely knowledgeable about US labor history and about many other historic and political matters. His February 2012 post on Anthony Comstock and his legacy should give some idea of both the depth of his knowledge and his of willingness to speak in personal as well historical terms. This is what makes his historical writings vivid and useful to non-academic readers such as myself.

I understand that Prof. Loomis recently tweeted: “I was heartbroken in the first 20 mass murders. Now I want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick”, referring to the Sandy Hook Massacre. He is now being attacked for the tweet. Most notably by right wing activist Michelle Malkin’s website ““, as well as the conservative group These individuals attacking Mr. Loomis are activists looking to hurt his employment as part of their political agenda.

I understand that it is troubling to have your institution attacked over the writings of one professor. But I feel it is important to keep in mind that Prof. Loomis was not actually calling for Wayne LaPierre’s assassination, he was using emotional language to make a statement. It is not reasonable to believe that someone would attempt to kill Mr. LaPierre as a consequence of Loomis’s tweet. I empathize with the troublesome nature of this situation, and the pressure his critics are putting you under. But I must ask that you please protect the academic free speech of Prof. Loomis, so that he can continue to create vivid writings about US history.


Aaron Dellutri


Robert Blum 12.20.12 at 12:11 am

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement.

Robert Blum
PhD Candidate, Physics, Yale University


PLW 12.20.12 at 12:13 am

I support this statement.

Patrick L. Wintrode
University of Maryland


Josh Whitford 12.20.12 at 12:13 am

I fully support this statement

Josh Whitford
Columbia University


Kim Klimek 12.20.12 at 12:13 am

To add to 214 –

My fullest support to Erik Loomis

Kim Klimek
Asst Professor of History
Metropolitan State University of Denver


William Burns 12.20.12 at 12:15 am

I associate myself with this statement.


Mark 12.20.12 at 12:16 am

I support Erik Loomis.


potsherds 12.20.12 at 12:17 am

Just a lowly, so-called ‘professional’ research assistant at a state university, but I’ve also e-mailed the university admins listed.
I’m quite dismayed that disingenuous, right-wing hysterics are successfully threatening Loomis’ job. Shame on the URI admin.

(I don’t know how useful my comment is, as I’m not willing to use my name on the internet, but there it is.)


Carson 12.20.12 at 12:19 am

I support this statement and freedom of expression.

Carson Morris
MA, Latin American Studies
Doctoral Candidate, History Dept.
University of New Mexico


Michael Barniskis 12.20.12 at 12:19 am

I fully agree with this statement. Additionally, I sent the following email to the three University officials you listed:


I am writing to express my surprise at seeing your University’s statement regarding Erik Lomis’ tweet related to Wayne LePierre. Erik’s tweet was clearly a metaphorical statement. Using metaphor to express oneself is a skill I expect a University to teach and to foster, not to distance themselves from. Your public statement accepts the completely incorrect description of Erik’s tweet that has been promulgated by the right wing on-line commentariat.

In no way can Erik’s tweet be seen as a call to violence. Erik was expressing anger and a desire for accountability, but in no way could a sane person believe Erik was calling for Wayne LePierre’s actual head on an actual stick.

Indeed, Glenn Reynolds, a college professor and one of Erik’s critics, used a similar metaphor when Glenn stated, in relation to security in Benghazi, “can we see some heads roll?” No one accused Glenn of wanting actual heads to actually roll; we understood the metaphorical nature of Glenn’s statement.

Yet now, when Erik displays a similar expression of anger, Glenn and others on the right wing of political discourse are trying to silence Erik by misrepresenting Erik’s statement. Sadly, I see is a fine University that should stand for freedom of thought and expression as well as intelligent interpretation of a given statement accepting an intellectually dishonest (and politically motivated) description of Erik’s tweet.

I urge you to publicly stand behind Erik’s freedom of expression, to stand up for rational interpretations of statements, and to stand up against the right wing attempts to bully those it disagrees with into silence. Will you join with those who seek to end debate through intellectual dishonesty, or will you stand by your wrongfully attacked employee?

Thank you for listening to me.


Patrick O'Mahen 12.20.12 at 12:19 am

I endorse this statement in support of Erik Loomis’ right to speak out.

Patrick O’Mahen
PhD. Candidate
University of Michigan


MPAVictoria 12.20.12 at 12:19 am

I support this statement.


herr doktor bimler 12.20.12 at 12:20 am

I associate myself with this statement, and support Erik Loomis, whose work continues to be a credit to his university.


Jacob Remes 12.20.12 at 12:20 am

I’d like to add my name too.

Jacob Remes
Assistant professor of public affairs and history
SUNY Empire State College


Stuart E. Dryer 12.20.12 at 12:22 am

This is exactly the kind of speech that needs to be protected in the academy, even if it is not particularly polite or measured. It is obvious that Erik Loomis did not intend actual physical threats, and I would like to think that Deans, Provosts, and Presidents can understand the concept of metaphorical speech. If you do not protect his right to say these things your institution will lose all credibility. The next thing, creationists will be calling for dismissal of biology professors who teach evolution. It is a slippery slope, what lies at the bottom is truly ugly, and you would be best to stay firmly on the flat summit.

Stuart E Dryer
John and Rebecca Moores Distinguished Professor
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
University of Houston


Louis F. Cooper 12.20.12 at 12:23 am

In support of the statement.


Donna Gratehouse 12.20.12 at 12:24 am

I’m not affiliated with any college but I disagree strongly with this harassment of a professor for his political speech. I stand with Erik Loomis.


Terry Smith 12.20.12 at 12:27 am

I did not feel incited to violence by the tweet. I wish to be associated with this statement. I believe free speech can have consequences including losing your job. But this is hyperbole about a public figure, and my reading was that it was about public stands taken by that figure.

For the record, I might want Donald Trump’s head on a stick, but he and his family can sleep safely. I wish them and all of you the best this holiday season


Joshua Beatty 12.20.12 at 12:28 am

As an alumnus of the University of Rhode Island (anthropology. 1995) I fully endorse this statement.

Joshua Beatty
SUNY Plattsburgh


Jeppe von Platz 12.20.12 at 12:30 am

I support this statement.
– Jeppe von Platz


Colin Wight 12.20.12 at 12:30 am

The statement has my full support.

Professor Colin Wight
University of Sydney.


Patricia Devine 12.20.12 at 12:32 am

I support Erik Loomis.

Patricia Devine
Medical Librarian
National Network of Libraries of Medicine


Wayne Moore 12.20.12 at 12:33 am

I support this statement.

Wayne A. Moore
Stanford University


Michael McCormick 12.20.12 at 12:33 am

I stand with Erik Loomis.

I guess that the University of Rhode Island has nothing better to do than placating people who don’t understand metaphor as a figure of speech. Pity the poor literalists. It is sickening that the University has probably spent more time on this issue than on the issue of the actual violence that actually happened.

The non-metaphorical violence.


Ruth Thompson 12.20.12 at 12:34 am

I support Erik Loomis. His anger is my anger.


Farshid Pegahi 12.20.12 at 12:34 am

Erik has my support.


Ross B. Emmett 12.20.12 at 12:35 am

I concur with the statement regarding Erik Loomis. Understanding his use of a common figure of speech should have been a cakewalk.


Siva Vaidhyanathan 12.20.12 at 12:36 am

Please include my support in any correspondence with URI.


Joseph H. Sommer 12.20.12 at 12:37 am

I usually comment pseudonymously. This is not the time for that. I support this statement.


William R. Wood 12.20.12 at 12:39 am

I support you brother.

William R. Wood
Lecturer, Griffith University
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice


Chad Rector 12.20.12 at 12:39 am

Chad Rector
Assistant Professor of Politics and History
Marymount University


David McGraw 12.20.12 at 12:39 am

I support Erik Loomis


Ka-Ming Lin 12.20.12 at 12:40 am

I would like to add my name to the list. This assault on academic freedom is offensive in the extreme.


Geoffrey Moses 12.20.12 at 12:40 am

I’m just a lame doctoral candidate, but please count me in as well.

Geoffrey Moses
MA, Carnegie Mellon University
PhD, Kent State University (expected February ’13)


Chad Pearson 12.20.12 at 12:41 am

I support it.


Rebecca Dyer 12.20.12 at 12:41 am

I would like to support this statement, and I call on the URI administration to stand behind Erik Loomis.


Will Robeerts 12.20.12 at 12:41 am

I endorse this statement without reservation.

William Clare Roberts
Assistant Professor of Political Science
McGill University


Daniel De Groot 12.20.12 at 12:41 am

I endorse this statement.


barbara a. fitzpatrick 12.20.12 at 12:42 am

I associate myself with this statement, and against idiocy, and hypocrisy. I bet it is the same people whom complain about political correctness on campus. I would like to see their heads on a stick, and no I am not engaging in eliminationist rhetoric.


Mitchell Rowe 12.20.12 at 12:42 am

I support this statement.

Mitchell Rowe
Masters of Public Administration
University of Victoria 2010


Jeffrey Shoulson 12.20.12 at 12:42 am

Count me in.
Jeffrey Shoulson
Konover Chair in Judaic Studies
Professor of Literatures, Culture, and Languages
Professor of English
University of Connecticut


W. James Casper (repsac3) 12.20.12 at 12:46 am

In support of this statement and free speech.


Bridget Nelson 12.20.12 at 12:46 am

My kids will be off to college in the next few years. I would be thrilled if they had Dr. Loomis as a professor of history and I will make URI aware of this when their website is restored.


Kathryn Joyce 12.20.12 at 12:48 am

Signing on to this statement.


Janice Bially Mattern 12.20.12 at 12:51 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.
Professor Janice Bially Mattern
National University of Singapore


Tom Rutkey 12.20.12 at 12:51 am

Signing in support of Erik


dsquared 12.20.12 at 12:52 am

Failing to stand up for academic freedom is always a penny-wise, pound-foolish policy for a university, as the respite gained from politically motivated attackers is temporary, but the damage done to a university’s reputation in the academic community is permanent.

Also associated with this statement

Dan Davies (private individual)


Fernando 12.20.12 at 12:52 am

I fully support this statement.


Jesse Bailey 12.20.12 at 12:52 am

I support Loomis, and this statement.

Jesse Bailey
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Sacred Heart University


Katherine Meyers 12.20.12 at 12:52 am

I completely support this statement.


John Theibault 12.20.12 at 12:54 am

I support this statement.


Mark Largent 12.20.12 at 12:54 am

I support this statement in defense of Erik Loomis.

Mark Largent
Associate Professor
James Madison College
Michigan State University


James Kim 12.20.12 at 12:55 am

I fully support this statement.

James Kim
Assistant Professor of English
Fordham University


Jeremy Pool 12.20.12 at 12:55 am

I also support academic and political freedom over public relations and giving in to the right-wing controversy machine.


Ann Kottner 12.20.12 at 12:57 am

Please add my name to the list of supporters for Dr. Loomis.
Ann Kottner, Adjunct Professor of English, New Jersey City University
AFT Local 1839 Rep and Recording Secretary


EriktheRed 12.20.12 at 12:57 am

I stand by this statement as well…

…and NOT just because it’s in defense of a fellow Erik-with-a-K.


Whet Moser 12.20.12 at 12:58 am

I have no affiliation with a university other than loans, but I do blog, and I support and stand with Erik Loomis (whom I read regularly and learn from even when I don’t agree with).


Greg Milner 12.20.12 at 12:58 am

Consider me associated.


Timothy Burke 12.20.12 at 12:59 am

I support this statement.


Mary Kay Woodward 12.20.12 at 1:00 am

Sign me up. I support Erik Loomis against this witch hunt. Will be emailing the appropriate folks provided above. It will be as hard to be civil with them as it is often hard to be civil with Erik Loomis, but this witch hunt is beyond the pale in an academic setting.


Stephen Frug 12.20.12 at 1:00 am

I would like to co-sign this statement, and offer Erik Loomis my support.

Stephen Frug
Visiting Assistant Professor
Hobart and William Smith Colleges


Mark Rupert 12.20.12 at 1:01 am

Please add my name to this statement

Mark Rupert
Prof. Of Political Science
Syracuse University


Blain Neufeld 12.20.12 at 1:01 am

I fully endorse this statement.

Blain Neufeld
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee


Richard Aregood 12.20.12 at 1:01 am

I support Eric Loomis completely.
Richard Aregood
University of North Dakota


Charles Snodgrass 12.20.12 at 1:01 am

I support this statement fully as well as Erik Loomis’ right to freedom of speech and academic freedom.

Dr. Charles Snodgrass
Department of English
Grambling State University


Sam Hutcheson 12.20.12 at 1:04 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement and the support of Erik Loomis’ academic freedoms.


Elizabeth Stockton 12.20.12 at 1:05 am

I endorse this statement


David Owen 12.20.12 at 1:05 am

I fully endorse this statement.


Jim Johnson 12.20.12 at 1:05 am

James Johnson
Political Science
University of Rochester


Nancy Bentley 12.20.12 at 1:06 am

I support this statement. I call upon the administrators at the University of Rhode Island to support a faculty member who is unfairly under attack.

Nancy Bentley
Chair, Department of English
University of Pennyslvania


John Bloomberg-Rissman 12.20.12 at 1:07 am

I support the University’s stand against violence and Dr Loomis’s right to use a metaphor.


Thomas McClendon 12.20.12 at 1:11 am

I support this statement.

Thomas McClendon
Professor of History
Southwestern University


Linkmeister 12.20.12 at 1:13 am

Replacing my #307.

I’m proud to stand with this statement and with Mr. Loomis.

Steve Timberlake


Luke Waltzer 12.20.12 at 1:14 am

Right on.


Michelle Martin Doty 12.20.12 at 1:15 am

I stand with Erik Loomis and wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

Michelle Martin Doty
East Lyme, CT


Scott Freutel 12.20.12 at 1:16 am

I too strongly support Dr. Loomis’s right to speak his mind, and in fact cannot quite figure out what this brouhaha is all about: Surely he was speaking metaphorically and passionately.


virag 12.20.12 at 1:18 am

Erik Loomis should be supported 100% in this. I fully endorse this statement in support of Erik Loomis, and I have sent my endorsement to the URI administration as a fully-named American citizen.


Margaret Levi 12.20.12 at 1:19 am

I support this statement


Jennifer Lena 12.20.12 at 1:20 am

I support this statement.


TheSophist 12.20.12 at 1:21 am

I support the statement, and Professor Loomis.

Matt Guthrie
Phoenix Country Day School


David Huyssen 12.20.12 at 1:24 am

I support this statement.

Visiting Assistant Professor of History
Wesleyan University


Elizabeth Markovits 12.20.12 at 1:24 am

I support this statement.

Elizabeth Markovits
Associate Professor
Mount Holyoke College


Abigail Casavant 12.20.12 at 1:25 am

I support this statement in defense of my professor, Erik Loomis.

I have the utmost respect for Prof. Loomis. My class time with him has been nothing but a positive experience. He is smart, funny, and makes class enjoyable. URI is extremely lucky to have a professor with these qualities as a member of their staff.

Graduate Student
University of Rhode Island


Sean Ehrlich 12.20.12 at 1:26 am

I support this statement.

Sean Ehrlich
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Florida State University


Mark Duckenfield 12.20.12 at 1:26 am

Mark Duckenfield

Associate Professor of International Political Economy
Air War College


Thomas Cogswell 12.20.12 at 1:26 am

In addition to supporting this statement, let me add that I am utterly gobsmacked that anyone would believe that Professor Loomis’s statement was anything but metaphorical. After all, the actual practice has not been seen on either side of the Atlantic in the last two centuries.

I urge the press, and especially the URI administrators, to calm down. Instead of unleashing the metaphor police, we need to focus on the baleful problem that has engulfed Newtown, and the nation, in tragedy.


Lawrence Stuart 12.20.12 at 1:27 am

Solidarity expressed.

There is a qualitative difference between the use of what might be construed as an intemperate metaphor and and the utterance of an actual threat. The University’s failure to make that distinction is an act of shameful cowardice.

Lawrence Stuart


Michael Treece MD 12.20.12 at 1:27 am

I support Dr. Loomis’ right to free speech, his academic freedom, and his right to use a common figure of speech.

Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics
Touro University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Vallejo, California


Ahmad Mojiri 12.20.12 at 1:27 am

I fully endorse this statement.

Ahmad Mojiri
Saint Xavier University


Michelle Burnham 12.20.12 at 1:28 am

I fully support this statement, and I fully support Erik Loomis.


David Steinsaltz 12.20.12 at 1:28 am

I support this statement. As tenure becomes ever less accessible, we need to see to it that university administrators don’t see the untenured as easy prey for convenient sacrifices to political pressure.

David Steinsaltz
University Lecturer in Statistics
University of Oxford


Melissa Johnson 12.20.12 at 1:29 am

Perfectly put, I support and am signing this statement, and will urge as many of my colleagues around the country to do so as well.


Timothy S. George 12.20.12 at 1:29 am

I stand (metaphorically) with Erik, who stands for honesty, literacy, scholarship, and humanity.


Debra Cash 12.20.12 at 1:30 am

I am signing and have sent a separate email to the administrators listed above.


Tom Waters 12.20.12 at 1:30 am

I am proud to stand with my friend Erik Loomis.


Ariane Fischer 12.20.12 at 1:30 am

I wish you express my full support of this statement and Eric Loomis.


Mark Nowak 12.20.12 at 1:30 am

I fully endorse this statement.


ari 12.20.12 at 1:31 am

I, too, would like to add my support.

Ari Kelman, University of California, Davis


travis kelsey 12.20.12 at 1:31 am

I am in support of Prof Loomis and free speech. And for the head of the NRA’s head on a figurative stick.


Jeff Sanders 12.20.12 at 1:31 am

I support this statement and stand with Erik Loomis. I urge the University of Rhode Island to defend freedom of speech, academic freedom, and its faculty.

Jeff Sanders
Assistant Professor
Washington State University


Andrew Burday 12.20.12 at 1:31 am

I agree with this statement and support Professor Loomis.


William Convery 12.20.12 at 1:32 am

Please add my name to those who support this statement, and stand with Erik and the First Amendment.

Bill Convery
History Colorado


Jason Brennan 12.20.12 at 1:32 am

I support this statement and Professor Loomis.

I will write a firm but polite letter of protest to the URI president tomorrow.

Jason Brennan


Robert Farley 12.20.12 at 1:33 am

Lest there be any doubt, I would like to associate myself with this message.

Robert Farley
Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce
University of Kentucky


Michael Pollak 12.20.12 at 1:34 am

I’m absolutely on your side. Good luck to Erik Loomis.


Alex Halavais 12.20.12 at 1:35 am

I support this statement, and have forwarded my own letter of support. (Note the mis-spelling above: Provost DeHayes is missing an “e”.)

Alex Halavais
Associate Professor of Sociology
Arizona State University


Pete Shanks 12.20.12 at 1:41 am

I wrote to Dr Dooley last night; I shall now write to the Provost and Dean. Loomis deserves their support, as well as ours.


John Keene 12.20.12 at 1:44 am

I support Erik Loomis’s right to free speech and believe his tweet has been grossly distorted and misconstrued. I hope the University of Rhode Island administration support and stand behind him. A metaphor is a metaphor is a metaphor.


Andrew Seal 12.20.12 at 1:44 am

I firmly support this statement and Erik Loomis.
Andrew Seal
PhD Candidate, American Studies, Yale University


Matt Wright 12.20.12 at 1:47 am

I support this statement.


Elizabeth Van Horn 12.20.12 at 1:47 am

I fully support this statement.

Elizabeth Van Horn
Los Angeles, California


Margaret Meek Lange 12.20.12 at 1:48 am

I wish to endorse this statement.

Margaret Meek Lange
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Macquarie University


Steve Davidson 12.20.12 at 1:48 am

I have worked with Erik and found him bright, interesting, creative, and informed. He does not have a violent bone in his body. His statement could only be depicted as a physical threat by those who are following the tactic of “the best defense is a good offense.”
The conversation should quickly go back to one about how to prevent such mass shootings as we have been witnessing too often. Erik should not be the topic.

I hope colleagues on his faculty and in his administration (they are colleagues too, aren’t they) should come to his support and help comfort him at a time that is undoubtedly emotionally draining for him.


matt 12.20.12 at 1:50 am

Please include my name in support of Erik Loomis and free speech.

Matthew Weedman
Assistant Professor of Theatre
University of Northern Iowa


Doug Henwood 12.20.12 at 1:50 am

I wrote this letter. And please add my name to this.

The right-wing’s orchestrated campaign – full of synthetic outrage of the sort they’re so accomplished at producing – against Eric Loomis is outrageous. Loomis spoke figuratively over an issue that excites passions, and there’s no way that what he said should be interpreted as a literal threat. You are academics, and I’m sure you know this.

Drop any threats against Loomis. This is an important principle of academic freedom, and it would shame your university to treat it in any other fashion.

Doug Henwood
editor, Left Business Observer

producer, “Behind the News”
KPFA, 94.1 FM Berkeley, Thursdays at noon

242 Greene Ave – #1C
Brooklyn, NY 11238-1398 USA

Twitter: @DougHenwood


Terry Karney SSG USA (ret) 12.20.12 at 1:50 am

I wish to associate myself with Erik Loomis. Free Speech demands it.


Ken Pidcock 12.20.12 at 1:51 am

It is, frankly, shameful that URI administrators would offer any response whatsoever to malicious provocateurs.


Mark Rupert 12.20.12 at 1:51 am

To the Leadership of the University of Rhode Island,

I am deeply concerned both that you appear to be cooperating with transparent attempts to infringe upon the academic freedom of Professor Erik Loomis, and that by doing so you are damaging the reputation of URI and your future ability to recruit thoughtful, independent-minded faculty. In this case you appear to have chosen a literal interpretation of Loomis’ metaphorical call for accountability on the part of Wayne LaPierre and the NRA. Calling for someone’s “head on a stick” is a common expression which is conventionally understood as a call for accountability, that someone who has acted inappropriately ought to be held responsible for the harm they have caused. It is perhaps predictable that right-wing political forces, with an ongoing anti-intellectual agenda aimed at silencing critical academics, would pretend to interpret this literally, as an actual threat of violence, and attempt to use that interpretation to discredit or intimidate Professor Loomis. But it is shocking that you would act in such a way as to lend credence to such an overt attempt to twist his meaning and silence his legitimate criticism of LaPierre and the NRA. That Professor Loomis is untenured, and therefore vulnerable to pressures which would infringe his academic freedom, is a serious concern to me as a fellow academic. It is our duty as academics to protect our colleagues who make potentially controversial statements because the freedom of all members of the academic community hinges on this. A failure by URI to vigorously defend academic freedom in a visible case like this would harm us all. Please defend our academic freedom to the best of your ability by standing up for Professor Loomis’ right to make strong public criticisms of powerful interest groups such as the NRA.

Mark Rupert
Professor of Political Science
Syracuse University


PatrickinIowa 12.20.12 at 1:52 am

I support this statement.

Patrick A. Dolan Jr.
Lecturer, Rhetoric, The University of Iowa


Laura McKenna 12.20.12 at 1:54 am

I support Erik Loomis.


Rich Puchalsky 12.20.12 at 1:55 am

I support this statement.


Gwendolyn Saul 12.20.12 at 1:55 am

Please add my name to the list!


Thomas Gokey 12.20.12 at 1:57 am

I support Erik Loomis’s academic freedom and right to free speech. The NRA, one could say, is demanding Loomis’s head on a stake. Any university worthy of the name should be able to resist these vile purveyors of violence. A tiny bit of courage from administrators is required. We’ll soon see if they have it.


Mark Soderstrom 12.20.12 at 1:57 am

I wholeheartedly support this statement.

Mark Soderstrom
SUNY Empire State College


Jeffrey Roland 12.20.12 at 1:57 am

I add my name in support of this statement.

Jeffrey Roland
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Louisiana State University


g. derek musgrove 12.20.12 at 1:57 am

please add my name.


sharon hartman strom 12.20.12 at 1:58 am

The history department at the University of Rhode Island has been, since I joined the faculty in 1969, and retired in 2010, a staunch advocate of academic freedom. I support Erik’s right to make the statement he made, and I believe the current administration at URI – the president, the provost, and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences – have been cowardly in giving him up to the gun lobby wolves in our nation.

Sharon Hartman Strom, Professor Emerita of History, the University of Rhode Island


Kenny 12.20.12 at 1:58 am

Wow, even the worst flamewars here never get 400. I’m glad to see so much support.

I hereby sign on as well.


Sven Sinclair 12.20.12 at 1:59 am

I support this statement.


Vera Tobin 12.20.12 at 2:01 am

I, too, support this statement.

Vera Tobin
Asst. Professor of Cognitive Science
Case Western Reserve University


Chip Gagnon 12.20.12 at 2:01 am

I totally support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Chip Gagnon
Dept of Politics
Ithaca College


Guy Aitchison 12.20.12 at 2:01 am

Guy Aitchison
Doctoral Student, School of Public Policy, UCL


Alan 12.20.12 at 2:02 am

Of course I support this statement. If not, I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas. Optatives forever!

V. Alan White, PhD
University of Wisconsin–Manitowoc


Cara Convery 12.20.12 at 2:04 am

Well said. We are with you Erik!


Neill Brower 12.20.12 at 2:04 am

I support Crooked Timber’s statement in support of Prof. Loomis.


Jon Scop 12.20.12 at 2:05 am

I support Erik Loomis.


Ellen Smith 12.20.12 at 2:05 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Benjamin Balthaser 12.20.12 at 2:06 am

It is a sad day when the administrators of a public university deign to take political operators and news-cycle hacks as serious protest. No one can be so wanting in candor or sophistication as to think that Dr. Loomis actually intended violence on the president of the NRA. I urge you in the name of academic freedom and more importantly, common sense, to rescind your statement and refrain from any action against Dr. Loomis.

Benjamin Balthaser
Department of English
Indiana University, South Bend


Yann Kerevel 12.20.12 at 2:06 am

I stand by Erik and this statement.

Yann Kerevel
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Lewis University


Douglas Lain 12.20.12 at 2:07 am

I support this statement.

Douglas Lain
author of Billy Moon-a novel
host of Diet Soap podcast


Yemon Choi 12.20.12 at 2:09 am

I firmly support this statement, and am dismayed by the stance of the administrators of the University of Rhode Island. It appears they see nothing wrong with throwing people under the bus while professing ignorance of figures of speech such as “throwing people under the bus”.

Yemon Choi
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
University of Saskatchewan


Steven Sherman 12.20.12 at 2:09 am

I support this statement.


Veronica Kayne 12.20.12 at 2:10 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


Liza Featherstone 12.20.12 at 2:10 am

Words can’t convey how much I support the above statement in support of Eric Loomis, common sense, and academic freedom.


Donald A. Coffin 12.20.12 at 2:10 am

I have written the three named URI administrators urging that they not give into what I characterized as mob pressure. I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis

Donald A. Coffin
Emeritus Associate Professor
Indiana University Northwest
Gary, IN


Claire Rasmussen 12.20.12 at 2:11 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Claire Rasmussen
University of Delaware


Steven Pierce 12.20.12 at 2:11 am

I support this statement.

Steven Pierce
Department of History
University of Manchester


Marcella Fancey 12.20.12 at 2:12 am

I support Dr. Loomis.

Marcella Fancey
Columbia Basin College


John Beer 12.20.12 at 2:13 am

I support this statement, & deplore the failure of the URI administration to give Professor Loomis their fullest support as he faces this unsupportable attack.

John Beer
Assistant Professor of English
Portland State University


Mike Ballard 12.20.12 at 2:14 am

I would like to add my name to this statement. I’m an American ex-pat now living in Australia.


Amy Hay 12.20.12 at 2:15 am

I happily join all the “bodies” (ain’t no nobodies on this list) in supporting Professor Erik Loomis in his speaking truth to power. I thank the authors of this statement and add my name in association.

Amy M Hay
History Professor


John Beer 12.20.12 at 2:16 am

I endorse this statement, & deplore the failure of URI administrators to defend Professor Loomis from this unsupportable slur.

John Beer
Assistant Professor of English
Portland State University


Robert Parson 12.20.12 at 2:16 am

I support this statement.


Michael H Schneider 12.20.12 at 2:16 am

I endorse the statement, and support Dr. Loomis

Michael H Schneider
BA Beloit College 1974
JD University of New Mexico, 1979


Roert Jerrard 12.20.12 at 2:16 am

I support this statement.


Brian Thill 12.20.12 at 2:17 am

I support Dr. Loomis and the right of everyone to speak freely.

Brian Thill
Assistant Professor of English, BCC


Andrew Hartman 12.20.12 at 2:18 am

I support Erik Loomis and academic freedom.


Keguro Macharia 12.20.12 at 2:19 am

I support this statement.

Keguro Macharia
Assistant Professor of English
University of Maryland, College Park


Bruce McCulley 12.20.12 at 2:19 am

I support this statement, and have emailed President Dooley.


Leslie Harris 12.20.12 at 2:19 am

Please include me on this statement.
Leslie M. Harris


Tom Conry 12.20.12 at 2:23 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.


PTirebiter 12.20.12 at 2:23 am

I support this statement.

My sole standing in the community is that of a citizen and long time taxpayer. That the statement I’ve endorsed here even needs to be made is disheartning to me. It wasn’t that long ago when some ideas were just accepted as so fundamentally American that they went without saying. This was one of those ideas.


JSE 12.20.12 at 2:24 am

I support this statement.


B. Erin Cole 12.20.12 at 2:24 am

I want to support this excellent and eloquent statement in support of my friend and fellow historian Erik Loomis. It is the responsibility of the University of Rhode Island to support its faculty and academic freedom, and it has shamefully failed to do so in this instance.

B. Erin Cole
History Colorado


marijane white 12.20.12 at 2:25 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis’ freedom of speech.


Dave Roediger 12.20.12 at 2:26 am

I support this statement.


Kelly Jennings 12.20.12 at 2:27 am

I support Erik Loomis, and I support the right to free speech.


Donn Barnes 12.20.12 at 2:27 am

Mr. Loomis is an often disagreeable blogger with whom I have found frequent disagreement. However, the actions of those right wing seeking retribution for statements made by Mr. Loomis are beyond the pale. That University of Rhode Island officials would allow themselves to fall prey to this kind of witch hunt does not speak well for the university. Free thinking individuals cannot let this kind of injustice stand. I lend my name in support of Eric Loomis and most especially the basic human right of free expression.


Dave Barber 12.20.12 at 2:27 am

I support this statement. I hope that university administrators and other officials will, at minimum, exercise basic rhetorical competence when evaluating public political utterances. Similarly, they shouldn’t pretend to be ignorant who exactly is agitating against Dr. Loomis, and why.

Dave Barber, J.D. candidate, Harvard Law School


Eric Robertson 12.20.12 at 2:28 am

I support Erik Loomis.


Theo McLauchlin 12.20.12 at 2:29 am

I support this statement and Professor Loomis’ freedom of speech.

Theodore McLauchlin
Postdoctoral Fellow
CEPSI, Université de Montréal


G. Curtin Hughes 12.20.12 at 2:29 am

I stand with Erik Loomis.


Bijan Parsia 12.20.12 at 2:29 am

I support this statement and Dr. Erik Loomis

Bijan Parsia
Senior Lecturer
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester, UK


Scott K Taylor 12.20.12 at 2:30 am

I support this statement.
Scott K. Taylor
Dept. of History
University of Kentucky


Scott 12.20.12 at 2:30 am

It’s sad that this action even needs to be taken, but I stand behind this statement and with Erik Loomis.

Scott Ross
Graduate Student, Yale University


Daniel Smith 12.20.12 at 2:31 am

I fully support Dr. Loom is and urge the administration of the University of Rhode Island to do the same.


Adam Parsons 12.20.12 at 2:31 am

I wholeheartedly support this statement.

Adam Parsons, Ph.D. candidate, history, Syracuse University.


Gerry Canavan 12.20.12 at 2:33 am

Professor Loomis’s metaphorical statements cannot be reasonably characterized as either an act of violence or a threat of violence within the context of a 21st-century liberal democracy. These attacks are being made in bad faith, and should not be granted any credence by URI.

Gerry Canavan
Assistant Professor, English
Marquette University


Phil Gasper 12.20.12 at 2:33 am

Add my name, please.

Phil Gasper
Madison College
Madison, WI


Jeppe Mulich 12.20.12 at 2:33 am

I fully support this statement and Dr. Loomis.

Jeppe Mulich
Doctoral Candidate
New York University


Alec Johnson 12.20.12 at 2:35 am

I wish to add my name to those who share the concern that Eric Loomis is being absurdly vilified for an off the cuff remark that was merely a figure of speech and not even remotely a serious death threat.


Robert E. Attmore 12.20.12 at 2:35 am

I support this statement.


andrewiliadis 12.20.12 at 2:36 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Andrew Iliadis, Doctoral Student
Communication and Philosophy
Purdue University


Dylan Sailor 12.20.12 at 2:40 am

Dylan Sailor
Associate Professor of Classics
UC Berkeley


jharp 12.20.12 at 2:41 am

I fully support Erik Loomis.


Erin Baugher 12.20.12 at 2:42 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Erin Baugher
PhD Candidate
University of Delaware


Jake Mattox 12.20.12 at 2:42 am

I support this statement and Dr. Loomis.

Jake Mattox
Department of English
Indiana University, South Bend


Marc Pinsonneault 12.20.12 at 2:44 am

I strongly support this statement.

Marc Pinsonneault
Professor, Astronomy
Ohio State University


Mary delaney 12.20.12 at 2:45 am

I stand with Erik Loomis, free speech, and academic freedom.


Melanee Thomas 12.20.12 at 2:46 am

Well said. Academic freedom includes the freedom to express one’s views via metaphor.


Liam Drain 12.20.12 at 2:46 am

I support this statement and the freedom to use metaphors, extremely common or otherwise.
Liam Drain
Ceramics Studio Tech, Pacific NW College of Art


Glenn Mackin 12.20.12 at 2:51 am

I wholeheartedly endorse the message of this post and wish to express my support for Professor Loomis.

Glenn Mackin
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Eastman School of Music
University of Rochester


David Sousa 12.20.12 at 2:52 am

Please add my name to this list. If you wish, note that I am a URI grad, 1982.


Tracy Lightcap 12.20.12 at 2:54 am

I add my name to those supporting Dr. Loomis. This campaign against him is unprecedented in its stupidity and mendacity.


Mark Alfano 12.20.12 at 2:54 am

Agreed. Metaphors should not be read literally simply in order to attack one’s enemies.


William A. Jacobson 12.20.12 at 2:55 am

I’ll sign onto this statement to the extent that Loomis should not suffer adverse employment consequences, a view I expressed long before this statement, but don’t kid yourselves that he’s a hero, he wanted to deprive others of the rights you are defending,


George Johnston 12.20.12 at 2:56 am

An academic adminstrator who conflates a figure of speech with a call to violence should have their sheepskin shorn. Why is the administration gunning for Erik Loomis?


Gretchen A. Adams 12.20.12 at 2:57 am

I support this statement.
Gretchen A. Adams, Assoc. Prof
Texas Tech University


Sherman Dorn (Tampa) 12.20.12 at 2:57 am

I agree with this statement.


Don Yorty 12.20.12 at 2:57 am

I am with Erik Loomis.


Rick 12.20.12 at 2:58 am

Knowing nothing else about Loomis, I support this statement. But I think the academic freedom concern is secondary. The big threat is that a group of well-coordinated attack dogs have learned than truth does not matter in the public space anymore. Any sane person knows what Loomis meant on this topic. The attackers do too. This skirmish is about the ability to shape the gun debate, or any debate, with forceful, easily-debunked lies. The method works, as we see here, and we who care about reality have got to fight back. Maybe with sticks. Sticks of, um, compassion, of course.


Kathy Najjar 12.20.12 at 2:58 am

I fully support Dr Loomis, metaphors, free speech, and not incidentally, academic freedom.
Katherine Najjar
graduate student
University of Nebraska


am 12.20.12 at 2:58 am

Well ha ha ha. Perhaps those who blamed Sarah Palin for a mass murder because she had a jpeg on her website might reflect upon who is most guilty of this sort of thing.


Randi Kristensen 12.20.12 at 2:58 am

Please add my support for Dr. Loomis.


Martha Rosler 12.20.12 at 2:59 am

I endorse the statement in support Erik Loomis, academic freedom, and his tweeted sentiments. I have also emailed the three individuals named above.
Martha Rosler
Professor II Emerita
Rutgers University


Gretchen A. Adams 12.20.12 at 3:04 am

I support this statement

Gretchen A. Adams
Assoc. Professor of History
Texas Tech University


Jeremy Eades 12.20.12 at 3:04 am

I wholeheartedly endorse the above statement.


Cassandra Breeding 12.20.12 at 3:05 am

I strongly support this statement, academic freedom, and Erik Loomis.


Joel Patterson 12.20.12 at 3:06 am

The University Rhode Island should ignore this specious claim that a simple metaphor is a death threat. I stand with Erik Loomis and the right to freedom of speech for all Americans.


Eric Selbin 12.20.12 at 3:07 am

As a former colleague of Professor Loomis’, I am particularly proud to associate myself with this statement in support of him and look forward to sharing my views on this matter with our colleagues at URI, who should (and indeed, do) know better.

Eric Selbin
Professor of Political Science & University Scholar
Southwestern University


Nick Riemer 12.20.12 at 3:12 am

I strongly endorse this statement and condemn URI administrators’ lack of preparedness to defend elementary freedom of expression.

Departments of English and Linguistics
University of Sydney


Michael J.Z. Mannheimer 12.20.12 at 3:13 am

I support this statement and Dr. Loomis.

Michael J. Zydney Mannheimer
Professor of Law
Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Northern Kentucky University


Ted Murawski 12.20.12 at 3:14 am

I join with you in supporting Erik.


Charles Hutchins 12.20.12 at 3:14 am

I support this statement.

Charles Hutchins, PhD


Robert T Kasenchak Jr 12.20.12 at 3:19 am

I endorse this statement and support Erik Loomis.


Cedar Riener 12.20.12 at 3:20 am

I support this statement.

Cedar Riener
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Randolph-Macon College


Patrick Thaddeus Jackson 12.20.12 at 3:22 am

Completely agreed. Count this as my signature in support.


lambert strether 12.20.12 at 3:25 am

I associate myself this statement.

* * *

Even more appalling than the behavior of Reynolds, Malkin, et al. — who are, after all, only doing what one expects of them — is the behavior of the URI administrators, who, as educators, should be able to distinguish language that is meant to be taken literally from language that is not.


Hugh Miller 12.20.12 at 3:26 am

I endorse this statement fully. The URI administrators’ language is unworthy of an institution of higher learning.

Hugh Miller
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Loyola University Chicago


John Kozma 12.20.12 at 3:27 am

I completely support this statement, and Dr. Loomis.


Tony Cebzanov 12.20.12 at 3:31 am

I support this statement. Dr. Loomis’ statement was clearly metaphorical and not a call for violence.

Tony Cebzanov
Carnegie Mellon University


John Gulick 12.20.12 at 3:33 am

Please sign me on to this statement. I’m fully in support of it.

John Gulick
Brooklyn, NY


Thomas Nephew 12.20.12 at 3:33 am

I’m among those who’ve disagreed with Mr. Loomis on politics lately. But I completely agree with this statement. This is a brazen, utterly unprincipled political stunt; the University of Rhode Island must not play along with it.


Greg Sanders 12.20.12 at 3:34 am

I can only speak for myself, but I support this statement.


Greg Sanders 12.20.12 at 3:34 am

I can only speak for myself, but I support this statement.


Greg Sanders 12.20.12 at 3:34 am

I can only speak for myself, but I support this statement.


Shane Herron 12.20.12 at 3:35 am

I associate myself with this statement.

Shane Herron
Department of English
Furman University


Lyle Horn 12.20.12 at 3:36 am

Retired professor. Appalled by URI statement.
Temple University Medical School.


Paul Shetler 12.20.12 at 3:36 am

I associate myself with this statement and support Erik Loomis.


David Beriss 12.20.12 at 3:37 am

I support Erik Loomis in this.

David Beriss
University of New Orleans


Alan Wallach 12.20.12 at 3:38 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Charles Rossi 12.20.12 at 3:38 am

I am pleased to support this statement. The administrators at the University of Rhode Island should be ashamed of the University’s official statement.


Lee Papa 12.20.12 at 3:38 am

I support Erik Loomis and this statement.


Lisa Maruca 12.20.12 at 3:39 am

*I strongly support this statement*
Lisa Maruca
Wayne State University


Chet Murthy 12.20.12 at 3:39 am

I agree wholeheartedly with this statement, and with Dr. Loomis. His language is clearly within normal bounds, and the example being made of him is purely about silencing a strong voice for the reality-based community. I have found value in his writings on LGM, and the world of academia would be impoverished if his voice were silenced or muzzled, or merely voluntarily muzzled.

He said nothing of which anyone should be ashamed or troubled, and those who argue otherwise are pursuing an agenda unrelated to the actual promotion of civility in dicourse and society.


Jim Jividen 12.20.12 at 3:39 am

I strongly support this statement.


Evelyn Nadeau 12.20.12 at 3:41 am

I support this statement, academic freedom and freedom of speech in general.


Eleanor Hannah 12.20.12 at 3:44 am

I endorse this statement. And, I support Erik.


John Skookum 12.20.12 at 3:45 am

I support Dr. Loomis’s right to metaphorical free speech. Also Sarah Palin’s.


Michael Squire 12.20.12 at 3:45 am

I support this statement, wholeheartedly. This is a travesty and I will be sending the same messages to the URI admins.


Michael D. Yates 12.20.12 at 3:48 am

Please sign me onto your statement in support of Professor Loomis. If a statement as mild as Professor Loomis’s can be grounds for losing a teaching job in a university, then academic freedom has lost all meaning. It is sad to see that his university has felt the need to cave in to the rightwing NRA and all the hypocritical rightwing bloggers and pundits. It should be defending the professor’s right to express his point of view. Let’s remember, he used a common figure of speech. The power of the NRA and its rightist brethren has been responsible for an extremely large number of actual deaths.


Kathryn E. Anderson 12.20.12 at 3:50 am

I wholeheartedly support this statement and Erik Loomis. I am happy to see several others from my alma mater, Macalester College, expressing their support as well.


Alexander Best 12.20.12 at 3:51 am

I support this statement and am troubled by the frequent inability for administration to discern rhetoric from policy or actual intent. This kind of reaction is all-to-common in all schools – especially k-12 schools – and is socially damaging and irresponsible.


Ralph E. Luker 12.20.12 at 3:52 am

I support Crooked Timber’s statement in support of Professor Loomis.


Aryeh Cohen 12.20.12 at 3:54 am

I agree with and support this statement.


Neera Badhwar 12.20.12 at 3:55 am

I support Loomis’ right to say whatever he feels, regardless of its quality. It is shameful of the administration to call the police on a faculty member. Speech must be countered by speech, not law enforcement.


Gordon Hull 12.20.12 at 3:56 am

I support Erik Loomis. It’s disgusting to watch the NRA and its affiliates spend so much time not just defending unlimited gun rights, but trying to suppress all discussion of limiting those rights. They’re so busy on their reading of the 2nd Amendment, they forgot about the First.


Tim Hanafin 12.20.12 at 3:56 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Tim Hanafin
PhD Candidate
Department of Political Science
Johns Hopkins University


John Carson 12.20.12 at 3:56 am

I completely support this statement on behalf of Erik Loomis, free speech, and a reasonable understanding of the English language.

John Carson
Associate Professor
University of Michigan


William Berry 12.20.12 at 3:56 am

I fully support Erik Loomis. The URI should step up now and unequivocally voice its support for Erik and affirm its commitment to academic freedom.


Neal T. Walsh 12.20.12 at 3:56 am

As an alumni of the University of Rhode Island, I support this statement. I am gravely disappointed that the administration at the University has failed to support and defend a faculty member from spurious accusations by individuals that insist on a literal interpretation of a commonly used metaphor.


Philip Malthus 12.20.12 at 4:00 am

I support this statement and Dr Erik Loomis


Jeff Sanders 12.20.12 at 4:00 am

I totally support Erik – always have, always will


Caroline Maun 12.20.12 at 4:06 am

I support this statement, and I’m saddened by the administration’s retreat from the defense of academic freedom.


Sandie Holguin 12.20.12 at 4:08 am

I support this statement.


JW Mason 12.20.12 at 4:09 am

I associate myself with this statement.


Ben Smith 12.20.12 at 4:11 am

I strongly support this statement. Any attempt to fire, dismiss, or intimidate Erik Loomis would constitute an unacceptable attack against freedom of speech rights.

I stand behind Professor Loomis — An injury to one is an injury to all!


Deborah Gerish 12.20.12 at 4:12 am

Clearly Dr. Loomis spoke metaphorically, not literally. I support the above statement, and Dr. Loomis.
Dr. Deborah Gerish
associate professor of history
Emporia State University


Lauren Bird 12.20.12 at 4:13 am

I support this statement and Dr Erik Loomis


Mike Bird 12.20.12 at 4:14 am

I am an Australian living in Australia. To me it seems that the reaction of the URI and NRA to Erik Loomis is just another manifestation of the impending death of America the one-time beacon of democracy. How sad.


Zachary Brittsan 12.20.12 at 4:14 am

I support this statement.


Kirsten T. Saxton 12.20.12 at 4:15 am

I fully support this statement.
Kirsten Saxton
Associate Professor of English
Mills College


Roy Rogers 12.20.12 at 4:15 am

I strongly support this statement.

Roy Rogers
PhD. Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center


Bridgett Williams-Searle 12.20.12 at 4:15 am

I endorse this statement and support Erik Loomis on the dual grounds of academic freedom and linguistic common sense.

Prof. Bridgett Williams-Searle
Associate Professor of History
College of Saint Rose


Michael Collins 12.20.12 at 4:19 am

I support this statement and Dr. Loomis.


Greg Smith 12.20.12 at 4:23 am

I support academic freedom and free speech. I support Erik.


Sue Peterson 12.20.12 at 4:25 am

I support this statement.

Susan Peterson
Professor of Government
College of William & Mary


TBogg 12.20.12 at 4:25 am

I am in complete support of Eric Loomis

No college … just street smart


Jennifer Seltz 12.20.12 at 4:27 am

I support this statement.

Jennifer Seltz
History Department
Western Washington University


Ted Swedenburg 12.20.12 at 4:28 am

I support this statement. Ted Swedenburg, Professor of Anthropology, University of Arkansas


Walter Casey 12.20.12 at 4:31 am

I stand with Professor Loomis. It’s a shame his University kowtows to the gun-fetishists.


Charles Snyder 12.20.12 at 4:31 am

I support Eric Loomis and decry the false equivalence of true threats of violence with a figure of speech.


Chris Ray 12.20.12 at 4:31 am

This is ludicrous. I fully support this statement.


Jay Arena 12.20.12 at 4:32 am

I support this statement, and I’m saddened by the administration’s retreat from the defense of academic freedom.
Jay Arena
Asst Professor
College of Staten Island


Casey B. 12.20.12 at 4:32 am

I completely support Eric Loomis.

Casey Boggioni
Graduate Student
John Jay College


Marek D. Steedman 12.20.12 at 4:32 am

Please add my name in support of this statement.

Marek Steedman
Associate Professor
University of Southern Mississippi


Sasha Goldberg 12.20.12 at 4:33 am

I support this statement and offer my sincere hope that a group of dishonest and manipulative individuals will not, once again, succeed in destroying someone’s life through a ginned up controversy helped along by the cowardice of people who know better.


Phil Hultquist 12.20.12 at 4:34 am

I support this statement.


Lee Zimmerman 12.20.12 at 4:35 am

English Department
Hofstra University

URI writes that “The University is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive and equitable culture”–but not a culture “safe” for metaphor or “inclusive” of those who speak metaphorically about justice? Hmm.


Tom Tilley 12.20.12 at 4:36 am

I support this statement.


Jose Gomez 12.20.12 at 4:37 am

I associate myself with and support your important statement. The URI administration appears to be listening to those who want Professor Erik Loomis’ head on a platter. In the interest of academic freedom and the credibility of the academy, that cannot be allowed to happen.

Jose Gomez, J.D.
Member of the Faculty – Constitutional Law


Margot Finn 12.20.12 at 4:37 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Margot Finn
Lecturer, University of Michigan


Alice Blair 12.20.12 at 4:37 am

I support this statement.


Jeff McMahan 12.20.12 at 4:38 am

I whole-heartedly support this statment in support of Erik Loomis.

Jeff McMahan
Professor of Philosophy
Rutgers University


Lyssa Bossay 12.20.12 at 4:41 am

I completely support Mr. Loomis. The attacks upon him are vile and stupid.


Mark Csikszentmihalyi 12.20.12 at 4:44 am

Teaching at a university should not mean one sacrifices the prerogative to personal free speech.

Mark Csikszentmihalyi, UC-Berkeley


loren 12.20.12 at 4:44 am

I’m in: I support this statement and Eric Loomis.

Loren King
Political Science
Wilfrid Laurier University


Valerie Booth 12.20.12 at 4:47 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement and the freedom of speech that makes academic work possible and valuable.

Dr. Valerie Booth
Assistant Teaching Professor
Drexel University


François Luong 12.20.12 at 4:51 am

I stand in support of Erik Loomis and against the distortions of the right wing.


Rachael Edwards 12.20.12 at 4:51 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


Carol Marie Tuite 12.20.12 at 4:53 am

I wholeheartedly support Erik Loomis and agree with the editors of this blog regarding the matter. Please add my name in support of this statement.

Graduate Student
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs


Charles Pierce 12.20.12 at 4:58 am

Count me in.
Charles P. Pierce


Alan Rudy 12.20.12 at 4:59 am

This statement reflects my views on the matter to a T.
Dr. Alan P. Rudy
East Lansing, MI


Peter Sachs Collopy 12.20.12 at 5:01 am

I endorse this defense of the legitimacy of metaphor.

Peter Sachs Collopy
Doctoral Candidate
University of Pennsylvania


Ora Szekely 12.20.12 at 5:01 am

I strongly support this statement.

Ora Szekely
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Clark University


Michelle Estep 12.20.12 at 5:08 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Michelle Estep
ESL Instructor
University of Houston Downtown


David Hart 12.20.12 at 5:09 am

Please add my name to the list of those in support of Erik Loomis and his right to speak his mind. I fully support this statement.


Randi Cox 12.20.12 at 5:15 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis in the name of basic reading comprehension skills.

Randi Cox
History Department
Stephen F. Austin State University


James Gramlich 12.20.12 at 5:22 am

I write in support of this statement and Dr. Loomis.

James Gramlich
Associate Professor of Sociology
William Rainey Harper College


Spencer Fleury 12.20.12 at 5:26 am

I fully support this statement, and I’ve emailed the university president about this whole stupid brouhaha.

Spencer Fleury


Nick Schueller 12.20.12 at 5:27 am

I fully support this statement.


Andy Mitchell 12.20.12 at 5:30 am

I support this statement.

What has our nation of letters come to when a university professor of liberal arts can be pilloried, in supposed seriousness, for the effrontery of an allusion riffed directly from Macbeth?“head+on+a+pike”+shakespeare


Jamsheed Siyar 12.20.12 at 5:31 am

Last time around, I didn’t mention my affiliation. So please ignore #203 and consider this the replacement. Obviously, I speak for myself.

Jamsheed Siyar
Visiting Assistant Professor
College of Wooster


Henry 12.20.12 at 5:38 am

I remind commenters that this is not a regular comments thread, but instead an opportunity for those who want to sign onto the statement to do so. Any posts which try to engage in wider arguments, and which are not simply statements of support, will be deleted.


Joseph Cotton 12.20.12 at 5:39 am

Please add my name as well to this list of supporters. I fully support this statement and his right to speak his mind.


Robert Wright 12.20.12 at 5:45 am

I support Erik and free speech.


Peter Y. Paik 12.20.12 at 5:46 am

I support the statement and wish to sign on to it.


James Norris 12.20.12 at 5:48 am

I fully support this statement, for what it’s worth.

James Norris


P Scoville 12.20.12 at 5:50 am

I support Eric Loomis


Margot Paisley 12.20.12 at 5:54 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.


Warren Jason Street 12.20.12 at 5:55 am

I support the right of anyone to use the occasional rhetorical flourish and the mild, intemperate remarks that accompany much of our discourse in this country. If you can’t say anything unpopular, why are you trying to teach people in the first place?

Warren Jason Street
BS English & History
University of Maryland University College
(I will never teach, never I tell you. Never. But I like people who do teach.)


ken carey 12.20.12 at 5:57 am

Full support for Erik, both for the principle and the content.

Ken Carey
University of Guelph


Andy Albertson 12.20.12 at 6:01 am

As an educator of young children, former Western CT resident, and a person who has cried daily since the tragedy last week – not to mention having known Erik for a number of years and not always agreeing with him but certainly envying his brilliance – I am appalled by this saga. I wholeheartedly endorse his cause.


Henry Sivak 12.20.12 at 6:05 am

I fully support this statement.


Gregory Cherlin 12.20.12 at 6:09 am

I fully support this statement. The URI administrators should keep their heads.

Gregory Cherlin, Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University


Art Keating 12.20.12 at 6:10 am

Hell yes, I support Erik’s right to free and fair expression without being subject to unfair retribution arising from any application of odious double standards on rhetorical phrases.

Also, I’m impressed by the quality of the support Erik is receiving from more distinguished folks than me. Keep up the good work.

Lastly, Erik’s series of posts on historical labor union events at LGM has been excellent and I hope that a byproduct of these unfortunate attacks will be to have more people exposed to his work.


Robert Belgeri 12.20.12 at 6:12 am

I, too, support Eric Loomis.


Amy 12.20.12 at 6:14 am

Yes: I support this statement and Erik Loomis.

Amy Kohout
PhD candidate
Cornell University


Walter Simons 12.20.12 at 6:20 am

Signed in support of the statement.

Walter Simons
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire


Joseph H. Carens 12.20.12 at 6:20 am

I endorse this statement. Please add my name to the list of signatures.

Joseph H. Carens
Professor of Political Science
University of Toronto


Josh Jones 12.20.12 at 6:21 am

I fully endorse this statement and support Erik Loomis’s right to free expression.


Andrew Hoberek 12.20.12 at 6:25 am

Signed in support.


Debra Satz 12.20.12 at 6:26 am

I support the first amendment rights of Eric Loomis and think that the failure of his university to stand behind those rights is terrible.
Debra Satz
Stanford University


Andrea Young 12.20.12 at 6:26 am

I stand with Erik Loomis.


Katie Herman 12.20.12 at 6:27 am

I support this statement.

Katherine Herman
University of Maryland


Debra Satz 12.20.12 at 6:31 am

I support the first amendment rights of Eric Loomis and think that the failure of his university to stand behind these rights is reprehensible.
Debra Satz
Stanford University


James Kyung-Jin Lee 12.20.12 at 6:32 am



Paul Kern 12.20.12 at 6:34 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.


leo marvin 12.20.12 at 6:35 am

Count me in.


Matt Hardin 12.20.12 at 6:35 am

I support Dr. Loomis. How university adminisatrtors fail to recognise a metaphor is beyond me.


Laura Doty 12.20.12 at 6:40 am

I fully support this statement and Professor Loomis.

Laura Doty, Ph.D.


Neil Sinhababu 12.20.12 at 6:45 am

I fully support this statement.

Neil Sinhababu
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
National University of Singapore


Stephen R.L.Clark 12.20.12 at 6:45 am

I too support the statement.

Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Liverpool.


Debra Rae Cohen 12.20.12 at 6:52 am

I fully endorse this statement.

Debra Rae Cohen
Associate Professor of English
University of South Carolina


Mauro Thon Giudici 12.20.12 at 6:55 am

I strongly endorse you.

under the general statement made by Voltaire “I [may] disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”

Mauro Thon Giudici
Milan, Italy


Justin Schwartz, Esq. 12.20.12 at 6:56 am

Lawyers say the US Attorney or the plaintiff’s bar wants a big head on a stick all the time, like the Governor or Jeff Skilling or [enter name of bug corporate defendant here]. You’d have to be a head on a stick yourself to interpret this as a threat or even a wish that the named party come to a violent and ignominious end. It means you want the really bad guys nailed, and that’s not a threat of violence either. You want them figuratively or literally to pay. Any other interpretation, since about the end if the 17th century in Common law countries, is disingenuous. Right wing loons want Prof. Loomis’ head in a stick, and they hypocritically use his use of that phrase to attempt to get it.


John David Meier 12.20.12 at 6:57 am

I wholeheartedly support this statement and Erik Loomis.


Malcolm Emerich 12.20.12 at 7:03 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis


Luciana Proano 12.20.12 at 7:05 am

How dry and emotionless a culture without metaphor. Please add me in support of Loomis.


waldo 12.20.12 at 7:06 am

I fully support Erik Loomis.


Joanna Picciotto 12.20.12 at 7:09 am

I support Erik Loomis


Susan D. Einbinder, Ph.D. 12.20.12 at 7:17 am

Please add my support.

S.D. Einbinder, Ph.D., Associate Professor
California State University Dominguez Hills, California


Noel Jackson 12.20.12 at 7:18 am

I support this statement on behalf of Mr. Loomis.

Noel Jackson


J. Dmitri Gallow 12.20.12 at 7:18 am

I support this statement.


Larry Rothfield 12.20.12 at 7:21 am

Please add my name to this statement.


Leslie Salzinger 12.20.12 at 7:21 am

Please add my signature. The attacks on Loomis are just more cynical and opportunistic attacks on academic freedom from the right.


Marc Mulholland 12.20.12 at 7:21 am

I support this statement, and have sent an e-mail to this effect.


CharleyCarp 12.20.12 at 7:22 am

I support the statement.

Missoula Montana


Larry Rothfield 12.20.12 at 7:23 am

I wish to have my name added to this statement. This kind of bullying must be resisted.


Susan Schuurman 12.20.12 at 7:29 am

I wholeheartedly support Erik Loomis. I challenge the URI to issue a strong statement of support for the First Amendment and academic freedom and to stand firm against mainstream media exploitation of metaphoric language.

Perhaps this has already occurred, but I also encourage Erik to issue a statement explaining explicitly what he meant by “head on a stick,” (I assume he wanted the head of the NRA to lose his job and also be held accountable for the strangle-hold the NRA has held on rational gun laws in this country) and to use this fifteen minutes of fame to explain in detail why the NRA needs to have its power dramatically curtailed.

Go Erik, Go Erik!

Susan Schuurman
Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice


Kindred Winecoff 12.20.12 at 7:35 am

Only sorry that I saw this so late. I support the statement.

William Kindred Winecoff
PhD candidate
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Assistant Professor
Indiana University at Bloomington (effective August 2013)


SC 12.20.12 at 7:37 am

I stand with Erik


Scott Clifton 12.20.12 at 7:38 am

I stand with Erik. Please add my name


Angus Taylor 12.20.12 at 7:42 am

I support this statement.

Angus Taylor
University of Victoria


Andrew B. Lee 12.20.12 at 7:46 am

Andrew B. Lee, recently graduated M.A. student in Dept. of Sociology at Cal State Fullerton.

Lecturer in Business Administration at Sahmyook University starting 2013.


Paul H. Rosenberg 12.20.12 at 7:46 am

I support this statement, free speech, academic freedom… and the use of metaphors. Any “educational” institution that would fire someone for using a metaphor clearly doesn’t understand the business it is in, and should probably just fire everyone & close up shop.


Ian Munro 12.20.12 at 7:53 am

I emphatically support this statement.

Ian Munro
Associate Professor of Drama
UC Irvine

(Over 600 responses and not one Pratchettian “onna stick” joke? Come on, people!)


Fredric Alan Maxwell 12.20.12 at 7:59 am

I stand with Erik Loomis. Fifty years ago next month, Arthur Miller’s play THE CRUCIBLE premiered. But that was about Salem, Massachusetts, not The University of Rhode Island. The former was about hysteria. The latter is supposed to be about academic freedom. The latter is supposed to be about academic freedom.


patrick tomlin 12.20.12 at 7:59 am

I endorse this.

Patrick Tomlin
University of Reading


Julian Wilson 12.20.12 at 8:04 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Jonathan Birch 12.20.12 at 8:06 am

I support this statement.

I don’t even think it’s a question of freedom of speech. I don’t think anyone has a right to issue death threats, but I do think people have a right to use ordinary metaphors that are clearly not death threats.


NickC 12.20.12 at 8:06 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis


Adam Haley 12.20.12 at 8:20 am

I stand firmly behind this statement, and firmly opposed to the crassly cynical, strategic literalism of petulant children.

Adam Haley
Lecturer in English
Penn State University


StevenAttewell 12.20.12 at 8:22 am

Already sent an email, but I support this statement.

Steven Attewell
PhD Student of History


Steve Lawrence 12.20.12 at 8:29 am

I write in support of the statement.

{Sheesh, Juan Cole and Yale… Michael Mann and the Virginia AG… now this…}

Hang tough Dr. Loomis.

Steve Lawrence, Ph.D.
Research Chemist


Steve Werny 12.20.12 at 8:34 am

I support this statement.


Michael Brown 12.20.12 at 8:34 am

I’m nobody important, and I endorse this message.


Elizabeth Bales-Stutes 12.20.12 at 8:36 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Kirsten Duda 12.20.12 at 8:37 am



Claudia Campeanu 12.20.12 at 8:44 am

I support this statement and I stand by Erik Loomis.

Claudia Campeanu
Lecturer, School of Sociology and Social Work
University of Bucharest


Adam Hosein 12.20.12 at 9:02 am

I support this statement and denounce the attack on Erik Loomis.

Adam Hosein
University of Colorado, Boulder


Phil Hutchinson 12.20.12 at 9:02 am

I agree this is an appalling disingenuous witch hunt. as I wrote this comment I listen to the Today programme on the UK’s BBC Radio 4 and interviewer and interviewee are both are using the phrase “heads must roll” are the advocating beheading of senior BBC execs? of course not!


Stephen Thurston 12.20.12 at 9:02 am

I fully support Dr Loomis, metaphors, free speech, and academic freedom


Iain Brassington 12.20.12 at 9:05 am

Count me in.

Iain Brassington
CSEP/ iSEI/ School of Law
University of Manchester


Andrew Brown 12.20.12 at 9:10 am

I support this statement entirely
Andrew Brown


Neville Morley 12.20.12 at 9:13 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.

Neville Morley, University of Bristol, UK


Richard Lawrence 12.20.12 at 9:15 am

I wish to add my name to those supporting Eric Loomis in the struggle against the banal evil demonstrated by NRA acolytes. The world watches.
Richard Lawrence MB BS PhD FRACP
Conjoint Senior Lecturer in Medicine, University of Newcastle.


Jennifer Ward 12.20.12 at 9:17 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.


Kris Shapar 12.20.12 at 9:38 am

I’m a fellow American, and I wholeheartedly support this statement. Thank you for giving us this vehicle for speaking out.


Kathleen O'Neill 12.20.12 at 9:40 am

I support this statement and stand with Erik Loomis.


Adam Humphreys 12.20.12 at 9:43 am

I support this statement.
Adam Humphreys, Fellow in Politics, Brasenose College, Oxford


Erica Matson 12.20.12 at 9:54 am

Signed in support.

University of Michigan JD candidate


Jonathan 12.20.12 at 9:54 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement

Jonathan Perraton, Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Sheffield, UK


Foad Torshizi 12.20.12 at 9:58 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis; thank you for writing it.


Paulina Sliwa 12.20.12 at 10:05 am

I support this statement.

Paulina Sliwa


Ian Preston 12.20.12 at 10:15 am

I support this statement.


Dr Lee Jones 12.20.12 at 10:15 am

I would like to associate myself with this statement.
Dr Lee Jones
Queen Mary, University of London


Eileen Abrahams 12.20.12 at 10:16 am

I, too, wholeheartedly endorse this statement in support of Professor Loomis.


Ciaran 12.20.12 at 10:20 am

Of all the phoney psuedo- outrages whipped up by the wingnuts this is easily the phoniest. These people have no shame.


Ben Bronner 12.20.12 at 10:22 am

I support this statement. I just emailed Dooley, DeHayes, and Brownell to express my surprise and disappointment with Dooley’s December 18 statement and to ask that the university correct its irresponsible misinterpretation of Loomis’s comments.


Martin 12.20.12 at 10:23 am

I support this statement.


Frederick Guy 12.20.12 at 10:28 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.

Frederick Guy
Senior Lecturer in Management
Birkbeck, University of London


Andrew Bartlett 12.20.12 at 10:30 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement

Andrew Bartlett
Research Fellow, Migration Law Program
Australian National University


Emma Grahame 12.20.12 at 10:31 am

I’m proud to support Erik Loomis and this statement
Emma Grahame
Editorial Coordinator, Dictionary of Sydney


James Wattengel 12.20.12 at 10:31 am

My wife is a high school teacher in Franklin, MA which is on the border with Rhode Island. Of course, I support this statement.


Stuart White 12.20.12 at 10:37 am

I support this statement.

Stuart White, Oxford University


Joseph Varga 12.20.12 at 10:39 am

Please add my name to the supporters of Professor Loomis.


Richard Farmer 12.20.12 at 10:44 am

I support this statement.


Alex Sutherland 12.20.12 at 11:02 am

In support of Eric loomis.


Jelmer Renema 12.20.12 at 11:03 am

I support this statement.


Neil 12.20.12 at 11:07 am

I endorse this statement.

Neil Levy, University of Oxford and Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health.


roger gathman 12.20.12 at 11:08 am

Sign me up. I support this statement. Roger Gathmann 20 Rue des Quatre Fils Paris France 75003.


Carole-Ann 12.20.12 at 11:08 am

I wholeheartedly support this statement and Professor Loomis. Please add my name.

Carole-Ann Warburton
(British person of no importance)


Simon Rippon 12.20.12 at 11:08 am

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement, and not because I agree with Loomis, but because in the name of academic freedom, a university president worthy of the title should stand up to defend any member of the university against charges brought only through willful and/or ignorant misinterpretation.


John Cosby 12.20.12 at 11:17 am

I agree with Prof. Loomis’s call for meaningful consequences for Mr. LaPierre. I support his right to express that opinion using a common metaphor. I disagree with the University of Rhode Island’s decision to distance itself from its professor.


John Kozak 12.20.12 at 11:20 am

I support this statement.


David McCourt 12.20.12 at 11:22 am

I support Erik.


Alex 12.20.12 at 11:25 am

I sign.

Alexander Harrowell.


Greg Machlin 12.20.12 at 11:29 am

I’ve got a BA from Brown (2002) and an MFA from the University of Iowa’s playwriting program (2008). I stand in support of Erik Loomis.


Dar Derthick 12.20.12 at 11:35 am

I agree


Hazel Troost 12.20.12 at 11:35 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis.


Jason B. Jones 12.20.12 at 11:37 am

I support this statement.


Jay Driskell 12.20.12 at 11:38 am

Please add my name.

Jay Driskell
Assistant Professor, Hood College


Russell L. Dees 12.20.12 at 11:43 am

I also support the statement.

Russell Dees, lecturer, University of Copenhagen


Simon Gilhooley 12.20.12 at 11:45 am

I support this statement


Chris Howell 12.20.12 at 11:52 am

I sign.


Chris Howell 12.20.12 at 11:56 am

Please delete my post above and add this one with my affiliation:

I sign this letter and support its content.

Chris Howell
Professor of Politics
Oberlin College,
Oberlin, Ohio


Daniel Jordan, PhD 12.20.12 at 11:57 am

I fully support Erik Loomis.


Sam Nelson 12.20.12 at 11:59 am

I endorse this statement in support of Prof. Loomis.

Sam Nelson
University of Toledo


Christopher Young 12.20.12 at 12:01 pm

For what little it may be worth, I fully support Prof. Loomis and endorse this statement.


Coulter George 12.20.12 at 12:02 pm

I support this statement on behalf of both Erik Loomis and a sensible understanding of figurative language generally.

Coulter George
University of Virginia


Glenda Carl 12.20.12 at 12:05 pm

I stand with Eric, and I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Kim Lacey 12.20.12 at 12:05 pm

I fully support and wish to associate myself with this statement.

Kim Lacey
Saginaw Valley State University


Judy Clay 12.20.12 at 12:16 pm

I support Professor Loomis and his freedom of expression.


Dan Kärreman 12.20.12 at 12:22 pm

I support this statement.

Dan Kärreman
Professor, Copenhagen Business School


Jonathan Sterne 12.20.12 at 12:28 pm

I signed and also emailed Loomis’ administrators. Totally cowardly on their part.


Susan Davis 12.20.12 at 12:36 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement. susan DAvis, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign


sherparick 12.20.12 at 12:36 pm

I completely support this statement and will be writing the administrators of the University of Rhode Island in support of Professor Loomis and my disappointment in their craven conduct so far in this matter from my personal e-mail accounts.

Rick Kane


Nilanjana Bhattacharjya, Arizona State University 12.20.12 at 12:47 pm

I support this statement.


Maria Ballantyne 12.20.12 at 12:48 pm

In support of Prof. Loomis.


Matt Stambaugh 12.20.12 at 12:49 pm

Assuming that your coverage is accurate and that is all Professor Loomis said, then I support this statement fully. It’s a sad day when a university administration kowtows to the NRA and conservative pundits.

Matt Stambaugh
Doctoral Student
Louisiana State University


Nick Serpe 12.20.12 at 12:55 pm

Full Support.

Nick Serpe, Dissent Magazine


Beth Ann Tesluk 12.20.12 at 1:01 pm

I support this statement, and find it troubling that the University has such a thin grasp on metaphor.


Jay Wendelberger 12.20.12 at 1:01 pm

Jay Wendelberger
History Instructor
South Central College
North Mankato, MN


Edgar Crutchfield 12.20.12 at 1:02 pm

I support this statement.

Edgar Crutchfield


Arin Melissa Brenner 12.20.12 at 1:02 pm

I wholeheartedly support this statement, and stand with Erik Loomis.

Arin Melissa Brenner


Barry Friedman 12.20.12 at 1:02 pm

On behalf of the stick, I support Loomis, as well.


Sabina Sawhney 12.20.12 at 1:06 pm

I support this statement and Erik Loomis unreservedly.

Sabina Sawhney
Department of English
Hofstra University.

Pls ignore #139 which did not have my affiliation appended.


AJ Plotke 12.20.12 at 1:07 pm

I wish to associate myself with these remarks.


Jason Mittell 12.20.12 at 1:16 pm

Co-sign in support.

Jason Mittell
Associate Professor of Film & Media Culture
Middlebury College


Michael Holmes 12.20.12 at 1:17 pm

I support this statement.

It is cowardly and contemptible for the URI administration to offer anything other than a full defense of Loomis against the right wing outrage machine.


Jacob Sider Jost 12.20.12 at 1:21 pm

Signed in support of Erik (with affiliation–please delete previous comment)

Jacob Sider Jost
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Dickinson College


Matthew Yglesias 12.20.12 at 1:23 pm


Matthew Yglesias


Jacqueline McGrath 12.20.12 at 1:26 pm

Professor, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL. I support Loomis.


Sam Clark 12.20.12 at 1:34 pm

I endorse this statement.

Sam Clark
Lecturer in Philosophy
Lancaster University


Blake Suttle 12.20.12 at 1:36 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Dr. Loomis.

K.B. Suttle
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Imperial College London


Brett D. Wilson 12.20.12 at 1:37 pm

I support Erik Loomis.

Brett D. Wilson
Associate Professor
Department of English
College of William & Mary


Larry Bertoia 12.20.12 at 1:41 pm

I wholly support this statement.


John M. 12.20.12 at 1:42 pm

Registering my support for this statement.

John Murnane (non-academic).


Gregory 12.20.12 at 1:44 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse this comment. Loomis’ job should not be endangered because of lies.


Adrian 12.20.12 at 1:47 pm

I stand with Eric, and I wish to associate myself with this statement.

Adrian Hermann
University of Munich, Germany


Justin Podur 12.20.12 at 1:48 pm

I would also like to sign on.
Justin Podur
Associate Professor
York University
Toronto, Canada


Raymond Craib 12.20.12 at 1:51 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis and I support this statement.

Raymond Craib
Associate Professor of History
Cornell University


Robert Janes 12.20.12 at 1:51 pm

Unequivocally in support of this statement.


Brian Scanlon 12.20.12 at 1:55 pm

I endorse this statement in support of Erik Loomis and free speech


Karen L. Cox 12.20.12 at 1:56 pm

I support Erik and this statement.


Scott L. Hines 12.20.12 at 2:00 pm

There should be no threat against Loomis as this is a common expression. It is not threatening and he did not mean it as a threat. More of the right-wing hypocrisy. The GOP can say anything, do anything and it is blessed. Anyone else, no matter how innocuous the comment, is ostracized.

Scott L. Hines, DMA
Adjunct Faculty, Music
University of Memphis


Charles Palermo 12.20.12 at 2:03 pm

I support this statement.

Associate Professor
College of William and Mary


William Bradley 12.20.12 at 2:04 pm

William Bradley, Phd


Kevin Hayes 12.20.12 at 2:06 pm

I’m not an academic, but I support this statement and have written to all three of the URI officials.


Joe Soss 12.20.12 at 2:10 pm

I endorse this statement of support for Erik Loomis.

Joe Soss.


Squarely Rooted 12.20.12 at 2:10 pm

I have posted my letter here:

Dean Winnie Brownell, Provost Donald DeHays, President David Dooley,

I write in support of Prof. Erik Loomis. Prof. Loomis is a brilliant, insightful, and talented writer and thinker whose extra-academic pursuits have contributed to the greater flourishing of knowledge in our society. Over the last few days he has been targeted by a purely political smear campaign because he is an easy target for an extremist political movement raging against a moment of helplessness. I strongly encourage you, as leaders among the guardians of the flame of the academy and caretakers of a venerable institution of public learning, to support Prof. Loomis in this hour. While Loomis’ extra-academic activities are not technically within the bounds of his duties as a professor, the erudition and incisiveness of his writings, his broad audience, and his critical acclaim bring credit upon the University of Rhode Island, and are precisely the emerging forms of increased engagement with a broader audience that the academy, especially the public academy, should be encouraging. Academic freedom is not a laissez-faire institution; it requires those charged with ensuring it to wield their shield proactively, to not merely acknowledge the security of intellectuals to pursue ideas but to vigorously affirm them, including and especially at difficult hours. I hope you will use this opportunity to do so.


Jim DelRosso 12.20.12 at 2:12 pm

I endorse this statement without reservation.


Sean Kitchen 12.20.12 at 2:13 pm

In full support of Erik Loomis. I too want to see LaPierre labeled as head of a terrorist organization.


Jeanne Whitlock 12.20.12 at 2:15 pm

I endorse this statement and support Erik Loomis. His writing on labor history is indispensable. His tweet about LaPierre is obviously metaphorical. URI should stand behind him. Letters sent.

Jeanne Whitlock
Research Assistant
Wayne State University, Detroit


Christina Fitzgerald 12.20.12 at 2:15 pm

I fully endorse and support this statment.

Christina Fitzgerald
Associate Professor
The University of Toledo


Tracy Marino 12.20.12 at 2:15 pm

What is most fascinating is the fake outrage the right seems to have over this statement. As they howl incessantly over the right to free speech, it has become clear this only applies to their own opinion. Mr. Loomis has my support.

Tracy Marino


Henry 12.20.12 at 2:18 pm

Again, I ask commenters to _please just use this thread as a means to sign your name showing support_ if you want to show support. If you want to debate the underlying issues, for or against, there is another post just above this one which will allow you to do just that.


Eric Swanson 12.20.12 at 2:19 pm

I wholly support this statement.

Eric Swanson
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


David S. Cohen 12.20.12 at 2:19 pm

Sign me on.

David S. Cohen
Associate Professor of Law
Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University


Brandon Kendhammer 12.20.12 at 2:24 pm

I’d like to associate myself with this statement in support of Dr. Loomis.

Brandon Kendhammer
Asst. Prof of Political Science
Ohio University


Brian Cubbage 12.20.12 at 2:26 pm

Please add my name to the statement in support.

Brian Cubbage
Adjunct Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies
Indiana University-Southeast


Jason Dye 12.20.12 at 2:27 pm

I would like to add my name to show support for Loomis and free speech of workers.


Stephen Kantrowitz 12.20.12 at 2:27 pm

I endorse this statement.


Abigail Neely 12.20.12 at 2:30 pm

I support this statement.


Elizabeth Freeman 12.20.12 at 2:30 pm

I support this statement wholeheartedly.

Elizabeth Freeman
Professor of English, University of California, Davis


linus owens 12.20.12 at 2:31 pm

please add my name to the list.

Linus Owens
dept of Sociology
Middlebury College


Vikram chandran 12.20.12 at 2:31 pm

I support Erik Loomis, the University officials need to back him up unreservedly. He did nothing wrong, and this assault against responsible free speech needs to be nipped in the bud.


Thomas A Panian 12.20.12 at 2:34 pm

I fully and without reservation support Eric Loomis and his freedom of speech rights.

Thomas A Panian
Washington Co, MO


Mauricio Maluff 12.20.12 at 2:35 pm

Sign me up!

Mauricio Maluff, undergraduate, Northwestern University.


Erik W. Davis 12.20.12 at 2:36 pm

I stand with Professor Erik Loomis. URI should retract its statement, issue an apology to Professor Loomis for buckling to such ridiculous pressure, and restate its commitment to academic freedom. For shame.


Kristin 12.20.12 at 2:36 pm

I stand with Loomis.


Tom Hilton 12.20.12 at 2:38 pm

I endorse this.


Mark Allen 12.20.12 at 2:44 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement that protects those who engage in hate speech, whether it be a lefty, nut job professor or a person who doesn’t agree with you.


jnfr 12.20.12 at 2:44 pm

I fully support and endorse this statement.

Jennifer Powell


Chris 12.20.12 at 2:45 pm

I support this statement.


Brian Sarnacki 12.20.12 at 2:45 pm

I endorse this statement and support Erik Loomis.


Karen Mitchell 12.20.12 at 2:46 pm

I’m in full support.


David Gray 12.20.12 at 2:48 pm

I wholeheartedly support this statement and stand with Erik Loomis. Please add my name to the list of signatures.

David Gray
American Studies Program
Oklahoma State University


tomslee 12.20.12 at 2:50 pm

I endorse this statement.

Tom Slee
Waterloo, Ontario.


Karl Scheuerman 12.20.12 at 2:51 pm

I support Erik Loomis, freedom of speech and academic freedom, and I request that the University of Rhode Island do the same.

Karl E. Scheuerman, Esq.


jimintampa 12.20.12 at 2:53 pm

I want to support Professor Loomis’ right to free speech. I endorse this statement.


Megan Jones 12.20.12 at 2:55 pm

I completely support this.


Elizabeth Anderson 12.20.12 at 3:00 pm

Please add my name to this excellent statement. The attack on Erik Loomis’s freedom of speech is outrageous, and it is shameful that URI has failed to vigorously stand behind him.


Ralph Ranalli 12.20.12 at 3:00 pm

I have written the following to the URI administration on behalf of Prof. Loomis:

President Dooley,

I write this e-mail in support of Erik Loomis, who has come under criticism for a metaphorical statement about holding a top official of the National Rifle Association accountable for the deaths of 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut.

I find in extremely troubling that a major university would be complicit in the now-familiar sort of cynical pressure campaign that pro-gun-industry pundits use to silence those who would speak against their desire to saturate America with military-style weapons.

To punish someone seeking to join that important national debate is antithetical to the entire notion of higher eduction and academic freedom. And to equate an obvious, albeit graphic, metaphor with the very real violence that the NRA, the gun industry, and their political allies have visited upon innocent Americans with their patently irresponsible and immoral push for gun proliferation – particularly in light of last week’s massacre – is an intellectual and moral obscenity.

Please desist in any further actions to suppress Prof. Loomis and his participation in this vital national debate.


Mark 12.20.12 at 3:01 pm

I endorse this statement.


Jeffery Campbell 12.20.12 at 3:03 pm

I wish to be associated with this statement. Professor Loomis deserves, and has, my unqualified support.


lorenzo bosi 12.20.12 at 3:04 pm

I wish to associate myself with this.


Rosalyn Baxandall 12.20.12 at 3:07 pm

Add my name.Retired Distinguished Teaching Professor SUNY Old Westbury, now teaching at CUNY Labor School.
Right on


Keith MacDonald 12.20.12 at 3:08 pm

I support Erik Loomis and this statement.


Eric Martin 12.20.12 at 3:14 pm

I support Erik Loomis and this Statement


Heng Kaing 12.20.12 at 3:18 pm

I support Eric Loomis.


Eugenia Zuroski Jenkins 12.20.12 at 3:20 pm

I add my name to this statement in support of Erik Loomis. As a professor and former resident of Rhode Island, I sincerely hope URI will change its course and support its faculty in the face of egregious attacks by organizations like the NRA.


Sherman B. Brennan 12.20.12 at 3:21 pm

I support Erik Loomis and this statement.


Melissa Morman 12.20.12 at 3:21 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis.


Christopher Ballantyne 12.20.12 at 3:25 pm

I subscribe to this statement and stand with Erik Loomis.


Adam Roberts 12.20.12 at 3:29 pm

I would also like to add my support:
Adam Roberts,
Professor of Nineteenth-Century Literature, Royal Holloway, University of London UK.


B. Ricardo Brown 12.20.12 at 3:34 pm

Adding my support.
B. Ricardo Brown, PhD
Professor of Social Science & Cultural Studies
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York City


Adam Swift 12.20.12 at 3:36 pm

I endorse this statement.

Adam Swift
Fellow in Politics, Balliol College, University of Oxford (till 31/12/12)
Professor of Political Theory, University of Warwick (from 1/1/13)


Matthew Reece 12.20.12 at 3:36 pm

I endorse this statement.

Matthew Reece
Assistant Professor of Physics
Harvard University


William Gotz 12.20.12 at 3:36 pm

I support Erik Loomis.


Bill Beuttler 12.20.12 at 3:37 pm

Bill Beuttler
Emerson College


Tim Adamson 12.20.12 at 3:38 pm

I support the statement and urge the University Administration to protect free speech and the faculty who exercise it.
Tim Adamson,
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion
Iowa Wesleyan College


Christopher Marley 12.20.12 at 3:38 pm

I support Erik Loomis and his statement.


Knitting Clio 12.20.12 at 3:41 pm

I support this statement too.

Heather Munro Prescott, Ph.D.
Professor of History
Central Connecticut State University


Jerry Lembcke 12.20.12 at 3:44 pm

Please add my name to the list of supporters of Erik Loomis.
Jerry Lembcke
Associate Professor, Sociology
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA 01610


Jonathan Cope 12.20.12 at 3:48 pm

I support this statement.

College of Staten Island, CUNY


Kyle Huckins 12.20.12 at 3:49 pm

I’m in, given the whole loving freedom of expression thing I have going. No point in letting private interests threaten it either.


Lilly Goren 12.20.12 at 3:51 pm

I also support this statement.
Lilly Goren
Professor, Political Science
Carroll University
Waukesha, WI


Matt Basso 12.20.12 at 3:53 pm

Please add my name as well:

Matt Basso
Assistant Professor of History and Gender Studies
University of Utah


Palli and Michael Holubar 12.20.12 at 3:54 pm

Add our names, please.


Antonina Parris-Yarbrough 12.20.12 at 3:55 pm

I support this statement wholeheartedly.

Signed, A Student


Jake Mahoney 12.20.12 at 3:57 pm

Please count me in! I will be sending letters. Thanks!


Steven F. Forleo 12.20.12 at 4:01 pm

I absolutely endorse this statement, and steadfastly support our colleague, Erik Loomis.
Steven F. Forleo, Assistant Professor
Department of English
Community College of Rhode Island


Gunnar Björnsson 12.20.12 at 4:02 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


geo 12.20.12 at 4:06 pm

I strongly support this statement.

George Scialabba
freelance writer


Michael Patterson 12.20.12 at 4:06 pm

I’m a non-academic with no advanced degree, so my endorsement means little–but please add my name to the list of those who support Erik, free speech, academic freedom, and the use of metaphor. The URI administration’s response is beyond cowardly.


Peter Rachleff 12.20.12 at 4:07 pm

Peter Rachleff
Professor of History
Macalester College
Saint Paul, Minnesota


Dale Harrington 12.20.12 at 4:09 pm

I fully support Erik Loomis and his statement.


Victor Caston 12.20.12 at 4:09 pm

I wholeheartedly support this statement.

The administrators at URI should consider the chilling effect such a decision would have on academic freedom. Or if they don’t understand that: retention and recruitment.

Victor Caston
Professor of Philosophy & Classical Studies
University of Michigan


Charlie Green 12.20.12 at 4:11 pm

Signed in support.


Barry Deutsch 12.20.12 at 4:12 pm

I support this statement.

Barry Deutsch, Alas a Blog


Gary Therkildsen 12.20.12 at 4:16 pm

I wish to support Erik Loomis and this statement.

Gary Therkildsen


David Ambaras 12.20.12 at 4:18 pm

I support this statement.

David Ambaras
Associate Professor of History
North Carolina State University


John Holbo 12.20.12 at 4:19 pm

John Holbo hereby signs his name to the petition.


Leah A 12.20.12 at 4:24 pm

I support this statement in every particular and am proud to stand with Erik Loomis. The notion that his metaphor was a call to real violence against anyone is absurd.


Jeremiah Meyer-O'Day 12.20.12 at 4:28 pm

I stand behind Erik Loomis and his right to speak his mind without fear of reprisal. Private power should be subject to the Constitution to the same extent that public power is, if not more so.


H. E. Baber 12.20.12 at 4:29 pm

I support this statement


Colin Barker 12.20.12 at 4:30 pm

I support this statement.


Ellen Schrecker 12.20.12 at 4:32 pm

I also support this statement.


David Crockett 12.20.12 at 4:34 pm

I support this statement

David Crockett,
Associate Professor
University of South Carolina


Ernie Elkins 12.20.12 at 4:35 pm

I, too, support this statement.


David Auerbach 12.20.12 at 4:36 pm

I support the statement


Dave Maier 12.20.12 at 4:39 pm

I would like to support this statement as well. The actions described in it (i.e. as shameful) are indeed truly shameful.


John McGowan 12.20.12 at 4:45 pm

Please add my name to the list.

John McGowan
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Dr Soizick Solman 12.20.12 at 4:45 pm

I do support this statement in favour of Erik Loomis.

Dr Soizick Solman
King’s College London


John Boy 12.20.12 at 4:48 pm

I stand in solidarity with Erik Loomis.


Donna Gardner Liljegren, Ed.D. 12.20.12 at 4:49 pm

Agreed. Consider this a co-sign.


tedb 12.20.12 at 4:50 pm

I support this statement.

I am appalled that the administration of the University of Rhode Island has not come to the defense of Erik Loomis over his “head on a stick” comment. This was an opportunity to stand up to the hypocritical bullying of right-wing attack dogs, to defend one of your own, to defend the principle of academic freedom, and to take advantage of an educable moment to explain the importance of metaphor and how language usage changes over time.

Unfortunately you have disgraced yourselves instead.


Mark Silcox 12.20.12 at 4:51 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.

Dr. Mark Silcox
University of Central Oklahoma


owen paine 12.20.12 at 4:52 pm

i support the statement


Steve Vanderheiden 12.20.12 at 4:54 pm

I support this statement, as well.

Steve Vanderheiden
University of Colorado at Boulder


Mark Lance 12.20.12 at 4:57 pm

Please add my support
Mark Lance
Professor of philosophy
Professor of justice and peace
Georgetown University


Aaron Petry 12.20.12 at 4:57 pm

No one should be fired for a poor choice of words in a personal Twitter message, especially when it’s using a common expression.


Amy McCarthy 12.20.12 at 4:59 pm

I support this statement and Professor Loomis.

Amy McCarthy
McCarthy Consulting
Annapolis MD


Drew Wofford 12.20.12 at 4:59 pm

I add my name in support of Erik Loomis.


paige collette 12.20.12 at 5:01 pm

I write this comment to express my support of Erik Loomis.


Chris Farrish 12.20.12 at 5:02 pm

I voice my support for Loomis.


K. Ron Silkwood 12.20.12 at 5:03 pm

I support this statement.


Whit Strub 12.20.12 at 5:06 pm

I endorse this statement.

Whitney Strub
Department of History
Rutgers University, Newark


Corey McCall 12.20.12 at 5:07 pm

I support this statement.

Corey McCall, Philosophy
Elmira College
Elmira, NY


Mark Riley 12.20.12 at 5:07 pm

Freedom of speech in academia is a cornerstone of our educational system, which is the envy of much of the world. It will only continue to be world-class if faculty feel free to express their opinions, especially when they employ metaphors. I also agree with TedB above that the URI administration has acted improperly in this instance. I support this statement in favor of Erik Loomis.


Meteor Blades 12.20.12 at 5:07 pm

I wish to associate myself with the CT statement in support of Eric Loomis. My real name is Timothy Lange.


jimintampa 12.20.12 at 5:08 pm

I wish to support Professor Loomis and this statement.
James E. Shirk
Tampa, Florida


Bertram Klein 12.20.12 at 5:09 pm

I support this statement.

Bertram Klein, Ph.D.
Technische Universität München


Lee Anne Schmitt 12.20.12 at 5:09 pm

I support this statement,
Lee Anne Schmitt
Filmmaker and Faculty, California Institute of the Arts


Joseph Decker 12.20.12 at 5:09 pm

I support this statement.


Matti Eklund 12.20.12 at 5:16 pm

I support this statement.


Yasuhiro Makimura 12.20.12 at 5:22 pm

I support this statement.

Yasuhiro Makimura
Associate Professor of History
Iona College
New Rochelle, NY 10805


Heidi Sinclair, MD, MPH 12.20.12 at 5:23 pm

In support of free speech, academic freed
Eric Loomis.


Rodney D. Neff 12.20.12 at 5:26 pm

I wish to add my name in support of Professor Loomis .


Jon Gallagher 12.20.12 at 5:27 pm

I support this statement wholeheartedly and unreservedly.


jonnybutter 12.20.12 at 5:30 pm

Very vehement co-sign


Charles Haberl 12.20.12 at 5:31 pm

Please include me as well. This is not the first time that such elements have brought an organized campaign of harassment and intimidation against an academic, and it won’t be the last.

Charles G. Haberl, Associate Professor, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey


Karen Bullock 12.20.12 at 5:34 pm

I stand with Professor Loomis. I support his right to use metaphorical and valid phrasing to criticize whomever he chooses. It is clear that he was not threatening violence of another person.

Karen Bullock,
Bloomfield, NJ


Elisabeth Piedmont-Marton 12.20.12 at 5:38 pm

I’m with Erik Loomis.


Martha Hardy 12.20.12 at 5:40 pm

I support this statement.

Martha Hardy
Assistant Professor
Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, MN


Will Perlis 12.20.12 at 5:43 pm

I support this statement.


Davis Doherty 12.20.12 at 5:50 pm

As a former academic, I support this statement.


Dot Porter 12.20.12 at 5:53 pm


Dot Porter
Indiana University Bloomington


Mary Rizzo 12.20.12 at 5:56 pm

The treatment of Erik Loomis demonstrates the worst of our current discourse–inflating the significance of words and phrases out of context and then giving them an entirely different meaning through repetition within an echo chamber. That URI is taking this farce seriously enough to threaten this man’s job is more than ridiculous; it’s frightening. Academic freedom is becoming a thing of the past. I support Erik Loomis.


Jim Heim 12.20.12 at 5:56 pm

I fully support Erik Loomis and this statement.


Andrew Kirk 12.20.12 at 5:56 pm

I endorse this statement.


Aileen Mosig 12.20.12 at 5:58 pm

I add my name in support.


Philip C. Van Vleck 12.20.12 at 6:04 pm

Absolutely co-signing.


Nathalie Marechal 12.20.12 at 6:05 pm

I whole-heartedly agree with this statement.


Peggy Pisciotta 12.20.12 at 6:06 pm

I also support this statement.


Shawn Gude 12.20.12 at 6:10 pm

I support this statement.


Pete Smith 12.20.12 at 6:13 pm

I support this statement.


Sara Coodin 12.20.12 at 6:16 pm

Signed, and supported.


Sam Malissa 12.20.12 at 6:17 pm

I support this statement, and I hope we can reach a point where opposing sides enter into meaningful dialogue instead of wasting time with diversionary tactics based on intentional misinterpretations.

Sam Malissa
Phd Student, East Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University


Liz Benbrooks 12.20.12 at 6:19 pm

I support this statement.


Elizabeth Thornberry 12.20.12 at 6:21 pm

Assistant Professor, Hobart and William Smith Colleges


Len Burman 12.20.12 at 6:31 pm

Please add my name to the list of supporters. Len Burman, Syracuse University


Eureka Springs 12.20.12 at 6:31 pm

As a gun owner and an ardent supporter of what I consider to be a liberal interpretation of the second amendment, I also think a liberal interpretation of the second amendment demands a liberal defense of the first amendment. So please include me in support of this mans right to speak freely without threat of losing his job.


Laura Curry 12.20.12 at 6:36 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement, and will email the administrators at the University of Rhode Island.

Laura Curry
University at Buffalo


Bradley Potts 12.20.12 at 6:39 pm

The campaign to have Erik Loomis fired is an attack on a freedom that we should all cherish. And while his words may sometimes be impertinent, Loomis’ voice is extraordinarily valuable. URI should recognize this and defend him, and it is a travesty that they have not already.

My name carries no letters, affiliations, or weight of any kind, but I would like for it to be associated with this statement.


Nicholas Troester 12.20.12 at 6:44 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement, as well.

Nicholas Troester
Instructor, Collegiate Division of the Social Sciences
The University of Chicago


Alan Lewis 12.20.12 at 6:46 pm

As an English/Creative Writing graduate of the University of Maryland College Park, I would like to join in this statement of support for Professor Erik Loomis, and also in defense of metaphors, similes, and other literary devices, up to and including hyperbole.


Georgia Warnke 12.20.12 at 6:52 pm

I, too, support this statement.


Michael Noble-Olson 12.20.12 at 6:55 pm

I endorse this statement and stand in solidarity with Erik Loomis.


Colin Danby 12.20.12 at 6:55 pm

I support this statement.

Colin Danby
Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
University of Washington, Bothell


Frank Ashe 12.20.12 at 7:04 pm

I support this statement.

I am also in despair at the state of public debate in America that such a statement is required.


Bill Benzon 12.20.12 at 7:05 pm

I endorse this statement of support for Erik Loomis and academic freedom.

William L. Benzon, Ph.D.
Independent Scholar


Lawrence Hanley 12.20.12 at 7:09 pm

Count me in! I support Erik Loomis’s right to free speech.

An injury to one is an injury to all! (Oops . . . waiting for a call from the dean on that one.)

Larry Hanley
Assoc. Professor
Chair, Academic Senate
San Francisco State University


Kiyoshi Tamagawa 12.20.12 at 7:13 pm

I wish to express my support of Dr. Loomis and my disappointment at the reaction of the institution where he is employed.

Kiyoshi Tamagawa
Profesor of Music
Southwestern University
Georgetown, TX


Christopher McCracken 12.20.12 at 7:13 pm

I support this statement.


Magali Sarfatti Larson 12.20.12 at 7:14 pm

I sent my letter (adapted) to the President and the Dean, and on paper to the Provost: his e-mail address bounced. You are welcome to use these paragraphs if they save you some time!
1) It is obvious that “bloggers” and other media personalities want to divert the blame that the NRA rightly deserves, after the latest and most horrible American tragedy. Indeed, there can be little doubt that the exceptional availability of weapons and ammunition in the United States is in large part due to the NRA’s advocacy, after its leadership changed in 1977. Homicide rates by firearm are also exceptional: 19.5 times higher in the U.S. than in 23 other “high income” countries according to a study published by the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery in January 2011.
and for the Provost, with his own words:
2) I would never expect the academic authorities of the University of Rhode Island to take distance from an embattled younger colleague, especially after having read your statement: “As provost, I see my role, at least in part, as creating a state of restlessness – ensuring our academic community doesn’t become restful or complacent, but rather remains committed to innovation, creativity, and sustaining a “can do” approach to the challenges confronting us and the world.” I trust you, therefore, to stand firm in defense of the normal use of the English language, of Professor Loomis’s academic position, and of the university’s good name.


Kathryn Andrews 12.20.12 at 7:14 pm

I am just a lawyer, parent, and former English major, not in academia per se, but I support this statement.

In no way could the remark in question be interpreted as an actual call to violence. The only reasonable interpretation is, “this person should be held accountable for the views he has endorsed and the outcomes of those views.” And accountability in the modern, academic, intellectual, and thoughtful-citizen worlds is a reasonable thing to ask.

It is certainly a relevant topic for academic discourse, and protected under the First Amendment. In the academic setting, I think it is important for students to exercise their critical thinking skills, particularly with issues of immediate relevance.

Kathryn Andrews


John Loughlin 12.20.12 at 7:17 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Dr. Loomis.

A well educated citizenry being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear metaphors shall not be infringed.


J. R. Hodel 12.20.12 at 7:21 pm

I fully agree with this statement in support of Professor Loomis and a rational interpretation of plain English metaphor.

Thanks for your support and for posting this letter!

John R Hodel
Tango, WV, USA


Cole Robertson 12.20.12 at 7:26 pm

Endorsed, signed, etc.

Cole Robertson
School of the Art Institute of Chicago


FunnyDiva 12.20.12 at 7:27 pm

Sign me on as well. Whether Erik Loomis is popular or well-liked is so far beside the point it’s disappeared over the horizon. Tenure or not he should be able to speak out.

Merideth Kelley, MS
biomedical researcher


Amanda Mahaffey 12.20.12 at 7:28 pm

I’m in support of this statement. Not only do I support academic freedom, but I agree with Erik Loomis’ tweet on gun control. It needs to be said.

Amanda L. Mahaffey, PhD
Lisbon University Institute


Sue Breckenridge 12.20.12 at 7:36 pm

I support this statement and stand in solidarity with Erik Loomis. This witch hunt has to stop.

Sue Breckenridge


Martin Grüner Larsen 12.20.12 at 7:42 pm

In a time when academic freedom and academics’ freedom of speech is under pressure in the United States, I find the campaign against Erik Loomis disconcerting. Equally disquieting is the buckling under pressure of precisely the administrative and political staff whose job it is to secure and maintain those freedoms. I therefore strongly support this statement in support of professor Loomis.

Martin Grüner Larsen,
Oslo, Norway


Phil Klay 12.20.12 at 7:42 pm

I support this statement.


Sid Kivanoski 12.20.12 at 7:44 pm

Consider me included. Thank you.

Sid Kivanoski
Brooklyn Technical H.S.


Sara Goldrick-Rab 12.20.12 at 7:48 pm

I whole-heartedly support this statement.

Sara Goldrick-Rab
Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology
University of Wisconsin-Madison


Mark Wylie 12.20.12 at 7:50 pm

I’m signed on.

Mark Wylie, Ph.D.
Economics Faculty
Community Colleges of Spokane


Michel Verbeek 12.20.12 at 7:58 pm

I support this statemenet also.


JR Powers-Luhn 12.20.12 at 8:14 pm

I, too, wish to sign on and offer my support for this statement and for Erik Loomis. His writing has for some time increased my appreciation for labor history and the University of Rhode Island has benefited by association.

Justin R Powers-Luhn


Erik Christiansen 12.20.12 at 8:16 pm

I absolutely support Erik and the statement.


Rachael Cayley 12.20.12 at 8:20 pm

I agree with this statement on academic freedom. I particularly appreciate its emphasis on the importance of a sophisticated understanding of how we use language.


Amy Broderick 12.20.12 at 8:23 pm

I stand behind this statement too.


Elizabeth 12.20.12 at 8:27 pm

I support this statement.

Elizabeth Angell
PhD Candidate, Columbia University


Fernando Bueno 12.20.12 at 8:28 pm

I also stand with Erik Loomis.


George H. Williams 12.20.12 at 8:34 pm

I agree with this statement and stand in support of Erik Loomis.


Dan Dennis 12.20.12 at 8:36 pm

Eric Loomis has not done anything wrong.

Dan Dennis

Philosophy Tutor
Department of Continuing Education
University of Oxford


Jason Schulman 12.20.12 at 8:38 pm

Please add my name in support of Erik Loomis.

Jason Schulman
Lehman College, City University of New York


Fred Glass 12.20.12 at 8:38 pm

Here is what I sent:

Dean Winnie Brownell
Provost Donald DeHays
President David Dooley

Having recently been a target of the right wing media smear machine myself over the use of a metaphor, I can appreciate the anxieties you must have felt as your university and one of its faculty members have come into the crosshairs (look, another metaphor!). I am sure you understand that Professor Loomis was making no literal death threat, and yet you panicked and issued a statement that disassociated your institution from a metaphoric remark that should have been protected by academic freedom (or at least free speech), the rules of literary language, and common sense about these things. Please issue another statement that says that you are committed to the protection of free speech at least as much as you are committed to protecting your institution from misunderstanding. And please also know that Michelle Malkin, Fox News, and the other people who are making a big deal about this do this sort of thing for a living; their goal is intimidation and to give people like yourselves a disinclination to do the right things on behalf of democratic norms.

Fred Glass
Communications Director
California Federation of Teachers


Joel Stillerman 12.20.12 at 8:46 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


John FitzGibbon 12.20.12 at 8:47 pm

banging the table in front of me in support of this statement


Johnny Coelacanth 12.20.12 at 8:50 pm

I support this statement, and sent this letter to the President, Dean and Provost:

Dear Madam and Sirs:

I write this note in urgent support of Erik Loomis, against whom certain ideologues have fomented a witch hunt. Clearly Professor Loomis’ statement was meant to be nothing other than metaphor for the anguish we all felt on December 14, yet people who seek to settle a political score act as if the professor had made some sort of threat against a public figure.
This is outrageous nonsense, and it is too bad that the university has already chosen to make a public disavowal of Erik Loomis’ free speech. Instead you should be defending him against craven bottom feeders who, in the end, seek nothing but to silence their critics.
Any further action against Professor Loomis will serve no positive agenda and would only be capitulation to conservative apparatchiks who despise academia in the first place.
Please support Professor Loomis. He did nothing wrong.


Shanna Pearson-Mekrowitz 12.20.12 at 8:56 pm

I, too, wish to sign on and offer my support for this statement and for Erik Loomis.


S Green 12.20.12 at 8:59 pm

I endorse this statement and stand in solidarity with Erik Loomis.


Glenn 12.20.12 at 9:09 pm

The State does not think but tries to suppress thought. Consider the comedic absurdity and ultimate irrelevance of an institution that believes in suppression of thought as a function of education. The rhetorical “head on a stick” is a particularly absurd threat to take seriously; the vicious US wars of aggression have convincingly demonstrated the fecklessness of pikes versus guns to anyone non-delusional.

A true attempt at making the NRA cry for tougher guns laws would be revolutionary calls for an armed attacks, sans primitive weapons (e.g., sticks and pikes), on NRA headquarters in order that they may, so to speak, obtain a taste of their own poison. I know of no such meaningful attacks contemplated, such attacks being beyond the pale of reformist thought. The thought of academics leading or even inspiring such meaningful revolutionary tactics is laughable considering the low regard with which the general population holds academic thought. I find the concept of the academic in this country as a dangerous revolutionary to be too ludicrous for words.

The call for the punishment of Erik Loomis is a more explicit signification of the fear and desperation of the would-be-punishers than his mild rhetorical statement, albeit one that has been disproportionately amplified by the fear of those whose ears are pricked to attention by any affront, however slight, that the punishment of Erik Loomis purports to be a response to.

The real fear to be considered is that of an armed, desperate, and unthinking individual who perceives all options, other than a spectacular suicide, to be foreclosed to him, in a culture that perceives a call for help as weakness, and aggression as strength, without considering aggression to be a frequently used disguise for weakness in a society dismissive of the weak and glorifying violence: such weakness as you demonstrate in your aggressive and disproportionate attack on Erik Loomis.


Sue Sierra 12.20.12 at 9:19 pm

I wish to associated myself with this statement.


joshua j. kurz 12.20.12 at 9:23 pm

In solidarity.
joshua j. kurz
PhD Candidate, Ohio State U.


Anand Sarwate 12.20.12 at 9:59 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


Lance Zimmerman 12.20.12 at 10:16 pm

I wish to support Dr. Loomis’ freedom of thought and speech, and encourage his institution to stand by him and support these values as well.


Shana Bernstein 12.20.12 at 10:19 pm

I support this statement.


Ken Kohl 12.20.12 at 10:23 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis. Thank you.


Jesica Lewis 12.20.12 at 10:28 pm

It’s pretty ironic that pro-gun people are accusing this innocent tweeter of incitement to violence. He was obviously using figurative language. This is just an attempt to turn the pointed finger away from themselves (where it more appropriately belongs).


Richard Huffman 12.20.12 at 10:31 pm

I find the pillorying of Erik Loomis to be outrageous, and believe that those who seek to silence discourse in the manner of his critics usually do so in order to shield bad ideas. In that vein, I hope the institution Professor Loomis is employed at will stand by him.


Jake Galgon 12.20.12 at 10:35 pm

Signing on.

Jake Galgon
Grad Student in Philosophy
The University of Texas at Austin


Cathy Schneider 12.20.12 at 10:39 pm

I have tenure and second Loomis’s sentiment. Why is the NRA immune from prosecution when its lobbying and the arms dealers it represents are responsible for so many murders, but a professor who calls the NRA on it can be threatened with loss of employment.


Amanda Christiansen 12.20.12 at 11:04 pm

I strongly support Erik Loomis and his statement.


James Martin 12.20.12 at 11:04 pm

I strongly associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis. The obviously disingenuous intrepretations of his words should not have served to motivate university administrators.


rodrigo brito 12.20.12 at 11:07 pm

I wish to support the right of Erik Loomis or anyone intervening in the public sphere to use well-established violent metaphors or imagery to signify not the intent or incentive to violence, but rather the wish to see non-violent punitive (i.e. legal, political) action taken against someone.


jim whelan 12.20.12 at 11:08 pm

I support Erik Loomis and the general right to use metaphors.


Tim Dymond 12.20.12 at 11:10 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


James E. McCann, Jr. 12.20.12 at 11:40 pm

As a 1982 graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a degree in Speech Communication, I am sickened and disgusted at the Universitys response. I stand with Erik Loomis and will convey my message to the administrators.


Harold 12.21.12 at 12:01 am

I completely second the statement of 972.


Chris Moore 12.21.12 at 12:11 am

I support Erik Loomis


Jay Goldfarb 12.21.12 at 12:25 am

I support this statement.


Tod Kelly 12.21.12 at 12:26 am

I support Erik Loomis, and would frankly despair if the University of Rhode Island needed to have “metaphor” explained to them by the likes of me.


Mark Crispin Miller 12.21.12 at 12:46 am

I support this statement, and Erik Loomis’ right to use colloquial English to express a strong opinion, without being persecuted for it by rightist demagogues who have some nerve slamming anybody else for violent rhetoric.


Dr. Hilarius 12.21.12 at 1:08 am

I support this statement and hope the university administrators will understand that a common figure of speech does not constitute a threat of any kind.


Martin T. Olliff 12.21.12 at 1:20 am

I completely support this statement.

Martin T. Olliff
Associate Professor of History
Trouble University Dothan (AL) Campus


Sean McCann 12.21.12 at 2:19 am

I support this statement.

Sean McCann
Wesleyan University


Anand Manikutty 12.21.12 at 2:27 am


Melissa Schwartzberg 12.21.12 at 2:55 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.

Melissa Schwartzberg
Columbia University


Robert Trombetta 12.21.12 at 2:59 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


mark f 12.21.12 at 3:13 am


Mark Favreault
No one special, Worcester, MA
Once attended a Bob Dylan concert at the University of Rhode Island


Donald E. Wallace Jr., P.E. 12.21.12 at 3:22 am

I also support Professor Erik Loomis and support this statement.


James Mackin 12.21.12 at 3:34 am

I support this statement.

James Mackin
English Teacher
Thomas Worthington H.S.


Linda Moore 12.21.12 at 3:36 am

I fully support Erik Loomis.


Rob Colvin 12.21.12 at 3:39 am

As a former professor, I support this statement.


Craig Burley 12.21.12 at 3:50 am

I support this statement and Prof. Loomis.


Marc Blecher 12.21.12 at 4:05 am

I support this statement. URI needs to apologize to Prof. Loomis and the American professoriate, and it better not try any funny stuff in its future evaluations of Prof. Loomis.

Marc Blecher
Professor of Politics and East Asian Studies
Oberlin College


Kathleen Cohan 12.21.12 at 4:12 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement, and in doing so I hereby state my complete support of Professor Loomis.


John Farley 12.21.12 at 4:26 am

I lend my name to the petition and my support to Professor Loomis. I find it unacceptable that metaphors should be regulated more strictly than guns.

John Farley
Adjunct Instructor
Nassau Community College


David Perry 12.21.12 at 4:49 am

I support this statement.

David Perry
Associate Professor of History
Director – Catholic Studies Minor
Dominican University
River Forest, IL


Gary L. Gray 12.21.12 at 5:23 am

I wholeheartedly support this statement in support of Erik Loomis.

Gary L. Gray
Associate Professor
Engineering Science & Mechanics
Penn State University


Brad Reid 12.21.12 at 5:39 am

I am in support of Professor Loomis and this statment.


Katherine Burnett 12.21.12 at 6:13 am

I support this statement, and wish to associate myself with it.

Katherine Burnett
University of Victoria


Alexander Gershenson 12.21.12 at 9:00 am

I support this statement, and urge for preservation of academic freedom.

Alexander Gershenson,
Assistant Professor
San Jose State University


IM 12.21.12 at 9:07 am

I support this statement.


e julius drivingstorm 12.21.12 at 9:30 am

I support this statement.


Dan Bouk 12.21.12 at 9:58 am

I support this statement and have e-mailed URI’s president to that effect.


Thomas Oatley 12.21.12 at 10:08 am

I support this statement.
Thomas Oatley
Associate Professor
Political Science
UNC at Chapel Hill


GregMc 12.21.12 at 10:19 am

I support this statement.

Gregory McDonald
Herder Schule
Wuppertal, Germany


Ellyn O'Toole 12.21.12 at 10:33 am

I support this statement and support Erik Loomis’ right to use metaphors.


Shawn Miklaucic 12.21.12 at 12:04 pm

I support this post. Thank you for posting it.

Shawn Miklaucic
Johnson C. Smith University


Suzanne Hooke 12.21.12 at 1:36 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse this statement in support of Erik Loomis.

Suzanne Hooke
Fleming College
Peterborough Ontario


Stephannie Tallent 12.21.12 at 1:52 pm

I support this statement.

Dr Stephannie Tallent
Hermosa Beach, CA


William B. Weinstein 12.21.12 at 2:34 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.


Meghan Holmes Worth 12.21.12 at 2:55 pm

I support this statement.

Meghan Holmes Worth
PhD Candidate, History
University of Tennessee, Knoxville


John F. Hogan 12.21.12 at 4:19 pm

I support this statement.

John F. Hogan
Philadelphia, PA

In comments at LG&M, J. Otto Pohl has also expressed his support for this statement. Just wanted to pass that on.


John Christiansen 12.21.12 at 4:36 pm

I strongly support Erik Loomis and this thoughtful statement.


Christopher Buck 12.21.12 at 4:39 pm

I support this statement.

Christopher Buck
St. Lawrence University


David Lewis 12.21.12 at 4:48 pm

I support this statement.

David A. Lewis, Esq.
Brooklyn, New York


Mike Di Paola 12.21.12 at 4:53 pm

This URI alum (who is not particularly a fan of Professor Loomis), supports this statement of solidarity.


perlhaqr 12.21.12 at 5:36 pm

Did he personally make an actionable threat of violence against me? No.

Did he suggest that I “need to get beaten to death” by someone? Yes. (First fucker to say the solution is for elementary school teachers to carry guns needs to get beaten to death. I’ve been advocating that solution to this problem since before this particular incident even occurred. I repeated that suggestion afterwards as well.)

And in spite of that, as disgusting and nauseating as I find his speech, I would defend to the death his right to utter it. (Ironically, I would be doing that with my gun. Though not at work, of course, it being yet another ever so effective “gun free zone”.)

He may decide he does not desire my support, but that’s just too bad. He has it anyway.

Sandro Rettinger (not speaking in any sort of official capacity)
University of New Mexico


Mark Duimstra 12.21.12 at 6:11 pm

I support Erik Loomis and his right to free expression. Always. I’m appalled that the University of Rhode Island has validated this fracas manufactured by I appreciate and endorse this statement. I also hope URI has the good sense to apologize to Erik.

Mark Duimstra
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA


Kelsey Chandler 12.21.12 at 6:26 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Loomis.


Dan Hardie 12.21.12 at 6:31 pm

Sorry for coming to this so late. I strongly agree with this statement.

Furthermore, the Michelle Malkins et al know damn well that Loomis made no threat of violence, and they would in other circumstances be the very first ones to condemn the quite blatant dishonesty involved in pretending that using a well-worn metaphor like ‘head on a stick’ is somehow a death threat or ‘hate speech’.


D. Eppstein 12.21.12 at 7:15 pm

I agree with this statement. The URI president’s statement seems to be intentionally discouraging faculty from speaking out, from using metaphorical language, and even from doing so off-campus. This is a blow to the heart of academic freedom and (since URI is a public institution) also problematic on first amendment grounds.

David Eppstein
Professor of Computer Science
University of California, Irvine


Kennan Ferguson 12.21.12 at 7:36 pm

I support this statement

Kennan Ferguson
Associate Professor of Political Science
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee


Rebecca A. Hunt 12.21.12 at 8:11 pm

I support Erik Loomis. He was speaking from his passion for justice. It is his personal and professional right. URI was wrong to disavow his comments.

Rebecca A. Hunt
Assistant Professor of Western American History
University of Colorado Denver


Brandi Townsend 12.21.12 at 8:11 pm

I stand with Erik. I am glad some of the orchestrators of this smear campaign are backing down. Let’s hope the university administration follows suit and the president retracts his statement.


david taber MD 12.21.12 at 8:23 pm

I affirm my agreement with this statement. Isupport Eric Loomis.


Michael Billeaux 12.21.12 at 8:50 pm

I am a member of the UW-Madison Teaching Assistants’ Association. I associate myself with this statement.


Michael Engberg 12.21.12 at 9:00 pm

I am an adjunct professor at a community college in the Denver area. While I would not be surprised that some conservative pundits might claim ignorance of the historical context of Mr. Loomis’ provocative tweet, I would, at the very least expect administrators and faculty of the university to be a bit more culturally educated. And by all means, they should stand by Mr. Loomis on grounds of academic freedom of expression, as well as any citizen’s right of free expression under the 1st Amendment. Do not cower to such ridiculous bullying.


Jim Shapiro 12.21.12 at 9:03 pm

I support Erik Loomis and this statement, and oppose the willful misreading of plain language.

Jim Shapiro


Sharon 12.21.12 at 9:05 pm

I stand with Eric and I support this statement.

Sharon Winfield


Michael DeCesare 12.21.12 at 9:31 pm

I support this statement in support of Erik Loomis.

Michael DeCesare
Associate Professor of Sociology
Merrimack College


Alexander Dekhtyar 12.21.12 at 9:45 pm

I fully support this statement

Alex Dekhtyar
Department of Computer Science
California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo


Greg Garner 12.21.12 at 9:49 pm

Please count me amongst the supporters of Mr. Loomis


Beth Nugent 12.21.12 at 10:05 pm

I support this statement.

Beth Nugent
School of the Art Institute of Chicago


Dan 12.21.12 at 10:14 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement and I fully support Prof. Loomis

Daniel Reddy
MA, University of Chicago Divinity School


Dan Meenan 12.21.12 at 10:40 pm

I wholeheartedly support this statement, and the intent of what Erik said.


Matthew Babcock 12.21.12 at 10:45 pm

I support the statement, Eric Loomis, and his right to free speech as an American citizen even though I disagree with his viewpoint.

Matt Babcock
Assistant Professor of History
University of North Texas at Dallas


Kurt Hendricks 12.21.12 at 11:09 pm

I support this statement, as well as Mr. Loomis.

Kurt Hendricks


Richard Pious 12.21.12 at 11:38 pm

I wish to associate myself with the comment above condemning the university’s
reaction to Erik Loomis’ statement.


Padraic Benson 12.22.12 at 12:12 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.


Cheryl McNeilly 12.22.12 at 12:19 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement.

Cheryl McNeilly


Denise Lint 12.22.12 at 12:29 am

I stand with Erik Loomis and his right to free speech and I appreciate his tweet.


peggy 12.22.12 at 12:57 am

I support this statement.

Peggy Hopper, Ph.D.
retired scientist


Margarita R. Ochoa 12.22.12 at 2:54 am

I support this statement and Erik.

Margarita R. Ochoa
Loyola Marymount University


Edward Simon, Lehigh University 12.22.12 at 3:13 am

I support this statement.


Rob Boatright 12.22.12 at 3:53 am

I support the statement.
Rob Boatright
Associate Professor of Political Science
Clark University


Victor M. Muniz-Fraticelli 12.22.12 at 3:56 am

I would like to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis.

V M Muniz-Fraticelli
Dept of Political Science and Faculty of Law
McGill University


Richard A. Grijalva 12.22.12 at 4:23 am

I support this statement and Erik Loomis’s right to exercise free speech without sanction.

Richard A. Grijalva
Graduate Student
Department of Rhetoric
UC Berkeley


B. Everts 12.22.12 at 4:24 am

I support this statement.

Bart Everts, Librarian


Josef D. Prall 12.22.12 at 5:03 am

I wish to associate myself with the article above.

I taught Chemistry at the Virginia Military Institute from 1969-1971 and strongly condemn the actions of the university administration’s reaction to Erik Loomis’ statement.


Sherry Wachter 12.22.12 at 5:29 am

As a writing teacher who had been appalled by the misuse and abuse of language escalating over the last few years, and who can understand the outrage expressed in the tweet (and the metaphor used to convey it) I’m standing with Erik.


G3 12.22.12 at 7:14 am

Signed in solidarity.


Trevor Wilkey 12.22.12 at 8:17 am

I support this statement, and a First Amendment free from damned chilling effects.

Trevor Wilkey
University of Hawai’i


David Cadieux 12.22.12 at 8:52 am

In support of Erik Loomis.


Oliver Rivers 12.22.12 at 9:33 am

I support this statement.


F. Regina Psaki 12.22.12 at 12:45 pm

I support this CT statement, and stand with Erik Loomis. Only by bad faith can his phrase be represented as a physical threat. Loomis called for the NRA to be called to account for the real-world effects of its political machinations over the years, and it’s THAT prospect that terrifies them–not any threat to the literal head of the metaphorical head of the NRA. And only by cowardice can his university’s administration respond as it has.

(There’s a vague parallel with the “class warfare” inversion: engaging in class warfare is SOP; *pointing out* class warfare, however, is described as “engaging in class warfare.”)

Gina Psaki, Romance Languages
University of Oregon


AS111 12.22.12 at 12:48 pm

I wish to say that I too, wish to support Dr. Loomis


Michelle Chen 12.22.12 at 1:03 pm

I approve this message.


Ray Haberski 12.22.12 at 1:17 pm

I support this statement, for the principle at stake goes far beyond the single act of Erik Loomis.


Jeff Weintraub 12.22.12 at 3:10 pm

I applaud Crooked Timber for this statement, and I agree with it completely. So I’d like to add my name in support of Erik Loomis and of the principle of freedom of speech (which, as John Stuart Mill and others have pointed out for a long time, needs to be defended against private powers and public hysteria as well as the state).


Michael Brown 12.22.12 at 3:26 pm

In support of freedom every where


Michael Cornell 12.22.12 at 3:29 pm

I am all for the above statement. If there is action against Loomis, there needs to be public outcry ever time this metaphor is used.


Beatriz Marcelin 12.22.12 at 4:47 pm

I wish to associate myself with this statement. I stand with Erik Loomis and his right to free speech.


James Schmidt 12.22.12 at 4:48 pm

I find it disturbing that the corporate body known as “the University of Rhode Island” finds it necessary to dissociate itself from statements made by members of its faculty who are engaged in what Immanuel Kant would describe as a “public use of reason.” This suggests, at a minimum, a staggering waste of university resources (is there an officer at the university monitoring every tweet and deciding whether they conform to the university’s views?) or, more likely, a lamentable cowardliness in allowing itself to be swayed by well-financed (or, dare I say, “well-armed”) lobbies.

For my part, I’d like to see Mr. LaPierre go duck hunting with Dick Cheney.


Paul Tidwell 12.22.12 at 5:15 pm



Tim Lacy 12.22.12 at 5:37 pm

I support Erik Loomis and the sentiments in this statement. – Tim Lacy, Independent Scholar, Chicago, IL


Dona Munker, Indepependent Scholar, New York, NY 12.22.12 at 5:41 pm

I, too, wish to associate myself with the sentiments in this statement.


Doug Spindler 12.22.12 at 5:49 pm

I support this statement.

When I otherwise storm about around here I do so as a bird of a different color. For reasons not unrelated to the kind of event which led to this statement being necessary (non-academic, however).


Phillip Sollins 12.22.12 at 7:27 pm

URI administration should be supporting Erik in his right to make what can only be regarded as a perfectly reasonable statement. That the state police questioned him is unconscionable.

Phillip Sollins
Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University


David 12.23.12 at 12:46 am

I’m down this with this. Disappointed but not surprised that they would have such a knee-jerk reaction.


Mark Gardner 12.23.12 at 1:27 am

I support Erik Loomis, his statement, and his right to free speech.


Charles 12.23.12 at 1:56 am

I support this statement.


Charles (rhino) Parr 12.23.12 at 3:10 am

I place my support entirely behind mr loomis, and by the principles articulated in this statement prepared here at crooked timber.

In addition, I am deeply disturbed by administrations lack of support to Erik Loomis from the beginning. There is no excuse for the cowardly lack of commitment on the side of your educator. You have an opportunity to make this right, and I sincerely encourage you to do so


Patricia Morton 12.23.12 at 3:30 am

I support this statement and stand with Erik Loomis.

Patricia Morton
Chair and Associate Professor, Art History, UC Riverside


Catherine Munter 12.23.12 at 4:58 am

I, too, wish to associate myself with this statement.


Chris Brandt 12.23.12 at 5:28 am

It never ceases to amaze me, the deliberate stupidity of the corporate mind – in this case the university administration, which has made itself a laughing-stock to anyone with a least awareness of linguistic nuance. Out of an excess of caution no doubt, but the sort of caution that leads to the choice servitude over freedom. Rhode Island, with its rich history, should just kick them out and put in an administration that can read on more than one level at once.


Timothy Scriven 12.23.12 at 8:32 am

I support this statement.

Graduate student in philosophy at the University of Sydney.


Dianne Carter de Mayo 12.23.12 at 12:42 pm

I stand with Erik Loomis. I am sickened that a person who innocently expresses outrage at senseless violence is vilified in this way. The academic world and URI can do better than this.


David Kahane 12.23.12 at 3:04 pm

I support this statement.

David Kahane
Vargo Distinguished Teaching Chair
Department of Political Science
University of Alberta


Stephen Cumberbatch 12.23.12 at 4:07 pm

I support this statement.


David Sim 12.23.12 at 4:38 pm

In full support of Erik Loomis,

David Sim,
Lecturer, University College London


Veronica 12.23.12 at 6:37 pm

I stand with Eric Loomis!!


Martin Ranger 12.23.12 at 9:58 pm

Anyone in academia who honestly believes that demanding someone’s “head on a stick” constitutes a threat of violence obviously has not left the ivory tower for a few centuries.

I support Erik Loomis in his right to use the English language in the way of the 21st century.


Tish Brennan 12.23.12 at 10:52 pm

I wholeheartedly support this statement and the free speech rights of Professor Erik Loomis.
Patricia B.M. Brennan
Rhode Island College


paul dubin 12.24.12 at 1:09 am

I believe that the right of educators to use colorful language trumps the right of civilians to deploy assault weapons.


Elizabeth Wrigley-Field 12.24.12 at 2:49 am

I wish to associate myself. For identification only, I am a Ph.D. candidate and Ford Foundation fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a member of the Teaching Assistant Association (AFT Local 3220).


Celeste Lyons 12.24.12 at 4:16 am

I stand with Erik Loomis and his right to free speech. I condemn the university’s
reaction to his statement.


Kamala Platt 12.24.12 at 5:40 am

signing support statement for Eric Loomis & academic freedom & non tenured
non tenure-track rights to the same…


Richard L. Gilson 12.24.12 at 6:22 am

I subscribe to this statement and the right of Erik Loomis to engage in hyperbolic rhetoric for the greater good!

R.L. Gilson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management
Northern Kentucky University


Shane Graham 12.24.12 at 3:47 pm

Perhaps the next time sometime in URI’s English Department teaches a unit on figurative language and the operations of metaphor, he or she should invite the university president…

By the way, in Joseph Conrad’s *Heart of Darkness* (published more recently than Dickens), Kurtz places his former opponents’ heads on spikes around his compound.

I endorse this statement and support Professor Loomis.

Shane Graham
Associate Professor of English
Utah State University


William Blueher 12.24.12 at 6:27 pm

I support this statement.


Matthew 12.24.12 at 7:51 pm

“Dear rightwingers, to be clear, I don’t want to see Wayne LaPierre dead. I want to see him in prison for the rest of his life.”

What exact crime is guilty of? Perhaps we can just ignore that whole Bill of Attainder thing and have Harry Reid send up a bill.


Michael Weissman 12.24.12 at 8:18 pm

I support this statement.


Forrest Brown 12.24.12 at 9:05 pm

I support this statement and through the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, 758 professors signed the statement at


D. Elisabeth Glassco 12.25.12 at 4:34 am

I support Prof. Loomis and this statement.


Chuck Hammond 12.25.12 at 4:48 am

I absolutely support this statement.

The vitriol being leveled at Erik Loomis derives from a willful misreading of colloquial English, and nothing besides.

Charles Hammond, Jr.
Associate Professor of German
University of Tennessee at Martin


R. E. Mongue 12.25.12 at 8:42 pm

I am pleased to join in this statement of support for Erik Loomis.


Kerri K Morris 12.26.12 at 12:45 am

I stand with Erik Loomis.


marc sobel 12.26.12 at 11:21 pm

I support this statement.

Never underestimate the power of the dark side.

to quote a bumper sticker
Metaphors with with you.


marc sobel 12.26.12 at 11:23 pm

that is of course, Metaphors be with you.


Brian Connolly 12.27.12 at 2:46 am

A little late on this, but I support this statement.

Brian Connolly
Assistant Professor of History
University of South Florida


Iveta Jusova 12.27.12 at 2:59 pm

I support this statement and professor Erik Loomis.


Brandon Young 12.27.12 at 6:20 pm

I stand beside Erik and admonish the institution he serves to join us.


Ian Lekus 12.27.12 at 8:10 pm

I support this statement and Professor Loomis’s right to free expression.

Ian Lekus
Independent Historian


Thomas Basbøll 12.28.12 at 10:48 am

I fully support this declaration!


MT Isa Miner 12.29.12 at 6:16 am

These people can not read context. What are they doing in public jobs. At a university. Paid with public money.

These people can not read.What are they doing in jobs. Paid with money.

From Australia. Where we try to speak and read English.


MT Isa Miner 12.29.12 at 6:18 am

Of course, I support Prof. Loomis’ right to free expression.


Claire Potter 12.29.12 at 1:39 pm

I support this statement.

Claire Potter
Professor of History
The New School for Public Engagement
Author of Tenured Radical


Andrew Morris 12.30.12 at 12:52 am

I support this statement & Erik.

Andrew Morris
Associate Professor, Department of History
Union College, Schenectady, NY


Lucas Klein 12.30.12 at 5:21 am

I wish to associate myself with this statement in support of Erik Loomis


Tad Richards 12.31.12 at 4:35 am

I was blacklisted in the 60s for expressing opinions that a short time later were fully accepted on college campuses. I came back academia in the mid-80s and taught for another quarter century, ending up at the institution where it all started, with an office in a building named after the man whose poison pen letter was responsible for my blacklisting. I am now retired from academia again, and I stand with Prof. Loomis.

Tad Richards


Jay Crocker 12.31.12 at 3:11 pm

I lend my voice in wholehearted support of Prof. Eric Loomis.

Jay Crocker
Attorney at Law

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