you've voiced my biggest fear.
I can't even imagine how dangerous and destructive his response would be.
Depends on who commits the attack...he couldn't have cared less about the one in Portland.
- 他4件の返信
新しい会話 -
Yup. And for me the scariest part is there are people on his team HOPING for a domestic attack as justification for whatever plans they have
there are people on his team who would LET an attack happen just to open the door for poor justification
There are people on his team that would actually Fund such an action
I could see these guys manufacturing one just to get their Reichstag. Don't be shocked if it comes sooner than later.
He's not nearly competent to pull it off successfully.
He's not personally... but I bet you he has "people" than can.
- 他14件の返信
新しい会話 -
I don't know if this guy is right. But I know he could be.
#Trumprussia#Russiagate#Kremlingate … -
I think this guys spot on, Trump is scary and Americans should be scared of him not the rest of the world
He wanted rocket launchers and tanks in his inaugural parade. He asked why we can't use nukes. He said this to CIA staffers 1st day on
Reading this is like reading an assignment written by a grade 3 student.
Did you ever read transcript of that sit-down with NYT right after election? Clear evidence of cognitive disorder. …
Lmao what? I want to print this off take a red pen correct it and send it back smh
If I ever turned in such gibberish the Nuns would've simply written negative "F"
@the top—beat me w/a ruler & called my parents 2come get me - 他2件の返信
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