I find it interesting that you've had more to say about what happened in London vs what's happening here. You've said little about Portland
Check the crime statistics in U.S. much more going on than just Portland..plus not a terrorist attack..duh
I know right! Because Americans kill more Americans than terrorists do!
Not really...1 or 2 at a time...terrorist likes larger numbers & innocent people.
And Americans still kill more Americans than terrorists do.
That would be your opinion..it would be wrong...but still your opinion
From CNN? Nope..try again.
- 他5件の返信
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But CNN calls it a 'van attack'
#banvans Remove the blindfold. -
Because the truth is tough for them.
There's this quite pathetic need for a bunch of conservative to want to be FAMOUS. Podcasts and shows on Apps. Lol
Says some I've never heard of, and I promoted men who wrestled for money.
That weak Ass threat works on indie workers and dudes not on syndicated radio.... Lol. Take care Carmine.
Reading your timeline it seems the person obsessed with wanting to be famous is you.
Entertaining fans and discussing politics is what I get paid to do. And I'm paid by other people. What's your full time job homie?
I can sit and list the famous people who follow me, or celebs and politicians I'm friends with but who the fck cares? It aint about "fame."
- 他10件の返信
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Travel ban now.
You again? Be gone please Vlad. No more Russian trolling please.
#resist -
How's the weather in Russia, comrade? Maxine Waters is the leader of your party.
#Insanity -
Nope. I am on the other side :) It is you who follows Trump, who follows Putin who is running America. How do you like that? Uh huh :)
You're on the side with insane Maxine Waters.
I'd rather be with Maxine than with Trump committing treason by selling our country to Russia.
So, you were for Hillary Clinton selling 20% of our Uranium to Putin? You're drunk.
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