What makes the ‘ideal modern man’, according to men and women
Glad we’ve cleared that up
Modern women and modern men can’t seem to agree on what makes the ideal gentleman, according to new research.
While women want men to be empathetic feminists who are in touch with their emotions and scrub up well, men think guys should skilled, self-sufficient career types with boatloads of confidence, according to a survey from men’s fashion brand Fields.
Fields asked thousands of Brits up and down the country to finish the sentence: ‘a modern man should be…’
While both genders agreed a modern man of the world should be politically aware, family-focused and emotional, that’s about it.
Tony Field, managing director of Fields, said: ‘What defines masculinity, particularly in terms of fashion, is always changing.
‘That got us thinking – what does it take to be seen as the modern man? Have standards changed? Have we moved on from the tired stereotypes of a man being clueless when it comes to fashion, when it comes to looking after himself? And what traits are aspirational in 2017, to both men and to women?’
Men who answered the survey were more focused on ambition, citing being career-driven, confident and self-sufficient as deal-breakers for a top bloke.
Women, meanwhile, preferred men to be empathetic, adventurous, socially conscious and, most-importantly, feminist.
Fields also asked people to pick celebrities who best represented the ideal of a modern man.
Surprise, surprise. La La Land star Ryan Gosling topped the list, followed by Assassin’s Creed actor and all-round dreamboat Michael Fassbender.
Drake was an unexpected entry in third place, and Daniel Crag came fourth, largely because of how well he pulls off a tux, followed by Harry Styles who went from boy to man this year after debuting his self-titled solo album.
The most 'manly' ideal modern man:
- Ryan Gosling
- Michael Fassbender
- Drake
- Daniel Craig
- Harry Styles
- Bruno Mars
- Luke Evans
- Idris Elba
- Tom Hiddleston
- Pharrell Williams
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