Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"no sex policy"

Which slogan shall we pick for our organization? I kind of like "child molestation." Dude, these are all way too good. Let's put them all in quotation marks on our van.
Thanks to Halsted who saw this outside the USS Hornet aircraft carrier in Alameda, California.


jblueafterglow said...

"Care For Fare Is "Unfair". Is that an erroneous middle QM or is there a missing fourth QM? Discuss...

eilbeback said...

Just what is this guy against? I mean, he's got a van after all... I'm just sayin'...

nerdabilly said...

I like how one of the quotes is just "Teens."

Jon B. said...

If the "No Sex Policy" van's a rockin', don't come a knockin'!

caroline said...

haha, my favorite quote find ever!

feetofflames7 said...

Do they really not want a sex policy, or do they want a "no sex" policy? If you're going to use quotation marks superfluously, at least get the right phrase inside...

lilitou said...

I wonder what an "abortion" is, and how it differs from an abortion.

Also, I am not in favor of a sex policy, either.

botherer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
botherer said...

This is a thing of beauty. Surely no greater quotation molestation has ever taken place?

lilitou: I think an "abortion" is performed for an unwanted phantom pregnancy.

Jeff said...

Haha! The comments are almost as good as the quotes themselves. I don't think I have anything to add, except to say that at first glance, this guys' message gets a little muddied "No Sex Policy" makes it sound like he's trying to STOP policies that limit abortion and the like.

And to put in my political .02, hasn't it been shown time and time again that telling tens NOT to do something, rather than teaching them to do it smartly and safely while encouraging them not to, is always counterproductive?

Anonymous said...

Hang on. The van advertises "Rape", "Child Molestation", "Sex Crimes" and "No Drugs". Does that mean that being out of drugs is worse than being raped?

The Great Joe Bivins said...

Ah, by far the most tragic result of teen sex: "self esteem". Much worse than "abortion" or "child molestation" and how can the teens cope with it when they have "no drugs"?

Anonymous said...

This one deserves honorable mention, at least! I like the slogan, "Rebuilding Healthier Generations." Are the generations healthy already? If so, why rebuild them into healthier ones?

Anonymous said...

Woah! The clip art guy is eerily similar to to the one at the drug/alcohol center:


l'hypocondriaque said...

...amongst the "greatest," i "think"

ironic1 said...

Wow, I think this must win the quantity award.

bethany said...

dear commentariat: I love that I can count on you to deliver the jokes I thought of and couldn't land, decided against, or didn't think of but should have.

Sarah said...

For a "child protective service", that is one suspicious-looking white van with tinted windows.

PuzzleGirl said...

I love how there's one word on that whole van that could actually use quotation marks and ... nope.

SJ said...

This one is just just ... am at a loss of words. Awesome find.

Anonymous said...

"no sex policy" campaign, huh? just what are they all about?

"Child Molestation"
"Sex Crimes"

..ok. well yeah, no one's gonna argue with that. boo, those are bad things! yeah, "nsp" we don't want that!

"HIV Prevention"

..well wait, we DO want that. yay for prevention!

"No Drugs"

..yep that too, we do want the no drugs. we don't want the drugs. yes for no..er, no- wait. i'm confused. am i lauding or condemning?? let's look at the other side.

"Teen Pregnancy"

oh ok, i get it, i'm back on track. yeah. yeah!! down with teen pregnancy! shame on jamie-lynn!

"Child Protective Service"
"Care for Fare is Unfair"

..ok, hold on, ya lost me again.

Nicolas said...

"no sex policy"! ok maybe we have one.

Rebecca said...

Upon looking up the , I even more confused about what these people want. The site talks about the appalling lack of education for foster children in the US. But it simply declares "No sex!" without explaining what sex has to do with foster-child illiteracy.
It does demonstrate one of the author's points well, though: the author is a former foster child, and clearly s/he was poorly served by whatever schooling she received.

John said...

i can only imagine the conversation at the auto detailing/painting/lettering place...

i like that there is absolutely no information like a phone number or website that explains why there are these random words in quotation marks on a random white van!

also, please note the further mis-use of the q-marks in "Care for Fare is "Unfair" - they don't have the single quotes around Unfair.

Shanti said...

Loving it ! LOL

KirBir said...

It's really just the Girls Gone Wild guys trying to trick all the lil Christian teens...

brian said...

I laughed, I cried, I became confused.
What does "Care For Fare Is "Unfair" mean? With or without the quotes I'm confused.

Jackie said...

This is the best one yet - made even better by all of the comments. What a find!

Andi said...

Okay, so what are they for? Do they know that any US state that accepts money from the government for education (all but three) is required to only teach abstinence and is only allowed to talk about failure rates of contraception, but never about success rates? I mean, I don't know what else they want from the government, it sounds like the US already fits there illogical "we don't give a shit about kids" agenda...


Сумской бомж said...

Cool. It's really cool.

ASKlein said...

that back right tire looks a little low on air

Anonymous said...

All those quotes, but they couldn't manage to spare a pair for the "Just say 'No'"?

Bronn said...

Can't believe more people didn't pick up on "We're rebuilding healthier generations." That nearly killed me.

Which generations are you rebuilding? The healthier ones? Maybe you should rebuild the unhealthy ones first. Or try building healthy ones.

I'm thankful for the link in the comments, which is absolutely rife with grammar and punctuation errors, in which the author calls for better education for Foster children. And at the bottom, a phone number with a Georgia area code is listed, even though the van was in California. I can at least surmise that this person received an education in Georgia public school system.

Alex/ Ali said...


lipthing said...

I'm just at a loss on this one. Rather than duplicate all the other excellent comments previously given, I'll also note that this is a horrendous exercise in typography and design as well. And how much did it cost to ruin a perfectly good vehicle with such illiteracy?

Ozjeppe said...

"Teen sex"? Just use protection and enjoy! Jeez.

cdehaan said...

Agree! The longer you force ignorance and abstinence, the longer they still aren't ready for sex. Soon we'll be seeing "Stop early 20s sex!" and by then they have moved out so you can't do anything anyway. =p

jellybeanzz2222 said...

Very interesting. If only I saw this van when I was 16 though I love my daughter it was a huge mistake. She deserves so much more than I can give her because of my age.

Ceci n'est pas un display name. said...

It's like they had a brain-storming session right there on the sides of the van. Wow. Beyond "wow", actually.

Avery said...

Reading it as it is printed, "No Sex Policy" seems to suggest they have no policy on sex... not that they have a "No Sex" policy, which the other quoted phrases seem to be pushing. This one is sheer wonder, and a personal favorite on this blog...

hopingforanadventure said...

An "abortion" is what that Yale student did for her senior art project.

Stephen said...

I wonder what the guy who painted the van was thinking

John said...

I have just eighteen words, three commas, a colon, and three periods to say: What. The. Hell.

Avyn said...

I think the "guys" at "Microsoft" summed it up nicely":" "MALICIOUS PIXIES" "." Previously known as John.

jon pv said...

Really a great post, It is a really a nice post... i like it much more as compared to others...


miketoons said...

I blame desktop publishing. In the days of Letraset they would have run out of quote marks.

Mr. Curmudgeonly said...

I like "Self Esteem".

Annodal said...

"Abortions?" Is he against them or will he give you a ride to get one in his van. Hard to tell.